
As We Move Forward

Time waits for no one. It is a classic phrase with immutable truth. Our lives are shaped around our actions. We live as we do. The value of intellect is measured by our perception of life. Intellect offers the ability to think and act on many different levels. When we choose to move forward with our thoughts and actions we keep pace with time. Time only moves forward and our actions and thoughts should reflect the same. Holding on to the past offers a reflection of what life used to be. Time has one mission which is continuous movement forward without prejudice of any kind. Our mission is to make the best of our time. To take the best of your past and apply it to your present life widens your lane. It is the cornerstone of your success. Excellence is achieved by continuous effort with emphasis on perfection until it becomes natural. In order for something to become part of your function or becomes natural to you, requires discipline, focus and commitment. This is the road to excellence. Success equals effort times drive divided by consistency. Just as time is continuous our character, values and perceptions of life should be continuous and forward moving. Leave those things that burden you and grasp on to the things in life that propel you forward. The universal law of cause and effect can be better known as reason. We have no control over reason. With reason you learn from your past by using it as a foundation to your future.

Your struggles can be your strength if applied correctly. Excellence is achieved by consistently doing the right over and over with no exception. The simplicity of this process can't be understated. The greatness that is intended for you is in your future not in your past. With setbacks you gain knowledge to propel you forward. The harder the lesson the bigger the reward. Through grace we are given an opportunity to make the next day better than the last day. Corinthian 2:10 "That is why for Christ sake I delight in weakness, in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties. For when I am weak I am strong." In spite of the labors of life you can still make it through. We experience triumph and failure with the same magnitude just on different ends of the spectrum. We must push forward without reservation. Faith and intellect matched with consistency and intensity will guarantee you the victory. Consider the thorn in your side a gift.

It is a constant reminder that you will never be perfect but you can overcome.

The best of you is yet to be seen. There was a plan for your success that has always existed. We all have a past but we are not our past we are not our mistakes. When we hurt we learn to heal. When we fail we learn how to succeed. The foundation of our past allows us to build on a bright future. Our future is bright and waiting on us. When tomorrow comes this day will be gone. Let this day be gain not loss. What we do with is important because you a day of you life for it. Let's move forward.

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