
The Cloud With the Gold Lining

I was yelling at everyone, myself, people on road, in family, on job, and even at God. I was screaming even more at things going wrong, at circumstances, on vehicles parked wrongly or ATM machines not responding, at electricity problems in my vicinity. I was angry at life and the lemons it was handing me for no reason, apparently. But above all, I was annoyed on my current job setting and the problems it posed on my nerves.

There was no soft cushion for me amid my emotional turmoil and overwhelming nervousness, being single and alone and tired. There was no financial backup also for me to calm myself my taking a break from the daily rut of the things. Furthermore, my masters' thesis was also heading nowhere with the arbitrary behaviour of my supervisor who wasn't helping me much with it, delaying the attainment of my degree. I was crying inside of me which was only showing as unpredictable bout of despair and verbal battles with everyone around.

Till today morning...

While I was commuting to my workplace, I felt a sharp light overhead. Unlike most oblivious individuals, I place much significance in divine quiet language of nature. People say every cloud has a silver lining, but this one had a gold one. So illumined and bathed in sunlight it was that, it touched my soul on a deep plane. I cannot relate all the feelings it evoked in me in that instant. It was like magic breaking in through all external barriers with a silent communication going on.

In that instant, one thought that had been evolving in my mind for months at end, raised its head once again, as if awakened by that golden light. It happens that you think intrinsically and somehow the connection between your subconscious and conscious worlds breaks. The children of such brain activity, namely thoughts produced during these breakdowns are left orphans until their parents reunite. This reconciliation, as and when it occurs, brings back the memory of the children born back then.

The thought lingered there for months, and it took months to materialize in my understanding. It is something like this: 'life may and may not be beautiful. It may not be up to your liking. But, it is there. It exists. At least you have life. This is not the end of it. There is still time. Things can still be changed to your liking. Beautiful or otherwise, life still exists.'

The above thought may and may not stand as significant solution to you. But it has settled down deep inside me and would perhaps be my guide for the next few days, and might set things straight in my head. Every war and every conflict does not end without its key. Take some time for yourself, not half an hour or fifteen minutes. Just a minute, may be few seconds to look up to that cloud with the gold lining and believe that life may and not be beautiful, but it is still there.

Message From the Universe: Knowledge Is Power, But Attitude Is GOLD

"As many stars as there are in the night sky, as many grains of sand that exist on all the world's beaches, that is how often opportunity really knocks. That's how many second chances you really get. And that's how many voices whisper your name each day.

You have no idea... 
The Universe"

Just look up and see how many stars, planets and galaxies we have in our Universe and you will find your answer. Sometimes, when we deal with challenges that life throws at us, we are left hanging and wondering what did we do to deserve all this crap happening in our life. We work hard, smart, and we focus too much on material assets to determine our level of success. I am not sure if it is coincidence or not, but if you attribute numbers to all letter of the alphabets, you will be astounded by the cumulative points each of these words has. Let's look at it this way. If:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z=

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and 26

So, if my calculations are correct: K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E=96%


But read this: A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=100%. So if you have the right attitude in life, you are giving yourself 100% of your energy and faith in everything you do. With the right attitude, you can accomplish anything you want. Despite the challenges you will face, never let your positive attitude change and keep on moving forward. Look at it like a bungee cord ride at an amusement park. You sit in one of these pods, you are locked in, and then what happens? The machine pulls back the pod to propel you higher and higher than before. Again, the machine PULLS YOU BACKWARD to create that momentum so you can reach the highest summits. So when you feel like nothing is working, even though you put in the hard work and attitude, life prepares you for what summit you will reach sooner than later. You are preparing yourself to reach another level that you would never imagine yourself reaching. You are setting yourself up to another level of success that you couldn't fathom. So without pulling backward on that bungee cord, the pod couldn't be catapulted to the summit.

We all want to see great results in our lives after investing time and hard work. It is not solely based on your level of knowledge that will guarantee success, but with the right attitude and belief, nothing can break your moral and no matter what happens, you will always see light at the end of the dark tunnel. You need to keep on moving forward, no matter what life throws at you. I know how annoying all this can be but by learning how to focus on what's really important to you and not on what money can bring to you, life will unravel in front of you and you will experience fortune and glory as time goes by. Just have some faith.,-But-Attitude-Is-GOLD&id=9535642

How to Stop Surviving and Start Thriving

The Obstacle Is the Way

You are born to thrive, not just to play it safe in your comfort zone.

You might try avoiding failure because it weakens your self-esteem - although failure is a prerequisite for success.

Ask any entrepreneur or adventurer, and they will tell you failure is essential.

However, I do not wish to embellish this article with positive psychology to make you feel good.

So let's cut to the truth since something drew you here, whether by accident or as a regular reader.

For many, surviving means getting through the daily grind, only to endure the same battles all over again. This is not living because you are needlessly clutching to life.

I realise you will have commitments and obligations. Mouths to feed, expenses and a mortgage to pay.

Still, there's a better way.

You may want more, though life can be difficult and challenging at times.

It's worth reminding yourself, however, that the obstacle is in fact the way.

Some people seem to be thriving under whatever conditions they're faced with, while we wonder why we are stuck in our predicament.

To thrive means to grow and flourish, not simply to scrape by. This is the premise of the film Groundhog Day, in which a weatherman played by actor Bill Murray, strangely lives the same day over and over again.

No one wants to get by when you have hidden potential waiting to emerge.

"You have everything you need to thrive; you just have to plan for the race of your life. Each person's journey and process is unique. The key to adopting a disruptor's mind-set is to honestly assess your internal value chain to overcome every obstacle in the way," states author Jay Samit in Disrupt You: Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation.

A Shift in Mindset

Those who thrive nurture their personal growth and step outside their comfort zone. Those content to merely survive are happy not to disrupt their lives because of the anxiety and tension involved.

You can use tension and anxiety to give rise to creativity and opportunity.

Thriving requires a shift in mindset and taking chances on occasions.

The key to thriving is recognising you are unhappy and willing to make changes, irrespective of the steps involved.

There is a staleness to surviving, in that you become wearied and discontent. Your soul calls you to venture into the unknown where freedom and good fortune lies.

"Survive first, thrive later: that's the motto of the lower brain. The well-documented tendency of our lower brain to encode negative, fear-based memories more readily into our unconscious memory than positive ones is referred to as negativity bias," affirms author Linda Graham MFT in Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being.

No one enjoys setbacks and mediocrity because the human spirit is full of potential and purpose. Life consists of constant change, for it is sewn into the fabric of our lives.

To shift from surviving to thriving, simply begin by attending to your negative thoughts.

Destructive thoughts can run deep into a person's psyche if left unchecked. Replace the negativity by addressing the underlying beliefs supporting them.

You cannot move from surviving to thriving in days or weeks. Personal development is a journey of self-discovery and the pinnacle of achievement.

You deserve to have more and be more.

But, you must take the first step and move forward in that direction.

Dr. Alex Lickerman reinforces this thought in The Undefeated Mind: On the Science of Constructing an Indestructible Self. "Indeed, the ability to soldier on when obstacles block our way to any goal, whether our life's mission or our most trivial wish, has to be considered as much a part of resilience as the ability to survive and thrive in the face of adversity."

Thriving Is a State of Mind

Don't be concerned getting from point A to B in the shortest time. For as soon as you arrive, there will be another place for you to transition to.

Take responsibility for your life by choosing your conditions, instead of blaming outside circumstances.

As you know, victims are stuck in a despairing mindset, believing the world owes them something. They contend life conspires against them, without realising they create their own circumstances.

It helps to know what you want from life. I'm not talking about superficial things such as the car you drive or house you live in. Yet something deeper: your purpose, what kindles your spirit and makes you come alive?

I realise this is difficult for many to answer. Though it is important to know what is of significance to you.

"When in survive mode, thriving takes a back seat. Although many opportunities might arise for a shift to a positive thriving mode, the brain with this narrowed focus is incapable of registering and capitalizing on them; this is part of what keeps the negative vortex going. Negativity is therefore a self-reinforcing and self-fulfilling mechanism in the brain," states author Shirzad Chamine in Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours.

Thriving is a state of mind in as much as surviving is a negative state of mind. Therefore, shift your awareness from negativity to what is working in your life.

There is nothing novel about surviving. If you remain in this state for too long, your spirit contracts. This is tied to the deeper purpose for your life, regardless of whether you know about it.

We all want to find meaning in our lives. However, if you do not make empowered decisions, you relinquish it to your unconscious desires.

"This old, struggling 'you' is not natural or 'real'. Your higher self is the most natural 'self' for you to be. You were meant to thrive. But you'll only find this out when you take action," avows Steve Chandler in Time Warrior: How to Defeat Procrastination, People-Pleasing, Self-Doubt, Over-Commitment, Broken Promises and Chaos.

Take small steps without being fixed on the destination. Ultimately, your journey is one of self-discovery.

The journey is filled with highs and lows. The lows help you to master yourself, so you gain lessons significant to your personal growth.

As a final point, refuse to accept negative conditions being permanent. It was Charlie Chaplin who quipped; "Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles."

Knowing you were born to thrive is motivating, since there is more to your life's narrative than you presume.

It involves merging into a grander version of the life you only thought possible.

Do Daily Success Mantras Actually Work?

What gets repeated gets ingrained into your habits. What become habits becomes your life.

Reinforcement in any manner is a powerful tool to reinvent yourself. As Benjamin Franklin says, "your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."

Be careful of whatever you're doing or not doing right now. Warren Buffett warned that "chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

So how can we utilize this nature-gifted mechanism to become successful? One popular way is to use something called success mantras or daily affirmations.

These are the sayings, expressions or phrases that you repeat to yourself every day so that the ideas become part of who you are.

However, there's a lot of noise as to whether repeating something that might not be true yet really works.

Well, my take on it is that if you don't at least remind yourself something you truly desire or the kind of person you want to become, it's unlikely you'll behave that way. Human beings easily forget things and anything worthy of pursuit worth our repeated attention.

Therefore, why not investing just 5-10 mins a day to quickly recap your big audacious goals, your grand vision, your exciting dream, your values and your ideal self?

The potential benefits far outweigh the drawbacks of time investment.

Bear in mind though, there are couple of things you need to do to make this positive self-reinforcement work.

Tip #1 Engage As Many Senses As Possible

The more fully engaged you're when doing affirmations, the deeper the message can be encoded in your entire nervous system.

Say it aloud with your strong, resonant, confident voice.

Use as many hand gestures and body movements as you want to communicate your certainty.

Arouse your emotions as deeply as possible so that you feel much more motivated to take actions to reach your goals.

When you play your affirmations full-out, your brain will capture and process the info much quicker and stronger.

Tip #2 Do This Every Day For At Least A Month

A lot of people quit before budding results come.

Don't give up after a week when you don't notice any difference. Commit to it at least for an entire month so that you have a better reference period to compare and contrast the difference in your life.

For bonus point, feel free to change your mantras every 30 days or so. You want to keep the process fun, engaging and inspiring.

The key is to be consistent with this new transformation. You've built enough bad habits in the past and it takes a while to let new empowering ideas to sink in.

Be patient with it to make this work.

Tip #3 Don't Let Naysayers Stop You

Your family members, friends, coworkers or even some online forum acquaintances may think you're crazy repeating something unproven every day.

Well, do you harm them when you have fun affirming the kind of ideal self you want to become? Hell no!

You're building a stronger frame, a stronger personal reality, a stronger lens to perceive the world in an empowering way that serves you the most.

Let go of the need of getting everyone's permission and pleasing them with your acts.

YOU are the most important person of YOUR life. Just do whatever benefits you the most and stick with it.

At the end of the day, when you perform these insane habits and weirdly succeed, everyone is going to benefit from your effort and the world will thank you for that.

So go out there, find your personal mantras to use, repeat them every day for the next 30 days, and experience the mindset shift that propels you to succeed!

What's the Most Attractive Quality a Person Can Have?

Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how breathtaking we are if we can't see it ourselves? Confidence is an asset that shines through personal relationships, even in the workplace. Everyone respects a person with confidence.

If we do not believe in ourselves, we cannot expect people to support us unconditionally. If we are secure as a person, we can move forward in life with ease. Instead of concerning ourselves with the opinions of others, we must live our life for ourselves. Do things that make us happy and that interest us. If an opportunity arises that we wish to explore, we don't need to think, we just dive right in because that is the only way we are going to learn how to strive and to succeed on our own.

If we are confident in our views and convictions, we can expect others to listen to what we have to say. If we don't believe what we are selling, no one else will either. People aren't fools and will know when we are just pretending. If we want people to listen to what we have to say, we must exude confidence and engage them in whatever it is we are trying to say.

Confident people tend to think on the positive side because they are secure in themselves and aren't easily thrown off track. They take what life throws at them as it comes and react accordingly. They do not allow these obstacles to distract them from the task at hand, rather they calmly and rationally manage whatever the situation is and move on with whatever it is they are doing. No matter how many times these people fall, they always find ways to get back in track. They are undefeatable because they are survivors.

There is no way to even trust someone's ability to lead if that person isn't confident in his or her own motives. Leaders must have confidence so that the people looking up to them feel secure, motivated and driven. If someone is attacking your character and you are a confident individual, their harsh words will not even leave a mark.

Having self-esteem and confidence protects you from critics because there are always negative individuals who appear jealous and try to bring you down. These people resort to insults because they believe that they are the quickest means to bring someone down. However, these people failed to realize that it means they lack confidence in their own lives and are trying to bring you down to their level. But you know better because, at the end of the day, it's not what others think about you, it's what you think about yourself.

Confidence creates an atmosphere that draws people in since there are many people who lack high self-esteems, so, they are fascinated by people who have high levels of confidence. They want to learn how these people live their lives.

Although, CONFIDENCE is sometimes hard to achieve but it is definitely WORTH it in the LONG RUN.

This is an article about the best trait that a person can have aside from material wealth. The most attractive attribute that someone must be proud of is her/his self-confidence.

My Greatest Reality

Sure, I become what I constantly pray about, but Earl Nightingale paved the way with "we become what we think about". That is a point of this article, and the overall theme of this article. Reality is what we make it, sure. But constant and consistent thought and prayer make it what we want it to be. Sure, action has a lot to do with it, but, the overall thought and prayer behind the action is what makes it all. That is the big "rub" in it all. Without thought and prayer that is positive and life affirming, we cannot do anything worthwhile.

What do I mean by the above? Here is what I mean: The laws of life are gravity, cause and effect and all of that. What we put in with our genuine energies overall is what we get. If we put in good, we get good. If we give, and work in good ways, we ultimately get that. If we put in sneaky behavior and greed, we get that. If we put in bad, we especially get that. Ultimately, life reflects us all and life is genuinely fair. Without that sense of fairness however, like the laws of gravity, cause, effect and reality, life will not ultimately or obviously work for us as conscious beings.

So, what do I mean by the above? I will use Earl Nightingale terms to explain it. Say we have two plants, and plant them in the ground. One a seed of corn which is food and the other a seed of nightshade or belladonna which is poison. We plant them in the ground like we plant our thoughts and actions in reality. Like the plants, the thoughts and actions grow into realities. What should we expect? We should expect reality to ultimately grow what we plant either in thought or in the ground. That is what I mean by cause, effect, gravity and reality working in fair ways. We get back ultimately what we put in.

So, that brings me to the point of affirmative positive prayer power. What do we get when we pray in a good way and back it up with beneficial actions? If you answered that question like I thought you answered it, that is exactly right. We get benefits and good.

On the other hand what if we plant negative curses, destructive revenge and doubt. Then we get that.

So, I end this way, what we plant in thought or in deed, is what we all get.

5 Easy Ways To Simplify Your Finances Today

Many people ignore their finances as much as possible because thinking or talking about money can be confusing and embarrassing. But getting a handle on your financial situation is a smart and necessary part of a simplified lifestyle. Below are 5 easy ways on how to get your finances in shape and streamlined so you can be a smart money manager without a lot of hassle.

#1 Consolidate accounts
Lots of people have accounts here, there and everywhere due to moving jobs or locations. If you have your banking or retirement savings at a few different locations, consolidate them to one bank or investment firm.

This not only helps you keep better track of where you stand, but you will avoid fees that each institution implements for services or balance restrictions.

#2 Use one credit card 
If you want to keep several cards active to improve your credit score, that's fine. But it's tough to pay down debt or even just keep mental track of payments when you use multiple cards. Store the other ones in a safe place and only use one card for everything.

That means only one statement and one payment a month. Since it will be easier to keep track of, you are also less likely to incur late fees and will notice any suspicious card activity faster.

#3 Go paperless
Gone are the days when everyone needed a filing cabinet, and I say good riddance! Make all of your bills paperless and then keep one file in your email system just for bills and receipts.

It's unlikely you will ever need a copy of a statement, but if you do, they will be all right there in one place, safe and sound. Plus, what could you do with that extra space where your filing cabinet now is?

#4 Set up bank auto-pay
Most bills recur monthly with a consistent payment amount. For these bills, set up auto-payments through your bank, not through individual websites. That way you can go to one place to get a snapshot of your financial situation at any given time.

Taking a little time to set this up will save you hours later, and you will never accidentally forget a payment and be charged a hefty fee.

#5 Tickler file
While most bills are the same amount each month, some fluctuate. To deal with these more easily, set up a tickler system in your e-Calendar to remind you a few days before each bill is due. If possible, make it even easier and set up level billing for these accounts.

For example, many gas, electric and water companies offer level billing options based on previous use, so you pay the same amount each month. Then you can add these bills to your bank auto-pay system and forget about it.

How to Think Yourself Young (By Mike Moore)

Everyone perceives reality through their own filters. And your perceptions of any reality are the foundations of your attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. If you perceive the aging process to be one of decline, decay and loss then that is exactly what aging will become for you. If this is true then we must involve ourselves in a frequent analysis of our existing perceptions. If we find them negative and destructive then we must transform them into more productive and constructive perceptions. When you change your perceptions you change your behaviour and thus change your life.

Let me illustrate.

My sister called our 92 year old Mother to chat. She started the conversation with the usual how are you and what are you doing? My Mother replied, "Oh I'm fine, Pat and I'm just eating a snack of fruit and vegetables and then I'm going for a walk." My sister answered with, "Mom you never eat fruit and vegetables and you've never liked going for walks. Why the change? " My Mother responded, "Oh I read in a woman's magazine that if you eat more fruit and vegetables and went for little walks you would live a long life." She will be 93 in December. How's that for attitude? I hope it's genetic.

We are the products of the thoughts we think. Everything in life is the result of the thoughts we humans, think.

The Secrets to thinking yourself young (Good advice at any age) 
*Have a sense of humour and laugh often. 
*Cultivate a positive attitude. Remember that our attitudes are our dominant thoughts. All human behaviour is nothing more than attitude in action. If you want positive behaviour cultivate positive attitudes. 
*Learn to relax. 
*Get exercise daily. 
*Watch what and how much you eat and drink. 
*The greatest compliment a person can receive at any age is, "You're fun to be with." 
* Life doesn't have to be absolutely pain free to be enjoyable. 
*The enjoyment of simple pleasures is the path to aging youthfully. 
*The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. 
*When our friends begin to die we naturally become upset and grieve their loss. BUT... we MUST stay focused on living. Live in the hope that we will meet our friends again someday but until then we have a lot of living to do. 
*Those who laugh a lot never grow old. They might die after a long life but they will die young. 
*You are never too old to become what you might have been. 
*Smiling can take 10 years off your face. So what are you waiting for? 
*You know you're getting up there when archeologists dig up things you remember from your childhood. 
*There is nothing worse than being a doer with nothing to do. 
* Stop believing the negative thoughts you think. 
*Discover and appreciate the wonder of nature. There is nothing that calms my spirit and fills me with joy more than observing the natural world. When I stand in the solitude of a moonlight night or watch the sun set on the sea or watch a monarch butterfly quietly land on a flower I am filled with the peace and wonder only the natural world can provide. It also gives my aging spirit a sense of continuity and mystery. There is certainly more beyond the horizon than we can imagine.

In his best-selling book the Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale suggests that to change an attitude we have to start thinking positive thoughts. He advocates writing an inspirational or motivational quote on a piece of paper and putting it beside your bathroom mirror so you can see it when you are shaving or putting on make-up. I left each quote up beside the mirror for 21 days. That's the time it takes to form a new habit or attitude according to the experts. At the end of that time I would replace the last quote with a new one.

Whenever I had a negative thought throughout the day I would recite the quotes I had memorized previously. Slowly I began to change my attitudes and my behaviour. It really works.

I would like to end with these thoughts. Stop complaining about aging. It is a privilege denied many.

You will be as happy in life as you make up your mind to be.

How To Find Your Purpose in Life And Live Your Life With Passion

To live a life of purpose and passion is in the heart of every individual walking this planet we call earth. Some chase after their goals and dreams, and others decide not to for whatever reasons.

To begin finding your passion in life means not being afraid to tap into your creative powers.

To be lost and with no passion in life would be costly, and one that would deny your spirit its will to extend.

I mean the feeling of it being whole and all natural and real.

You would then begin expecting good things to manifest.

It would be such a monetary surge for your life, that there would be no stopping you from getting all you want in life.

The Course in Miracles states, "You see what you expect, and you expect what you invite."

To begin finding your passion in life means allowing your creative powers to take control of your life.

It as well means how to find your purpose in life, since, purpose and passion team together as one.

How to find your purpose in life means to excel passionately, and also means that you must live life to the fullest.

Your True Free Will is Passion

I wholeheartedly believe your single most approach to life in this world is with a true free will and purpose driven by passion, which will make you shine.

Your spirit will guide you to take the necessary action steps working diligently than you've ever imagined.

A Course in Miracles further states, "The Holy Spirit is invisible, but you can see the results of His Presence, and through them you will learn that He is there."

With no passion in life you completely ignore by covering up your spirit's light, live without optimistic outlook, and have no excitement of being part of a bigger picture.

With no passion in life you will seem to lack the magnificent energy that helps successful people grow.

Your Power of Choice

When you exercise the power of choice to live your life with passion, you will begin to be among the highest group of growth oriented people all over the globe since time began.

That said, finding your passion in life keeps you focusing on the power of the mind and engaging your heart toward pure satisfaction.

Once you've learned how to find your purpose in life by living your life with passion in all that you do, the light within you will always tell you what to do next.

To a life of purpose and passion!

As We Move Forward

Time waits for no one. It is a classic phrase with immutable truth. Our lives are shaped around our actions. We live as we do. The value of intellect is measured by our perception of life. Intellect offers the ability to think and act on many different levels. When we choose to move forward with our thoughts and actions we keep pace with time. Time only moves forward and our actions and thoughts should reflect the same. Holding on to the past offers a reflection of what life used to be. Time has one mission which is continuous movement forward without prejudice of any kind. Our mission is to make the best of our time. To take the best of your past and apply it to your present life widens your lane. It is the cornerstone of your success. Excellence is achieved by continuous effort with emphasis on perfection until it becomes natural. In order for something to become part of your function or becomes natural to you, requires discipline, focus and commitment. This is the road to excellence. Success equals effort times drive divided by consistency. Just as time is continuous our character, values and perceptions of life should be continuous and forward moving. Leave those things that burden you and grasp on to the things in life that propel you forward. The universal law of cause and effect can be better known as reason. We have no control over reason. With reason you learn from your past by using it as a foundation to your future.

Your struggles can be your strength if applied correctly. Excellence is achieved by consistently doing the right over and over with no exception. The simplicity of this process can't be understated. The greatness that is intended for you is in your future not in your past. With setbacks you gain knowledge to propel you forward. The harder the lesson the bigger the reward. Through grace we are given an opportunity to make the next day better than the last day. Corinthian 2:10 "That is why for Christ sake I delight in weakness, in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties. For when I am weak I am strong." In spite of the labors of life you can still make it through. We experience triumph and failure with the same magnitude just on different ends of the spectrum. We must push forward without reservation. Faith and intellect matched with consistency and intensity will guarantee you the victory. Consider the thorn in your side a gift.

It is a constant reminder that you will never be perfect but you can overcome.

The best of you is yet to be seen. There was a plan for your success that has always existed. We all have a past but we are not our past we are not our mistakes. When we hurt we learn to heal. When we fail we learn how to succeed. The foundation of our past allows us to build on a bright future. Our future is bright and waiting on us. When tomorrow comes this day will be gone. Let this day be gain not loss. What we do with is important because you a day of you life for it. Let's move forward.

Message From the Universe: Where Being Successful Is Just Another Way of Life

"Why is it that so often those who are extremely successful in virtually everything they do are so unable to see that this is the case?

Yeah, you might not be the right person to ask.

I love dragonflies,
The Universe"

Go to any entrepreneur and ask them how they reached ultimate success and they will answer with: "I worked very hard, never stopped, had a clear vision to what I wanted in life and went for it no matter what". However, if they had to explain their journey to success in a detailed manner and how they perceive their new life, they would answer you with a shrug, like it is inevitable that I would succeed. Because of the amount of hard work they put in day after day and how persistent they are to achieve greatness, they forget their difficult journey and feel like all the sacrifice they made is forgotten, as it is something in the past and to never be remembered. Suddenly, the struggles and hurdles they face no longer seem to be a part of who they are, like it is something that was inevitable to achieve success. Now, as the good times are settling in, they are finally able to enjoy their hard work and appreciate them even more. It is only through major challenges and hurdles in life that you appreciate the good times and never feel entitled to anything.

For some, wealth do not change who they are or were when they were starting through their journey of challenges and difficulties. They are still humble and do not let wealth of abundance change them in any way. They are still the same person they were in the beginning, living a normal life, without purchasing things they don't need. Just like Warren Buffet who lived in the same home in Omaha for decades and driving a regular car, or Zuckerburg still renting his home and driving his VW to work, fortune and glory is just a step towards them feeling a sense of accomplishment in their lives without the need to flaunt it as there is no reason to do so. As the world already know their worth, the desire to show what you can get but DON'T get it shows a sense of the quality of the person. It is OK to live and take advantage of what life has to give, but needing to have a 10 car garage is not essential to your happiness. Your success is because you made it happen, and working towards accomplishing greatness was based on your desire to be different, unique and thinking outside the box. This is something to be proud of.

The Path To Success Is A Very Lonely Road

Most people do not seem to get the fact that the path to success is a very lonely road and is never a perfect one. In truth, it does not even occur in a straight line but rather in a sinuous one since reality on the way is full of ups, downs, twists, turns, obstacles, and setbacks. Not an easy feat to achieve!

But whoever said it was going to be easy?

I do not mean to spook you, but you should be ready for it if you embark on such a journey. You need to know that this path is not for everyone and is a very lonely road indeed. But if you who are brave enough to follow your dreams, no matter how impossible, you will get there with enough persistence and patience.

The ability to stay focused for hours, days, months or even years on the path to success is the fruit of an exceptional blend of abilities, mindset, and skills that you can develop and tap into over and over to realize your biggest ideas.

Many dreams will begin, some will end just before encountering success, and others will get to fruition. Most people seem to believe that if the timing is not right or if things are not perfect, then they will never succeed.

And if you continue, you might change or adjust your sails along the way, because success is never a final destination. It is an essential thing to think of because each journey towards success in your life will evolve.

Why Success is a Very Lonely Road

You may get upset, frustrated, and even have the desire to give up when certain things are not going flawlessly as you planned it to be. My advice to you: Don't give up! The goal here is not to avoid such setbacks but rather to learn how to use them to your advantage by making them work for you instead of against you.

The road to success is a very lonely one. What I mean by that is that the sacrifices you have to make often leave you feeling isolated, like a lone wolf walking down a path looking for its prey. But realize that it filters the weak person out from the determined.

In missing sunny days and not being as social as your friends, you inevitably distance yourself, and people around you will feel like you are ignoring them. Weekend nights at home working on your dreams can often leave you feeling like one of those hermits walking across some desolated mountains.

You will find yourself having fewer friends. The sacrifices you make on the path to becoming successful come with a high price at times, but it is worth your while. Most people look at those who have more success with bitterness, jealousy, and even hatred. They fail to realize the work you had to put in while they were having fun.

It is Not a Straight Line Either

Now that you have a much understanding of the statement "The path to success is a very lonely road," you should understand that it is not a straight line either.

There are twisted and curved lines called failure, confusion, friends, enemies, family and mistakes. But, by arming yourself with weapons like determination, persistence, faith, and focus, you will make it to a place called Success.

To succeed you have to improve each day, work hard, hustle, be resourceful and self-conscious, and yes, build relationships with all. And if you choose to arm yourself with these weapons, I know you will be better equipped on the path to achieving success.

Again, it is not easy. Very few people have the guts to do this. But those who do, focus, which stands for "Follow One Course Until Successful." Such a small amount of people make goals, use time, ask the right questions, take risks, get other's opinions and make the moves that they say they would.

Actions speak louder than words. You stand out. You are reading this for a reason. So believe you can achieve all of your dreams and even more.

The Path to Success is a Journey

There is a maxim which says "If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably does not lead anywhere." Everyone has to overcome barriers in life, but a successful person is the one who faces failures with strength and audacity and surmounts them.

The path to success is a journey, one small step at the time, day after day, week after week, month after month. If you believe your dream is worth it; then you must commit to it, make the sacrifices you have to, and endure the loneliness.

It is through trials and errors, and failures that you learn. If you fail somehow and then, decide to work harder or find another way for the next time around, you will most likely succeed. But if you lose willpower on the first few obstacles coming your way, then you will continue to fail.

Do not be afraid to dream big, set goals that most think are impossible. The harder you work, the better your bed feels as you lay in it. Be aware, use your abilities and be your best. Once you make the commitment to succeed, keep going!

The Key is Patience

There is another key on your way to success, and it is called patience. Too many people are in such a hurry for instant gratification, and do not understand the real signification of "Success Overnight."

To be successful, you have to be patient. The motto of the accomplished man is "Let's try again and again." It is your determination, hard work, patience and trust in the process that lead to success.

You have to face the challenges that life throws up at you because it is the only way to succeed. If you look at the life of any successful person, you will see that they had to face many challenges and struggles.

You have to do the same at some point, even if people doubt you. But understand that it is then that you know you are doing it. It also depends on the person you are. Are you the type which fuels you to go after what you want, no matter what others say?

If you rise when you fall, you will succeed.

A Few Tips on Your Way to Achievement

  • Have big dreams. There are no such things as dreaming too big.
  • Enjoy your journey to success and the pursuit of greatness.
  • Understand you will have to make sacrifices to achieve your objectives.
  • Remember a little word called perseverance.
  • Know that grinding is often some of the fun parts.
  • Commit yourself to an idea you want to achieve.
  • Be adaptable.
  • Remember the 'all' picture.
  • Be willing to pay the toll on your path to success.
  • Prepare to be lonely. You will often have to go at it alone.
  • Cut negative people out of your life.
  • Celebrate or find pleasure in achieving the small steps on your journey.
  • Remain yourself or be a better person when success arrives.
  • Remember the people who were at your side during your struggles.
  • Know that you have to sacrifice your social life, relationships, family, and free time.
  • Treat everyone with kindness and the way you want to be treated.
  • Stay humble and be honest.
  • Take risks and do not take failures personally.
  • Keep yourself open to new ideas.
  • Be a curious person by asking questions; you can learn a lot more than a know-it-all.
  • Listen to others and value outside opinions.
  • Stop periodically and acknowledge how far you have come.

Most successful people have felt rejection countless of times, only to use it as energy to stay motivated and on track. Yes, the path to success is a very lonely road, but nothing worth having comes stress-free. If you focus on your objectives and follow your instinct, success is the only option.

Message From the Universe: Not All Money Grow on Trees

"The trick with spending money lies in knowing, with every fiber of your being, that it will return.

And so it must.

As if on wings,
The Universe"

We are hear that money do not grow on trees. Besides the Federal reserve and the illegal underground market, NO one is legally aloud to print money whenever they need it. It's unfortunate for many of us to not have that privilege to have a printer and just print out money at our convenience. However, there is somehow, laying deep into your subconscious mind, a little printer that is compose of neurotransmitters that can somehow bring in the money that you need at the right opportunistic time in your life. It is what we call: "Belief". Many fortune 500 magazine authors will write articles about living frugally to obtain wealth and invest the saved money to grow your portfolio and retire with no financial stress. It's in our mindset that we should invest today and live frugally to enjoy our future in luxury. Are these articles written by financial advisers working for banks and investments firms so they can make more in brokerage fees from you, the investor of the future? Is there any guarantee for you to enjoy the fruit of your hard work and investments? The ingredient that is missing in many people's mind is the belief that spending today means that you will suffer tomorrow and regret your purchases. You need to change this mind set. Of course, it is necessary to spend the money that you have, and not in credit cards. You can't go and spend more than what you have or earn. However, if you save to buy a big screen TV and have the attitude that you are capable of making the money that you will spend on that purchase, you will be exposed to opportunities to recoup that money and not feel like it will never come back. If you have the discipline to save for the things you want and have the belief that the money will always come back, do not deprive yourself and get what you want and enjoy your life TODAY.

We save and save and save for tomorrow and forget to live for today. We work hard for the things we would love to have but fear that if we spend the money, we won't be able to have money for emergency days. We live for today to only anticipate the worst for tomorrow. We live in FEAR of what can happen and not in the belief that we can control many outcomes of our lives if we believe in ourselves and our skills. When you learn to understand how life works, how you can work around many things that you can somewhat predict the outcome of some of your decisions, whatever else comes through your life journey should be welcomed and dealt in a mature and responsible way. Life will throw you a few jabs here and there and there is NO way you can avoid them all. However, if you truly believe in yourself and how to overcome uncertainties, your life should go smoother from this point forward. Always believe that the Universe is NEVER against you, it ONLY listens to your thoughts and actions. The belief part is all up to you.

10 Things I've Learned From Being a Mediator

I'm lucky that I've had so much training and experience mediating issues between others. It's impossible to be a part of the mediation community for so long and not learn a thing or two about oneself in the process. So, I'm going to share, in no particular order of importance, 10 things I've learned along the way.

1) Gossip is boring. I don't mind people sharing updates about family or friends with me, but when it turns into a conversation that has too many oohs, ahs, and smirky faces, I'm out. My threshold for listening to someone jabber on about others is low because I have learned that if they talk about other people like that, they probably talk about me like that. No thanks.

2) Everyone cares about something so much that they'll do crazy stuff to defend it. In the world of mediation those things are called core values. But, without going into too much detail about them, I now know that when someone reacts to a small situation in a big way, it's because something they value is being threatened. And now, rather than jump back at them, I'm curious to find out what that "something" is.

3) I don't have to like you. I struggled for years trying to find the good in others, feeling guilty for being too critical of some people, and beating myself up for not making more of an effort with difficult folks. Now? I'm good not to like every single person on the face of the planet.

4) I don't have to fix everything. It's okay, and I mean okay, for me to let other people work out their own issues on their own timeline. I'll just be over here focusing on my own life, thank you.

5) Everyone is a mess. I read a quote once that said something like, "everyone has a life and no one gets out of it", meaning that every one of us experiences sad, bad, and lousy events that mess with us. We all have issues and we're all trying to mask them, deal with them, or sometimes share them in the most inappropriate ways.

6) I can work things out when I'm ready. It's okay to lick to my wounds, think about things, vent to my trusted confidants, wait a while, think about things some more, and then resolve issues with others. It doesn't have to be on anyone else's timeline if it doesn't feel right for me.

7) Giving space to others doesn't mean I'm giving up. If I'm willing to give myself the time and space to think things through, it's certainly okay for me to do that for others. Everything doesn't have to happen right here, right now.

8) Sometimes it's not possible. Mental health issues, addictions, and things greater than all of us really can, and do, get in the way of mending relationships.

9) I truly can be happier walking away. After so many failed attempts to build a relationship that feels authentic and genuine, it's okay for me to let it go. I mean really let it go. I've discovered that the empty feeling I thought would be there is actually a space that gets filled with contentment and peace.

10) I can think whatever nasty thoughts I want. Over the years I've become much better at editing my critical thoughts about others. I've also become much, much better at editing how those thoughts sound when they exit my mouth. But, there are those days when I give myself permission not to edit anything rolling around in this brain of mine. I've learned that I can think whatever I want about whomever I want and that doesn't make me a bad person. In fact, last I checked, it makes me human.

4 Powerful Tips On Successful Visualization.

When it comes to visualization, it's a common misconception to believe that all you need to do is to think of images all day long and great things will happen.

The truth is that you need to learn how to weed through all the random images that you are subjected to on a daily basis in order to make visualization work. Below are 4 powerful tips on how to do it properly.

Tip #1 Read "Your Invisible Power"

There is a book that was published more than 90 years ago by Genevieve Behrend called <Your Invisible Power>. Before you go and purchase it on Amazon, do a search online. Make sure you have rights to read it for free. Because it was purchased before 1923, it is in the public domain. Keep this in mind when doing the search.

Just like the classical success book <Think And Grow Rich> by Napoleon Hill, <Your Invisible Power> has great teachings on the consciousness of manifesting things.

Many people believe that the power of visualization is a relatively new concept. But, as you can see when you find this resource, this is almost a century old. And the surprising thing is that Genevieve Behrend learned from someone who was from an even earlier period. The book is an extensive coverage on the subject of visualization and how it can give you your dream life.

Tip #2 Meditation Practice

It's proven that meditation relaxes our mind and calms our emotions. It puts us into a state where we can perform our visualizations in the best ways possible. When you practice it enough, you may even start your visualizations as you are meditating. If nothing else, it is a great way to reduce stress. Even if you are not using it for visualizations, it still can be quite beneficial.

Tip #3 Believe In Fully

It's not seeing it so you can believe it, but you should believe things first before you are able to see them.

It is imperative that you believe in whatever you are trying to visualize. Otherwise, your doubts will flood your mind and make your visualizations ineffective. Believing that the Law of Attraction is real and that it can bring about the changes you want will give you a solid foundation.

Tip 4: Expand Your Imagination

Kids have this wonderful ability to imagine anything. They imagine they can fly or visit new worlds. They can conjure up a unicorn in an instant. And the interesting thing is that people rarely judges their imagination. But once they turn into adults, they lose that magic ability.

What if you gave yourself permission to bring back that magic?

Imagine the impossible. Dream the unreal. Everything is at your disposal when you use your imagination.

It's all about breaking through those barriers you spent years forming. As you release your mind once again to your imagination, the impossible begins to be possible. If nothing else, you can use what you came up with and sell it as the next best-selling novel like J.K. Rowling. Isn't that smart to do?

Be Fearless In The Pursuit Of What Sets Your Soul On Fire

I didn't want to be stuck in an office anymore, getting in before everyone else and leaving after everyone had left, because I wanted to get ahead and those were the rules of the game. It was depressing actually, leaving your house when it was still dark and coming home when it was dark then still trying to figure out how to squeeze in time for the gym. It was pretty much impossible!

Taking a massive risk isn't easy! But isn't that what's it's all about? Of course I dripped and fell over, on many occasions. I've stumbled, I cried, I made mistakes, I cried some more. But do you know what else I did? I NEVER GAVE UP! Yes I cried, I got frustrated and angry (comparing myself to other people's success wondering when my time would come) but then I would get up, brush myself off again and pick up where I left off! I kept going, learning many "lessons" along the way and for that alone I'm giving myself a pat on the back (probably not often enough). I'm in great shape physically, mentally and emotionally! I live everyday playing life according to my own rules. But I chose my own hours, I chose who I work with and how much I want to work! It doesn't have to be like that!

Time to start living, not just existing! Time to re-evaluate and think. When we see them or are doing those things it is like we are in another planet, the feeling is so rare that when it ends we are left waiting until we get to see them or do that activity, as that feeling actually becomes a craving.

Well the truth is they exist. We can't just settle on one person, or one hobby, we need to put ourselves out there, could you imagine a life full of people and things that made you feel that way all the time? For me, I used to keep the list simple. I've learned it's alright if relationships don't work out, it's OK if friendships don't workout, it's fine if I try a new hobby idea once and never again. The key is I know.

I have so many things and people in my life that set my soul on fire, just being able to talk to them, as well as doing the things I have learned to love, it has changed everything, I am not limiting myself anymore, and it is easy to amaze yourself when you do that to actually see how much you can accomplish.

You can do anything you put your mind to, you can try anything you want, you can talk to anyone you want. Some things work, some don't.

Trying to be brave even if everything goes wrong in my pursuit of satisfaction and contentment in life.

How Motivated People Grow

Motivated & Unmotivated Individuals

It is not at all uncommon to hear people complain about their job as being boring or as if they are stuck in a rut. These individuals go about the daily routine just going through the motions, often disliking their job and not feeling very good about themselves, their abilities or their potential.

The opposite type of individual is someone who is personally motivated. These people look at a job for its potential and they strive to learn as much as possible, experience as much as they can and develop as many skills as possible to the fullest extent. They see their job as a stepping stone and not a final destination.

The Difference

The exciting thing about people is that the first type of employee, the unmotivated complainer, can change to become a motivated individual. This all starts by setting small goals and seeing those goals provide a positive impact on your life.

Motivation of this type, which is internal and personal, is very powerful in creating the opportunities to grow. By tasking yourself with a series of growth challenges, you will find ways to become better at your job or to develop the skill set needed to find the job you have always wanted.

Getting Started with Growth

The first thing that anyone that wants to use motivation to grow has to do is to develop a roadmap for their life. It should include both personal and professional goals. These goals represent the things you want to do, not the things you feel obligated to do.

Write these things down as your final goals. Then, look for small mini-goals you can set to help you to achieve the big goal. For example, if you wanted to learn to speak another language, you first need to find a class, sign up for the class, attend the classes and so on. Clearly define each step in your goal, setting a timeline to accomplish each mini-goal. This type of strategizing can make the difference between growing substantially and not growing at all.

As you work through the mini-goals, you will find your level of motivation increases. You will start experiencing a change in the way you see your situation, with opportunities to expand your growth in different areas of life. You will also strengthen your will power which will help you create motivational habits that turn into long-term success.

Message From the Universe: Changing Your Life From Within!

"Lo and behold, before your very eyes and all around you, is a reflection of what lies within.

Glad we cleared that up.

The Universe"

So what would you like to see all around you? Peace, serenity, joy, happiness, love and what else? There is so much we can add to this list but nothing will happen if you don't first feel all of what you want from within. How can you expect the world to change from the outside if you are not willing to make a change from the inside? If you bundle in hate, sadness, anger, depression, how can you expect the world to do the opposite? You may wonder: "How can I make a change? How can the world or people around me change for the better? It all starts with you, ladies and gents. The ONLY thing you can really control is how you feel or act. Do not focus too much on that outside world that needs dire change, just put all your attention on how YOU can make a change for yourself. Take that first step, work on how you want to better your attitude towards life, opting for a different perspective, and the rest will follow. Write down all the things you dislike about your daily routine, see what works and what doesn't and start making changes. It will be hard in the beginning but it will end up to offer you new opportunities, a new life that you wouldn't ever experience without this desire to seek something unique about yourself.

Nothing in life comes easy if you do not put the effort and accept that change is imminent. We all want to live a fulfilling life but not always willing to go through the hard work to make that happen. If you are not happy the way things are going at this moment, nothing stops you from making that change. Some will seek happiness by acquiring material assets, such as cars, gadgets, or whatever else. This will ONLY offer temporary happiness that fades as quick as it came in. Learning to be happy with nothing is the biggest accomplishment anyone can achieve. If you can find joy and appreciate everything you already have, even though is not much at all, this is where you will see the change from within you and not focus on others material assets. This journey is about you, not Joe or Jane Schmoe. You are the ONLY one walking or running that path, that means that whenever you do reach destination, you are and will always be a winner.!&id=9481358

Everybody Wants to Achieve Success in His/Her Efforts

Everybody wants to achieve success in his/her efforts. As we pass through many facets of our lives, a large number of persons find it difficult to achieve success/progress. The reasons are many: i) inability to reflect and introspect, ii) a large number of persons is entrenched in the web of bad habits (acquired in the teenage).

To change the trend, read the "Path", understand the concepts; practice little by little. Then, you can achieve amazing success in all your endeavors.

• First, in the list that you need to do is increase your level of confidence. Of course, it is natural that the level of confidence varies from person to person. You can call it an inherent property of the body and mind together that has combined to action. But definitely, you can bring upon change if you want to achieve it. Psychologists are of the view that inaction mainly rises from lower confidence levels. If one has to achieve success then one has to gain confidence through hard work, facing failure and tackling success.

• The next thing that you can give importance to in this respect is to improve your social skills. Researchers of the University of California have found out that a successful businessman gains his so-called position by better social skills and his cognitive ability. They have performed various observations which have led them to this conclusion. Thus, they are of the view that if one is socially adept and smart then he/she can earn more and be much more successful in comparison to others. You can also take to these methods and imbibe them into your nature to witness the success you had been looking for long.

• Another thing that you should be paying attention is to your authenticity. The much-sought-after leadership quality that comes from self-disclosure and self-honesty. This helps a person to make the right decisions that are based on their values. It is true that through sincere devotion, commitment one can achieve better success than through forgery, contrition, and cheating and lack of proper devotion. So, if you are trying to emulate the efforts of a successful leader then it does not mean that you are being fake but it would mean that you are taking a serious effort to make ends be successful.

• On studying several adults and kids it was found out that grit is a significant point of success. Grit gives one the energy and the determination to make ends meet in the way they want. This helps to turn thoughts to reality maybe not in a few moments but definitely in years after working hard. What one should keep in mind is that the hope and positivity that would mark to the right path.

• The next thing will take your heart down because this is something that you will surely love to do. Psychiatrists say that investing in the relationships help in a much better way to deal with success. The key to happiness is love. This love need not be the romantic or fantasized love. It can be for family, for friends, for relatives, for your cute pets and anything and everything that is in your world. Saying that I do not negate out the romance and love that you might have always thought of. Love would definitely impart to the success in your life and make you feel happy for it.

• Stanford psychologists have found out that the way to look at personality affects their capacity for success and happiness. Those people who are having their mindsets fixed believe in intelligence, character, and creativity as unchangeable qualities. Avoiding failure is another quality that proves smartness and skill of a person. Only the people those are having mindsets of growth do recognize failure as a way to success. This can happen through facing challenges, and learning from criticisms. A common saying is that "man's true potential is unknown" and it is quite justified because the outcome would be undoubtedly the success and that would not be far behind.

• The last but not the least the ability to delay the temptation of gratification. There might be several temptations that might come in the way. You would have to refrain yourself from the temptations. Studies have been performed with small kids who were given marshmallows and were promised to be given more if they could move aside the temptation of the first one. The children who were able to stand out in the test were later found to grow up to be better human beings that the others. Their skills were refined and they were intelligent in their ways.

Thus, we believe that by increasing your confidence level, improving your social skills, paying attention to your authenticity, having grit, investing in the relationships, growing mindsets, and delaying gratification one can achieve success. These are in fact the most important and easy ways that can lead one to success. If you can understand the methods and apply them fittingly to your life then you would surely lead by overwhelming success someday in the near future.