
Message From the Universe: Everything Happens for a Reason

"You chose your dreams for the journeys they'd make possible, and you knew when you chose them, there would be obstacles, crises, and young souls who'd stand in your way. They exist by design. To tempt you, lure you, test you. So that you can come back, prevail, rise above, and rock on. And ultimately to convince you of your awesomeness. They're part of the plan. There've been no mistakes. All is supremely well.

These are the days, mid-adventure, that will mean the most to you.

Enjoy the journey, 
The Universe"

This message is spot on to what is happening in your life's journey. When you start a new venture, you come to realization that it will NOT be easy, that you will face challenges and obstacles, jealousy and hatred, and much more that will come into the equation to make you abandon your dreams. How much of that can you handle? You know that everything you do from this day forward will require your constant attention to make things happen the way you want. The question is: How much do you want it? How passionate are you with your ideas and dreams? Are you willing to give everything you have to reach your goals? For anyone who have studied finance, it is said to not put ALL your eggs in the same basket, when it comes to investment. This is good advice, of course, making sure that if the company goes belly up, you don't follow the same demise because of other stocks in your portfolio. However, can this advice be wise when it comes to your business? If you work hard day and night, for years and years, for that ONE business, and it goes belly up, how quick are you to get up and start all over again? Is this principle based on someone's personality to overcome disappointment and depression and learn from life's lesson or any entrepreneur should actually work on many different ventures at the same time and organize themselves accordingly to attend to all ventures equally? Depending on each and everyone's mindset, some might say:"You failed in your business because you didn't put 100% attention on that ONE business and you spread yourself too thin, trying to do so much at once", while others might say: " It was definitely wise to do different thing so if one fails, you have other venture to rely on for a constant stream of revenue. You can then use money from other businesses to finance the one that requires more investment on your part for potential growth and success.

Everyone have their own personal point of view of what is the best approach, but the most important point of view is YOURS. You are the one jumping into this venture with hopes and expectations. You are the one taking the risks and if anything, you are the one aware of what is required to make this dream a great success. I agree that asking a mentor for advice is crucial to direct you in the right path, as we do not know the answers to everything. Entrepreneurs with experience giving you advice is definitely better than any bachelor, Master or even PhD degree you may ever receive. They can share with you their mistakes that NO degree can teach. These mistakes can cost millions and they were able to help you avoid making the same mistakes as they did. Depending on your situation, it is important to compare apples with apples here, so make sure you take their advice into consideration but also, that their advice is applicable to your existing situation. You need to really determine what is best for you and act upon it. Do not wait for the perfect moment as it will never come. Work on what you need to do today and always make sure to keep faith and that your thoughts are in sync with your feelings. Feel good about what you are doing, think positive about your path in life and no matter what happens, you will know that you have given your all and you can't regret anything about that.

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