
Message From the Universe: Where Being Successful Is Just Another Way of Life

"Why is it that so often those who are extremely successful in virtually everything they do are so unable to see that this is the case?

Yeah, you might not be the right person to ask.

I love dragonflies,
The Universe"

Go to any entrepreneur and ask them how they reached ultimate success and they will answer with: "I worked very hard, never stopped, had a clear vision to what I wanted in life and went for it no matter what". However, if they had to explain their journey to success in a detailed manner and how they perceive their new life, they would answer you with a shrug, like it is inevitable that I would succeed. Because of the amount of hard work they put in day after day and how persistent they are to achieve greatness, they forget their difficult journey and feel like all the sacrifice they made is forgotten, as it is something in the past and to never be remembered. Suddenly, the struggles and hurdles they face no longer seem to be a part of who they are, like it is something that was inevitable to achieve success. Now, as the good times are settling in, they are finally able to enjoy their hard work and appreciate them even more. It is only through major challenges and hurdles in life that you appreciate the good times and never feel entitled to anything.

For some, wealth do not change who they are or were when they were starting through their journey of challenges and difficulties. They are still humble and do not let wealth of abundance change them in any way. They are still the same person they were in the beginning, living a normal life, without purchasing things they don't need. Just like Warren Buffet who lived in the same home in Omaha for decades and driving a regular car, or Zuckerburg still renting his home and driving his VW to work, fortune and glory is just a step towards them feeling a sense of accomplishment in their lives without the need to flaunt it as there is no reason to do so. As the world already know their worth, the desire to show what you can get but DON'T get it shows a sense of the quality of the person. It is OK to live and take advantage of what life has to give, but needing to have a 10 car garage is not essential to your happiness. Your success is because you made it happen, and working towards accomplishing greatness was based on your desire to be different, unique and thinking outside the box. This is something to be proud of.

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