
8 Tips To Manifest More Abundance And A Wealth Mindset

The state of consciousness you dwell in is above all else the determining factor over your life conditions and circumstances. Most of us are still trying to acquire wealth backward and we wonder why the strain and struggle feels unbearable.

Regardless of what you choose to do over the coming months in respect to creating channels through which more abundance and wealth can come into your life, I want to encourage you to invest a little time, money and effort if need be, in acquiring more knowledge and mastery over your mind.

Why is this important?

Because your mind is the only thing you've got and all you really need to start creating dramatic shifts in your world.

Whatever may be said in praise of all other things necessary for creating an awesome lifestyle in our modern society, nothing and I really do mean nothing - is as important as increasing in knowledge and conscious awareness over your mind and how to govern it properly.

The determinant role that the mind plays when it comes to creating successful results and navigating the two realms you exist in I.e The Physical and Spiritual - is undisputed and only belongs to the mind.

So, without needing to drill in the importance of learning more about your mind and how it works, here are 8 simple tips that will help you manifest more abundance and a wealth mindset.

1. It starts with knowing, embracing and choosing to pursue your purpose and true desires in life.

At times, the purpose can take a while before clarity kicks in so we often recommend you commence by choosing your true desires and boldly stepping out to make it a reality.

There is no better way for you to shift into the reality of abundance and wealth than getting a precise, well-chosen desire.

I know many clients come to me with torn energy when it comes to this idea which is why I've created numerous resources on it, bottom line being this: The fastest way to start moving things in your world is through having a definite desire to pursue that you believe will change your world.

All individuals who lead abundant, prosperous, joyous lifestyles always pursue their hearts greatest desires.

2. Here's a simple and very effective way that I always teach in my prosperity talks, should you desire to experience and manifest more abundance in your life rapidly.

For the next 21 days, stop all complaining. Any kind of complain even something small like a bird poo on your car, your kid breaking a glass in the kitchen, the grocery line being too long, the traffic - anything at all!

Going on a 21 day challenge of no complaining at all will force you to stop focusing on what's wrong, what you do not have, what's not working and it will literally help you quickly shift out of those lower vibrational frequencies into neutral and higher ones where tuning into abundance and wealth becomes easy.

The abundance and wealth that you need is already here but if you've clouded yourself for too long, that connection is too weak, that's why this exercise really works - for those who are bold enough to see it through with great discipline.

3. Avoid the no.1 mistake most people make when it comes to increasing wealth and prosperity.

What is this no. 1 mistake?

Most people talk to others who are stuck in the same reality they want to get out of.

Even in scripture Christ tells us not to feed what is holy to the dogs and not to throw our pearls before swine. Yet you find many people taking their precious dreams and desires to people who have themselves become lost in the dark.

If you want to increase and manifest more abundance and wealth in your life, you must engage with people who are abundant and have a wealthy mindset.

4. Learn how to tune your mind back into abundance and prosperity consciousness. This requires a shift in consciousness and a renewing of the mind, not just a little pasting of affirmations and motivational quotes.

Not that I am discrediting them, but more often than not you will discover that unless you were already born in a family where an abundant mindset was nurtured, the mere routine of quoting people, watching others motivate you etc. is just wasted energy because it never gets to the level where change can be effected.

So be honest with yourself and stop wasting energy and money on things that just remedy a deeper problem.

5. That of course leads me to this next tip, which is: Work on attaining a real paradigm shift. Upgrade the habits, beliefs, convictions and concepts of self as well as money.

Yesterday I was introduced to a housewife during school pick up, who happily told me she's discovered that she's really good at sewing, to which I naturally expressed appreciation and said she ought to create some kind of a business out of it and she quickly shrugged me off saying "oh no! I don't do that kind of stuff, this is my passion, it's fun, it's what I love doing"...

Clearly she needs a desperate paradigm shift in her life because her wealth mindset is totally calibrated in lack and falsehood. Hopefully now I will be able to help change that, but are you aware of the kind of paradigms you have around the very riches you claim to desire?

6. Pay more deliberate attention about the mental diet as well as the physical diet that you've subscribed to.

This isn't about going on some sophisticated or paranoid shift, rather it's about deliberately choosing what will become your way of life effortlessly.

Crash diets of any kind do not work, depriving yourself of things you love also doesn't work, but you certainly want to ensure that you've consciously chosen to put something in your mouth and your mind.

Individuals who've learned how to cultivate a wealth mindset know that the mental diet is just as important as the physical diet, if not more. They know that whatever goes into the mind must be reflected outwardly.

So they proactively spend time listening to positive uplifting people, topics, music and other types of information or entertainment.

If your desire is to manifest more abundance and a wealth mindset you really must stay away from people who pull you down.

Avoid people who tell you that your ideas are unattainable or impossible for one reason or another.

Listening to such people and building a case against the very desires that you know could change your life will leave you crushed in very harmful ways and send you further away from the experience of abundance.

7. Time is sacred and although you have all the time you need in this world, be more cautious about who you spend your valuable time with. Time is not money!

That's just absurd and if you still say or think that then that's one more paradigm to start working on already!

What you spend most of your time doing not only demonstrates the state of consciousness you dwell in, it also carves out more of what will come in future.

Individuals with a wealth mindset invest their time, not allowing any wastage whenever they can help it. So they choose their friends very carefully.

They are with people who increase their life and well-being not decrease it, they spend time doing things that they feel sure holds them accountable to the vision they've created for themselves and always strive to have a good balance of give and take in their engagements with others.

These are the people you want to surround yourself with if you want to cultivate that winning mindset.

8. The last tip I wish to share about how you can manifest more abundance and a wealth mindset is one few people emphasis on but it makes a lot of difference when it comes to maintaining your flow of increase.

It's easy to attract money to you with just a little practice and strong faith, but most of us were never taught how to steward money properly.

So while manifesting wealth and more abundance has to do with magnetizing it, you also want to start increasing your financial intelligence about the proper use of money so that whatever you have can continue to multiply.

And don't say you don't know how to do it or that you suck at it, I've been there, quoting that line all too well!

Money is a topic we all need to educate and empower ourselves about so quit using that as an excuse, instead, do what you must and learn how to awaken that financial genius that's lying asleep within you.

If you can learn how to have a good masterful relationship with money and steward it properly then and only then will you discover financial freedom.

It takes both the inner work of cultivating the wealth mindset as well as the outer work of understanding proper ways of making money work for you instead of vice versa - should you really desire lasting prosperity.

The rich and wealthy individuals who've tapped into this truth get to design the lifestyles of their dreams and if you've been paying attention, I believe you can start doing the same too.

If you liked this article and are looking for more ways to make your life absolutely awesome and prosperous as well as digital solutions and education that can show you how to become independently wealthy please visit our website below.

5 Simple Anger Management Tips

Man in Blue and Brown Plaid Dress Shirt Touching His Hair

When things or people act in a certain way that is unacceptable by us, we get angry. It is important that we learn how to manage our emotions properly so we can be happier. Here are some things you can do to manage anger.

Do not act when you are angry

To avoid regrets resulting from wrong actions, you must learn not to take actions when you are angry. A lot of people have done things they regretted later because they acted in anger. Anger pushes you to act on impulse without considering the consequences of your actions. Not acting when you are angry is not easy, it takes practice and patience. Train yourself to be calm when you are angry.

Be silent until your anger subsides

This may not be easy, most times when we are angry we use words to express how we feel. People have said things they didn't mean to say. You should learn to be silent when you are angry, you need to keep those hurting words caged up. Staying silent when angry shows you have self-control. Practice staying quiet when you are angry.

Avoid people or issues that get you angry

Total avoidance is a very good strategy in managing anger. Knowing the things that get you angry and deliberately moving away from them is a sure way of avoiding the negative outcomes of anger. This is a good strategy when there is little or nothing you can do to eliminate the source of your anger. You may not have control over the source every time but you can always control your reaction.

Counselling and Self-talk

Seek the assistance of a counsellor, someone you trust and you can freely share your feelings with. Counsellors can be of great help when you have anger management issues. Another good strategy is self-talk. Have a conversation with yourself, get into a quiet place and talk yourself out of your anger.

Engage in activities that you enjoy

One good way to handle your anger is to find an exciting activity that you can engage in. It could be listening to music, reading, seeing a moving or talking to someone I have found this particular strategy very helpful. It may work for you as well.

I hope you found these tips helpful? I trust that if you practice them, you will be able to effectively manage you anger. Do you know people with an anger management problems? Please forward this article to them.

You Were Not Born to Be Ordinary, So Stand Out and Be EXTRAORDINARY!

Why do we spend so much time and energy out of our precious lives trying to fit the mold that other people try to put us in? We spend so much time trying to fit in when we were born to stand out. It is important to remain yourself and who you were born to be. The world would be so boring and uninteresting if we were all the same type of person doing the same type of thing. That would also hinder our purpose and creativity.

Living a happier and more fulfilled life for me began when I began to "break the rules," and what I mean by "break the rules" is going against the grain of what other people felt like I should be doing, and going with the grain of what I was being divinely led to do. I discovered that I was born to be unique. And by unique I mean creative and phenomenal. Now going against the grain doesn't mean that you never consider the advice of others, but it should be positive advice that is supportive of your uniqueness.

Many times we care too much about what other people are going to think about us, or what other people are going to say about us. So we stay in a "safe place" and never step out to be who we really are. When in reality why does what other people think about us or say about us even matter? Maybe those other people are so critical because they wish they had the courage to step out and allow their uniqueness to shine, but they don't have that courage, so instead they are critical of those who do.

Being true to yourself means that you are in alignment with who you were born to be and what you were called to do. You can create a lot of positive space in your life just by being yourself. And nobody wants to look back 20 years from now and realize that he or she lived their life according to the constraints and guidelines of others. And guess what? Those critical people are not going to have to live with the regret, only you are.

Here is the best way to live your life extraordinary... do what you are being divinely led to do! Even if it makes no sense to others, and it might not make sense to others since it is what you are being divinely led to do and not them. It is often hard for others to identify with things we are inspired to do. And sometimes they don't understand until the results manifest.

You might be surprised at how just going against "what's normal" can contribute to your success. People are drawn to things that are unique and stand out. If you just blend in the same with everyone else in life or in business, how will you stand out and make the impact you were truly born to make?,-So-Stand-Out-and-Be-EXTRAORDINARY!&id=9369021

Learn To Persevere, Be An Optimist

Man Wearing Blue Shorts Holding Vehicle Tire Facing Waterfalls

Shri Krishna said to Arjuna in the consecrated Mahabharata, "Na Dainyam, Na Palayanam", implying that one should never escape from his problems in life, and never even quit or bow to their enemies. According to Him, once you build a will to do something, and decide not to back out on your mind, body or spiritual level, you have already won the life battle. Focus only on your goal while overpowering your biggest enemies - Lust, Anger, Greed and Extreme Attachment - and you are half way through.

Have you ever thought that this small, but priceless Mantra conferred by Yogeshwar Shri Krishna holds true to each and every field in life? Yes! Even in the corporate world.


What does it need for you as leaders to succeed in the corporate world? Before anything, it's your Attitude. The attitude to keep going! Once you develop that, you need a passion to follow your dreams. Perseverance is the key to achieving your dreams and aims. If you are a newbie in your sphere, it's important. If you are an employee, it's important. If you are an entrepreneur, it's important. And if you are a leader, it's again important.

If you're wondering why, the reason is that challenges and failures are part and parcel of all these jobs. Every person, no matter what position he is at, needs to build that much-required resilience in them. And that needs work. You have to train your brain to make it learn how to remain positive and focused on the goal in one and all situations.

The challenge is to stay on the course irrespective of the storm

Of course, be it a fresher, or a budding entrepreneur, or anyone else; everyone requires to have a sense of positivity. Since, everyone's aim is ultimately to lead in their lives for a long term. But, it is a real big challenge for those playing the role of a leader in a business. These people are the ones who need to take others along with them while moving ahead in their careers. So, how does a leader's sanguinity help?

There are three things:

1. Productivity - The first onus on the shoulders of a leader is to ensure productivity at the end of their subordinates. A positive and happy environment will anytime help augment the productivity level of employees. In fact, they become more creative and energetic. Enthusiasm is directly proportional to productivity. If you, as a leader, are happy and enthusiastic, your energy will spread among your team like fire. If you are determined, it will be as easy as it sounds. All you need to do is maintain your cheerful attitude in different situations to make your people feel the same. It will make you and your team face any challenge that comes your way.

2. Constant Learning - Discover your power to keep fighting and going - come what may - by always keeping a learning attitude. You might feel sometimes that the pressure is a lot to handle. But, at the same time, you need to remember that Church ain't out till they quit singing. Keep trying different things until and unless you come to know what works the best. Forget how many times you failed; focus on the one opportunity that's still left.

Remember how Nokia lost the game eventually? The CEO of the company, Stephen Elop was literally into tears while delivering his speech. And all he could say was, "We didn't do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost". 'We lost', which means he simply gave up to his dreams.

And how Blackberry couldn't make it up to the next level? It's not that the technology was too old or something. But, it's all an adaptability game. If one just cannot learn to adapt to the newest trends, one must forget about the advantage they had yesterday.

Both the companies simply only needed to comprehend the rage. They failed due to lack of competence and moreover, the will to improve themselves.

On the other hand, Apple could also go bankrupt years ago. But, did Steve Jobs cede, or did he look for a way to survive in their market? Or rather, to stand apart from the crowd? Well! Even though Jobs was fired from Apple, he returned and tried everything until he made the firm create a niche in the market, while turning the iPod used to encourage people to purchase Macintosh computers into a completely different product range. In fact, he went ahead with developing modern phones under the brand understanding the demand of that epoch. This attitude of him to focus on what customers need, and more importantly, to keep moving on and persisting helped him make Apple a successful brand capable of competing against the other top brands of today like Microsoft and Google. Creativity and buoyancy were the essence, though.

3. Positive air is charismatic - Do you yourself like to be surrounded by those who radiate negative vibes? Certainly, not. How will you be able to attract people around you, then, if you are not positive and proactive? So, there you go. Keep an encouraging and smiling gesture always to grow as a good and successful leader.

Be an Optimist Once and For All

During good times, anyone can feel positive. But it is a big deal to remain optimistic during hard times. Positivity certainly doesn't imply that you have to run away or get rid of any kinds of failures. Running away or quitting is just not an option, never. In fact, the idea is to accept the failures that you encounter on your path, and learn and grow out of them with a positive outlook.

Sakshi has thoroughly researched the topic and written this article to help with self-improvement of people in the corporate world.,-Be-An-Optimist&id=9513022

Take the Pressure Off and Plan Ahead

Life doesn't tend to run smoothly, with a measured, evenly spaced flow of demands and expectations. For business people it's often a feast or famine situation, with several orders, customers and meetings to attend, frequently followed by a disconcerting lull.

Parents may have child-related fairs, festivals and parents evenings in their diaries as well as having to juggle the other areas of their lives. Plus social invitations have a habit of occurring like buses, none for ages then six arriving all at once!

At those times something has to give. Whilst we may have lots to do there's also a need for us to manage stress, look after ourselves, take the pressure off and plan ahead.

- Anticipate the busy times. You may be able to forecast when a busy period is likely to occur; it may be around holiday time, Christmas, before the school term starts or when the universities resume. You may not always guess correctly but it's helpful to prepare for an influx of different demands. It may be useful to enlist help. Taking on an apprentice or forming alliances with complementary businesses may help you manage stress and take some pressure off as you support each other during those busy times. Or outsource some domestic chores or those business tasks outside your specific skill set. It could be money well spent.

It may be appropriate to manage stress by sometimes declining work which you suspect could become excessively draining and demanding. It might be tempting to say 'yes', but's it's not always viable to accept every offer of work that comes your way. In quieter periods it may be fun, interesting and challenging to have a go and learn new skills, but it's important to pick your time well. That's where networking, making connections and getting to know local people in similar fields can become a win/win relationship for all over time.

- Plan for your health. Batch cooking so you have healthy food ready to go can stop you reaching for the take-away menu or pre-chilled dinners. When you're extra-busy is precisely the time when good nutritious food is especially important. There may be merit in sometimes declining invitations so that you go to bed a little earlier, rather than regularly collapsing exhausted in the early hours, mind racing, wondering why sleep is so elusive.

Remember to allow yourself time for fun, exercise and your important relationships. Take breaks to manage stress and have personal time. You'll return to work feeling better, often with clearer thinking. Cosset yourself regularly. Investing in your health and wellbeing will enable you to continue performing at your best.

- Anticipate the lonely times. Take the pressure off and plan ahead for when you'll potentially be bereft, alone and feeling unloved. Find out what's happening locally, maybe register on mailing lists and suggest outings to friends, neighbours and colleagues. Often free or special offers can be found for shows, concerts and restaurants.

Make and accept invitations, even if they sometimes take you out of your comfort zone. It's okay to scare yourself a little from time to time! And think how proud you'll feel afterwards, doing something different, making new friendships and keeping yourself busy.

Plan for alone time by turning it into a special indulgent time. Take the pressure off and claim that time for yourself. Buy your favourite foods, organise your reading, music or viewing. Decide to have a lovely, relaxing, candle-lit bath, put clean sheets on the bed, have a treat of 'me-time' on your own.

- Plan ahead for studying or a heavy workload. If there's a period when you need to focus and really concentrate on work or a specific project you can take the pressure off by planning ahead. Identify what's urgent, important and what can wait until another time. A timetable can help you focus, but you need to stick with it! Use those deadlines as a useful way to measure what you've done and how much more there is yet to do. A little forward planning can put you firmly in control.

Being accountable may seem like a pressure situation, but used well, having to answer to another person can be constructive. It can keep you on track by refusing to allow you to go off course or become distracted. Knowing you have to check in regularly can keep you in the zone, clear about your immediate commitments and aware of each stage of the journey.

Taking time to plan and clarify your next steps can be time well spent, enabling you to feel more in control and less pressurised as a consequence.

When Life Hits You Between The Eyes And You Are Better For It

We all go through things: Bad things, good things, and in the middle things. But, however good or bad we have it, we want it better and not worse. Human nature is a funny thing, but if it is not convenient and "perfect", we get angry usually unless we develop patience, work ethic and understanding that it will not always go "smoothly". I remember my Dad, and that one "negative" trait he had that my Mother genuinely "hated". He was insufferably patient and acted with this fact of life with a resignation and understanding so "amazing" that it seemed natural and not developed. I have the same "problem".

The way I look at things is this: We are as satisfied, understanding and happy as we make up our minds and spiritual beings to be. It does not matter where I am, how it is going or "why it screws up" or "messes up". I am patient. Sure, I have the same feelings as everyone else, but I just deal with them differently in an insufferable way instead of getting angry or letting them get the best of me. Even my therapist says under her breath sometimes: "Does this guy ever lose his cool in a genuine way?" Well, I can answer that here, I do not. What is the point of "losing cool", "going banana crazed" or imploding or exploding with anger. It genuinely solves nothing.

Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford and Marshall Field were amateurs compared to me when it comes to being insufferable in my opinion. You can turn your back on me and I will not care about attention or fear being left alone. If something does not go smoothly, "Oh well, just another way it did not succeed. I will do something else." Note, I did not say the word "try". Weak people try, strong people will do and do what they need and want to do ultimately.

Another thing, most women do not "like" me because of the facts I have just mentioned about myself, and I genuinely do not care. I am a results oriented man who does not care what anyone thinks. I just care what I want done genuinely, that is it. Call me "Jute Mill Man", or "Mister Chain Gang Worker" or whatever, but I am patient with everything including the public transit buses around where I live. You may not like the realities and truths I have to say, but I like them, that is what counts. If you like them, fine, if you do not, fine. I am saying what I am in this article.

Don't Let Distractions Get in the Way (By Anne O'Dwyer)

Distractions can cause havoc with best laid plans! The recent spring weather, as great as it was; managed to entice me into the garden. I had a great time planning and planting my new garden and had a great time in the sunshine. However it was a great distraction to my time.

This was just the latest distraction; I have been procrastinating for months, following eighteen months of vertigo and general ill-health. I have allowed my business activity to slide into oblivion!

Well now is the time to make a change, I really prefer a structure to my life, a purpose and achieving goals, but I have been procrastinating and wandering through days with little to show for my time, not to mention less satisfaction and little purpose. Sunny days in the fresh air were a very enjoyable distraction and come the summer the fruits of my labour will hopefully be visible.

So how have I managed to wake-up and take charge of my life again? Well I decided to read a book I had previously published. The enthusiasm I felt when I wrote it filled me with the determination to turn my life around again and get back on track.

Sometimes it is easy to let yourself become bogged down by unfortunate events, ill-health or general day-to-day living. Spring always feels like a good time to turn things around and as nature turns the hedgerows green again my enthusiasm for change grows.

The trouble when you decide to catch up again with things that have descended in a downward spiral it is difficult to decide what to do first!

My decision was to reassess what is most important to me, and what I find most enjoyable. Life is too short not to prioritize things you enjoy doing!

The first was to get fit again I am not overweight just a bit flabby from lack of exercise and my balance has gone to pot after my leg fracture etc. So Tia Chi I'm told should help that, plus a toning program and if I can fit it in - balance exercises on my Wii fit.

My second was to rebuild my online business and work at home. I have all the knowledge I just need the determination to put it all into practice! So with all this planned activity I certainly shouldn't be bored by too much TV!

So if things of late haven't been going to plan, take heart and join me in a planned return to better times. It is easy to let procrastination and distractions take over your life, until one day you wake-up to find months or years have passed by. Decide what is really important to you and make a concerted effort to reach it - Wishing you great success and a happy journey too!

Message From the Universe: It's About the Right Feeling!

Man in Gray Coat Carrying Woman Wearing Pink Coat in Beach Near Shoreline and Body of Water

"How about I share a little secret with you in exchange for a nice, toothy smile?

Deal. Here goes... There's someone about to enter your life, either presently alive in time and space, or about to be born, whom you've obviously not yet even met, who will, in short order, fall very, deeply in love with you and the other way around.

Teeth, please -
The Universe"

Has it happened yet for you? I know it did for me. However, for many others, it will come very very very soon. Why do you think we have so many dating website out there to cater to this need? That is because everything is looking for that magic connection, a chemistry that is very difficult to obtain, a love that is very hard to find. Many navigate through life, connecting with the wrong person, making mistakes and realizing it afterwards. No one can really predict how a relationship will end as many put a nice front in the beginning, then changes afterwards. By that time, a co-dependent relationship is created and it will eventually end really badly. So the question is often asked: "How will I ever know if this is the right person for me?" Many have tried to find the ideal significant other by dating many people and being more aware of odd signs that can and will be detrimental to a healthy relationship. Sometimes, humans will give priority to physical looks and ignore the signs of that person being the wrong one in every aspect. Unless you are just looking for a good time, long term hope with that individual shouldn't be a top priority. It is important to listen to that inner voice that will always guide you the right way and if signs are telling you to run in the opposite direction, I would suggest to tie your shoes and start running fast.

People get attracted to certain others because of the energy signature to exude from their bodies. It is not uncommon to come across similar energy signatures with someone but if you do not cultivate them TOGETHER, these energies will fade out and problems begin. Always focus on how you work together and if someone is looking for a heightened spiritual guidance and the other isn't looking for a similar calling, chances are that the relationship will eventually fail if no one makes the effort to reconnect down the line. It can be challenging to keep these energy signatures following the same parallel path of life as many couples may look for something different as they get older and their need changes. Like anything else in life, if you want something to succeed, you need to work hard at it. Don't fret the little arguments you may have between you and your significant other as they demonstrate that difference of opinions is important to be shared between both parties and as long as it stays to be a healthy argument, you will be able to built a strong foundation for the future.!&id=9542509

Best Strategy For Success, Abundance And Continual Prosperity As An Entrepreneur

Doesn't matter what business you're building this year, your success will come down to 3 simple letters: Yes, indeed, 3 Simple Letters L", "O" and "C".

Before you see what these stand for and start to become crystal clear on how you can PROFIT from these 3 simple, ordinary letters.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." What he meant is that we shouldn't feel chained to old ways of thinking that don't work anymore.

Real quick:

Only the ones who decide to put their excuses aside, and rely on faith, look for more REASONS to succeed than excuses to quit.

Those are the people getting results, and the ones who COMMIT to their future.

Over the past 12 hours, hundreds of ambitious men and women, parents, gals, professionals and guys just like you have been storming the doors of being self-employed and beginning to see POWERFUL results.

The others?

Those letters? "L", "O" and "C".

Being a professional and entrepreneur requires 3 things to be present ALWAYS.

How You Can Use 3 Simple Letters To Get More Wealth, Power, Prosperity and POWER In Your Life:

Well, I don't pay attention to them and neither should you if you want to EXPAND your life and income to levels unheard of in your circle of friends. You see, if we don't accept the idea that we actually deserve real abundance in our lives, having prosperity, then even if it falls in our laps we will refuse it somehow.

1) the RIGHT prospect.

2) the RIGHT product.

3) the RIGHT message.

And this is what the 3 simple letters create in any market, with any person (you) and at a moment's notice.

However, if you miss just ONE of these?

No sales.

No wealth.

No power.

No prosperity.

Pack it in, your life will reflect that lack.



Tons of people are posting on social media about how great their business is and why people are CRAZY not to join their mission.

My favorite is an email list.

Yup... Your LIST. It is simply a list of prospects.

Plus, to build an email list, someone must ASK for specific information--case in point. I mean if you are on my email list you willingly signed up to hear from me, and I know what you were looking for so you've put your hand up to get emails about certain topics.

OK--now that you're feeling great and have an ear to ear grin covering that face of yours...

Why? Because it's TARGETED and you OWN it.

VERY powerful and turns the tables on most of what you may be doing already to build a business.

Could be an email list, Facebook audience, Personal contacts--I don't care where these people are, you need to have a list of prospects who are open, willing and PRIMED to hear from you,.

First Letter is "L" And.

It Stands For "LIST".

You have control over getting my messages, yet you still typed in your email address to hear from me.

99% of those people have no interest, and will NEVER have an interest no matter how great your lifestyle becomes.

Now you have an email list of people who want to learn about a specific area of gardening.

Say lawn care for humid climates. (very specific audience, who wants a specific solution.).

Build a precision permission based email list starting today (don't waste time).

If you're on someone's email list, you've given them permission to promote to you and do this all day until you choose to unsubscribe.

Second Letter is "O" And.

It Stands For "OFFER".

Doesn't matter if you have the BEST book or product on how to increase the speed of your tennis serve, your audience doesn't care one bit!

You can't sell the BEST thing to the WRONG person.

Extreme example, but you get the point?

Your OFFER (what you are selling and the specific problem it solves) MUST MATCH your audience and what they want.

My recommendation--fall in love with your prospect, feel united with them, and then OFFER them something THEY will love.

This is important, because many people I see fall in love with the product (which is great), yet they are not in LOVE with the prospect.

Make sense?

Third Letter is "C" And.

It Stands For "COPY".

Use the FIRST "L", and build a list of the RIGHT people, THEN make them an OFFER that fits what they are seeking.


And as I said.

Because "COPY" is simply the words you use to describe, influence and let people you care about understand you!

If you don't have a LIST and a good OFFER, you're not going anywhere.

The BEST, most slick, perfected and dialed in sales copy will FLOP!

Door to door salespeople are perfect examples.

Just like you can't SELL the BEST thing to the wrong audience.

You can't SAY the right thing to the wrong person.

Doesn't matter about their great ideas or if they are the most top and persuasive recruiting door-to-door messengers around.

99% of the doors SLAM on their faces.

Why this matters to you (in a BIG way).

What if you could be taught the whole process of building a list, matching an offer (or crafting one), putting the BEST words together to sell it?

Imagine if they learned the art of building a targeted and interested list, people who WANTED information and then they could focus on THOSE people?.

Would that interest you?

This is MASSIVE if you're a service provider.

You simply need to be a powerful action taker, and then you are on the first step toward the top.

I want this article to help you succeed and I know how.

That's all for today! Other than learn how to reflect your inner abundance into your outer world.

This is all so very CRUCIAL if you're an entrepreneur and in a business opportunity.

Hope you got MASSIVE value and clarity about what you ACTUALLY need right now.

To all you can in this world!,-Abundance-And-Continual-Prosperity-As-An-Entrepreneur&id=9747573

5 Fantastic Tips To Control Your Anger

Man Wearing Jacket Standing Near Tree

Well, some people are born with cool nature and have the ability to control themselves. But on the other hand there are people with opposite nature. They have a hot head and are crammed with anger which typically leads to an appalling life. And these people badly want to know the art to control it - to control their irrepressible anger.

So, here are some things which you must exercise in your life to conquer this problem. Trust me! It's going to be a lot less work.

1. No! I'm not!

When you're angry, but you still act like you're not. Then trust me, it will bring more dilemma for you. If you're angry then accept the truth. Accept that you're angry and you want to beat or yell at someone. And you must admit the reality and after you have acknowledged the truth then you will witness that you are controlling yourself much better than before.

2. Fade Away.

If the situation is really tense, frustrating, and makes you to do something which you shouldn't, then without wasting any time, you should move away from the whole scenario. Because when you continuously stay on a place where things raise your temperature and spoil your mood then you're likely to act like a creepy person. So, it's better to move away from such situations which sooner or later bring out the horrifying monster sleeping inside you.

3. Time to Play.

It's a proven thing that when you're frustrated and are not able to overcome your anger then you should quickly play sports. Yes, it's true! A study showed that playing sports keeps a person relaxed. Moreover, sports rips away the whole anger because when you're playing sports, you're able to take out your whole frustration on the thing with which you're playing.

4. Write Down.

To read everything related about controlling your anger is good. But what makes this whole procedure excellent is by acting on it and not forgetting the tips. And, you can remember everything by reading them daily or write them down where you can easily read them. Like: Write down the tips in your mobile and save it or hang the tips where you can see them easily.

5. Talk with yourself.

It's the final step and a fantastic one. People who used this tip have got genuine help. There is no one that can make us understand something better than our own self. So, when you talk with yourself, you get great help. You need to tell yourself some things, like: No matter whatever happens, I must not get angry, I will overcome my anger, I don't feel anger anymore, I'm happy and I don't need to act like a frustrated person.

Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence

Man Wearing A Jacket Sitting On Brown Wooden Crate

How To Be Confident

1. Groom yourself. This seems like such an obvious one, but it's amazing how much of a difference a shower and a shave can make in your feelings of self-confidence and for your self-image. There have been days when I turned my mood around completely with this one little thing.

2. Dress nicely. A corollary of the first item above... if you dress nicely, you'll feel good about yourself. You'll feel successful and presentable and ready to tackle the world.

3. Photoshop your self-image. Our self-image means so much to us, more than we often realize. We have a mental picture of ourselves, and it determines how confident we are in ourselves. But this picture isn't fixed and immutable. You can change it. Use your mental Photoshopping skills, and work on your self-image. If it's not a very good one, change it.

4. Think positive. One of the things I learned when I started running, about two years ago, what how to replace negative thoughts (see next item) with positive ones. How I can actually change my thoughts, and by doing so make great things happened. With this tiny little skill, I was able to train for and run a marathon within a year.

5. Increase competence. How do you feel more competent? By becoming more competent. And how do you do that? By studying and practicing. Just do small bits at a time. If you want to be a more competent writer, for example, don't try to tackle the entire profession of writing all at once. Just begin to write more. Journal, blog, write short stories, do some freelance writing. The more you write, the better you'll be. Set aside 30 minutes a day to write (for example), and the practice will increase your competence.

6. Change a small habit. Not a big one, like quitting smoking. Just a small one, like writing things down. Or waking up 10 minutes earlier. Or drinking a glass of water when you wake up. Something small that you know you can do. Do it for a month. When you've accomplished it, you'll feel like a million bucks.

7. Focus on solutions. If you are a complainer, or focus on problems, change your focus now. Focusing on solutions instead of problems is one of the best things you can do for your confidence and your career. "I'm fat and lazy!" So how can you solve that? "But I can't motivate myself!" So how can you solve that? "But I have no energy!" So what's the solution?

Anger Is an Inside Job

Getting angry is often a natural almost instinctive reaction. Something happens or someone does something that seems to immediately cause us to go into a "fight or flight "mode and our anger takes over.

However that is not what really happens. There are specific physical signs, as well as specific thought patterns that often precede actually getting angry. If we can identify the associated physical signs, as well as the underlying thought patterns, perhaps we can take some steps to control it before it takes control of us.

What does it feel like to become angry?

Here are some common physical indications often associated with anger

• Knots in your stomach

• Clenching of our hands or jaw

• Feeling Clammy or Flushed

• Rapid breathing

• Headache

• Pacing or needing to walk around

• Pounding Heart

• Tensing neck & shoulders

Although we may think that the cause of our anger is external, such as other people's actions or frustrating situations. The reality is that anger problems have less to do with what happens to us than how we interpret what has happened. Negative thought patterns are often the fuel that ignites anger

What are some negative thought patterns that are associated with Anger?

Here are some common thought patterns that often lead to anger.

• Overgeneralizing: Using terms like "you Always interrupt" or "you Never let me speak"

• Obsessing on "should haves" and "ought to"

• Jumping to conclusions: assuming you know what the other person is thinking or feeling

• Keeping score: looking for negative situations and letting them build up till you explode

• Blaming others Rather than taking responsibility for your own actions

Stressful events do not have to lead to angry reactions. Understanding how these events affect you can be very helpful in controlling your reactions. As we recognize specific situations that trigger angry reactions, and identify the physical symptoms and underlying negative thought patterns, we are in a better position to control the outcome.

How do you do that?

Take an inventory of some recent situations that have caused you to have an angry reaction. Think about what you were thinking. What were you feeling? Did you notice any physical signs leading up to the point of anger? How did you react? What could you have done to avoid getting angry? What can you do beforehand that can help you better respond to a similar situation in the future?

By taking the time to think through these scenarios ahead of time, you are more likely to be able to control your anger before it controls you.

Your Business IS Your Business - On "Hyper" Personal Responsibility (By Ling B Wong)

My 4-yo monkey was riding his scooter the other day (admittedly, he isn't the best at riding in a straight line).

He tried to squeeze by a woman and a low fence. The woman was talking on her phone, distracted.

Kid fell down. He cried. He got a big bruise on his side. And an Oreo to ease the pain.

I'd say both lil' guy and Ms. Cell Phone were at fault. If she wasn't distracted, she'd probably have heard the scooter coming.

Yet, that's a lesson lil' man needs to learn.

Even if someone else is responsible for the "collision," he's still the one to get hurt. The smart thing to do is to be vigilant, anticipate the sh*t that could happen and preempt it from happening.

In real life, and particularly as a business owner or entrepreneur, we're in this kind of situation all the time.

We're responsible for watching our own back because it's not anyone else's responsibility.

No one, except you, is responsible if you aren't charging what your products and services are worth.

You have to be the one to stand up for yourself and ask for the money. You can call your client a jerk/cheapskate for trying to save a buck but at the end of the day, he's not responsible for your income.

No one, except you, is responsible if your designer or copywriter or web dude missed a deadline.

You have to be the one to make sure things get done. You can fire the contractor and never hire him again but at the end of the day, you're the one to miss the launch date.

No one, except you, is responsible if money is not coming in.

You have to be the one to open up possibilities and say yes to opportunities. You can blame LOA for not working, you can call that business coach a fraud, you can vibrate on your ass and wonder why nothing is happening, or you can call the latest training or program a scam. You could be right on all counts, but at the end of the day, you're the one to look at the bank account and pull out your hair.

YOU are responsible for your success AND for orchestrating your circumstances for that to happen.

You're not only responsible for your mistakes but also for anticipating potential screw-ups other make that could impact your results.

You're not in business to be a "nice person." You're here to create meaning. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you stand for.

You're not here to run a happy camp. Go for respect and integrity.

Cover all basis. Be discerning. Be diligent. Be vigilant. Grow an eye on the back of your head so some 4-yo on a scooter won't ruin your new Jimmy Choo. Because sh*t happens and my lil' guy sure as hell won't buy you a new pair of shoes.

Affirmations VS Afformations - Which One Is Better?

I know this sounds weird...

You probably have heard of affirmations right?

Yes, affirmations are the kind of positive statements that you repeat to yourself so you set an intention about the kind of person you want to be.

While it's popularized by "The Not-So Secret" marketing campaign which made millions of people believe that thinking alone can attract all results, it's still used by many successful people daily to reprogram their subconscious mind and change the way they think, feel, believe and thus behave.

In the Annual Review of Psychology 2014, Geoffrey L. Cohen and David K. Sherman published a research report called "The Psychology of Change: Self-Affirmation and Social Psychological Intervention".

Basically, they are saying that the intervention of using "self-affirmation" can bring about a more expansive view of the self and its resources, and thus weaken the implications of a threat for personal integrity. They discovered that "Timely affirmations have been shown to improve education, health and relationship outcomes, with benefits that sometimes persist for months and years by touching off a positive feedback loop."

Personally, I do speak out my positive, present-based, personal affirmation script daily and I do modify them every now and then to keep them inspirational, motivational, and emotionally charged for myself. It does work for me.

But to some people, affirmations are not effective to change them because they have this inner-voice which resists the idea that they can be successful (or whatever they are trying to affirm).

So while your brain can't distinguish what's real and what's vividly imagined, it may still be smart enough to say, "Hey you, look at how poor you are right now, are you really going to believe you're wealthy?". It's hard for these people to successfully intervene themselves.

Luckily, there's another potent method called afformations.

Afformations are just like affirmations, but instead of using a positive statement, you ask yourself a positive question.

Instead of chanting "I am as rich as Donald Trump", ask yourself "Why am I the kind of person who deserve wealth, power and abundance?"

Instead of saying "I am happy all the time", ask yourself "What am I so grateful for right now? What makes me excited tomorrow? Why am I so lucky that I can always find my way?"

Instead of humming "I am so good-looking that I attract all beautiful women", ask yourself "Why am I the kind of masculine, mature, authentic man who naturally attract the right people to my life?"

According to Noah St. John, author of The Secret Code of Success, afformations work better because our minds appreciate questions and are eager to search for answers automatically. It challenges our mind to figure out a possible answer instead of repeating some statements that don't seem convincing.

When you allow your mind gather evidence of a possible answer on its own instead of forcing it into believing certain things, the idea becomes less invasive and your mind is less tempted to fight against it.

So what's the verdict? Should you use affirmations or afformations?

Well, when it comes to self-improvement, I don't really care what's right or wrong. What I care is what works or not! So why not use both and see how they go?

Whenever you have your goals ready, go ahead and create two things:

#1 Your personal, positive, emotionally charged affirmational statements that inspire you.

#2 Your brilliantly crafted set of great questions that trigger the "auto search" function in your mind.

Use both of these powerful methods so you attack the same thing with two routes.

A. L. Kitselman says "The words 'I am... ' are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The thing you're claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you."

Albert Einstein says "If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes."

Let's utilize both of these wisdom and start conquering your dreams!

What Meaning Do You Assign To Your Life? (By Kate Strong)


I'm doing two courses at the moment, a Food Body and Spirit course through a Sufi University and a 6 month course with high vibration teacher plant essences. Both courses are bringing up a lot of memories from my childhood.

The Shame Game

The core energy I am experiencing in the healings is around Elevation. To raise me up so subsequently I am having a lot of shame coming to the surface, as shame is the lowest vibration we can experience.

I was raised in a very patriarchal family, and my early school days were governed by what can only be described as a sadistic headmaster. He singled me out as he had issues with my father, as my father was the Chairman of the School Committee. I suspect the further back through the generations you go his style of commandership was considered normal, as you spared the rod and spoiled the child.

Shaming, violence and humiliation were the order of the day. That's how you kept kids in line. Like cattle being prodded.


I don't like groups and especially don't like learning in a class situation so I like to do all my study on my own. I can see why now. The fear, violence and shaming in the classroom when I was age 5-10 contributed to brain freeze, and I often froze in high school in a classroom setting.

So I came away thinking I only went to school to eat my play lunch and that I wasn't a good learner. And a lot of fear of authority, and fear of my voice.

Assigning Meaning

For me one of the biggest ways I was shamed was by attributing what I did to being female. So subsequently everything I have done, or do, I assign a meaning of less than to, and to counteract that I puff myself up to feel important or meaningful, but the core feeling I have is of feeling worth-less.

One of the biggest areas I struggle is in cooking. I don't like to cook and I see why now. I attributed this to being woman's work and so therefore had less of a value. Where in fact cooking is neutral, it's the meaning I assigned to it.

I realised that I assign meaning and value to things. Myself, my day, my life, my purpose, my beliefs, what I watch on TV, if I decide to put nail polish on, or put out the trash, or do the dishes, or stay in bed. They are all neutral in value, but I give them their worth.

And the worth I had been giving them was less-than. Because they were the patriarchal voices in my head, drilled into me, that I had to obey. Those voices were very hard to identify because I just did as they were told. But experienced it as anxiety because they were not my true beliefs, if they were I would be experiencing peace.. They were anchored in early child experiences. Still alive in my subconscious.

What meaning and worth are you assigning to things in your life and where did that meaning come from?

Meet a Champion Who Gives New Meaning to Never, Ever, Ever Give Up

Image result for Kobey Pritchard

There are people in life who amaze you, and then there are people who are so far beyond amazing that there are no words to describe them.

Such a one is 17-year-old Kobey Pritchard from Indianola, Iowa who is a state-level competitive wrestler. He's eying a future NCAA championship-and doing so with only one leg. Yes, you read that correctly, Kobey trains like a fiend to achieve with one leg what many athletes dream of with two. And that's without the benefit of a prosthetic.

Kobey's leg was amputated when he was six due to cancer. When he found the prosthesis uncomfortable, he switched to crutches. Which means he trains--sprints, lifts weights and works out--on crutches.

Why did I choose to introduce you to Kobey? Because he gives new meaning to "never ever ever give up!" I don't care which goal you have in mind, most of us fall down, not on dreaming our dreams, but on keeping-on keeping-on when the going gets tough. Can you imagine the number of challenges, not just physical, but mental and emotional that Kobey has faced as he's worked his way ever closer to his wrestling championship dreams? Yet none of them have deterred him from keeping-on.

So what's the secret? How can you develop a Kobey-like "never give up" attitude?

1. Don't listen to other people's nay-saying.

Whenever you go for a significant goal, there are bound to be people who will say "You can't do that, you're too young/old/short/tall/lazy/etc. (fill in the blank)" or "What makes you think you can do it?" or "You've never managed anything like that before" or any number of other "You can'ts." The one thing you can't do - is listen to them!

2. Hitch your wagon to a star.

Whatever you dream of doing/being, someone else either has done it, possibly in another field, or has come darn close. Someone you can admire, be inspired by, and in a sense, pulled forward by. Look for such people - alive or long gone - to help you remember that whatever it is, you can do it!

3. There's more than one way of doing things.

Kobey has had to develop techniques and skills that are different from the more traditional wrestling holds in order to win despite his missing leg. This is not a "one size fits all" world. There are as many ways of doing things as there are individuals on the planet. Have the courage to go outside the usual ways of approaching your goals whenever you feel stymied by the ways most people have adopted.

You truly can achieve whatever goal it is you have in mind, as long as your passion for that goal fuels you, and your absolute faith in your ability to somehow, some way, accomplish it is unwavering.,-Ever,-Ever-Give-Up&id=9749382

Deal With Your Anger Issues

Have you ever seen a child eagerly awaiting their absentee parent who's coming to take them for a play date? When faced with the dawning realisation that the parent is not coming the child may become defensive or hurt, angrily crying that they hate that parent and wouldn't have gone with them anyway! Is that the truth?

Of course not, they're merely trying to cover up their disappointment and feelings of rejection in order to recover quickly and conceal their distress. Anger is often an alternative to crying or grief and can help us move forward from feeling vulnerable.

As an adult we hope to deal with our anger issues and move onto more effective ways of communicating our feelings. We start to see anger as an unhelpful, inelegant way of conveying our hurt or displeasure and quickly learn that it doesn't resolve matters. It often simply prevents us from moving on. Far better to learn to deal with emotive situations calmly and rationally, rather than let our feelings dictate and get the better of us.

When we find ourselves constantly resorting to anger, unable to deal well with conflict or disappointment we need to concern ourselves with finding other ways to resolve and sort out our anger issues.

Anger can manifest itself in several ways.

- We can be angry with ourselves, feel unworthy, unattractive, unintelligent and follow through with damaging, destructive behaviour like self-harm, bad habits, negative self-talk, so ruining any chance of success with our manner, attitude and approach. People with serious self-anger issues may set themselves gruelling challenges, never feel they've achieved enough or in the right way. Then they punish themselves further with a binge, purge or self-discipline regime.

- Other people can provoke our anger if we feel 'it's all right for them'! In those instances other people may be seen as especially gifted, advantaged or lucky, thus meaning that they have better or unfair chances of good fortune.

- We can be angry at situations and blame our circumstances for our lack of success; they're the reason things don't work out well. You'll hear, 'it's not fair', 'if only', 'I can't start until that's sorted'.

- Inanimate objects can bear the brunt of our anger too. People may kick, throw, stamp on and destroy objects due to their anger. Those items may even get the blame for things not working out!

Some tips to help you deal with your anger issues.

- Start to recognise the triggers, those situations where you find yourself losing control and becoming angry. Is it a look that you've received, a raised eyebrow, a shrug or smirk when you've spoken. Is it being ignored or not allowed to speak? Notice what sparks you off.

- Appreciate that others' reactions are not necessarily about you. There may be times when your behaviour, comment or body language affects the recipient in a provocative way. But we can never really know what's going on in someone else's mind or life. It's important to be respectful and allow all points of view to be heard.

- Ascertain the facts first. Stay calm and ask questions. Find out what's going on, what prompted their words or behaviour. Listen properly and with genuine interest. Avoid second-guessing, finishing their sentences or getting your reply ready before they've finished speaking.

- Respond rather than react. Consider each situation and what you want to achieve, what your desired outcome is. For example, if your car broke down on your way to an important meeting you could kick it, damage it in frustration but it wouldn't solve anything and seeing the damage afterwards would probably make you feel worse. Far better to stay calm and identify what needs to happen to remedy the situation as positively as possible.

- If a relationship is causing you anger issues you could suggest meeting to discuss them. Set a mutually convenient time. A public place can be good as it ensures communication remains civil in tone. Try to identify key areas of upset and own your feelings. Rather than accuse with, 'you make me feel', it's far better to prompt a discussion with, 'when this happens I feel'.

- Avoid lots of examples. They can hi-jack a conversation and rarely achieve anything useful, as you can get side-tracked. Examples seldom help to move the situation along.

- Alternatively writing a letter can be a good way to communicate your feelings. Take as long as necessary to process your thoughts so you're clear about what you want and need to say. It may take days or even weeks so that you're finally happy with the content and tone. This can be an effective way of dealing with someone who's disappeared from your life. Then when it's finished you can either mail it or have a ritual to signify that this phase of your life is finally over.

- A journal can equally be used to write down and work through angry and painful emotions, sometimes being kept in conjunction with counselling and hypnotherapy. Use effective methods to help you understand what the anger's about, what's been causing it. Those insights can improve your ability to communicate your feelings.

- Learning to communicate well can be a difficult process if good communications were not a part of your early years. Some families learned to keep quiet for fear of upsetting a volatile or easily upset family member. Or if a partner is perceived as being intelligent or eloquent, who twists whatever's said so that problems are your fault it can become easier to stay mute. But anger can then erupt as frustration, often over small and trivial things.

- Set your own boundaries in place so you protect yourself and are aware of what you will and won't tolerate. This allows you to gradually communicate how you feel effectively. You've learned not to inflame the situation, yet are able to be firm, fair and clear, keen to empathise and resolve any issues.

- Recognise the part that stress may play in your anger, your warning signs of being tired, irritable, not sleeping well. Let your partner know what you're going through. Good communications can play a major role in helping to deal with your anger issues. Let those closest support you at difficult times.

And remember, once said, things cannot be unsaid. They may be understood and even forgiven, but hurtful, angry words are often difficult to forget.