
Lessons on Life, Learning and Earning (By Emmanuel Oluwadunsin Ayeni )

These few days and the rest of the year, I will share real practical posts, videos, podcasts, they will be stories on life, learning and earnings.

My goal is to give so much away that will benefit many people, especially those who may need to just read this now.

On Life...

Life is measured in the currency of Time. Hence we have grown through the past to get into the present with hope of the future in view. You would have mastered LIFE if you succeeded in mastering the 3 Forces. For anyone who has mastered these three, all things are possible.

Now and always you will unlock all doors when you have truly mastered the forces of Faith, Love and Hope... mastering these will be a topic for the coming days.

In life understanding the laws of identity makes you know you are unique and a powerful being.

Nothing can beat the expectations you set for yourself... God has endowed you and only the one in the mirror can stop you.

On Learning...

One day... I looked over to my beautiful wife Jumoke, as I was going back to complete my reading of the last few chapters of an interesting book and I said " I love you... " She looked over and said something to me that got me " I love you too, but sorry I cannot study for you... " I replied, " I know, because the door of change is one only you can open from the inside" She can not study for me, people can't grow FOR you but they can grow WITH you and be part of your journey. Others can help share their light with you, but the change always begins from within.

Learning is the way through which we grow our capacity to open the doors of ignorance, mediocrity or lack. Knowledge they say is power, applied Knowledge empowers absolutely.

On Earning...

Always Learn to earn and earn to Learn.

I got exposure to the phrase " Learn to Earn" some years ago as an undergraduate, I had stumbled on a material by the reputable Stock broker and Fund Manager, Peter Lynch where he delved much more on this.

The best form of knowledge is the one we internalize and we are able to apply with results... At times, our earnings can be one out of many ways to measure some of these results... Ask companies that will stop at nothing to make sure sales targets are met.

I always believe and share that Personal Mastery precedes Money Mastery.

When you have grown your capacity to become one who earns in the millions range, you will do the things required to make this happen and indeed you will have your desired earnings.

Remember there is no limit to all you can achieve in your rise to greatness if the right sets of principles on life, learning, and earning are learnt and applied.

I celebrate your meteoric rise to greatness.,-Learning-and-Earning&id=9623706

Message From the Universe: Speak It and It Shall Happen!

"Some people say life is hard. It is not.

Some people say it's easy. It is not.

Some say it's lonely, tricky, or a test. It is not.

Life is only a reflection of whatever you say.

What say you? 
The Universe"

Say life is amazing, say life is great. Say that you wouldn't want it to be any other way. Be grateful for what life has to offer. Look into yourself and appreciate the things you already have. Do not complain about having more of this or that, not having enough of $$$, not driving a better car, not working at a better job, not dating a nicer significant other. If you are seeking these changes, life can only do so much. You want more money, look into creating opportunities for yourself. Wanting to drive that nicer car? Get the money first but start looking at the car you really want, go test drive it, look into the features, the color, the model, and so on and so forth. More you are into wanting that car, and more it will happen, based on how the Universe will align itself for that to happen. Obviously, sitting on your ass and not doing anything about getting that car will NOT suddenly appear in your garage. Reach out to the Universe, show that you are willing to do anything it takes to get that car, believe that you will reach that goal and let the Universe take care of the rest.

How about that job? Are you miserable in it? Do you feel that your boss is taking you for granted? Let me ask you. If someone slaps you in the face, will you give them the other cheek to slap? Understanding that jobs are hard to find, but there are some out there waiting for you to fill in the position. Just look harder and you shall find. Miserable in your present relationship? Things are not going the way you wanted? Is he or she taking you for granted? Yes, love hurts but staying in a toxic relationship can hurt more. Look at it like a band-aid, tear it off, do it quickly. It will hurt the first time you pull the plug, so to speak, but the wound will heal and you will be ready to meet someone new and definitely better. Never let them put you down by saying: "You will never find anyone like me out there, or whatever". The best answer to that is: "I hope not. I pray there is only one ass like you out there. Adios Muchachos". So now that all answers have been given to you, start saying: "Life is great, life is good, life is what I want it to be"!&id=9669867

How to Move Forward

It is about breaking your own limitations and outgrowing yourself in order to live your best life. You are not in competition with anyone else; plan to outdo your past not other people. It is your choice. Choose to be the best you can be. Never let your past dictate who you are or what you can accomplish. You can be and do better than you ever imagined if you believe you can. The mind is the most powerful instrument in the universe. If used properly it will do what you choose it to do. Belief gives you faith and faith gives you conviction. Your gift of life was meant just for you. All would like to say at the end of the day "So glad I made it". With faith you will make it through. This process has yet to fail and has a consistency rate of 100 %. Consistency is the key and only focus, effort and drive will guarantee consistency. If you are living in the past you will fail to see the future. Outdated ideologies that keep us divided and will never let us experience life at its finest. No longer can anything or anyone else but you be held accountable for your life. You were given life for a reason and purpose. Experience comes at a cost. Despite your setbacks your victory is closer than you think. You have to put the work in. The seeds have been sown get ready to reap the harvest.

Move forward without any hesitation or procrastination. Time waits for no one and the longer you wait the further behind you get. There has to be a change.
We need to learn to get out of our own way. Only use your energy for things that affect your life positively. The challenges of life can be complex, taxing and hard to overcome, but if you change your perspective of these challenges, you will overcome. Believe that you were born to be a champion. You are actually amazing. Let your words your character and your values stand for something. Let it represent the best of you no less. When you give the all of yourself and the best of yourself, you are paying back the tithe God truly deserves and request. Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Connect your mouth with your heart and it leads to a path to your soul.

Your blessings will be bigger than any of your expectations. The key is standing on your faith and being about your business. Don't waste your time and energy relying on past fallacies and ideas that were never meant to benefit you. Imagine everything working for the good of you instead wondering what if. Apply your effort drive and resources; spiritual and physical to bring your dreams, goals and imagination to fruition. Connect with those that share your vision. Never underestimate the strength that numbers bring. When those numbers are of one accord it changes the dynamics of any endeavor or situation. The more that is for you the lesser that is against you it's the law of averages. Live to move forward and you will reach your destiny.

How Your Inner Critic Is Sabotaging You

You may believe in the power of affirmations but do they often get crushed by your inner-critic? These affirmations seem like a great idea and several experts will say they work. But, if they do work, why aren't more people using them?

It could be that your inner-critic is stronger than any affirmations you may present for yourself. After all, we spent a lifetime developing that critic. A few short-term affirmations aren't going to hold much weight against it.

So, does this mean you are destined to never using affirmations? Not at all.

In fact, it is the purpose of affirmations to re-target your brain into believing that the affirmations are the correct way to think. For this, consistency is key. Set up a system that allows you to reinforce your affirmations.

It's going to take some work, but it can be done. It is about switching up your routine to use affirmations you find or create. If you are stuck finding the right affirmations, ask others who have found ones that work.

Repetition and belief are two important concepts when applying your affirmations. Set up a schedule that contains the particular affirmation you want to use. Say your affirmations out loud and do it several times on each day. The more you do them, the more they will transform your thoughts to the point where they become natural.

If you skip a day that has been scheduled, don't worry too much about it. Just pick up where you left off the next day and write in your journal about skipping. If you can pinpoint the reason why this can help keep you from doing it again, it would even be better.

When you set up your schedule and journal and stick to them, you will look back and wonder how your inner-critic was even able to dominate. Your affirmations will take over and be in control of your brain.

Thus, you will be setting up the Law of Attraction as it relates to affirmations in a way that gives you the results you seek. Once this happens, you have the tools to make it happen over and over again. This means you will finally get to have the things you have wanted and live the life you have always dreamed about.

It is a new journey but one that will have a lasting impact. You have it within you to make the necessary changes. The question is, are you ready to silence your inner-critic? I wish you all the best in your success affirmation endeavors.

The Best Revenge Is Massive Success

In life, apparently, the best revenge is massive success. While I tried and experienced many things in the course of my existence, I succeeded in some of them, failed terribly in others and even gave up on a few. However, failing is something no one is immune to and that we must all go through it.
Is great achievement indeed the best payback? Why are we all failing at some point in our lives? What can failures teach us? Whatever good could come out of tragedies?

Of all the people who have experienced massive success, there exists no exception to a life without failure. In fact, the masters have failed more times than the students ever tried. The determining factor is that successful people did not give up while others did. And that is why success tastes so sweet after many bitter disasters.

"The best revenge is massive success." - Frank Sinatra
However, often being considered the underdog myself, I am always rooting for the long shots, no matter who they are. For whatever reasons, people who are misfit, marginal, black sheep or dark horse are discounted continuously and put aside in life.

The Design of Success
Nonetheless, the story of these marginal is perhaps one of the oldest and most celebrated stories of our world. By being different, they often create change and achieve massive success. And we are all miracles of life. Yet, as miraculous beings, we usually look at what we do not have.

We instead prefer to compete with others, fight, hold grudges, get angry, and even argue with people who we care about. And yet, we supposed to be the smartest beings on the planet. It all seems so ironic!

The people who create massive success for themselves can let go of petty things. They influence their minds, learn, move past trivialities, and focus entirely on what they want out of life. Successful people are not being dissuaded by things like pain or failure but instead able to push past the barriers in their way and ultimately succeed.

The Misfits of Great Success
There are plenty of underdogs who achieved massive success as their best revenge. A great example of that is Sylvester Stallone. Here is an actor who came to be known through the films of "Rocky." Yet, do you know his story? Mister Stallone was at one point in his life homeless, without a cent in his pocket. He lived in a bus station for close to one month.

The movie industry rejected all of his auditions. He got turned down more than 1,500 times and told he was a 'nobody.' Can you imagine? Mister Stallone failed more than one thousand five hundred times before seeing the light. Did you know that once, he was even forced to sell his dog for 25 dollars just to cover a bill he had to pay?

He felt so sorry because his dog was his best friend. But he afterward repurchased it. And it is that same dog that appears at his side in the first Rocky movie. However, imagine just how good the revenge of massive success tasted to mister Stallone when his film had won three Oscars.

The Best Revenge Is Massive Success
Even if you are going through hard times right now, or are experiencing setbacks or failures, or if people are telling you that you are not capable of doing something, or say that it is impossible, know this: Success is possible when you believe and keep trying.

The best revenge is massive success because, in this way, you can prove to yourself first what you are capable of achieving. Do not try to convince others wrong or show your abilities because, in time, all of that will happen on its own. Consider success instead, as the best alternative.

The Taste of Success is Sweet
To reach massive success, you need to fail countless times. You might need to fail more than a thousand times like Mister Stallone. And yes, after many failures and many years of pushing forward, success can genuinely feel like the best revenge and taste so sweet.

But, once you get there, and you reached the top, all of your hard work pays off. When you accomplish the apparently impossible, you can celebrate that triumph. However, you should set the bar higher and push harder to complete even more.

Massive Success is Possible
You have to believe in yourself. Know that you are capable of a whole lot of things, much of which you do not even realize until you try. Man in all his greatness has achieved improbable things that would shock most people of the past. Massive success is most certainly the best revenge when you finally accomplish your goals.

You then realize just what you can achieve when you put our minds to what you want, focusing on it and have an unstoppable persistence. Anything is possible as long as you put your heart and soul into what you desire and pursue it with every fiber of your being.

Success is Pushing through Fears
You cannot reach success without breaking through your fears. But those steps forward also take you out of your comfort zone and change you into a stronger person. Success is not only the best revenge but is also the power that pushes you beyond the fears that are holding you back.

The reason being is that to achieve anything that may endure; you have to overcome your fears. It also makes you reach more in-depth which is something that transforms and profoundly affects you.

Success is the Best Revenge
As you work in silence, your success makes the noise for you. Other people begin to talk about your achievements, and it spread at the speed of light. Success is indeed the best revenge because you do not even need to tell anyone about it.

Then the doubters and the haters hear the news, and they become upset. In fact, a lot of people do not like to see others succeed because it makes them unhappy. They see you, a person that they know or not, who can reach massive success while they were not able to do the same thing.

Your Success is Hope for Others
Once you reach success, you become a sign of hope for other people around you. They then realize that they can also achieve their dreams as long as they do not give up and persevere over the obstacles that are in their way.

Other people can use your success as an example of what is possible in life. Not only will it be an even better payback for you, but it will in turn also be the best revenge for them. Therefore, help them prove what is possible in life when you refuse to give up and push through.

I know there a lot of people in this world who have very little belief in themselves. I want to tell them that they can achieve anything they put their mind to. Just use the success of others as a roadmap to accomplish what seems unachievable to you. So remember: Massive success is the best revenge!

Pains & Pleasures Make Our Life Meaningful

Life on our planet consists of many twins like Day and Night, Good and Bad, Birth and Death, Pains and Pleasures, etc. Lazy and easy-going people prefer pleasures forgetting the truth 'Pleasures are impossible without pains.' Nobody remembers the good work of road builders, when taking a smooth drive down the highways.

Pains are the feelings of discomfort that a person experiences internally. The pains of one person cannot be felt and explained by another like the taste of a chocolate which can be understood by anybody. Moreover, the intensity of pain varies depending on the physical strength and will power of the individual. Pain is also known as strain, tiredness, fatigue, and failure.

Pains are caused by the hard-work, Insults, Injuries, Illness and Loss of near and dear ones. They can be grouped into physical and mental types. A truck driver develops the body strain after a long trip whereas a scientist after a hectic research in the lab feels the stress or depression. Sometimes, a mix of mental and physical sufferings is possible when a person applies all the energies. A surgical operation is a good example for this. Sacrifice is the only pain that produces pleasures to all.

Pains should not to be shared with others, but to be suffered alone without expressing outwardly. Because they cause inconvenience to other people through loss of time, strain, and money. The best thing of pains is that they remind the humans to be careful and not casual in their life.

Pleasures make our life rosy and happy. A small candy brings smile to a weeping kid. They become memorable when shared with others. However, most of us wish to share the problems and pains only enjoy the happiness privately. Sex is the only pleasure that culminates into a strain during pregnancy and a horrible pain during the birth.

The Excesses are risky. Too much of pain and failure upset the spirit of life itself. Chronic illness frustrates any person. Likewise, excessive pleasure makes us blind and to behave abnormally. However, Life gets charm if the grief and pain are alternating. No one can define the right mix of pains and pleasure because they are beyond the control of humans.

Hard work begins with pain but yields pleasure afterwards. Years of practice and learning alone bring success. Pains and pleasures are the two eyes of life. Treat them equally to seek bliss like Lord Buddha.

Message From the Universe: Wanting More Out of Life

"It doesn't get any more beautiful, any more magical, any richer, or any easier than things are right now. Until, of course, you start expecting it to get more beautiful, magical, richer, and easier.

At which point, I hope you have a really good broker.

Who loves you,
The Universe"
There is never anything wrong in wanting more out of life. You work hard for the things you have but you can also seek a better life than what you have now. Never forget to be grateful for the things you already have though. Thank God and the angels for having health, because that is what's most important. If you have health, everything else in life will be easier. You can be the richest person on Earth but bed ridden, how can you call that wealth? We might all have that strong desire to provide for our families, to give them everything they need, but the reality is how much can they actually receive? Can anyone drive two cars at the same time? Can anyone eat more than what the body can handle? How much more space do you need in a house besides filling that space with junk? I can guarantee you that someone living in a 50 000 sqft house has probably never visited some areas of the house and probably never will. Besides the cost to heat or cool the house, you will never enjoy that much space. The interesting part is that eventually, you will want to eventually get rid of that mansion to acquire something more manageable, and SMALLER. This is what most wealthy people do. Bigger the home, bigger the headaches. Life is meant to be lived having great dreams and goals, but also living it stress and headache free.

My dreams are limitless and I can admit that I seek to obtain that large mansion and live in it for a few years to eventually get rid of it and get something smaller. The idea here is to know that you are capable of doing so, that you have reached the dreams and goals you have given yourself throughout the years, that you know what you are able to accomplish throughout your lifetime. Life is testing every one of us, every single day of our lives, and depending on how you deal with the challenges thrown at you, chance can either be on your sides or against you. By working more on yourself, you will be able to change your mindset when it comes to dealing with obstacles and come out a winner. Effort is required on your part but once you get the hang of it, you won't let the petty things bother you and will focus more on helping others that can't help themselves. When doing that, the whole world around you will change for the better. One word of caution. Always listen to your inner voice when it comes to helping others. Lots of vultures out there looking for easy prey to munch on. Do not give help to those who will deliberately take advantage of you.

Purpose: Are You Content With Being Complacent? (By Jenee Anderson)

About two weeks ago, I had someone sit down with me and tell me, "You are the author of your own story... so why not make your story as dope as possible?" And at first, it sounded cliché. It sounded like the same story I have ever heard from someone who called themselves "motivating" me.

But then they told me to look at where I was this time last year. And I did. This time last year, I had just quit my job at Wells Fargo. I was looking for a job where I could be happy. I wanted an upgrade from the house I was living in. I wanted a house that had an upstairs and downstairs. I didn't want carpet. I wanted a dog. I wanted a real love with a man who wanted the same thing. I wanted to be surrounded by people who were like-minded. I wanted to be closer to God. I wanted to be more financially responsible.

And then I compared what I wanted this time last year to the things I have now. I have a much less stressful job that pays much more money. I have a house that has an upstairs and downstairs with hardwood floors throughout. I have a dog. I have a real love with a man that not only wants the same things that I do, but will not accept anything less. I have a great group of people that in my life that I am proud to call my friends. I am closer to God and am still working on growing closer every day. I am better but still working on being more responsible with money.

But the point of this story is to say that I immediately had to realize that everything he was telling me was true. I have always been taught that there is power in the tongue. I have always been told to speak things into existence. Whenever I have interviewed for a job that I really wanted, I then spoke of it as if it was already done. Whenever I wanted something, I went for it and did not stop trying until I got it.

That's how this life thing works. Set a goal. Make your mind up that you won't stop until you get it and then grind. When your mind is made up and your heart is set on one thing, you automatically take the actions to get you to where you want to be. Pray that God orders your steps in his word. When you have a plan, the will to accomplish your goals and God supporting you, there is nothing that can stop you.

In January, I published that the word for 2016 is "purpose". What is your purpose? What have you always wanted to do? What is your lifelong dream? What makes your heart smile? That's your purpose. There is no way you were put on this earth to be average. You were put on this earth for a reason. Realize your reason. Pray over your purpose. Go with God. Grow with God.

Be blessed

Living a Purposeful Retired Life Depends on Your Attitude (By Wendy Fisher)

MY REFLECTIONS on a Purposeful Retired Life, to be used as YOUR OWN AFFIRMATION... if not, rewrite it and use it until your thoughts and attitude changes! Best Wishes!

As a retiree, When I view the world with a positive attitude, good things happen. I see more opportunity everywhere. I am blessed!

My door is half open. Because I see the door as half open, I believe it is opening instead of closing. This is my decision. Many view that door (and life opportunities) as closing, but I choose to see it opening instead.

I see many opportunities in life to help others, becoming purposeful in my retired world. I enjoy helping others, and that gives me purpose to my days.

Optimism is perception.

I begin to view life in this same manner.

  • My glass is half full, new friendships are beginning to take form, tasks are being completed, new adventures are just around the corner, and life is good.
  • Each day, I move closer to my retirement goals. I enjoy new challenges because obstacles are meant to be overcome. I help others with simple phone calls to find help for my retiree friends. I take the initiative to contact whomever is needed to find solutions to life challenges.

My perception, in turn, affects those around me. Instead of letting the door close, I hold it open for others. I encourage them to view opportunities in a new, positive light.

Every open door is an opportunity, regardless of how much it is open. I choose whether this door is meant for me, or someone else. I have control over my life to make such decisions - while continuing to help those around me.

Challenges are like doors. When I find myself in front of a closed door, I am certain that I can figure out how to open it. If the door is locked, I search for the key. Maybe I have the key. Sometimes, I need to ask others for the key. I do the work necessary to open that door.

Today, I perceive everything with a positive attitude. Each task, opportunity, or challenge is a door half open, and it is up to me to walk through.

As Nancy Sinatra said long ago: "These boots are made for walking... "

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I overcome negative perceptions (both mine and those of others)?
  2. Who inspires me to think positive?
  3. How can I inspire others to be optimistic?

What Are You Searching For?

I have not yet met anyone in my world travels who didn't want a little more inner peace. And, I have never encountered anyone who would trade a little money to rid themselves of their stress and worries.

So, is this what each of us is secretly or overtly searching for? Well, to be truthful I'm not sure. People who say they want less stress continue to pursue wealth, fame, power, position and more stuff. People who say they want to be happy often seem to sabotage this goal with poor choices, bad judgment and emotional immaturity. And people who say they want more inner peace still harbor old emotional baggage, replay old slights and hurts and let other people control their behaviors, attitudes, emotions and even their thoughts.

If we are truly searching for any or all the items listed above one would have to wonder whether we are just giving lip service to these goals, desires and dreams or if we really want them but just don't seem to know where to find them, how to achieve them or how to keep them.

I too have been guilty. I am just like you in that I would like a little more happiness and a little less stress yet when it comes to doing what is necessary I often fall short.

Sure, I have read all the books, hundreds and hundreds of them, attended the seminars, had personal coaches, spent hours and even weeks setting and planning my personal goals and dreams and spent more hours than I can remember praying and meditating and yet, here I sit from time to time, still questioning whether all this reading, study and searching is worthwhile.

During my years of study, research and searching I have come to a few conclusions.

1) Many of the people who supposedly have it figured out, don't.
2) Many of the people who preach and teach this stuff to others and get paid handsomely to do so, don't have a clue.
3) Some of the people who you would least expect to have the answers often do.
4) Even many of the religious fanatics, diehards or steadfast believers in God still struggle with the same issues, questions and challenges as those who have never set foot in a church or Synagogue or read the Bible.

Why is this? Are we doomed as a species to just search and never find or discover the true meaning of our life or as the title says, why we are we here?

Humans have been asking for centuries; why am I here, where am I going and what am I supposed to do with my life while I am here?

One could get easily discouraged and feeling a little sorry for themselves spending years contemplating simple questions like these.

Have you ever asked yourself any of these searching questions whether in times of doubt or discouragement or happiness and contentment? Success or failure? Do you have any answers yet, or are you like most of us, that you just keep on trudging ahead through life one day at a time just earning, spending, working and playing?

Overcoming Analysis Paralysis in 6 Simple Steps

Analysis paralysis is a term that seems to be increasing in popularity. And it's a term with which many non-fidents, whether they've come across it or not, will be all too familiar.

Basically, analysis paralysis means over-thinking and over-analyzing one's options until they all seem equally good, bad, or anywhere in-between. And so one is left unable to make a choice and move on.

The expression allegedly stems from 'paralysis by analysis', which should be seen as the opposite of 'extinct by instinct'. The latter, of course, meaning a disastrous choice based on reflexes or one's immediate gut feeling.

Making choices can be hard when we're low on confidence and self-esteem. It should come as no surprise that confident people tend to have a can-do mentality. They're effective, energetic, and they take firm, consistent action.

And, of course, non-fident people tend to be the exact opposite: Timid, apprehensive, and reticent.

Certain studies could be said to point towards non-fident people generally having higher brain activity.* However, others point towards the exact opposite.

The basis for analysis paralysis, then, must be found in the one emotion by which non-fident people tend to let themselves be guided...


Fear is one of the most common human motivators. And it doesn't only apply to non-fident people. We're all afraid of something, and only the fewest of us dare defy our instincts and seek out the source of our fear. Because instincts are exactly what's at play here. In other words: We can't really help it.

... But that doesn't mean we can't learn to get around it. And in the case of analysis paralysis, here's 6 simple steps not only taking that damn decision, but standing by it and making sure you keep moving forward.

#1 Get outside perspective
When we've been stuck with a problem for a certain amount of time, we tend to reach a point of saturation. It's not funny or interesting anymore, and we just want to move on. Enough is enough already.

In one such forest-for-the-trees situation, as it were, outside perspective often does the trick. Different people have different perspectives and ideas, and we can only analyze so deep on our own.

Consulting someone who has a certain amount of experience regarding the matter may be preferable. But if you're stuck, any input is better than nothing. And in certain cases, a total outside stranger to the topic might actually provide a less biased, less predisposed angle on your situation.

#2 Eyes on the prize
Whatever you do, working towards a meaningful goal is a powerful motivator. - One that is all too unfamiliar for most non-fident people. If you have a clearly defined goal, the easier it is to take action. And the more clearly defined your goal is, the easier it'll be knowing exactly what to do.

But whether or not you have one such goal, ask yourself things like, "Will this choice bring me closer to where I want to be in life?" "Does this choice align with my values and my identity?" "In one year, will I be happy I made this choice?"

#3 Set a deadline
Something that gives analysis paralysis so treacherously favorable conditions is when time isn't really an issue. If it has no consequence to us whether we do or decide something within a certain time frame, it's so much easier to give it second priority than deal with it. Which makes perfect sense.

On way of getting around this in casu analysis paralysis is to decide on a deadline. And, of course, treat it like any deadline that you wouldn't want to miss.

Imagine having to explain to your boss why you didn't make it. Or much better, make a bet with a friend or acquaintance. - If you don't keep your deadline, you owe them $100. (Optionally, use the person who provided the outside perspective!)

The deadline should depend on the magnitude of your decision. The smaller the decision, the closer the deadline. But in any case, make it close enough to motivate yourself to get busy!

#4 Take baby steps
What often seems scary about making decisions for non-fidents is the element of commitment. We tend to be somewhat afraid of losing control; of letting the choice "take over", and "invade" our life and identity.

This is the aforementioned fear talking. And it's actually possible to shut that fear up just enough to get going - by taking action on a minimal basis.

We should feel that we're making progress. - Because otherwise, we're probably not. We should still be hearing the faint whispers of our fear. But if we take baby steps instead of hurling ourselves head first out into a new direction in life, a mere whisper is exactly what it will be.

#5 Support and honor your choice
Whatever you choose to do, you will have a reason for doing so. Even if it's a result of tossing a coin. Your final choice would not have been an option if it hadn't had any value or benefit to you. So focus on these values and benefits.

Furthermore, prepare for what people might say. Try to entertain any possible objections people might have beforehand. Tell them about why this is important to you; about what you're trying to accomplish. And, if nothing else, tell them that you simply needed to make a decision and get on with it.

#6 Remember: You can always go back
I know: This one might seem a little counterproductive, seeing as how this is about moving onwards and not looking back. But many non-fident people will find comfort in remembering that any choice isn't final.

Unless you've quite literally jumped from somewhere high (for whatever reason), most choices are fairly easy to undo.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't honor your choice or put your back into making it work. You totally should, because that's a just cool mindset to nurture. But if you find you're clearly headed down a totally wrong path in your life, there's nothing wrong with turning around and going another direction.

Whenever you find yourself struck by analysis paralysis, just remember: It's better to make a mistake and learn from it than not do anything at all.
... And by all means, do quote me on that.

A Law of Attraction Affirmation for When You Are Overwhelmed or Afraid

What do you do when all you can think of is the problem you need to solve? What do you do when the wheel of your worry seems to be powered by a rabid gerbil of fear? There he goes, running along, churning out more unease and feelings of helplessness. It is time to take back your power and change the direction of the flow.

Sounds great. Now how do you do that?

First, honor how you really feel. Pretending you are not scared does not work. Your body knows and there is no fooling it. You have to work through the fear and anxiety in order to clear it all away.

Admit that you are afraid or worried. Once you do that, understand that feeling something and being it are two different things. In other words, just because you are afraid does not mean that the situation is hopeless or that you cannot be empowered by your feelings.

You always, always have a choice in how you will respond to any situation. That is your super-power and it never goes away. No matter how bad things seem (and that is always a matter of perspective), you have the power to decide what meaning it does or does not have to you. You cannot choose how others feel or act, but you can control what plays in your own head.

Next, read these words aloud. (Or write your own version of an affirmation, whatever helps.) This can allow you to let go of the feeling of need so that you can change your focus to one of gratitude and expectation for a solution. This raises your vibration and can make you feel better too.

"I release my attachment to the outcome. I release my expectations. I release my suffering and allow myself to let go, falling into the arms of the greater truth. I trust the path, even when I am in pain or afraid.

I choose to trust when I am broken and when I am well. I choose to trust when it seems I will not have enough, as much as I do when my cup overflows. I chose in this moment, to focus on gratitude and remember all of the times when things could have gone wrong, but somehow went right instead.

This small situation is but a microcosm of time, space and perspective that will pass. The birds still sing. The fruit still hangs on the vine and the world still turns. Daylight chases shadow and the cosmos continues to expand.

No matter what happens, for me, this is but another lesson. I accept the lesson with a grateful heart and move on, secure in the knowledge that this is but an illusion that will one day fade. When that moment comes, when this mirage is over, I will understand every purpose, every pain and every reason that eludes me now. And so, I let go, trusting that all is and ever will be, well."

Now breathe and put your hand over the area above your heart. Then imagine the happiest memory that you have. No matter what it is, think of something joyful. You can also imagine how you will feel once you have the solution. Hold that thought, those feelings for at least thirty seconds. Really feel it. Rinse and repeat as needed.

Message From the Universe: Mindfulness at Its Best

"What's most important is that you're here.

A million times less important is what you do here, when, where and with whom.

Be here now, 
The Universe"

This message shouldn't be misconstrued as you don't need to do anything, just basically wait for life to unravel in front of you. This is not really the message here. However, it is probable that when it is said to be here NOW, means that you need to live your life TODAY, NOW, not tomorrow or not live for what has been in the past. Yesterday is a day that passed and will never come back, unless you haven't learned anything and making the same mistakes over again. We all know that persistence is key to succeed with everything in life, and when you truly believe in something, no matter what others say about it, just ignore and more forward. Living for tomorrow is not based on wishing that things should happen the way you predicted or anticipated, and that you should forget about living for today, but by working intelligently and maximizing your effort and energy on the things you love doing, there is no reason for failure.

All your hard efforts are perceived by the ultimate power from above. The Universe is listening to your thoughts, no matter the nature. It might not happen today or tomorrow or next week or next year, but it will happen. Hence, the reason why you can't live for tomorrow or next week or next year. There is no reason to wait in the hope that all your thoughts become true. When they do, great, but if it takes more time, why have you wasted your life by just waiting for that moment to happen? Why don't you live your life for today? Why don't you maximize your time here on earth and enjoy every moment you have here. It all starts with the first step and planting your seeds. Let the rest work on its own. There is so much you can do to force things to happen but it is not always in your control. Do not worry, just focus on today. Live for today and enjoy TODAY, NOW.

This Is The Key To Living Beyond Your Fears And Embracing A World Of Wonder

Fear Is Feedback

Fear defines us, whether we like it or not.

It establishes a foothold deep within our psyche where it perpetuates as the oppressor of hopes and dreams.

Not because it wants to, but because the energy it maintains is one of despair. It is akin to a terrifying dream that never ends, only growing in intensity.

Fear is a dictator that grows louder because of the energy it receives. What starts out as a voice of reason, can accompany you throughout life if you're unaware.

"Fear rips us from freedom. It is the destroyer of greatness. We know this, and we know we should tame our mind in order to defeat fear," writes author Brendon Burchard in The Motivation Manifesto.

It is the unpopular kid at school who loiters around you during recess. Sure, you might feel sorry for him initially, but he is constantly there by your side.

Surely life is more than succumbing to our fears?

I know people who are not defined by their fears. They are renegades, adventurers and aspirants who don't allow fear to dull their experience of life.

What do they know that others don't?


The fearless amongst us have a sense of wonder and adventure. They approach life as an experiment and are curious about the world. Their passion and enthusiasm is central to facing their fears.

Fear is not something that stops them, but promotes them. It is feedback that signals something within their psyche they must confront. They realise when their fears intrude on their way of life, it is because they're taking great strides in pursuit of their dreams and goals, and so it is natural to be terrified.

They use fear to promote their agenda instead of letting it defeat them. Most people are consumed by their fears because they believe the narrative it promotes.

"Fear, largely, is a waste of good life, one of the most capable thieves of presence," writes Jan Frazier in The Freedom of Being: At Ease with What Is.

Fear is an emotion, just like other emotions. Granted, it has a stronger intensity than other emotions but it was never intended to stop us in our tracks, only to provide feedback on our actions.

Conquer Your Fears

I invite you to become curious in the face of your fears. Investigate them, reason with them but don't buy into the narrative they espouse. Don't let it be a one-sided conversation because you have power, even in the face of your fears.

"Fear was given to us as a motive to avoid physical harm and death. That is it. We are the ones who have perverted it into a tool for the ego's protection," explains Brendon Burchard.

The secret to living beyond your fears is to approach them with curiosity while observing your reaction. So, if you fear asking your boss for a pay rise because he or she might say no, what small step can you take to overcome this fear?

You might compile a list of your achievements and highlight why you are due a pay rise, given the value you bring to the company.

Leverage your fears and you'll discover the essence of your character. Assuredly, if you listen intently there is a subtle message guiding you to scale your fears. By listening closely, you come to understand the language of your fears.

The more you know something, the better you are at taking inspired action to overcome it. Through a sense of wonder you'll conquer your fears because for most people fear is a STOP sign.

However, to the initiated fear is a PROMOTE sign, offering important clues about your inner psyche.

Wonder what it's like to walk in to your boss's office and ask for a pay rise.

Wonder how they respond in kind and grant your request.

Wonder, since anything is possible. You paralyse your fears and silence your doubts when you consider all possibilities.

Use your sense of wonder to rise above your fearful thoughts, because wonder is an agreeable emotion. It is neutral and inquisitive.

Let it take hold and move you toward your hopes, dreams and highest aspirations. Let no fear keep you down or stifle your greatness.

After all, it is the same phenomenon seen in the sunset that holds the key to living beyond your fears - a sense of wonder.

Affirmations To Start Your Day On A Positive Happy Note

When was the last time you woke up with a smile on your face? Do you start the day feeling tired, burdened, groggy and unhappy? If yes, then it's time to shake-up, wake-up and take charge of your life. The law of attraction is a method of practicing positive affirmations. It will help you start your day on a positive and happy note.

Affirmation works like magic. It boosts the power of the mind, body, and soul. Through the practice of affirmations in your daily life, will help release stress, build a high level of confidence. As a result, you wake up light, happy, satisfied and all geared up to take charge of your life.

What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations are affirmative beliefs, statements, and thoughts. They are made of first person tense and practiced by those who follow the law of attraction. You can practice affirmations by writing them down, reading aloud, thinking or visualizing them.

Affirmations to practice for starting the day on a positive and happy note:

I am strong and healthy today.

I am capable of solving problems and cross all hurdles that come my way today.

I am blessed with everything in life to make every day a great one.

I have an inner strength and wisdom and I will only take right decisions today.

I am calm, serene and patient.

I am content with my life.

I am happy and feel alive today.

I am thankful for everything present on this earth.

I am filled with kindness and appreciate everyone around me.

How to use the affirmations?

Practicing the methods of the law of attraction every day, will help you achieve whatever you want and wish in your life. Read the affirmations aloud at least twice daily. Get connected with each word and sound of your voice, when reading them out loud. With practice, you will feel aligned with the phrase. Choose your favorite affirmations and note them down. This will help in visualizing them into reality.

Repeating the affirmations will help your mind to start a positive thought process and inner dialogue. You will realize how every negative element of your life fades away, leaving you with nothing but happiness, joy and enlightenment.

Affirmations are ideal tools of the law of attraction for pushing away anxiety, fear and negativity from your life. So, start the morning by waking up with a smile on your face, make your bed, make a healthy breakfast, shower love for your dear ones and plan your entire day.

Message From the Universe: Everything Happens for a Reason

"You chose your dreams for the journeys they'd make possible, and you knew when you chose them, there would be obstacles, crises, and young souls who'd stand in your way. They exist by design. To tempt you, lure you, test you. So that you can come back, prevail, rise above, and rock on. And ultimately to convince you of your awesomeness. They're part of the plan. There've been no mistakes. All is supremely well.

These are the days, mid-adventure, that will mean the most to you.

Enjoy the journey, 
The Universe"

This message is spot on to what is happening in your life's journey. When you start a new venture, you come to realization that it will NOT be easy, that you will face challenges and obstacles, jealousy and hatred, and much more that will come into the equation to make you abandon your dreams. How much of that can you handle? You know that everything you do from this day forward will require your constant attention to make things happen the way you want. The question is: How much do you want it? How passionate are you with your ideas and dreams? Are you willing to give everything you have to reach your goals? For anyone who have studied finance, it is said to not put ALL your eggs in the same basket, when it comes to investment. This is good advice, of course, making sure that if the company goes belly up, you don't follow the same demise because of other stocks in your portfolio. However, can this advice be wise when it comes to your business? If you work hard day and night, for years and years, for that ONE business, and it goes belly up, how quick are you to get up and start all over again? Is this principle based on someone's personality to overcome disappointment and depression and learn from life's lesson or any entrepreneur should actually work on many different ventures at the same time and organize themselves accordingly to attend to all ventures equally? Depending on each and everyone's mindset, some might say:"You failed in your business because you didn't put 100% attention on that ONE business and you spread yourself too thin, trying to do so much at once", while others might say: " It was definitely wise to do different thing so if one fails, you have other venture to rely on for a constant stream of revenue. You can then use money from other businesses to finance the one that requires more investment on your part for potential growth and success.

Everyone have their own personal point of view of what is the best approach, but the most important point of view is YOURS. You are the one jumping into this venture with hopes and expectations. You are the one taking the risks and if anything, you are the one aware of what is required to make this dream a great success. I agree that asking a mentor for advice is crucial to direct you in the right path, as we do not know the answers to everything. Entrepreneurs with experience giving you advice is definitely better than any bachelor, Master or even PhD degree you may ever receive. They can share with you their mistakes that NO degree can teach. These mistakes can cost millions and they were able to help you avoid making the same mistakes as they did. Depending on your situation, it is important to compare apples with apples here, so make sure you take their advice into consideration but also, that their advice is applicable to your existing situation. You need to really determine what is best for you and act upon it. Do not wait for the perfect moment as it will never come. Work on what you need to do today and always make sure to keep faith and that your thoughts are in sync with your feelings. Feel good about what you are doing, think positive about your path in life and no matter what happens, you will know that you have given your all and you can't regret anything about that.

The 4 Most Powerful Words That Launched the Most Successful Companies in The World

"Dr. Seuss is one of my favorite authors. I recently read an article that said the famed children's author loved challenges. In 1959, the co-founder of his publishing company bet Dr. Seuss that he could not write an actual book with a good story using fifty words or less. Dr. Seuss quickly accepted the bet. The result? The beloved book, "Green Eggs and Ham." To date it has sold over 200 million copies - using only 49 words in its entirety. Dr. Seuss might be on to something." Mary Southerland

In effect all he said was "I Can Do It"...

Dr. Seuss basically declared "I can do it" without hesitation and he did it.

When these four words find each other and come together, they establish one of the most compelling tools in your success support arsenal. They form an exceptional motivating phrase that's available for you to freely adopt and incorporate into your success support psyche.

The fusion of these four words provides an impressive power source that has the dynamism to enhance the mental stamina needed to start your success quest. "I Can Do It" is a positive affirmation that is ubiquitously written about and celebrated in quotes and articles throughout the internet and in bookstores.

There are an untold number of "I can do it" stories sweeping across and around the globe every day. These are stories of men and women who decide to do the mundane to the magnificent and start off with nothing more than an authentic belief in themselves and a personal commitment to, and a declaration of, the phrase "I can do it."

Moving forward with no guarantees of success, they make their world vulnerable and open it to outsiders who can inhibit and modify their declaration of "I Can Do It" yet they still advance with determination and hopefulness.

The Principal Point of this: "I Can Do It" is the only powerful way to start any project and even though you may not have all the facts and knowledge immediately this simple phrase is telling your psyche that it's time to go to work and accomplish this task or project and most important of all, it's telling you that "you can do it"

"A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change a life. A word of encouragement from a spouse can save a marriage. A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential." John C. Maxwell

Personal Note: For me "I Can Do It" is about helping you get started and that's the most important step of any project or venture you're planning to commit to. Trying to Start a venture or mission will prove to be the most challenging and stressful time in the life of that event.

In the fast moving world we live in it's very difficult to plan your way to success and achieve your most important goals. "Just start", take action now and learn as you go is the only way to try to keep up with the change that will keep poking you on your success quest.

The following is an extreme summary of what the beginning of your success quest should look like:

The steps to succeed in starting:

  1. You Declare: "I Can Do It." You must believe in yourself with all your might. You need to dig deep and find the strength and self-respect needed to know that "you can do it." If you have to fake it that's okay. If you have to push through the fear and anxiety that's okay. We've all been there. You're not alone. The act of just starting will stimulate all your senses and the "I Can Do It" feeling will eventually appear and feel as if it was always there. Have faith. It will happen.
  2. Personal Note: Remember when you were a kid and every year in September you had to start a new grade in school with new teachers and new classmates. This is no different.
  3. Do your research: Acquire a basic outline for your new business or situation using the questions Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.
  4. Remind yourself: "I Can Do It"
  5. Just Start: Think Ready... Fire... Aim. Adjust as you go along. Always think "success". Be on the lookout for opportunities. For protection, keep a negative "what could go wrong" eye on your surroundings.
  6. Remind yourself: "I Can Do It"

Good luck. Stay safe out there. Never give up on your dreams. Never. You can never fail if you refuse to give up.

Not Reaching Your Goals? Here Are The Two Major Reasons

Having been an avid goal setter for many years and teaching this concept to audiences around the world during my career, I recently decided it was time to fess up with what is important when it comes to goals that are not achieved. So, here we go - there are two types of people when it comes to goal setting:

People who set goals and these folks have two outcomes - they achieve some and they fall short of others.

Then there are people who don't set goals and often achieve stuff they didn't plan for and don't achieve stuff that isn't important to them.

See the subtle differences and common situations here? If not go back and re-read the two short definitions.

If we look briefly at each type and outcome above there are two common issues that either prevent or contribute to goal achievement.

One - if you are not achieving your goals your expectations are too high, unmanageable and/or just not possible.

Two - if you are not achieving your goals your actions, activities, behaviors are falling short of what is necessary for achievement.

So, I'll keep this easy - want to have greater success when it comes to reaching your goals - lower your expectations or improve and/or increase your activities/actions.

Sound simple? Well, yes, the first one is - just stop setting your goals so high but the second one is a bit more challenging.
Improving or increasing actions to achieve better goal success can be a complicated, intricate and often cumbersome issue. Let me explain - I'll give you just a few examples then elaborate on just a couple.

1) You want to lose weight but need to keep your part time job at a fast food place. 2) You want to start saving more money every week but have 4 kids and more bills than you can count. 3) You want to start exercising every day but work 18 hours a day and have no time left for yourself. Need I go on? Okay here are a few more - you want to improve the quality of your marriage or relationship but your boss needs you to work weekends for the next 3 months. You want to spend more time with your kids but they are both teenagers and don't have time for you. I could go on for pages with this stuff but I'm sure you get my point - and that is - that any goal that involves other people or impacts other people gets a bit complicated and can't always be achieved alone or without others' cooperation or understanding.

So, what's the answer - just give up on your goals or dreams? No. Never.
It's a three-step process. Step One - ask yourself - how important is this goal? How badly do I want it? Am I willing to sacrifice something else that is important for it? Do

I have the time, discipline, history, courage etc. to achieve it? There are other questions, but the point is if you don't answer them honestly, you are setting yourself up for failure. Step Two - If the answers are - let's go for it - then break the goal into small baby steps and focus on one baby step, not the whole goal - at a time. Just keep moving in the right direction - day by day, week by week, dollar by dollar, lap by lap - at a time. Just keep moving in the right direction and before you know it you will arrive at your destination.

And Step three - reward your short-term progress and success. And then yes - reward your long-term success with a special reward.

Yes, there are other goal setting steps, actions, requirements that you can and often should take for success. It's not my intention to say that goal setting is as easy and simple as stated above, however as one who has achieved many goals that were never set goals in the first place and not achieved many that I set and worked towards for years - let me tell you - keep your expectations manageable and doable and just keep taking small baby steps in the right direction and you will be amazed.

Cause of Failure and Success

Why some people fail and others succeed can be baffling. Sometimes it may even seem unfair. If our desire to succeed is as strong as theirs, and if we have the added virtues of philosophical refinement and emotional sophistication, why are we not all doing better than they are?

What an incredible difference we could make! And what an inheritance we could leave to the next generation-a wealth of virtue, integrity, and substance with which to build a whole new world, and all because we cared enough to do something with our lives and to put our skills and talents to work.

Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted. Why does opportunity matter if success is innate? How do they earn it? The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity. Do you believe that opportunity provides a possibility of success, a probability of success, or that it's trivial?

I hope this is coming together for you. I still want to go further though. People who believe success is innate see their opportunity as trivial. Of course, people don't stay in one class their entire life. They Define Work Wrong/ The value of a man's position is often determined by the number of people qualified to fill it. Why We just discussed two important terms: success and opportunity. In order to continue our discussion further, we must discuss another, "work." "But success doesn't always come from hard work!

They think failure is final. Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. But, hard work doesn't always equal success. Some people work really hard but fail. They tried and didn't succeed." Failure is a key ingredient in success. Those who don't achieve success most likely quit after their failure. Quitting, of course, is a choice.There are no shortcuts, statistically. The people who don't make it let failure defeat them.

Success is a game of habits. In itself, "success" is a relative term and so its "achievement" is fully dependent upon the habits you put into place that moves you step by step toward the "end" you define for yourself. To be "successful," it becomes a matter of the routine you put into place for yourself. Whenever you are looking outward, for example, it is very clear the difference between those who create positive daily habits for themselves versus the people who let life's waves dictate their day-to-day.

Successful people plan ahead. Failure to prepare is the act of preparing to fail. Spend some time each night, and at the end of each week, reflecting on what it is you've accomplished already and what it is you want to "get done" next. And the next morning, you will be one step ahead.

Successful people do the hard stuff first. That's because hard stuff is, well, "hard. But often times, what moves the needle lies in the unknown. Those who are successful at what they do know this. And instead of shying away from the challenge, they make themselves do these "hard tasks" first--before allowing themselves the luxury of the easy stuff.

They don't want to make others feel bad, or they don't want to sever current or potential friendships, or they don't want to be excluded from future possibilities, or they don't want to be looked down upon, etc.

Successful people are very conscious of how they spend their time. Successful people invest in themselves in terms of time and money. The majority of people don't invest; they spend. They spend the money they earn. Successful people, on the other hand, invest.

Successful people surround themselves with other successful people. Your network is your net worth. The true value of having a network is not access to "things. Successful people study their craft. Unfortunately, there are situations that reward the fundamental metric of time, and people can climb the ladder of "success" by simply staying the course.

Successful people are accountable for their actions. Successful people believe in themselves. To be successful, this is a must. Believe in yourself. That's where it all starts.

Successful people don't separate their job and their "personal life." Their job is their passion, and their passion is their craft. It is not dependent upon time. It is merely a reflection of their own curiosity

10 Amazing Benefits Of Being Optimistic

When it comes to the angle on how you perceive the world, studies have shown that being more optimistic can dramatically improve the quality of your life.

Optimism is simply looking at adversity in a positive light.

Taking the time to see things from a different perspective and shining a light on the positive can be extremely beneficial in all areas of your life.

Here are just a few ways on how being optimistic can help you in your daily routine:

  1. Optimism promotes happiness.
  2. It will help you keep your emotions in check.
  3. Research into optimism shows it can actually increase your lifespan.
  4. Being optimistic can reduce the level of stress you experience during unexpected events.
  5. Optimism provides you with a stronger and more solid reason to live life.
  6. Optimistic people are more proactive, rather than being reactive.
  7. It provides you with an empowering way to handle failure in a constructive manner.
  8. It is an essential trait that is common amongst successful people
  9. It increases your productivity and creativity.
  10. Optimism provides you with a way to deal with life in a balanced manner because it provides you the reframing tools to deal with negative thoughts that inevitably pop up during the day.

These are just ten of the amazing benefits of being more optimistic.

There are many more attributes to taking a more positive approach to the things that life throws your way. People who tend to see the good in things rather than the bad are typically healthier as it improves both your psychological and physiological well-being.

When you are faced with adversity, the way that you approach the situation is extremely important.

Those who take a negative approach tend to live in a world that is "out to get them." These people often fail to see the bigger picture, which can have a negative impact on their life.

Those who face adversity with a positive attitude tend to have a happier life simply because they choose to see the light at the end of the tunnel. When life throws something at them, they look for the positives that can come out of it and move on towards a future that looks much brighter.

You will continually be challenged by difficult life circumstances, that is just a fact of life.

However, the next time you have negative thoughts, take a moment to think about how this negative experience could actually be a good thing. What's good can you gain here? What precious lessons can you learn from it?

Ask yourself power questions so that you take action and keep moving forward. This will benefit your entire well-being and help you experience a more fulfilling life.