
Be Fearless In The Pursuit Of What Sets Your Soul On Fire

I didn't want to be stuck in an office anymore, getting in before everyone else and leaving after everyone had left, because I wanted to get ahead and those were the rules of the game. It was depressing actually, leaving your house when it was still dark and coming home when it was dark then still trying to figure out how to squeeze in time for the gym. It was pretty much impossible!

Taking a massive risk isn't easy! But isn't that what's it's all about? Of course I dripped and fell over, on many occasions. I've stumbled, I cried, I made mistakes, I cried some more. But do you know what else I did? I NEVER GAVE UP! Yes I cried, I got frustrated and angry (comparing myself to other people's success wondering when my time would come) but then I would get up, brush myself off again and pick up where I left off! I kept going, learning many "lessons" along the way and for that alone I'm giving myself a pat on the back (probably not often enough). I'm in great shape physically, mentally and emotionally! I live everyday playing life according to my own rules. But I chose my own hours, I chose who I work with and how much I want to work! It doesn't have to be like that!

Time to start living, not just existing! Time to re-evaluate and think. When we see them or are doing those things it is like we are in another planet, the feeling is so rare that when it ends we are left waiting until we get to see them or do that activity, as that feeling actually becomes a craving.

Well the truth is they exist. We can't just settle on one person, or one hobby, we need to put ourselves out there, could you imagine a life full of people and things that made you feel that way all the time? For me, I used to keep the list simple. I've learned it's alright if relationships don't work out, it's OK if friendships don't workout, it's fine if I try a new hobby idea once and never again. The key is I know.

I have so many things and people in my life that set my soul on fire, just being able to talk to them, as well as doing the things I have learned to love, it has changed everything, I am not limiting myself anymore, and it is easy to amaze yourself when you do that to actually see how much you can accomplish.

You can do anything you put your mind to, you can try anything you want, you can talk to anyone you want. Some things work, some don't.

Trying to be brave even if everything goes wrong in my pursuit of satisfaction and contentment in life.

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