
Message From the Universe: Create Your Own Reality!

"If you can see it in your mind, it's real.

All that remains is merging the present you know and the world you've imagined, which is my part. And you can best help me align circumstances, coincidences, and chance encounters by getting busy, going out into the world, and moving in the general direction of your dreams, even if only to do what your peers might do, who know not of life's magic.

But you know the truth. You know how life works. Do not waiver in your march. No matter how humble your steps, this is how I will reach you. And as you witness one dream come true after another - first the small ones, then the big ones, then the huge ones - you'll remember why you were first drawn to the jungles of time and space, if you haven't already figured it out.

Crazy kid,
The Universe"

I got chills reading this message because it does apply to what I am experiencing on a daily basis. When you imagine your new life, you see glimpse of a wishful future, looking into great possibilities happening very soon for you. You feel all excited, and even though you can't see the direct outcome of this vision, you experience the euphoria of success and glory. These thoughts are created by you, and with the belief and flow of actions following these thoughts, you will make all this a reality. You need to trust the Universe that all will happen in due time, that all of what you envision is soon to materialize. It is hard to keep motivated when NOTHING around you allows you to stay this way but you still keep on looking forward to something special, something unique. As long as you let yourself be out there, get out of your comfort zone, try different things that can be risky financially and still overcome the fear of failure, you will be on your way to ultimate success. You only need to take a few steps forward, walk towards the light and experience something that not many have the luxury in experiencing. Do not look for the huge dreams first, as no one is born and start running marathon right off the delivery room. You need to take that time to understand your capabilities and determine the best course of action for you to reach your dreams. Not everyone can run at the same exact speed and that is perfectly fine. You do what is best for yourself, and not for anyone else.

Everything that is happening in time and space is working in your favor. Do not think of changing the pattern of how the Universe functions. Adapt to it, and shouldn't be the other way around. As long as you focus on creating your ideal life, you will be able to take the necessary steps to work towards these goals. Do not waste time in checking the progress of other people's life because this is none of your business and it will drain too much of your own energy to pursue your own goals. Throughout the journey in life, you will experience lots of the highs and lows, and no one is really sure when it will ever be smooth sailing, or whenever you reach cruising speed altitude. Life is a bit like an airplane ride so expect lots of turbulence during your trip and sometimes losing altitude and regaining it back. The key is to look at the horizon and take control of that airplane until it reaches destination. So what happens when you do reach destination? Well, you refuel and go back out again to the next one. It's a constant pursuit of how much you can accomplish in a lifetime but never forget to also spend time enjoying the ride, regardless of the ups and downs you have faced. Nothing comes easy because it if did, everyone would do it. Be one of the very few who overcomes all the obstacles and keep on moving towards their goals and dreams. All the major entrepreneurs failed over and over again but eventually, something great happened. They tapped themselves on their shoulders and said: "Thank God I didn't stop and pushed forward. I would have regret it all my life". Never live life this way, it is not worth the pain.!&id=9439870

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