
Whispering To The Wind (Keeping Issues In Instead Of Letting Them Out)

Recently, I got rid of the rest of my feelings of envy that were left in my spirit by talking about it with the woman I love. I genuinely lifted the burden by acknowledging it and letting it out. this is what this article is about. Sure,hate is a horrible cancer, but envy in all reality is worse and more nasty because those feelings are so easy to overlook within ourselves.

Some people see the grass as greener on the other side and genuinely neglect their own in the process. That is one form of envy. Another form of envy is to be angry enough to kill for what another has to the cost of neglecting your possessions and consciousness.

Think about the fact that if your life gets proper care, you have nothing to envy within or outside of yourself. Everyone conscious has the potential to be a contained spirit sufficient within itself. Indeed, the ultimate envy is neglecting yourself and wishing you had it better without earning it.

So, my advice, admit everything, especially to yourself. Get clean, clear and real, then make your self what you want to be. The "Buck" stops and starts there. Make a realistically beneficial decision for yourself. The other day, I was reading the book by Napoleon Hill called "Outwitting The Devil" and I realized that destructive envy is not something we consciously choose. We do create it though through our tears of effort and reality. How we deal with it all is as important as how we do not deal with it all.

So what it takes to have opposing or opposite views of my own comes from these spiritual and psychic factors: Fearing to deal with anything is the worst way to live and die. Courage and strength is the way or nothing at all. Freedom of the self comes from ultimate courage anyway. In life, we either do or we do not. So, start thinking, is fear and envying courage really worth it? In my mind, it is not. I cannot answer for you though, I can only answer for me.

After all, all of our answers are within us, not outside anywhere. What do you think the saying really meant about "The Buddha did all he could, gave up, then he found enlightenment"? or my favorite preaching quote: "Nobody else but Christ could be Christ." Think about it and realize, we have to make our own realistic and beneficial choices.

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