
Don't Let Distractions Get in the Way (By Anne O'Dwyer)

Distractions can cause havoc with best laid plans! The recent spring weather, as great as it was; managed to entice me into the garden. I had a great time planning and planting my new garden and had a great time in the sunshine. However it was a great distraction to my time.

This was just the latest distraction; I have been procrastinating for months, following eighteen months of vertigo and general ill-health. I have allowed my business activity to slide into oblivion!

Well now is the time to make a change, I really prefer a structure to my life, a purpose and achieving goals, but I have been procrastinating and wandering through days with little to show for my time, not to mention less satisfaction and little purpose. Sunny days in the fresh air were a very enjoyable distraction and come the summer the fruits of my labour will hopefully be visible.

So how have I managed to wake-up and take charge of my life again? Well I decided to read a book I had previously published. The enthusiasm I felt when I wrote it filled me with the determination to turn my life around again and get back on track.

Sometimes it is easy to let yourself become bogged down by unfortunate events, ill-health or general day-to-day living. Spring always feels like a good time to turn things around and as nature turns the hedgerows green again my enthusiasm for change grows.

The trouble when you decide to catch up again with things that have descended in a downward spiral it is difficult to decide what to do first!

My decision was to reassess what is most important to me, and what I find most enjoyable. Life is too short not to prioritize things you enjoy doing!

The first was to get fit again I am not overweight just a bit flabby from lack of exercise and my balance has gone to pot after my leg fracture etc. So Tia Chi I'm told should help that, plus a toning program and if I can fit it in - balance exercises on my Wii fit.

My second was to rebuild my online business and work at home. I have all the knowledge I just need the determination to put it all into practice! So with all this planned activity I certainly shouldn't be bored by too much TV!

So if things of late haven't been going to plan, take heart and join me in a planned return to better times. It is easy to let procrastination and distractions take over your life, until one day you wake-up to find months or years have passed by. Decide what is really important to you and make a concerted effort to reach it - Wishing you great success and a happy journey too!

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