
When Life Hits You Between The Eyes And You Are Better For It

We all go through things: Bad things, good things, and in the middle things. But, however good or bad we have it, we want it better and not worse. Human nature is a funny thing, but if it is not convenient and "perfect", we get angry usually unless we develop patience, work ethic and understanding that it will not always go "smoothly". I remember my Dad, and that one "negative" trait he had that my Mother genuinely "hated". He was insufferably patient and acted with this fact of life with a resignation and understanding so "amazing" that it seemed natural and not developed. I have the same "problem".

The way I look at things is this: We are as satisfied, understanding and happy as we make up our minds and spiritual beings to be. It does not matter where I am, how it is going or "why it screws up" or "messes up". I am patient. Sure, I have the same feelings as everyone else, but I just deal with them differently in an insufferable way instead of getting angry or letting them get the best of me. Even my therapist says under her breath sometimes: "Does this guy ever lose his cool in a genuine way?" Well, I can answer that here, I do not. What is the point of "losing cool", "going banana crazed" or imploding or exploding with anger. It genuinely solves nothing.

Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford and Marshall Field were amateurs compared to me when it comes to being insufferable in my opinion. You can turn your back on me and I will not care about attention or fear being left alone. If something does not go smoothly, "Oh well, just another way it did not succeed. I will do something else." Note, I did not say the word "try". Weak people try, strong people will do and do what they need and want to do ultimately.

Another thing, most women do not "like" me because of the facts I have just mentioned about myself, and I genuinely do not care. I am a results oriented man who does not care what anyone thinks. I just care what I want done genuinely, that is it. Call me "Jute Mill Man", or "Mister Chain Gang Worker" or whatever, but I am patient with everything including the public transit buses around where I live. You may not like the realities and truths I have to say, but I like them, that is what counts. If you like them, fine, if you do not, fine. I am saying what I am in this article.

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