
Start Your Day on a Positive Note By Using Affirmations

An affirmation is a simple statement of something you want to bring into your life. Whatever you focus on in your world; negative or positive, you create and bring into your world.

Just think about that for a moment. Whatever you focus on.

That really puts each and every one of us in the driver's seat of our own life. No longer can we spend our time blaming people outside of ourselves for the things that happen to us.

Once you recognize there is no one outside of yourself who has the power to affect you, your life and your perspectives are transformed. You are the power! That is such an empowering statement. What will you do with your power? What kind of world will you build? How will you empower yourself?

Doesn't it just make sense to focus on the beauty, joy and happiness we all want? I believe we can all train (or retrain) our minds to focus on the positive things in life. Once we do that our lives and our world will truly be transformed.

So, where do you begin? It's easy, start your day on a positive note by using affirmations. Each morning, find one thing, just one thing you are truly grateful for. Focus on that one thing and allow the thought of gratitude to fill your body and your mind. You'll be amazed at how many other things you start to find that are already in your life that you are grateful for.

By focusing on something to be grateful for you are consciously creating and tapping into the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that whatever we focus our mind on we bring more of that into our lives. Focus on what you love in your life, the good things and more good things will come to you.

Here are some affirmations to get you started:

"I am divinely guided in all that I say and all that I do."

"I let my creativity flow freely through me and out to the world."

"I am now drawing loving and supportive relationships into my life."

Affirmations for health, wealth, happiness and joyful living are all within your reach.

Try them out for yourself. Notice if you feel different, look at a situation in a different way, or see people in your life treating you different.

Remember, you are a powerful creator. Create something amazing!

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