
The Thirty-Second, Three Goal Formula

Sure, all you have to do is start thinking, but what are you thinking about with all seriousness? What are the most important things that you can intuitively think of that are important to you in thirty seconds? Those are your genuine goals, but do not cheat in this respect, these are very important ideas you came up with "at the speed of light and intuition" if you get my meaning there. The best ideas are the most honest and spontaneous, but in that exact order: Honest and spontaneous. The most dishonest ideas that do not work, are ones you do not believe in, however much deliberation and rumination about "should I or should I not" on them.

A man from a long time ago comes to mind for me: A man who said "yes, and no, maybe and maybe not" named David Harum on that note. You cannot overly ruminate and work in a dull, overly detailed way on taking action or you genuinely botch or lose your opportunities.

Opportunity goes to the bold, it is said; Opportunity goes to those who genuinely take them and want them in the right ways is the fact. After all, to quote champion hockey player Wayne Gretzky: You miss one hundred percent of the shots you do not take. That is only reality.

When reality says maybe, and you say maybe with it, and have too many doubts, you do not want the goal. If you say an unstoppable yes, however many temporary failures that lead to that one success may come, you want the goal. Sure, we miss one hundred percent of what we do not do or the opportunities we do not take. Full realism depends on this realization and our goals come down to taking opportunities that we do consider good or important to us genuinely.

Like the dross and impurities are taken out of gold or platinum bars to make them genuine and pure gold and platinum bars, we must live for those opportunities that work and drop the ones that do not work. We must always do our best in our own genuine estimation honestly.

So, if you really want a goal, come up with it quick and never quit with the ultimate slowness until you genuinely succeed in the way you really do want to. Indeed, place your eggs in the basket you want it in and let them genuinely hatch right with the right protection and love, and you will ultimately get your goals. Set your goals, make your plans and stick to them, that is the only way I know to succeed. The genuine failure just does not have potent goals. The success has potent, working goals. That is all.,-Three-Goal-Formula&id=9845290

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