
Learn To Persevere, Be An Optimist

Man Wearing Blue Shorts Holding Vehicle Tire Facing Waterfalls

Shri Krishna said to Arjuna in the consecrated Mahabharata, "Na Dainyam, Na Palayanam", implying that one should never escape from his problems in life, and never even quit or bow to their enemies. According to Him, once you build a will to do something, and decide not to back out on your mind, body or spiritual level, you have already won the life battle. Focus only on your goal while overpowering your biggest enemies - Lust, Anger, Greed and Extreme Attachment - and you are half way through.

Have you ever thought that this small, but priceless Mantra conferred by Yogeshwar Shri Krishna holds true to each and every field in life? Yes! Even in the corporate world.


What does it need for you as leaders to succeed in the corporate world? Before anything, it's your Attitude. The attitude to keep going! Once you develop that, you need a passion to follow your dreams. Perseverance is the key to achieving your dreams and aims. If you are a newbie in your sphere, it's important. If you are an employee, it's important. If you are an entrepreneur, it's important. And if you are a leader, it's again important.

If you're wondering why, the reason is that challenges and failures are part and parcel of all these jobs. Every person, no matter what position he is at, needs to build that much-required resilience in them. And that needs work. You have to train your brain to make it learn how to remain positive and focused on the goal in one and all situations.

The challenge is to stay on the course irrespective of the storm

Of course, be it a fresher, or a budding entrepreneur, or anyone else; everyone requires to have a sense of positivity. Since, everyone's aim is ultimately to lead in their lives for a long term. But, it is a real big challenge for those playing the role of a leader in a business. These people are the ones who need to take others along with them while moving ahead in their careers. So, how does a leader's sanguinity help?

There are three things:

1. Productivity - The first onus on the shoulders of a leader is to ensure productivity at the end of their subordinates. A positive and happy environment will anytime help augment the productivity level of employees. In fact, they become more creative and energetic. Enthusiasm is directly proportional to productivity. If you, as a leader, are happy and enthusiastic, your energy will spread among your team like fire. If you are determined, it will be as easy as it sounds. All you need to do is maintain your cheerful attitude in different situations to make your people feel the same. It will make you and your team face any challenge that comes your way.

2. Constant Learning - Discover your power to keep fighting and going - come what may - by always keeping a learning attitude. You might feel sometimes that the pressure is a lot to handle. But, at the same time, you need to remember that Church ain't out till they quit singing. Keep trying different things until and unless you come to know what works the best. Forget how many times you failed; focus on the one opportunity that's still left.

Remember how Nokia lost the game eventually? The CEO of the company, Stephen Elop was literally into tears while delivering his speech. And all he could say was, "We didn't do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost". 'We lost', which means he simply gave up to his dreams.

And how Blackberry couldn't make it up to the next level? It's not that the technology was too old or something. But, it's all an adaptability game. If one just cannot learn to adapt to the newest trends, one must forget about the advantage they had yesterday.

Both the companies simply only needed to comprehend the rage. They failed due to lack of competence and moreover, the will to improve themselves.

On the other hand, Apple could also go bankrupt years ago. But, did Steve Jobs cede, or did he look for a way to survive in their market? Or rather, to stand apart from the crowd? Well! Even though Jobs was fired from Apple, he returned and tried everything until he made the firm create a niche in the market, while turning the iPod used to encourage people to purchase Macintosh computers into a completely different product range. In fact, he went ahead with developing modern phones under the brand understanding the demand of that epoch. This attitude of him to focus on what customers need, and more importantly, to keep moving on and persisting helped him make Apple a successful brand capable of competing against the other top brands of today like Microsoft and Google. Creativity and buoyancy were the essence, though.

3. Positive air is charismatic - Do you yourself like to be surrounded by those who radiate negative vibes? Certainly, not. How will you be able to attract people around you, then, if you are not positive and proactive? So, there you go. Keep an encouraging and smiling gesture always to grow as a good and successful leader.

Be an Optimist Once and For All

During good times, anyone can feel positive. But it is a big deal to remain optimistic during hard times. Positivity certainly doesn't imply that you have to run away or get rid of any kinds of failures. Running away or quitting is just not an option, never. In fact, the idea is to accept the failures that you encounter on your path, and learn and grow out of them with a positive outlook.

Sakshi has thoroughly researched the topic and written this article to help with self-improvement of people in the corporate world.,-Be-An-Optimist&id=9513022

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