
How to Get Inspired Online When Everybody Is Criticizing You

Man in Red Long-sleeved Shirt

In a world full of bashers and trolls, it's quite easy to succumb to negativity. The internet is creative for people who seek a thriving environment but it can also be destructive to those who are subjected to public shaming.

Staying positive online can be challenging but here are a few thoughts to inspire you:

  • Everyone has imperfections.

The term "Facebook envy" is true for the majority who think highly of others because of what they see and read on social media like Facebook. Some individuals belittle themselves because their lives are not as good as what others portray online.

However, according to experts, people tend to always show their best side, so whatever posts or pictures we see is only the nice aspects of their lives. Everybody has deep dark secrets too so when someone criticizes you online, just remember that they also have unpleasant realities.

  • Most have fake identities.

A lot of those who are online are crass because they can easily hide their identity. They aren't worried about real-life repercussions so they can be rude to their heart's content. When someone online confronts you, remember that these are mere virtual components who only muster courage from word war. Maintain your decorum and ignore them.

  • You are worth the attention.

Negative criticism stems from the personal emotions of the person giving it. Bullies hate being topped by others that's why they bring people down. When you are criticized, just remember that these people are interested about your life or personality and bullying is a means to get close to you. They won't waste their time on someone not worth it.

  • People criticize because they don't understand.

Closed-minded people cannot accept changes, thus they tend to oppose people who are open to it. When you receive criticism from them, just think that they are only manifesting their fears and it has nothing to do with your actions.

  • You are better than them.

Most of those who criticize people online are bored individuals with no accomplishments so they get envious of those who are much better than them. Look at the bright side and tell yourself that they hate you because they hate themselves.

  • Staying Positive

There are simple ways to boost your enthusiasm and optimism despite being surrounded by negative energy so read on.

  • Do what makes you happy.

Keep doing the things you love and feed your passion. Inspiration comes from personal fulfillment.

  • Think of inner kindness.

Think that everyone possesses innate kindness. Despite their insensitivity, people are always receptive of goodness.

  • Be grateful.

Always express your gratitude for the little things. Be thankful for even the bad experiences because these teach you valuable life lessons.

  • Rewards Yourself.

Give yourself a good massage or buy something you like. An incentive for working hard makes you feel valued.

  • Spend time outdoors.

The influx of technology declined people's longing for soulful connection. Break the habit and take a vacation to rest your mind. Go on a short trip to rejuvenate and disconnect from your gadgets. Regular breaks prevent burnouts and improve mental health.

The online world can be cruel and overwhelming at times and it can be hard to manage your emotions if you tend to dwell on them. Success online can be achieved by detaching yourself from feelings and expressing your individuality.

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