
Do Daily Success Mantras Actually Work?

What gets repeated gets ingrained into your habits. What become habits becomes your life.

Reinforcement in any manner is a powerful tool to reinvent yourself. As Benjamin Franklin says, "your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones."

Be careful of whatever you're doing or not doing right now. Warren Buffett warned that "chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

So how can we utilize this nature-gifted mechanism to become successful? One popular way is to use something called success mantras or daily affirmations.

These are the sayings, expressions or phrases that you repeat to yourself every day so that the ideas become part of who you are.

However, there's a lot of noise as to whether repeating something that might not be true yet really works.

Well, my take on it is that if you don't at least remind yourself something you truly desire or the kind of person you want to become, it's unlikely you'll behave that way. Human beings easily forget things and anything worthy of pursuit worth our repeated attention.

Therefore, why not investing just 5-10 mins a day to quickly recap your big audacious goals, your grand vision, your exciting dream, your values and your ideal self?

The potential benefits far outweigh the drawbacks of time investment.

Bear in mind though, there are couple of things you need to do to make this positive self-reinforcement work.

Tip #1 Engage As Many Senses As Possible

The more fully engaged you're when doing affirmations, the deeper the message can be encoded in your entire nervous system.

Say it aloud with your strong, resonant, confident voice.

Use as many hand gestures and body movements as you want to communicate your certainty.

Arouse your emotions as deeply as possible so that you feel much more motivated to take actions to reach your goals.

When you play your affirmations full-out, your brain will capture and process the info much quicker and stronger.

Tip #2 Do This Every Day For At Least A Month

A lot of people quit before budding results come.

Don't give up after a week when you don't notice any difference. Commit to it at least for an entire month so that you have a better reference period to compare and contrast the difference in your life.

For bonus point, feel free to change your mantras every 30 days or so. You want to keep the process fun, engaging and inspiring.

The key is to be consistent with this new transformation. You've built enough bad habits in the past and it takes a while to let new empowering ideas to sink in.

Be patient with it to make this work.

Tip #3 Don't Let Naysayers Stop You

Your family members, friends, coworkers or even some online forum acquaintances may think you're crazy repeating something unproven every day.

Well, do you harm them when you have fun affirming the kind of ideal self you want to become? Hell no!

You're building a stronger frame, a stronger personal reality, a stronger lens to perceive the world in an empowering way that serves you the most.

Let go of the need of getting everyone's permission and pleasing them with your acts.

YOU are the most important person of YOUR life. Just do whatever benefits you the most and stick with it.

At the end of the day, when you perform these insane habits and weirdly succeed, everyone is going to benefit from your effort and the world will thank you for that.

So go out there, find your personal mantras to use, repeat them every day for the next 30 days, and experience the mindset shift that propels you to succeed!

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