
Purpose: Are You Content With Being Complacent? (By Jenee Anderson)

About two weeks ago, I had someone sit down with me and tell me, "You are the author of your own story... so why not make your story as dope as possible?" And at first, it sounded cliché. It sounded like the same story I have ever heard from someone who called themselves "motivating" me.

But then they told me to look at where I was this time last year. And I did. This time last year, I had just quit my job at Wells Fargo. I was looking for a job where I could be happy. I wanted an upgrade from the house I was living in. I wanted a house that had an upstairs and downstairs. I didn't want carpet. I wanted a dog. I wanted a real love with a man who wanted the same thing. I wanted to be surrounded by people who were like-minded. I wanted to be closer to God. I wanted to be more financially responsible.

And then I compared what I wanted this time last year to the things I have now. I have a much less stressful job that pays much more money. I have a house that has an upstairs and downstairs with hardwood floors throughout. I have a dog. I have a real love with a man that not only wants the same things that I do, but will not accept anything less. I have a great group of people that in my life that I am proud to call my friends. I am closer to God and am still working on growing closer every day. I am better but still working on being more responsible with money.

But the point of this story is to say that I immediately had to realize that everything he was telling me was true. I have always been taught that there is power in the tongue. I have always been told to speak things into existence. Whenever I have interviewed for a job that I really wanted, I then spoke of it as if it was already done. Whenever I wanted something, I went for it and did not stop trying until I got it.

That's how this life thing works. Set a goal. Make your mind up that you won't stop until you get it and then grind. When your mind is made up and your heart is set on one thing, you automatically take the actions to get you to where you want to be. Pray that God orders your steps in his word. When you have a plan, the will to accomplish your goals and God supporting you, there is nothing that can stop you.

In January, I published that the word for 2016 is "purpose". What is your purpose? What have you always wanted to do? What is your lifelong dream? What makes your heart smile? That's your purpose. There is no way you were put on this earth to be average. You were put on this earth for a reason. Realize your reason. Pray over your purpose. Go with God. Grow with God.

Be blessed

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