
Message From the Universe: Wanting More Out of Life

"It doesn't get any more beautiful, any more magical, any richer, or any easier than things are right now. Until, of course, you start expecting it to get more beautiful, magical, richer, and easier.

At which point, I hope you have a really good broker.

Who loves you,
The Universe"
There is never anything wrong in wanting more out of life. You work hard for the things you have but you can also seek a better life than what you have now. Never forget to be grateful for the things you already have though. Thank God and the angels for having health, because that is what's most important. If you have health, everything else in life will be easier. You can be the richest person on Earth but bed ridden, how can you call that wealth? We might all have that strong desire to provide for our families, to give them everything they need, but the reality is how much can they actually receive? Can anyone drive two cars at the same time? Can anyone eat more than what the body can handle? How much more space do you need in a house besides filling that space with junk? I can guarantee you that someone living in a 50 000 sqft house has probably never visited some areas of the house and probably never will. Besides the cost to heat or cool the house, you will never enjoy that much space. The interesting part is that eventually, you will want to eventually get rid of that mansion to acquire something more manageable, and SMALLER. This is what most wealthy people do. Bigger the home, bigger the headaches. Life is meant to be lived having great dreams and goals, but also living it stress and headache free.

My dreams are limitless and I can admit that I seek to obtain that large mansion and live in it for a few years to eventually get rid of it and get something smaller. The idea here is to know that you are capable of doing so, that you have reached the dreams and goals you have given yourself throughout the years, that you know what you are able to accomplish throughout your lifetime. Life is testing every one of us, every single day of our lives, and depending on how you deal with the challenges thrown at you, chance can either be on your sides or against you. By working more on yourself, you will be able to change your mindset when it comes to dealing with obstacles and come out a winner. Effort is required on your part but once you get the hang of it, you won't let the petty things bother you and will focus more on helping others that can't help themselves. When doing that, the whole world around you will change for the better. One word of caution. Always listen to your inner voice when it comes to helping others. Lots of vultures out there looking for easy prey to munch on. Do not give help to those who will deliberately take advantage of you.

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