
How to Move Forward

It is about breaking your own limitations and outgrowing yourself in order to live your best life. You are not in competition with anyone else; plan to outdo your past not other people. It is your choice. Choose to be the best you can be. Never let your past dictate who you are or what you can accomplish. You can be and do better than you ever imagined if you believe you can. The mind is the most powerful instrument in the universe. If used properly it will do what you choose it to do. Belief gives you faith and faith gives you conviction. Your gift of life was meant just for you. All would like to say at the end of the day "So glad I made it". With faith you will make it through. This process has yet to fail and has a consistency rate of 100 %. Consistency is the key and only focus, effort and drive will guarantee consistency. If you are living in the past you will fail to see the future. Outdated ideologies that keep us divided and will never let us experience life at its finest. No longer can anything or anyone else but you be held accountable for your life. You were given life for a reason and purpose. Experience comes at a cost. Despite your setbacks your victory is closer than you think. You have to put the work in. The seeds have been sown get ready to reap the harvest.

Move forward without any hesitation or procrastination. Time waits for no one and the longer you wait the further behind you get. There has to be a change.
We need to learn to get out of our own way. Only use your energy for things that affect your life positively. The challenges of life can be complex, taxing and hard to overcome, but if you change your perspective of these challenges, you will overcome. Believe that you were born to be a champion. You are actually amazing. Let your words your character and your values stand for something. Let it represent the best of you no less. When you give the all of yourself and the best of yourself, you are paying back the tithe God truly deserves and request. Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Connect your mouth with your heart and it leads to a path to your soul.

Your blessings will be bigger than any of your expectations. The key is standing on your faith and being about your business. Don't waste your time and energy relying on past fallacies and ideas that were never meant to benefit you. Imagine everything working for the good of you instead wondering what if. Apply your effort drive and resources; spiritual and physical to bring your dreams, goals and imagination to fruition. Connect with those that share your vision. Never underestimate the strength that numbers bring. When those numbers are of one accord it changes the dynamics of any endeavor or situation. The more that is for you the lesser that is against you it's the law of averages. Live to move forward and you will reach your destiny.

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