
How To Be Open-Minded

deep blue eyes

I showed you that you don't think logically most of the time and you don't observe your reality with objectivity. You have to be open-minded and reasonable.

However, you have inherited many negative tendencies and you cannot simply decide to be open-minded. Your negative tendencies don't let you have a positive attitude.

You tend to be stubborn and think based on subjective arguments.

When you are stubborn you are absurd because you follow the logic of your anti-conscience, which has a logical appearance but is illogical because it is disorganized, misleading, and cruel.

Your anti-conscience justifies the absurd thoughts it sends you based on selfish concepts. Therefore, when you follow these thoughts you disregard your objective reality as it really is. You live in an imaginary world.

Your anti-conscience is a primitive conscience that can understand only what is bad. It doesn't understand the meaning of goodness and it doesn't believe in happiness. By following its thoughts you will end up in terror and despair, but you believe that your evil self is smart. You don't understand that it is idiotic and self-destructive.

You have to stop following the absurd thoughts sent by your satanic anti-conscience in order to be able to think logically. You cannot accept having a stubborn attitude.

Your anti-conscience doesn't need to justify your stubbornness, since it makes you like to be evil. It makes you like to make everyone suffer because of your negative attitude, without a reason.

Whenever you are stubborn you are controlled by your evil nature. The demon you have inherited in your brain replaces your ego.

Instead of accepting the demon's absurdity, you have to tame this monster and transform it into a human being.

When you examine your reality you believe that you are in an unfair situation.

Why should a poor human being like you have to tame a terrible demon?

I told you many times that it is not your fault if you have inherited a terrible demon in your brain, but the truth is that you are a demon who received a human conscience from God in order to be transformed into a human being.

This means that you originally were only a terrible demon, but God gave you the chance to become a human being by giving you a conscience that thinks based on human standards. So, you are not in an unfair situation. You have the obligation to use your conscience in order to transform your personality.

You have to recognize that you have to learn how to think logically and you have to respect your moral principles.

If you will be stubborn and refuse to evolve you will face the tragic consequences of this mistake in the future. So, it will be your fault if you will let the demon that lives in your brain destroy your conscience and you will never become really human.

You will have many mental health problems, and a tragic destiny. You won't use God's gift in order to evolve and become a saint.

You will never be able to abandon the vicious circle of hatred and revenge and live in a hell.

You must be afraid to be stubborn because stubbornness is a satanic attitude that destroys your conscience and your life.

When you are stubborn you have an illogical attitude that is justified by erroneous concepts and is imposed by your evil nature.

You must learn how to avoid being stubborn through dream analysis, even though you have the absurd tendency to be unreasonably obstinate.

God helps you understand the importance of flexibility thanks to the messages He sends you in your dreams.

You must avoid having the negative reactions imposed by your evil self. You must have human reactions based on goodness and compassion in order to become more intelligent and evolve.

You are used to think based on your anti-conscience's rational level, but you must think based on a higher level of consciousness in order to find peace and happiness.

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