
Turn Worry Into Welcome With One Simple Question - This Is Powerful

Finding time to savor your life becomes so much easier as you learn the skill of introducing simple attitude shifts to your day.

Very often, when you feel yourself slipping into a rut of fear, anxiety, or negativity, something as easy as pausing and asking yourself the right question will open your mind and move it into exploring a fresh, new approach. As you practice and get comfortable with this skill, I think you will be amazed at how quickly and significantly you can shift your own perspective.

Here's a great example: How do you act when an unfamiliar challenge pops up?

Do you automatically brace yourself! That's a very familiar response for many.

But did you know that tensing your body doesn't just affect your muscles? Indeed, it constricts your problem-solving abilities and inhibits your creativity, too.

Wondering how that works?

Well, just as fear freezes your body, it also calcifies your options. Likewise, anxiety creates a simplistic either/or scarcity mentality. That's definitely not the best mindset for creative thinking.

So you can see how, when fear takes the driver's seat, you find it that much more difficult to prioritize. It's also harder to solve problems and make decisions. And it's harder to keep to a healthy schedule.

But there's good news about all this.

You can swiftly overcome the natural tendency to tense with another natural impulse.


Curiosity is one of the most powerful antidotes to fear. And it provides the perfect climate for learning.

Mobilizing your curiosity also actually changes you for the better. That's because you stop focusing self-consciously on the you-who-doesn't-know, and shift into the you-who-is-eager-to-figure-it-out.

Give it a try.

Any time you notice yourself apprehensively thinking, "What if... ?" try replacing that with "I wonder what... ?"

It feels SO much better!

As you regain your inner balance with this simple question, you will find it much easier to ride the new wave of change with smart time choices. Try it and see. And let me know how it goes for you -- I'd love to hear!

Goal Setting That Sticks

If you look around at the "successful" people in life, they are setting goals.

Often we are resistant to setting goals. There are many reasons, pessimism that they won't work, fear of failure, lack of time, lack of thought, etc. The irony is you cannot arrive at a place you have not planned to reach. Either you can let life happen to you or you can be intentional about heading someplace. Flexibility and letting things take their natural course have their place, but if you have no destination picked, you are subject to what life will give you, rather than pursuing with passion what you want.

In the upcoming year, what do you want? Below are 5 tips to make your goals stick:

1) Visualize an inspirational goal. As you think back over the past year, what are you proud and excited about? What worked for you? What did not happen that you wanted? What did not work? As you think about the past, begin to think about the future (life, business, etc.). Where would you like to be one year from now? Visualize what that looks like if your life was exactly how you wanted it in one year. What would be happening? What would be different? Allow yourself to visualize your goal. A vision that gets you pumped up and excited is something you will work hard for. Begin by writing your vision of what your goal would look like when it is complete.

2) Be clear and concise. Given your vision of what you want your future to look like, what will it take to make that happen? Put this into the form of a SMART goal statement.

· Specific - precise. i.e. 20% over quota

· Measurable - way to check progress. i.e. 3 trainings.

· Achievable - It is possible. (keep fantasies in check)

· Realistic - Challenge yourself to stretch and grow.

· Timed - Have a completion/ success date.

3) Write goals in 1st person, with emotion and as if they were complete.

I have a balanced and peaceful life working 40 hours a week earning $100K in a field I love, AND have 3 quality hours each day to spend with my family in addition to feeling great because I am healthy (energy), fit (140lbs.) and having fun (weekly activity).

Accounting Solutions Inc. is proud to be the #1 leader in the Raleigh area to provide a one-stop for all small business accounting needs as evidenced by being the top choice for 40% of companies under 50 and servicing over 500 local companies. (December 2007)

4) Break it down and develop a plan. If you want to accomplish your goal, break down the yearly goal into monthly milestones. What will it take each month to move you closer to your goal? Each month break it down into weekly goals. What will it take each week to accomplish your monthly goal? Each week, break it down into daily goals of what it will take to accomplish your week's goal. While this may seem like a lot of work, it is simply creating a roadmap for you to follow straight to goal success. It is overwhelming and often difficult to see the measurable tasks that need to happen daily to make your goal happen. By breaking it down, you are able to push and make sure your goal is realistic and attainable.

5) Review daily. Post it in 3 spots where you can read it daily. Brian Tracey reports the single most effective thing you can do, though, is handwrite your goal each day until it is done.

Why set goals?

increase in energy and excitement as you start moving toward your passions & goals more powerful as you are making life happen rather than letting life happen to you. greater focus and direction and greater purpose.

What are you aiming for today? What are you excited about? Where do you want to be heading? Craft your goal today!

Start Your Day on a Positive Note By Using Affirmations

An affirmation is a simple statement of something you want to bring into your life. Whatever you focus on in your world; negative or positive, you create and bring into your world.

Just think about that for a moment. Whatever you focus on.

That really puts each and every one of us in the driver's seat of our own life. No longer can we spend our time blaming people outside of ourselves for the things that happen to us.

Once you recognize there is no one outside of yourself who has the power to affect you, your life and your perspectives are transformed. You are the power! That is such an empowering statement. What will you do with your power? What kind of world will you build? How will you empower yourself?

Doesn't it just make sense to focus on the beauty, joy and happiness we all want? I believe we can all train (or retrain) our minds to focus on the positive things in life. Once we do that our lives and our world will truly be transformed.

So, where do you begin? It's easy, start your day on a positive note by using affirmations. Each morning, find one thing, just one thing you are truly grateful for. Focus on that one thing and allow the thought of gratitude to fill your body and your mind. You'll be amazed at how many other things you start to find that are already in your life that you are grateful for.

By focusing on something to be grateful for you are consciously creating and tapping into the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that whatever we focus our mind on we bring more of that into our lives. Focus on what you love in your life, the good things and more good things will come to you.

Here are some affirmations to get you started:

"I am divinely guided in all that I say and all that I do."

"I let my creativity flow freely through me and out to the world."

"I am now drawing loving and supportive relationships into my life."

Affirmations for health, wealth, happiness and joyful living are all within your reach.

Try them out for yourself. Notice if you feel different, look at a situation in a different way, or see people in your life treating you different.

Remember, you are a powerful creator. Create something amazing!

Living With Purpose After Selling Your Business or Leaving Your Job

You've just made a major decision about your life. You want to sell your business or leave the company you are working for and start your retirement. However, retirement cannot be solely about travelling, enjoying your grandkids, or some other activity you desire, especially since you have anywhere from 10 to 30+ years ahead of you. How do you transition out of a business to not running a business or step away from your long-term career?

With the Baby Boomer generation headed towards making a transition in the near future, it is imperative that individuals do not end up without a plan for what they will do next. Too often, business owners who leave the business (or individuals leaving their careers) will think that they can deal with their lives in a positive manner once the transition is done. However, the following negative experiences are likely to occur in the case where the business owner has not planned for this stage of their lives:

"Retirement Remorse" - People who don't have a plan for a fulfilling new future and don't know what they are going to do with all the free time they suddenly have will often become depressed, bored, and angry with themselves or others. They miss their old lives, because at least then they had something interesting and meaningful to do. They often wish they could go back to "the way things were".

"Retirement Rut" - Often, individuals who have successfully left their full time positions will find themselves spending their time on meaningless and purposeless activities just to keep busy. They become dissatisfied with their lives because these activities don't give them a sense of meaning or purpose.

"Post Transition Stress Disorder" (The other PTSD) - This is often experienced by individuals who have left their companies without doing proper thought-provoking planning for their lives prior to leaving. They often have a loss of enthusiasm for life, they feel that there is nothing to look forward to, and that life has no more meaning and purpose. These individuals will often end up making poor life decisions and rash personal choices in order to make sense out of life once again.

"Gray Divorce" - The rate of Baby Boomers that end up in a divorce is markedly increasing. Spouses are often not prepared for the "full nest" syndrome that occurs when the business owner/individual is now home 24/7.

So what does a person do to plan a purposeful and meaningful life post transition? The answer lies in doing internal preparation as well as external preparation for their retirement years. One of the most important activities an individual should do to prepare themselves internally for the transition is to come up with a list of all of their fears, problems and challenges they have surrounding this change. Then, they need to really expand their thinking about how these negative conditions can be turned around into opportunities.

Another activity a person should consider is how to define themselves into a whole person - not a person defined by what they are pre-transition. One exercise to consider would be to list all of their accomplishments they have done throughout their lives on a personal vs. professional level. They can also brainstorm through all of the life transitions they have gone through and analyze and become aware of the lessons learned by going through past transitions. Often this can provide individuals with new insights on how these lessons learned can be applied to the future transition in a positive manner.

Next, an individual should do some thought-provoking exercises on what provides meaning and purpose to them as a whole person, not just as a business owner or career professional. What brings them joy? What makes them happy? What gives them a sense of direction in their personal lives? What gives them positive self-worth? The more an individual can give answers to these questions, the better!

The external preparation involves an individual coming up with lifestyle ideas in the following areas:

Physical Health Activities
Intellectual Stimulation
Recreational/Creative Activities
Activities with Spouse/Partner
Activities with Family Members
Residence - where Ideally do I want to be?
Social Connections
Income Producing Work
Volunteer/Philanthropic Activities

Once a person has brainstormed ideas for each of these areas, the time comes to make a final decision on what they want to do for each of these areas and which ones provide the most meaning and purpose for themselves. Then, individuals can come up with a tactical plan on how they are going to implement these activities into their lives post-transition, and how to prioritize them.

Of course, these suggestions are only a small part of what a person can do (and should do) to make a successful transition out of a business or career. Couples should work on developing these plans together. Often, it makes sense to seek out a professional consultant who is trained and/or certified in transition planning. These individuals can provide a systematic process that takes into account many of the mental and emotional issues and concerns that an individual may be facing with the pending transition. They often have proven tools, exercises and programs to make the process successful and positive for the individual.

If you are looking at transitioning in the near future, don't make the mistake that many individuals do, which is essentially ending up on the "other side" without a comprehensive plan for your lifestyle that will provide you with ongoing meaning and purpose. Take the time for planning and you will experience a wonderful retirement and quality of life after your transition!

One Person I HATE More Than Anyone Else, Meet My Number 1 Enemy (By Felicia Starks)

If there's one thing I know about internet marketing journey... I've failed way more times than I've succeeded. I can even take it a step further and just flat-out admit that over the years I've failed, more often than not, in most of the other areas of my life as well.

- Business ventures

- Relationships

- Finances

- Etc, etc...

But there is always a positive side to failure...

You have nowhere to go but "up"

As Winston Churchill once said:

"Success consists of going from failure to failure

without loss of enthusiasm."

But here is one person who I HATE more than anybody else who is solely responsible for all my failures.

My Evil Twin.

You see, on the surface I may seem like a fit and cool woman who's in control of my life. And sometimes I am. But MANY times I'm NOT. Deep down inside I have an evil twin. She's this chick who has no clue what to do with her life. One side wants to eat according to her nutrition plan, get her training workout done, get her IPA's (income producing activities) done, be a great mom, daughter, sister and friend, give back to the world, and empower, uplift, inspire and positively impact people's lives. But my Evil Twin wants to sleep in without an alarm clock, skip my workout, watch "Scandal" and my favorite TV shows, eat cheat food all day, surf the web all day, and snuggle with my "blankie" on the couch.

BOTH of these people exist and are alive inside my head...

And they fight with each other all day long like Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde trying to see who can win.

And guess what?

YOU have the same two people inside YOUR head too.

The "Winner" inside all of us is who we want to be.

- In control and emotionally stable

- Confident but humble

- Driven yet balanced

- Focused and productive

- Unselfish and kind

- Patient and persistent

On the other hand, our evil twin is the person we must learn to despise. It's the person we're embarrassed about. The one we're not proud of. The one who opens their mouth and says stupid stuff we regret. The lazy one that gives up when things get tough and makes us feel like a friggin' loser.

And here's the thing...

Our Evil Twin is always there. Inside our head ready to take over and screw everything up. But don't try to ignore or deny your Evil Twin. Make sure you at least acknowledge their existence. If you don't, they'll take over your life.

Then STARVE them.

The only way to do this is to consistently FEED the "Winner" inside you BEFORE your Evil Twin takes over.

When you do, the "winner" in you becomes like a tree planted

by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose

leaf does not whither... whatever you do will prosper (Psalm 1:3).

This is how you take away ALL of your Evil Twin's powers and paralyze her from taking over your life.

So remember: you have TWO people living inside your head...

The "Winner" you want to be and the Evil Twin you despise.

The Winner in you wants to live everyday with a purpose and have an extraordinary life.

Feed her like a hungry HIPPO!

But your Evil Twin strives for mediocrity, constantly trying to beat you down and make you average. Go ahead; acknowledge your Evil Twin's existence. Then stomp her out like a fire by FEEDING the Winner inside you. It's the only way to avoid the internal poison of your Evil Twin and stop her from making you average, like the status quo and miserable.


One of the most effective ways to kill your Evil Twin is by doing feared things first. Every night, right before bed, make a list of the five things you must complete the next day for you to have considered it a total success. After you've written your five things (no more, no less), figure out which item on the list you dread and fear the most.

C'mon... you know there's at least ONE thing on that list you do not want to do.

Next, schedule time to make sure you accomplish this item first, before you do anything else the next day.

In other words...

Always Attack and Do Your Feared Things First

Whether it's making a video, writing a value rich blog post, training, making a phone call you don't want to make, an unresolved conflict, or other "unfinished" business in your life...

... The more you delay or procrastinate, the more the fear will grow and build up inside of you allowing your Evil Twin to dominate your life.

But when you do your feared things first, it will empower you and amazing things will automatically start to happen to your body and your life.

Your confidence will EXPLODE.

If you're still not convinced that attacking your fears is relevant to killing your Evil Twin, while helping you achieve your dreams, goals, and desires...

Just read this quote and it you'll probably think twice:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,

talented, fabulous?'

Actually,who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

-Marianne Williamson


I totally agree. Facing your fears head on and feeding the "winner" inside you is clearly the path to reaching your full potential with your body and your life. And if you do this consistently it will take your personal discipline to a whole new level.

Think I'm crazy?

Or can you relate?

Hit reply or comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Face your fears with confidence,

My name is Felicia Starks and I am a certified personal fitness trainer and lifestyle weight management specialist. My passion is optimum health & fitness as well as financial freedom and my mission is inspire and empower people to live a fit & healthy lifestyle while taking control of their own financial future. You've come to the right place if you need to lose belly fat and bring your sexy body back but you are...

Tired of working out hard and long yet seeing little to no results?

Getting flabbier despite restrictive dieting and excessive exercise?

Having your fat loss results sabotaged by cravings?

Confused about exactly where to start and how to keep motivated?

I'll provide practical fitness tips and recipes to help everyday women shrink fat effortlessly with or without a gym membership.

"You don't have to get it right, just get MOVING!",-Meet-My-Number-1-Enemy&id=9235502

Why This Simple Daily Habit Will Make You Become a Better Person


Yes, this simple daily habit will make you become a better person, because the simplest habits are ones that produce the greatest results.

It is the compound effect journaling offers that often goes unnoticed.

Journaling has many unexpected benefits, one of which is improved mental and emotional wellbeing.

Many people ruminate on problems that gnaw at them, sometimes for decades.

Brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor suggests that the average lifespan of an emotion to move through the nervous system is one and a half minutes. This releases the burden of clinging to our emotional attachments longer than required.

This daily habit helps you to make peace with toxic emotions and transform them into healthy ones. Otherwise, they remain 'stuck' in your nervous system instead of moving through you.

The simple act of writing in your journal on a daily basis helps you to be mindful of the present moment, instead of being caught up in the past or future.

"All clutter and stress seem to be found on the surface, on the level of thinking and emotions," affirms Peter Francis Dziuban in: Simply Notice: Clear Awareness Is the Key To Happiness, Love and Freedom.

Mindfulness is a way to attain clarity as to what really matters. You become attuned to your emotions instead of allowing them to control you.

I recall listening to the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle state that anytime you are emotionally agitated for no reason, you are recollecting unresolved memories and creating a Pain body experience.

Similarly, Colette Baron Reid writes in Uncharted: The Journey Through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility: "Memories are emotions intertwined with thoughts, and those can become lodged not just in your brain but in your body too."

Journaling is the act of making sense of those memories by transferring them onto paper, otherwise they lead to conditions such as T.M.S. (Tension Myositis Syndrome), according to Dr. John Sarno.

Repressed emotions resulting from psychological stress are stored in the body and may inhibit muscle and/or organ function if left untreated.

Writing your thoughts on paper is a form of emotional freedom. There are moments in our lives where we must bite our tongue with family, friends and co-workers for obvious reasons.

We cannot express our feelings, so we stow them away hoping they don't resurface down the road. This is the psychological pain point many people experience later in life.

The key is to allow your emotions to move through you using a method Dr. Daniel Siegel outlines in his book Mindsight. He suggests you name and tame the emotions you experience rather than be overwhelmed by them.

Journaling helps identify the troubling emotions by writing them as "I feel angry" instead of "I am angry." The latter is a limited self-definition since, "I feel angry" implies the ability to acknowledge a feeling, without being overwhelmed by it.

"Just by bringing greater attention to the part of your body where strong emotions or physical pain linger, you are loosening each layer of cellular memory to assist in another moment of healing," affirms Matt Kahn.

I suggest exploring your thoughts on paper as the last thing at night after a complete day. In Zen teaching, meditation is thought to help wipe away the day's stressors by witnessing our thoughts through the eyes of equanimity.

Journaling purges you of mental stressors. It is the process of becoming intimate with your thoughts instead of allowing them to occupy space in your mind.

You become attentive to your mental landscape instead of letting runaway thoughts impose on your freedom.

This simple daily habit will make you become a better person, because you are aware of your thoughts and won't be overcome by them.

Committing your thoughts to paper invites you to calmly witness them with a clear awareness rather than an agitated mind.

Tibetan meditation master Orgyen Chowang explains in Our Pristine Mind: A Practical Guide to Unconditional Happiness: "You must first relax the mind and then observe it with patience and perseverance. It is that simple."

Journaling is the act of coming home to yourself and loving the person whose thoughts appear on the page.

What we see and perceive in our waking life results from the mind adding judgement and commentary, like morning fog.

Writing your thoughts downloads them onto paper and liberates you of the need to process them any more than you need to

Find Your Solution (By Dr. Noelle Nelson)

Life on planet Earth is riddled with problems. Little problems, big problems, we all have them, pretty much every day.

But what matters isn't the problem, it's the solution! And oh, how easy it is to lose sight of that. My phones went down a couple of months ago. Since we don't get cell reception where I live, I am completely dependent on my landlines. That's why I have two of them, in case one of them goes wacky. Except this time both lines went out, and given how important communication is in my line of work, I was in full-blown panic mode.

All I could think of was "What if one of my clients can't reach me?" Sure, there's email, but much of my work and other matters rely on the phone. What if there's an emergency like a fire (common in our area) and I can't phone out? I couldn't even call the phone company to get my phones fixed! How's that for ironic? Problem, problem, problem. No thought at all for the solution. Way too much "poor me" going on...

And then I remembered Autumn Michels and Rachael Steffens. Autumn, at 14 years old, has been blind since a brain tumor was removed when she was 4, which saved her life but deprived her of sight. She adjusted beautifully, navigating her home, school and environment with her cane, but when it came to her desire to play her clarinet with her school's marching band... well, you can imagine the "problem." Only no one at her school focused on the problem, they went straight to the solution. Volunteers were found to stand behind Autumn during the marching portion of the band's activities, guiding her on the field by her shoulders.

However, volunteers come and go, and learning to guide Autumn wasn't all that easy. But Autumn struck up a friendship with Rachael, a percussionist in the band, and the fun they had together led to Rachael sitting out marching activities to be Autumn's regular marching guide, restricting her own playing to when the band was in the stands. Solution, solution, solution.

Nowhere in any of this was anyone going "Poor Autumn" -- much less Autumn, who according to family and friends, just doesn't go there. Nor was anyone, including Rachael, moaning "Poor Rachael," she enjoys helping her friend.

Stories like this remind me to get off my pity-party whenever a problem hits, and turn as quickly as possible to the solution. Because there always is a solution. How soon we get there simply depends on our willingness to turn our attention squarely in that direction.

And oh yes, once I got myself into solution-mode I did resolve my phone issue: wi-fi calling! Who knew? So now I have a backup to the land-lines (which did get fixed, a month later), peace of mind, and a wonderful way of reminding myself of Solution! Solution! Solution!

Thank you Autumn and Rachael.

How Do You Know If You Are Living Your Purpose?

As a society, we continuously contemplate the meaning of life. In trying to define the reason for being, we attempt to understand the purpose of our own lives. That said, how do you know your purpose?

Some believe that purpose can be derived from chasing a passion. Oftentimes, people equate passion with activities they enjoy most. However, the most successful people do not limit their life's purpose to activities that only bring pleasure. Their desire to accomplish something great is bigger than any inconvenience life presents. These achievements are made only through a high level of commitment, prevalent in the face of any pain or discomfort.

For example, Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world. When he trains, he pushes himself so hard that he occasionally vomits during his workouts. Though far from pleasurable, the result for him is the ability to break world records in the 100 and 200-meter races. How many are able to say they are willing to endure that extreme in order to become the best at their passion?

Nowadays, many people pursue one aspiration after another. These changes can take place over the course of weeks, months, or years. Consider this: if your passion is your purpose, why would it change?

In other cases, people seek purpose by looking for signs. They wait for events to occur or people to show them the way. However, it would be fair to say that most people go to their grave without ever knowing their life's goal.

Others may have witnessed a sign, but lacked the courage to pursue it. They reassure themselves saying, "it's not the right time" or "I don't have the money to fund my goals". Some wander in circles, needing another sign to prove the first signal was in fact leading them toward their purpose.

Seeking purpose, to say the least, is a complex process. Perhaps it is complicated because we have made it that way. We are conditioned to wait for life's purpose to do something to us. It is no wonder most go to the grave without knowing and experiencing their life's purpose.

To be the best at something requires practice and preparation. In Malcolm Gladwell's book, Outliers, he said those who mastered their craft did so because they practiced for 10,000 hours. That implies practicing in the face of good and bad days. There is no magic to it.

How do you know what to allocate 10,000 hours of practice to? That question may be key to finding one's purpose. Perhaps feeling good or waiting for a sign can be a dead end street. Perhaps the only way to know one's life purpose is to declare it. Instead of waiting for the right moment, take a stand and decide what your purpose will be.

If you say, your life purpose is to be a criminal lawyer, declare it and take action. Perhaps the only key to finding your purpose is right on the tip of your tongue. If you can stand for your own future to be who you say you want to be, you can announce it and practice and prepare to fulfill all the goals that come with that purpose. This approach would allow you to 'live on purpose', instead of 'looking for a purpose'. What purpose will you declare for your life?

Message From the Universe: What Are YOUR Priorities?

"Actually, when you think about it, everything boils down to priorities. Everything.

And that's a lot.

The Universe"

So what are YOUR priorities? What is it important for you to do today? Why would you do that one thing and not the other? What is your definition of priority? What may be a priority for you may be a secondary task for someone else. We all have our priorities, and in most cases, it's all selfish ones. Unless you have a sick sibling or family member to take care of, your priorities revert back to you primarily. You focus on what's important to you and focus on accomplishing that specific task. Hence, for many of us, we work with the same model where everyone is doing the same, which is what benefit them the most. Succeeding in your career is a priority after you finish college, where you are all enthusiastic to put your newly acquired school degree in practice. You then work your butt off for a goal that no longer become the same priority as it was in the beginning. Yes, you are still ambitious to reach your career goals, but the nature of the priorities has changed. You see things differently as life gave you new experiences, both success and many failures.

If you look a few years back, you saw the world with a different pair of lenses, while now, your view of the world is different and more substantial. You care about others above yourself, and you want to be more helpful to others and offer more of your time and energy. If you look at it from an outside perspective, these acts of service became your new priorities. Since it is OK to be a different person from who you were in the beginning, it is also OK to change priorities. Be more giving, enjoy life more, provide for others, give yourself more, look at life differently, and most importantly, live your life.

Message From the Universe: Create Your Own Reality!

"If you can see it in your mind, it's real.

All that remains is merging the present you know and the world you've imagined, which is my part. And you can best help me align circumstances, coincidences, and chance encounters by getting busy, going out into the world, and moving in the general direction of your dreams, even if only to do what your peers might do, who know not of life's magic.

But you know the truth. You know how life works. Do not waiver in your march. No matter how humble your steps, this is how I will reach you. And as you witness one dream come true after another - first the small ones, then the big ones, then the huge ones - you'll remember why you were first drawn to the jungles of time and space, if you haven't already figured it out.

Crazy kid,
The Universe"

I got chills reading this message because it does apply to what I am experiencing on a daily basis. When you imagine your new life, you see glimpse of a wishful future, looking into great possibilities happening very soon for you. You feel all excited, and even though you can't see the direct outcome of this vision, you experience the euphoria of success and glory. These thoughts are created by you, and with the belief and flow of actions following these thoughts, you will make all this a reality. You need to trust the Universe that all will happen in due time, that all of what you envision is soon to materialize. It is hard to keep motivated when NOTHING around you allows you to stay this way but you still keep on looking forward to something special, something unique. As long as you let yourself be out there, get out of your comfort zone, try different things that can be risky financially and still overcome the fear of failure, you will be on your way to ultimate success. You only need to take a few steps forward, walk towards the light and experience something that not many have the luxury in experiencing. Do not look for the huge dreams first, as no one is born and start running marathon right off the delivery room. You need to take that time to understand your capabilities and determine the best course of action for you to reach your dreams. Not everyone can run at the same exact speed and that is perfectly fine. You do what is best for yourself, and not for anyone else.

Everything that is happening in time and space is working in your favor. Do not think of changing the pattern of how the Universe functions. Adapt to it, and shouldn't be the other way around. As long as you focus on creating your ideal life, you will be able to take the necessary steps to work towards these goals. Do not waste time in checking the progress of other people's life because this is none of your business and it will drain too much of your own energy to pursue your own goals. Throughout the journey in life, you will experience lots of the highs and lows, and no one is really sure when it will ever be smooth sailing, or whenever you reach cruising speed altitude. Life is a bit like an airplane ride so expect lots of turbulence during your trip and sometimes losing altitude and regaining it back. The key is to look at the horizon and take control of that airplane until it reaches destination. So what happens when you do reach destination? Well, you refuel and go back out again to the next one. It's a constant pursuit of how much you can accomplish in a lifetime but never forget to also spend time enjoying the ride, regardless of the ups and downs you have faced. Nothing comes easy because it if did, everyone would do it. Be one of the very few who overcomes all the obstacles and keep on moving towards their goals and dreams. All the major entrepreneurs failed over and over again but eventually, something great happened. They tapped themselves on their shoulders and said: "Thank God I didn't stop and pushed forward. I would have regret it all my life". Never live life this way, it is not worth the pain.!&id=9439870

The Thirty-Second, Three Goal Formula

Sure, all you have to do is start thinking, but what are you thinking about with all seriousness? What are the most important things that you can intuitively think of that are important to you in thirty seconds? Those are your genuine goals, but do not cheat in this respect, these are very important ideas you came up with "at the speed of light and intuition" if you get my meaning there. The best ideas are the most honest and spontaneous, but in that exact order: Honest and spontaneous. The most dishonest ideas that do not work, are ones you do not believe in, however much deliberation and rumination about "should I or should I not" on them.

A man from a long time ago comes to mind for me: A man who said "yes, and no, maybe and maybe not" named David Harum on that note. You cannot overly ruminate and work in a dull, overly detailed way on taking action or you genuinely botch or lose your opportunities.

Opportunity goes to the bold, it is said; Opportunity goes to those who genuinely take them and want them in the right ways is the fact. After all, to quote champion hockey player Wayne Gretzky: You miss one hundred percent of the shots you do not take. That is only reality.

When reality says maybe, and you say maybe with it, and have too many doubts, you do not want the goal. If you say an unstoppable yes, however many temporary failures that lead to that one success may come, you want the goal. Sure, we miss one hundred percent of what we do not do or the opportunities we do not take. Full realism depends on this realization and our goals come down to taking opportunities that we do consider good or important to us genuinely.

Like the dross and impurities are taken out of gold or platinum bars to make them genuine and pure gold and platinum bars, we must live for those opportunities that work and drop the ones that do not work. We must always do our best in our own genuine estimation honestly.

So, if you really want a goal, come up with it quick and never quit with the ultimate slowness until you genuinely succeed in the way you really do want to. Indeed, place your eggs in the basket you want it in and let them genuinely hatch right with the right protection and love, and you will ultimately get your goals. Set your goals, make your plans and stick to them, that is the only way I know to succeed. The genuine failure just does not have potent goals. The success has potent, working goals. That is all.,-Three-Goal-Formula&id=9845290

Let Your Words Heal

Have you really thought about the power you have to either inspire or uplift yourself and others around simply by the words you use? Do you realize that words can either propel you to achieve excellence in everything that you do or hold you down from even trying anything at all?

Words - whether written or spoken - are the most powerful force on earth because not only are they the hallmark of our humanity, they are also used to create and communicate ideas that can either make or break us, both as individuals or as institutions. Indeed, words are the kindling energy that shapes our thoughts, fuels our actions and creates reactions in others. As a result of this, every word we speak or write produces an effect in the world even though we are oblivious of the positive or negative effect these words have on ourselves and the people around us.

Actually, most of us take words for granted by failing to realize that words are the most powerful tools with which we use to influence others, either negatively or positively. We do not understand that the constant usage and application of negative words lower self-esteem and destroy the joy of living; while well-chosen positive words on the other hand motivate, encourage, as well as propel us to gain greater heights in life. This is to say that nothing positive (good) can come from being negative (bad). However, for the benefit of those who may still think or feel otherwise, here is what the Bible says about the value of well-chosen words: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."- Proverbs 15:1

In light of the above, rather than use words to hurt, abuse, ridicule, distort, disrespect, misguide, demoralize, defile, curse, humiliate, damn, destroy and hate - use words to heal, praise, compliment, beautify, respect, direct, motivate, purify, bless, educate, salvage, build and love. Certainly, the result of habitually using or applying positive words in our daily interactions with one another is greatly beneficial and more pleasing to humanity; because by doing so, we can actually overcome despair with hope, hate with love, failure with success, wickedness with compassion, impurity with purity, injustice with justice, weakness with strength, division with unity, selfishness with generosity, fear with faith, corruption with integrity, war with peace, and ultimately, evil with good. Simply put, through well-chosen words, you can become a dealer of hope in a world that is filled with fear, doubt, and anxiety.

Moreover, the continued cultivation and apprehension of such a worthy aspiration is far better than just complaining about the wrong things of this World, and practically doing nothing to change them. As a matter of fact, you can become part of the solution to the problems devastating many nations by making a conscious and consistent effort to always choose your words wisely and carefully, knowing that these words will surely have a positive and lasting impact on you and the people you interact with every day. And while you are at it, do not hesitate to encourage, urge or challenge those around you to continue emulating this meaningful act until our world becomes an interwoven web of positive words. Imagine what a beautiful world it would be!

Allow me to quickly add that just as God Almighty who is the maker of all heavenly and earthly things, created us in His image and likeness with words, so do we all possess the ability to create our world and determine our destinies with words, as well... So let your words heal and not hurt!
Let your words...
... accentuate positives
... herald truths
... spread love
... cultivate peace
... enrich lives
... uplift souls
... proffer solutions
... uphold justice
... empower people
... unite nations
... give hope
... create wealth
... apply wisdom
... share knowledge
... deploy joy
... break barriers
... exceed expectations
... open doors
... fulfill needs
... foster prosperity
... encourage patience
... exhibit courage
... embrace charity
... embody compassion
... honor humanity
... heighten happiness
... promote wellness
... express gratitude
... evoke empathy
... extol excellence
... enhance success
... laud integrity
... generate ideas
... add value
... transmit courage
... preserve civilization

But most importantly, let your words praise and worship God, always.

How Affirmations Can Help Your Love Life

Many people believe in fate but are there more to love and relationship than this?

It could be that using affirmations are the key to finding the right person for you. Whether that is the same thing as fate is anyone's guess. But, believing that you will find the right partner and thinking about the right language that gets you there will go a long way.

It is often said that when you throw in the towel with respect to finding someone is usually when something happens. There are numerous cases when people state they have given up but shortly after that they managed to find someone. Maybe there is something true about this. However, it could be that the affirmations they were using all along are simply paying off for them.

Even after you have found someone and are in an exclusive relationship, affirmations can probably help you with solidify that.

Suppose you find yourself frequently fighting with your loved one. Fights are often the result of negative thoughts and emotions about the other person. By concentrating on positive aspects of each other, you will find the negative ones are no longer important. There are certainly issues that can persist and may need some special handling. But, staying positive can help with this as well.

It should be noted that no amount of affirmations will help a relationship that isn't meant to happen.

Sometimes, a relationship can start out great but over time, both parties feel that they are not compatible with the other. Or, one partner may be more committed than the other and have an imbalanced investment of partnership. When this happens, it's probably best to honestly face the fact with each other, move on and find someone more compatible.

Maybe you have experienced the situation where someone special came into your life after you have given up the need to get love. Try to think about the days or weeks before that happened.

What thoughts did you possess during that time? Maybe you were thinking about what qualities you would like in a future mate. Did you tell yourself you like someone who is tall or someone who is successful? Or, was the conversation in your head about a person who is down-to-earth?

These are all aspects that you may have been focusing on during that time, and even though you eventually give up, the Universe delivered for you. It's likely that you were using affirmations without even knowing that you were. Give it a try. You just may find the right person by simply thinking about the standards you set while being the best version of yourself you can.

Who's In Charge In Your Life? (by Jessica J Lockhart)

Whatever we chose to do in life, we chose it because we expect to gain something in exchange. If I snap at my daughter when she does something wrong, I do it because I expect her to change her behavior. When I let others tell me what to do, I accept it because I expect them to guide me better than I would. When I drink too much it is because I want to forget or have fun. We all do it. We do things because we expect rewards: good ones or bad ones, pleasure or pain. We do things to obtain pleasure. We do things to avoid pain. We provoke situations that will hopefully yield what we think we want or need. A baby cries when asking for something. An adult insults, teases or praises others because he or she wants something, too.

Most of us are not aware of our doing this when pain is involved. We don't realize that we're doing things to avoid an even greater pain. Let me illustrate it. Some people put up with a job they hate or an abusive boss because the pain of being rejected somewhere else would be too big. Or because the pain of being unemployed would hurt too much. They'd rather put up with the pain of their nasty days than risk suffering even more.

In that sense, we're all in charge of our own lives and decisions. We all choose what we have.

When the choosing is consciously done, we are in charge. When we are not aware that we are choosing, we become victims. We blame others. We think the world is doing that to us.

In the example I mentioned above, staying at that job out of fear without realizing that we are choosing to do so turns us into victims. We feel sorry for ourselves. We let others decide for us. And resent them for it. We feel powerless. But there always is a choice. Always. Even in the worst circumstances. Even in the most abusive ones. And whenever we do the choosing, we stop being victims and take control of our lives.

Another example I'd like to give you has to do with me. Quite a few years ago I had some car accidents (yes, in the plural) that really damaged my back and kept me in me acute, chronic pain on both legs and my back for seven whole years, every single day. I could barely walk and my doctors told me that a wheelchair was unavoidable. One could argue that I was the victim because the accidents hadn't been provoked by me. I'd say that my victimization started the moment I didn't accept my situation and decided to suffer from it.

But as soon as I chose to control my life even under those circumstances, I stopped being the victim. I couldn't walk everyday, true, but I could do tons of things still. And I did. I also found new doctors and let go of my old way of life.

Today I am still disabled and enjoy a magnificent, very fulfilling life. Yes, there are days when I'm in physical pain and can't walk or do walk with a sever limp. But I am alive and happy.

Some people say that I resign myself to my new life style. I disagree. Resignation would be accepting my reality and nothing else. But I'm proactively improving it. That's the key, the difference. I choose to improve my life every day, to enjoy it every minute, even when in pain. That is my choice. That is why I'm not a victim but in control.

I refuse to be a victim of my circumstances again. I am not my circumstances. And circumstances can always be changed. I choose pleasure, not pain. Even if the pain looks familiar.

What do you choose?

Enjoy life... ALL of it,

Whispering To The Wind (Keeping Issues In Instead Of Letting Them Out)

Recently, I got rid of the rest of my feelings of envy that were left in my spirit by talking about it with the woman I love. I genuinely lifted the burden by acknowledging it and letting it out. this is what this article is about. Sure,hate is a horrible cancer, but envy in all reality is worse and more nasty because those feelings are so easy to overlook within ourselves.

Some people see the grass as greener on the other side and genuinely neglect their own in the process. That is one form of envy. Another form of envy is to be angry enough to kill for what another has to the cost of neglecting your possessions and consciousness.

Think about the fact that if your life gets proper care, you have nothing to envy within or outside of yourself. Everyone conscious has the potential to be a contained spirit sufficient within itself. Indeed, the ultimate envy is neglecting yourself and wishing you had it better without earning it.

So, my advice, admit everything, especially to yourself. Get clean, clear and real, then make your self what you want to be. The "Buck" stops and starts there. Make a realistically beneficial decision for yourself. The other day, I was reading the book by Napoleon Hill called "Outwitting The Devil" and I realized that destructive envy is not something we consciously choose. We do create it though through our tears of effort and reality. How we deal with it all is as important as how we do not deal with it all.

So what it takes to have opposing or opposite views of my own comes from these spiritual and psychic factors: Fearing to deal with anything is the worst way to live and die. Courage and strength is the way or nothing at all. Freedom of the self comes from ultimate courage anyway. In life, we either do or we do not. So, start thinking, is fear and envying courage really worth it? In my mind, it is not. I cannot answer for you though, I can only answer for me.

After all, all of our answers are within us, not outside anywhere. What do you think the saying really meant about "The Buddha did all he could, gave up, then he found enlightenment"? or my favorite preaching quote: "Nobody else but Christ could be Christ." Think about it and realize, we have to make our own realistic and beneficial choices.

Off Kilter? This Helps You Find Balance No Matter How Life Tilts

Change is constant, and yet, it can feel overwhelming at times. We are each unique in how we approach changes, how we experience transitions, and how we maintain balance.

And it's not just external changes. Our energy influences our balance, too. So, here are 5 tips to enhance your understanding of balance and help you find it.

1. Balance comes from drawing on your full range of energies, not a 50/50 split of work/home activities.

Balance is less about how much time you schedule for each sector of your life than it is about how you approach activities energetically. For example, if you follow up an ambitious, sales-oriented day at work with a game of handball, then engage in home remodeling until bedtime, you are not allowing yourself to relax, reflect and simply be.

Likewise, if you end a day of care-giving by tending to family and grooming your dog, you have no opportunity to challenge yourself in self-directed physical or creative endeavors. Your drive, your receptivity, your originality, and your caring are all distinct energies that complement one another. Their variety adds depth to your life.

2. Balance is about how you use your energy.

Balance entails living in dynamic equilibrium. Learn to recognize the feminine energy and masculine energy that feed your vitality. Observe when you create and dream, and when you take action. Alternating freely between these 2 energies helps you balance and integrate what is essential in your life.

3. Balance is about taking care of yourself.

To balance your life, learn to quiet yourself and identify messages you may be working from. Balance comes from discerning each fear you hold and how it drives your choices from moment to moment. As you become aware of your rhythm, you can pace yourself more successfully. You will sense when outlays of effort need to be followed by something restorative. To live in dynamic equilibrium, learn to accept that you can only be in one energetic place at a time.

4. Balance is activated by aware actions.

Observing yourself and embracing lessons from your intuition (or inner guide) are fundamental balance skills. Attune yourself to the signals your body provides to assess the situation, your environment and your choices. Act from an enlightened, inspired, balanced position.

5. Balance is learning to create harmony with yourself.

Using your time and energy harmoniously will smooth out the wrinkles in your day. You will feel more content and grounded by creating a balanced base for your daily activities. Assess your time choices and motivation by asking questions about how you are using your time in the moment.

  • What do you need more or less of to create a balanced base?
  • How are you off-center?
  • What happens?
  • How can you regain your balance in the moment?

And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!

Practice! Picture! Pull Off!

We all want to do "it". What I mean by doing "it" is achieving what we genuinely want in life and existence. We all want to be master players in our game, not spectators outside the stadium, or could-have-been types, even. Indeed, to become a winner and do "it" something is needed: persistence, perseverance, practice, picture, pull off! Call it all what you want. I consider all those qualities needed, though, if anything will be achieved. I am not just writing from opinion, I am writing about a reality I genuinely understand here.

A quote I always quote somehow in many of my articles is the 1972 Olympian Mark Spitz quote about "We all want to win, but who loves to train?" Loving to train as well as win is the life secret of anyone who "makes it" or makes it to where they want to go.

I, in this article am going to leave some thoughts seemingly incomplete to give you room to think and be creative in your thinking about how the realities of this article apply to you. (As you can already tell.) Call it "audience participation", but as philosopher Soren Kierkregard and William Clement Stone paraphrasing him once said, "Sure, when you read a book or article and get something out of it, that is it. But, when a book reads you well, that is when you really get something out of it. That is the idea I have here, I want to go beyond that, I want you to read yourself extra well. Professor Xavier in the X-Men was right when he told Logan the Wolverine, "Read your own mind and thoughts, that is where you will find your greatest insights." That is also what I am telling you, practice your success before it happens, picture your success before it happens, and use your insights to pull it off wonderfully when the success happens. Genuine understanding of yourself is the best insight you can have in life. So, stop, think, analyze yourself! You have your answers within you. They sure are not outside of you in any way.

Realistically, our expectations are realistic when we are genuinely honest with ourselves. So, I end with words from the Song of Solomon modernized: "As a person thinks in their hearts, so are they!" How much simpler can I end? We are what we think about to the tune of Earl Nightingale and reality.

Moving Without a Direction (By Bridget F Johnson)

Have you ever tried to go on a trip without a map or GPS, something to make sure you got where you were going? Maybe you've never been there, but you have a good idea where it is... You jump into your car, complete with your iced tea and what my husband calls birdseeds. I have to have something to drink and sunflower seeds when we travel. It's a must.

My husband, Peter, and I will jump into our vehicle fully loaded with everything we need for the trip, complete with the iced tea and birdseeds. We start driving and we don't even know where the place is that we're going. We forgot to check MapQuest and realize my phone battery is dead and we can't use GPS. How in the world are we going to get where we're going? With just a general idea on how to do it, we're never going to get there.

What do you do? You go back home, get the car phone charger and make sure that you know the address of your destination. You START OVER.

I found that to be true when I started my business on January 16th, 2016. I had a general idea about what product I was going to offer. I knew how much income I wanted to generate, but not a clue in this world how to get there. What did I do - the only thing I could do. I built my vision board, I prayed and I did as much studying about my new-found business product as I could.

Zoom into December 2016 and I still didn't know how to get this business off the ground. I purchased a blogging package that had a HUGE amount of material in it. I knew I needed some help building the business, but honestly, I didn't know where to begin.

I signed up for every vendor's email list that was in the package. I tried to read and process everything but I just couldn't do it. I started getting tons of email! Some of them I became annoyed with immediately. It seemed like every single email was trying to sell something and if I didn't buy 'today' the world would come to an end.

I was trying hard to figure out where I was going with my business. I had no idea how to strategize and get this thing off to an excellent start. In the midst of all the noise of the emails I did find someone I stopped and listened to. I liked her and I liked the fact that she was offering a class from a famous motivational speaker so I signed up for the four-week course.

Within two sessions I knew I liked this person and believed she could take me to another level in my business. Problem? Uh, yeah sure, money. To me it was expensive, but I had a decision to make. Am I going to continue to fly down the road with no idea where I'm actually going, or am I going to get real with myself and "start over"? The only other alternative is to quit entirely and I'm not willing to give up on my dreams.

I talked to my husband; he said go for it and I did. It has been the best money and the best 10 days in my business. She has done more for me in 10 days than I did for myself in the first year.

I'm so thankful she sent that email and that I signed up for her class. I knew what my purpose was. I had a vision and a goal to build a successful business and eventually become self-employed doing what I was called to do, I just needed direction on how to get there! If you're reading this and saying "I would love to have a proverbial GPS to guide me to where I'm going, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life... ", then find someone you know, like and trust and allow them to help you find your vision.

To Your Success,

Practice the Technique Top Performers Use to Achieve Any Goal

Athletes use this technique to overcome nerves and perform at their peak. Actors use it as the heart of their craft. And, corporate leaders use it to envision bold new products and services for their companies. But, did you know you can use it to overcome anxiety and addictions, create new habits, test decisions, and welcome the experiences your soul desires?

You can apply this technique to any goal you have, such as creating a successful business, finding your life partner, growing a deeper relationship with your current life partner, cultivating health, engaging in self-care practices such as eating well, meditating, or exercising, or any creative project you wish to accomplish.

The technique is "Mental Rehearsal." In this post, you'll learn the steps of this powerful tool for personal change.

The Science Behind the Technique

The premise is simple: imagining a desired experience creates the same neural networks in your body and brain that having an experience in "real life" does. By mentally rehearsing an experience you groove the neural pathways to more easily welcome an experience into your life. What you can imagine in full sensory detail you more easily become.

You use your imagination all the time to imagine experiences you want and dread experiences you don't want. The purpose of Mental Rehearsal is to consciously pave the way for experiences you desire by imagining yourself immersed in the felt experience "As If" you are living it right now.

In a nutshell, Mental Rehearsal familiarizes you with the felt experiences you want to have, so you can recognize them, choose them, and grow them in your life. It also helps you make decisions by imagining what different options feel like and weighing your felt responses. For example, does this option feel light and energized or does it feel heavy and burdensome?

Now, you may not feel worthy of the experiences you desire or may not feel they are possible for you. By mentally rehearsing these experiences, you learn to become comfortable imagining yourself having them. In the process, what you thought was out of reach seems more possible.

To make this practice even more effective, you can imagine not only the experience you desire, but also significant steps you take to get there. This makes taking these steps feel easier and more doable.

It's important to note that imagining a specific experience does not mean this exact experience will happen exactly as you imagine it to be. Life may have even better plans for you-ones you may not have imagined. What's important is to imagine the experience you desire, given what you know right now, and meditatively engage in immersing yourself in this experience "As If" you are living it. This generates the same state of being as if the experience was happening in real life. And, it creates the same neural pathways in your body and brain.

Once you are immersed in your desired state of being, it becomes a filter through which you can recognize and choose similar experiences in real life. Cultivating this state of being becomes a magnet that draws similar experiences to you. For example, if you long for the feeling of being loved, you mentally rehearse what it feels like to be loved, you carry this feeling with you, and you engage in loving others. Then, you notice how loving relationships blossom in your life.

How to Practice Mental Rehearsal

1. Begin by asking your heart for an experience you'd like to have.

2. Close your eyes, take a few slow deep breaths, and imagine the specific details of this experience, including where you are, who you are with, what you are saying, and what you are doing.

3. Step into this picture "As If" you are taking these actions. Feel the experience with all your senses.

4. Notice any resistance. Is there any way you would like to change the experience to release this resistance? Imagine these changes.

5. Once you have the experience fully present with you in a way that feels good, imagine three steps you take to this experience from where you are now in your life.

Do this in reverse time order, beginning with a step you take just before arriving in your desired experience. Imagine another step you take just before this one. And, finally, imagine a step you take to initiate this whole process from where you are now to where you want to be.

For a simple example, say I want to make a putt in golf. My desired experience is seeing the ball fall into the hole. I imagine that before this moment I followed through on the correct line to the hole, before this I drew my putter back on this line, and before this I visualized the line of the putt. (Note: These three steps can become a routine for the actual putting of a ball in a real golf game, as well as a tool for Mental Rehearsal.)

Notice any challenges to taking these steps and imagine how you might address these challenges.

6. Run the three steps forward, from where you are now to your desired experience. Then, rest in the feeling of your desired experience again, so you really absorb it.

7. Set your intention to live from this state of being and welcome experiences that grow this for yourself and others.

Keep in mind you don't have to imagine this perfectly. You don't have to get all the steps right. And, it doesn't have to feel incredible at first (though it can). You might even find you imagine failing. For example, when I first imagined myself making a putt in golf, the putt lipped out and I didn't make it. That's O.K. You can pick yourself up and try again. See if you can relax more and try less. Welcoming new experiences takes practice.

If you feel resistance, unworthiness, or any other uncomfortable feeling about this whole process, I encourage you to simply observe and accept these feelings as they arise. Breathe through them and notice any ways they shift as you pay attention to them with calm, curious, acceptance. You might ask yourself what is underneath these feelings that is important to acknowledge.

See if it's possible to view Mental Rehearsal as an exploration, a game in your imagination, and a fun way to step outside your normal view of yourself and life, so you can imagine something new, exciting, and emotionally compelling. Have fun with this! You are using untapped creative resources to step into the life your soul desires.

Enjoy your practice!