
10 Motivational Blogs That Will Change Your Life


Addicted2Success seeks to empower and educate their following using educational materials, positive messaging and life changing stories from around the world. In just four and a half years, Addicted2Success' content has garnered 54 million views.

Tiny Buddha

Tiny Buddha combines a motivational blog, community discussion board, and an abundant supply of inspirational quotes. Tiny Buddha is a great place to get your fix of inspiration and connect with like-minded people.

The Utopian Life

The Utopian Life was created by Thai Nguyen to share bits of wisdom, the latest research, and unique ideas. The Utopian Life provides their content to serve as a tool to help motivate readers to make positive growth.

Planet of Success

Planet of Success, unlike many other blogs, focuses on quality over quantity. Steve Mueller writes and curates Planet of Success with a model that focuses on quality over quantity. While there may not be new content uploaded every day, the content that gets published is relevant and based on real experience.

Everyday Power

Everyday Power takes a more in-depth approach to motivation and focuses on long-term strategies for personal growth, rather than simple "tips" and "tricks. The blog features hundreds of influential authors from around the world.

Positively Positive

Positively Positive is... well, positive. They have broadcasted posts from over one million people that relate to living a positive life and getting motivated to make the change you desire.

The Daily Motivator

The Daily Motivator is a great way to start each day off on a positive note. Ralph Marston authors this blog which posts daily positive reminders and inspirational anecdotes to help you get motivated.

The Change Blog

The Change Blog is a unique community of 50,000+ people, sharing their own experiences. The articles vary immensely so you will be able to find anything you are looking for.

Motivation Grid

Motivation Grid covers a variety of topics. Promoting their message through authentic stories, tips, quotes, and motivational videos.


PickTheBrain was established in 2006 and have since become a leader in online self-improvement. PickTheBrain provides articles on a broad spectrum of topics related to self-improvement and motivation.

That's all!

We hope you found our list helpful! Our mission is to help enable people to reach their goals and quite often the biggest obstacle to achieving your goals can be finding a way to stay motivated.

Are You Full of Good Intentions?

December and January can often be months which provide valuable opportunities for reflection and time to evaluate the direction in which our life is heading. The long holiday period can provide a natural break in which to assess what's been achieved during the previous twelve months and give time to start planning for the coming New Year.

We may start January full of good intentions but it's not uncommon to soon fall back into old habits, especially if some of our plans fall by the wayside. Then we can end up berating ourselves, feeling a failure and becoming disappointed at our lack of progress.

Let's consider what may happen, even when we're full of good intentions, and then explore ways to help us maintain our resolve.

- Check if you're setting yourself goals that don't particularly motivate you. It may be that you're adopting someone else's agenda; they want you to stop smoking, join a gym, learn a particular skill or be a successful business person, but if that doesn't fill you with joy you're not going to sustain your enthusiasm beyond the first hurdle that comes along. You have to really want something in order to persevere though the difficult and stressful times. A positive focus can keep you motivated and on track when the going gets tough.

- Timing is important. There may be many things happening in your life that demand your time and energy, leaving you with few reserves for new challenges and opportunities, no matter how inspirational they may be. Financial worries, children, ailing relatives, a demanding boss may all feature in your life and leave you with little time or mental space to dedicate to something new. If that happens you may need to respect yourself and focus on your immediate quality of life in order to support your health and wellbeing.

- Find something that has meaning for you, that allows you to feel that you've done something really special with your time. But if it's not viable for you to fully immerse yourself in a project or career change at the moment, might you be able to organise your time and commitments a little differently? It might free you up and enable you to become involved in something on a smaller scale that holds real interest for you.

- Is there a way you could discuss your dreams and aspirations and let others know what you'd love to be doing? Others may be genuinely unaware of how you feel or not fully appreciate the many demands that are made of you. You may be perceived as someone who thrives on being busy, who undertakes everything with apparent ease. Share your stresses and let others in.

- Ask for help. It's not a sign of weakness to let others be supportive. Or consider buying in help so that you can use your time more efficiently. Some skills like accountancy, technical expertise, PA support can often be outsourced on an ad hoc basis and can reduce your stress levels whilst freeing up your time. On a domestic level it may be useful to consider hiring cleaning, ironing or garden support so that time at home is not spent fully occupied with chores.

- Lists can be a good way to encourage a clearer focus. Spending twenty minutes on a Sunday to assess the week ahead or sitting down each evening to plan the next day can be a great way to bring the spotlight back on those good intentions. Decide what needs to be done each day in order to move towards your goals. Making a phone call, arranging a meeting, filling out a form may seem like tiny steps, but each step can move you in the direction you want to go. At the end of each day give yourself credit for the actions you've taken.

- Failure's okay. If you try something and it doesn't pan out the way you'd hoped, that's fine. You've learned something new, tried something out and possibly made some new contacts along the way. Don't allow failure to signify the end; it's merely a setback or detour along the way, and sometimes those detours can bring unexpected opportunities and gifts.

- Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you have a go. Not every 'I' needs to be dotted or 't' crossed. Often simply getting started can provide sufficient impetus for things to start coming together and happening.

- Use the winter months as a time to de-clutter and clear out the old. When we keep adding to our 'stuff', without taking time to assess what we've already got, we can gradually become mentally and physically overwhelmed and unable to appreciate the things that are important. It's important to make time to occasionally discard the old so that we can appreciate the new.

- Being 'resilient' is often thought of as being tough, strong and keeping going no matter what. In fact resilience demands that we stop occasionally, take stock of things and then adapt and grow in the light of new challenges and new goals. The companies I work with and the workshops I run, place a high value on training staff to be resilient by taking stock of the present moment and learning to adapt to an ever-hanging and unpredictable future.

Just as the trees use winter to shed their leaves and rest awhile, so we too can benefit from a period of reflection and introspection. Use this natural break to consider your options and formulate a viable action plan. Then your good intentions can really start to take shape.

One's Weakness Is One's Greatest Strength (By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales)

Your weakness can be your astounding strength if used in the right context. In fact, you will not realize your greatest strength until you faced your greatest weakness. I guess my greatest fear in life is to have a broken family. I really don't want that my kids would grow without a father figure. But you know what happened? My being separated for more than five years now becomes the source of my greatest strength because I can do whatever I want and travel where I want to go. I become more independent and reliable compared to the time when I was still married.

My fear that my separation would hinder my kids' performance in school turn out to be the opposite because my kids perform better without their father's presence. Basically, it gives me the courage to move on with life when I feel that I don't have the strength anymore to carry on.

Some people believe that holding on and hanging in the sanctity of marriage are signs of great strength for a woman even if that means swallowing her pride and for her to suffer for the rest of her life. However, there are times when we need to realize that it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.

I become a strong woman who can make it even through the worst circumstance. My weakness makes me fearless and independent. I won't need a man in my life. I can raise my kids alone with my own patience and hard works. I won't ever back down to a challenge. I am in fact a risk taker.

I am not afraid to face any obstacles in my line of work because the more you feel alarmed, the greater the danger. And once you are eaten with uncertainty, the chance of succeeding is rare. It takes a lot of guts but if you face all your fears headstrong, then, everything will follow.

We gain strength, courage, and confidence from our experience in which we really stop being afraid and do the things that we think we can't. If you always put a limit in everything you do, it will spread into your life. The best thing you can do is to go beyond them. Have the courage to overcome your fears. Don't be afraid that you will fall, what's important is how you rise back from where you fall. You become better and stronger.

Sometimes people are too preoccupied with their busy lives that if they want something they never had, they just need to do what they never did. every time you feel uncertain, remember how far have you come, all the obstacles you faced and all the fears you have overcome.

2 First Impression Skills You Can Do Now

First impression skills can be learned. The following 2 skills are the nuts and bolts of making a lasting positive first impression.

Making a positive first impression takes only a few seconds. It also requires only a few seconds to do or say something where the consequence may be impossible to fix.

First Impression Skill # 1 Be Honest

Each of us learn this fundamental truth, be honest, in youth. Yet, many people embellish the truth about themselves.

For example, during a job interview, people boast of how they made a project successful or how they are very good at doing a specific task.

The truth is they contributed little to the project or only have a basic understanding of how to do a task.

Little white lie is okay, right?

The first impression skill of honesty goes beyond interviewing for a job.

Like a job interview, on a first-date, people tend to spin-their-story. They do this thinking this will win the heart of the person they are with.

Little white lie is okay, right?

The first impression skill of honesty is important because embellishing who you are is foolhardy.


First, astute potential employers will do a background check. Similarly, first dates and people you meet for the first time do exactly what you do when you meet someone new - check their social media profiles.

Question, is your social media profile consistent with who you are?

It needs to be. Potential employers check-it out. Would be dates, check-it out. And everyone and anyone who you meet for the first time is likely to look at your social media footprint.

If you are anything less than you, you will be found out. First impression skill number one is be honest.

By-the-way, why do I say 'skill'?

Answer, because it is so easy to fall into the trap of little white lies that you have to consciously work at being truthful. Being honest ought to come natural. Today you have to learn it.

First Impression Skills #2 Be You

Trying too hard to make a great first impression can be disastrous. What happens, is that you try to be what is out-of-character for you. Most people can see through this.

The secret to a great start is just being you.

Okay, sounds easier than said. You want to be liked. You want the job. Maybe you are even a little self-confident, so you try to pretend to be more macho than you are.

Unfortunately, you cannot keep up the charade forever.

Just being you means the other person, potential employer or potential love, meets the real you. If there is not a good match between the real you, better to find out now than weeks down the road. Better to not start a relationship than to have one based on a disguise.

First impression skill number 2 is stop trying and just be. Be you.

How to Give a Winning First Impression Now

How to give a winning first impression now and every time can be learned. Here are 5 "how to" tips to give a positive first impression.

When it comes to modern-day society and life, whether you are in a business meeting or a social encounter, your very first impression is incredibly important.

When people first meet you, they will judge and remember you by that mental picture they take.

Many people make first impression mistakes without even knowing it. In this post, we share five key how to tips to help you give a winning first impression now.

Tip #1: Give a Winning First Impression Start With a Smile 
The very first thing you should do to make people comfortable around you is to smile.

A smile takes away tension. It tells other people that you are happy. Smiles help people feel comfortable. Smiles are contagious!

Smiling exudes self-confidence. So when you first meet someone, smile.

Tip #2: Dress for the Occasion 
The second way to give a winning first impression is to dress for the occasion.

You do not have to go out and buy the latest, most expensive, designer clothes. The price of your clothing does not really matter.

When it comes to making a first impression at work, for example, you don't want to overdo your look. But you also don't want to look sloppy. The clothing you wear reflects your personality. How you dress will impact how people perceive you.

Tip #3: Use The Other Person's Name But Don't Overdo It 
To give a winning first impression, be careful not to overuse someone's name.

This is not suggesting you not repeat someone's first name. Addressing someone by name after introductions is actually a good thing to do; especially if it is uncommon to you. What we are saying is do not over do it.

Tip #4: Be a Great Listener 
The fourth thing you can do that will help you with how to give a winning first impression is to be a great listener.

Being an active listener is a skill. However, it is a wonderful skill when it comes to meeting people and getting them to like you.


Because most people like to talk about themselves. Their interest is in what they have to say.

As a great listener your task is getting the new person to elaborate on their interests. Their personal opinions will make them feel more comfortable around you.

Active listening tips include giving short comments like, "Oh interesting" or "I agree".

Bonding during the first few minutes of interaction will make people like you more.

Tip #5: Let Other People be the Center of Attraction 
The fifth suggestion on how to give a winning first impression is let other people be the center of attention.

In making a good first impression at work, let the other person understand and feel as if they are more important. Do not dominate the conversation. Do a lot of listening. Do not talk about yourself unless asked. This may seem like a different technique but it works wonders in the world of business as well as meeting people in your after-work life.

Throughout your day-to-day activities knowing how to give a winning first impression is integral when it comes to having relationships, making new friends, job interviews, and getting along with other people.

Change Occurs Through Your Efforts

Our attitudes define who we are. They are subject to change by social influences, as well as by the individual's motivation to maintain cognitive consistency when two attitudes or attitude and behavior conflict.

Real change occurs from the bottom up. It occurs from person to person, and in small groups and locales and then bubbles up and aggregates to larger vectors of change. It happens when a person exerts an effort every single day of his life. If you want a change to happen in your life. Change your attitude.

We embrace change, yet something in our nature fiercely resists it. We structure social movements, political campaigns and business strategies around the need for change, yet we hardly understand how it works.

When it comes to a change in behavior based on consequences, such as an individual's hopes to gain rewards or avoid punishment from another group or person, it is called compliance. It doesn't mean that there is a change in beliefs or attitude but rather is influenced by the social outcomes of adopting a change in behavior.

The individual adopts the new attitude, not due to the specific content of the attitude object, but because it is associated with the desired relationship. Often, children's attitudes on race or their political party affiliations are adopted from their parents' attitudes and beliefs.

On the other hand, personality is not a perfect predictor of behavior. People tend to become more responsible and emotionally stable as they age. These changes generally unfold over many years and seem to reflect a natural developmental process.

There are things about yourself that you don't like. So you change them. It's more likely that you keep on doing them, even though you say you'd like to change them. you can't just snap your fingers and stop the well-established patterns of behavior, even when those patterns result in bad consequences.

Change is a process that begins with being aware of yourself. If you're used to blaming everyone else for your problems, then you're not aware of the consequence of your actions. If you're living your life in a daze, blaming bad luck, then you're in denial because you based your good fortune on fate. You can be fully aware of your bad habits and still not change because you lack the sense of commitment.

You need to have self-discipline, perseverance, and hard work. Know the reason for your change of behavior and what you want to be. Your actions need to adhere to your beliefs. You know it makes no sense claiming you want to change but then doing nothing about it. You are just disappointing yourself. You're fed up with feeling frustrated.

Adopting new ways rarely comes comfortably at first. You may feel a lot of resistance to change but when you realize that change is needed as an opportunity to grow, not as an unwanted burden, amazing things can happen.

Even small changes can reap meaningful benefits especially when it is in a positive direction, it will not only expand your confidence but also enrich your relationships, enhance your career, and empower your well-being.

People do change if not for the better then some change for the worst. If you modify your behavior, then that's changing for the better.

Message From the Universe: The Big Dream Theory!

"When pondering on the vastness of the cosmos, please keep in mind that it goes even farther inward from where you now sit, than outward.

Yeah, you're deep.
The Universe"

Just imagine what happened a few seconds prior to the Big Bang, some time back, 13.1 billion of years ago. Everything you see around you, galaxies, planets, stars, the dark matter, whatever else was included in the cosmos you see today, were all compressed into a one single point of singularity, and then BOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM! The ultimate explosion that cannot be compared to anything we will ever experience in our lifetime. Everything started inward prior to going outward. That big crunch occurred right before the big bang and the Universe as you see it is the direct result of that explosion. We have now the dark energy that is a part of the mathematical equation that constitute this Universe. An energy that pushes galaxies away from each other, that allows the Universe to grow exponentially every second of every minute of every hour of the day. Since the hubble telescope is limited to the origin of the big bang, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of that big crunch, what triggered the surrounding galaxies and everything else to decide to reverse its path back to this point of singularity. Was there a reverse dark energy? Instead of pushing galaxies away from each other, it was absorbing them towards what we can assume to be a big black hole? That big black hole was the point of singularity without the characteristics of exploding after inhaling everything in its path. What was the big crunch is something that scientists can't really explain, or even comprehend how it occurred on that specific moment in time and space.

Everything that is being written today about this specific subject is based on assumptions, theories, mere possibilities of what could have happened and under which circumstances. No one will ever be able to prove, with accuracy, whatever happened at that time. Whatever it is, the way you live your life should be based on you being able to control your thoughts, which indirectly controls outcomes in your life and the challenges you face every day are because of your own creation. Your mind is able anticipate outcomes because of past similar experiences, so you feel more read and able to successfully cross these difficult times. Everything starts from within you and the energy you exert everyday, either positive or negative, is based on how you approach life in general. If you let the past control you, the outcome of your future will remain bleak, at best. Learn to let go of the past, and focus on the present. Accept that you have no control over a lot of things occurring in your lifetime, but you do have control over your happiness. You can decide to either be happy, or miserable. You choose what you desire the most. Happiness doesn't happen to you, it happens from within you. Everything starts from there.!&id=9472633

Change Is Inevitable, So Expect It!

I am always surprised when individuals are shocked by normal life events. Many people seem to think that they can plan and orchestrate situations or individuals to match their wish lists. But that isn't reality. Change is inevitable and is often outside our sphere of control!

As we come to the end the year we usually acknowledge and reflect about what has occurred in the past twelve months. At the same time, we face a new year of resolutions and goals never knowing exactly what lies around the corner.

Do not be surprised by what might happen over the next twelve months:

1. Pregnancies are not always planned and even multiple births cannot be predicted at conception. The circumstances that occur during labour and delivery can bring laughter or tears. A new baby in the family affects every single leaf on the family tree - some more than others. 
2. Deaths occur on their own terms. We cannot know how or when someone will die and even though we might hope that a life will go one forever - it won't. Each year my Christmas card list is smaller and I experience the loss of those who were emotionally close. 
3. Illness can appear unexpectedly and drastically alter our lives. Even a "heavy cold" can prevent Queen Elizabeth from attending events in which she has participated for decades. 
4. Weather can change rapidly. Storms might destroy property, kill dreams or even take lives and the damage leaves both tangible and intangible consequences. 
5. Politics is designed as an engine of change and, even if you support the party in power, you might not like the legislation that is passed. If you don't, no need to worry. It is never long between elections. 
6. Economy is affected by events that occur throughout the whole world. We have, for example, recently witnessed a significant downturn in the oil and gas industry because of supply and demand principles at a global level. The negative financial impact has trickled down through institutions to communities and families. But history knows that the economy moves in cycles and an upturn will occur in time. 
7. The familiar evaporates. Out health or mobility deteriorates as we age. Businesses we have thought would be there forever will close. Friends move. Technology evolves. 
8. Random acts by individuals can result in violence where innocent people are killed or maimed. The nightly news broadcasts tales of gang wars, senseless shootings and terrorist acts. Smattered between are stories of kindness, heroism and generosity. 
9. Human fallibility causes each of us at times to say or do inappropriate things that are self-destructive or hurtful to others. But it is never too late to ask forgiveness and make positive change. 
10. Values are transformed. When I was younger people would smoke in the house and put the cat out. Now laws require that people smoke outside and keep their cats inside!

We are never disappointed unless we have expectations. Unfortunately, we usually expect that things will stay the same and when they don't, we are upset. But change is inevitable.

The important thing is not what happens but how we respond to it. Do not merely focus on the negative events as there are so many good things that happen. We can be part of creating as well as enjoying them.


Tips for Building Your Career Path

Every successful career is built on solid career planning and preparation beforehand. Chartering a well-defined career path is a must to be able to direct your time, effort and money towards achieving the right goals and progressing towards the right direction. Without a clearly defined path, you will likely wander around mindlessly digging into whatever books you can read, attending whatever workshops you can find online and whatever job positions you are offered which ultimately culminate in years of your life spent on working for something that does not fully satisfy your passion.

Determine What Career You Want

Before building a path, you need to know what you're building it for. Making career choices is not the easiest, but it's definitely one of the most important life decisions you'll be making. Ask yourself what your true passion is. Is it in finance or business? Engineering? Web development? Writing? Regardless of what you decide on, be sure it's something you actually want to do for the long run. Your reasons for pursuing the profession should go beyond the short-term merits of a good paycheck or job stability.

Make it a Regular Event

Just like how your visits to the eye doctor and dentist are an annual event, your career path building should also be scheduled for regular checkups and adjustments. You don't want to do it too often since most career decisions do not materialize over the span of a few weeks or even a few months thus frequently checking up on your career progress will simply lead to inaccurate data and waste of resources. Instead, find a day or two within the span of a year where you can objectively look at the progress you've made, where you should be more aggressive and where you should perhaps back off a little.

Be Open to Changes

While you've already mapped out a particular path that leads to your long-term professional goals, don't think of it as a linear trajectory. Instead, be open to new situations and changes that happen while you're taking the journey. Be open to taking shortcuts or different roads as long as it is congruent to the big picture. For example, if you are looking to be a very adept full-stack software developer, you don't have to contain your opportunities and activities to a linear 4-year software engineering curriculum. You can always enroll in intensive boot camps and self-study your way to individual concepts that mesh together later on.

Be Observant of What You Do Outside Work

It might seem peculiar to examine activities unrelated to your work but, in order to progress continuously into your respective industry, you will need to manage your time wisely. Activities and hobbies that offer no help in terms of knowledge or skill should be forgone for more relevant activities. This does not mean you shouldn't have fun but to limit your leisurely endeavors to one or two hours per week.

A large percentage of society spends their lifetime not having any clearly defined direction. Be bold and wise enough to use the four tips mentioned above in order to avoid commonplace mistakes made by the majority of people continually updating their career path.

The Palace of Persistence

The palace of persistence is a special place in your psyche that believes quitting is beneath your dignity. It is an attitude that spans the ages, in fact, all of your life time. It is who you are. There is another trait that is embraced in this special place, that of discernment. Those who don't believe in quitting are discerning about committing. They gather facts and carefully consider them, and they should. They are making a concrete commitment to persevere to the win.

To be truly discerning means that you make certain your desire to commit ensures that no one will be harmed by your actions, that the goal is worthy of the pursuit and that the win is meaningful. It has to matter more to you than any obstacles you may face. Once you have carefully examined these few facts the commitment is effortless. You believe in the goal and are engaged in the pursuit of it. Then you enter the palace of persistence.

Your commitment demands a pursuit of running to win with never a thought of stopping, no matter how difficult the endurance test may become. You are in it to win it. This is the hallmark attitude of a winner. You simply don't want to be the one who didn't. Your refusal to accept second place is based on one simple fact that you understand. The winner is the one who stands up last after being knocked down. Being knocked down is a part of the pursuit. If it were easy it would not take such effort or examination of what is involved in making the commitment. The principle of persistence means you fully intend to get up last after the final opponent has fallen and given up, tapped out and quit. You simply must.

From deep within rises the command, 'Get up, get up, get up.' And you do. Discipline, tenacity and determination are housed in your palace of persistence. You draw on it from that special place where winners reside, where the essence of you exists. The difference between those who tap out and those who win is perseverance, grit and determination; it is an attitude that cannot and will not be defeated. Why? Because quitting is beneath the dignity of one whose attitude lives in the palace of persistence! Commitment is the key to the palace doors, where all who enter win! Get up, unlock the door and adopt the attitude necessary to run to the win.

Are You Living Your Purpose in Life?

Now that is a big question to ask! Yet it is frequently asked... by others and even ourselves; What is my purpose in life? What is the meaning of my life? How can I find meaning? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? Am I living my purpose? These are all legitimate and important questions to ask, as we all want to feel like our lives are purposeful and hold meaning.

Many societies and media outlets created this need to search for your purpose, as if it is lost somewhere and you have to find it, and if you don't you are failing somehow. This is a lot of pressure to put on someone, connecting one's self-worth and existence to something far reached and yet very significant.

So what is the solution? How about shifting your paradigm and look at things from another perspective, you don't have to spend your days on a quest searching for your purpose, instead you can decide to create it yourself. Just ask yourself simple questions such as; What do I love? What do I enjoy doing? What am I good at? What does the world need? How can I make the world a better place? It doesn't have to be Earth shattering and move mountains, it can be as simple as I enjoy making people smile, or I am good at learning new things. Such things that inspire, speak to your gut and make you happy can be your purpose.

Another thing to keep in mind when discussing purpose is that you can decide to change it as you grow and develop. Believing that your purpose is just one thing throughout your life is very limiting; you can have a different purpose in different chapters of your life, as well as changing it with different people you encounter. Allow yourself this flexibility that it is OK to change your purpose according to your circumstances, timing, and, if it doesn't feel like it speaks to your soul anymore, then it is fine to decide that it is time to create a new purpose for yourself. After all it is your life and you are in control of the choices you make. So don't feel guilty about it.

One thing for sure is that no matter where you are, or who you are, or where you come from, or what you do, or what background you come from, people in general achieve two things in life; first thing is learning and growth and the other is contribution. It is inevitable; you cannot go through life without experiencing some level of learning and growth and contributing in some way even if on a small-scale. This can be looked upon as part of your purpose in life as it is part of who you are and what you do and how you influence the people around you.

So relax, don't feel like your life has no meaning and feel pressured to know exactly what it is you are meant to do in this life, instead realize that in some ways you are already living your purpose and can decide to change it accordingly if you wanted to.

How to Achieve Success by Hiring a Mentor

Nothing incredible was ever accomplished alone". Having a mentor is said to be a standout amongst the most imperative keys to success. I trust this is especially true at an early stage yet it is imperative at any point in your life, since mentors are an imperative at any point of your life. The best mentors will help you learn and develop by sharing their insight and intelligence to you. Along these lines, you can profit by their experience without suffering the outcomes of gaining that experience firsthand.

Here is why I believe you should find yourself a mentor:

Get You Started:

Whatever it is that you need to achieve in life, a mentor is going to kick start you on the way to accomplish it. By a long shot the hardest piece of finishing anything is beginning. We as a whole have dreams and objectives, however until we make a move to follow up on them, they will dependably stay only a fantasy or a goal.

Coaches can give a spark, or straightforward way of direction to push you to first step in finishing your objective.

You Learn From Someone Who Walks the Walk

You additionally have the rare opportunity to see what it resembles to be in the shoes you need to be in. By having a coach who is in the place where you need to end up, you can see direct what their everyday experience is. This is extremely helpful in making sense that whether you truly need to go down that way.

Experience is an important tool. Experience can't be purchased. It must be earned, or shared. An incredible mentor will impart their experience to you to help you accomplish your objective in the most ideal way they know how.

Build Your Confidence:

Anytime you start on a way towards something new, there will be a great deal of instability inside yourself along the way. That is natural. A lot many people can beat that uncertainty without anyone else. Others can't. This instability turns less demanding to overcome when you have a mentor since they build certainty.

Simple words of motivation, an email with somewhat different point of view, or even simply realizing that you have the backing of somebody in your back pocket can help build your certainty.

You don't always know the way a mentor can help build your confidence since it can originate from many different angles.

A Resource for Life

When you have a mentor, they truly turn into your mentor for life. It doesn't make a difference in the event that you move up and on, that connection will still always be there. When you have "made it" there never turns into a point where you know it all and don't need any help.

When you have a mentor out there, they will always looking out for you regardless of what the circumstances are. Some of the time work may pop open your mentor may believe is perfect for you. Now and then your mentor may even want to hire somebody themselves. What sort of individual do you think they are hoping to hire? Somebody they know and trust on a personal level.

Show Appreciation

Any great (and savvy) mentor is not going to take out time from their busy life to put into you for free. You don't need to pay your mentor monetarily, however you have to offer them some value for their time.

It is important that you do your best on any task that your mentor wants you to do. Not only for the fact that someday they may hire you, additionally on the grounds that it is your reimbursement to your coach for the invaluable experience have they imparted to you.

Be sure to show appreciation for somebody investing their time to guide you. Composing a written by hand card to say thanks goes far. Pick the phone and express gratitude toward them later on in life. Then again you can let them know as to whether they ever require anything, they can simply call you. Be grateful for the heading they give you, since it is precious.

Peanuts, Pretzels, or Cookies: Overcoming the Fear of Asking for What You Want (By Rudy R Racine)

"You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take... " ~Wayne Gretzky

It all started while on my way to Portland, Maine for work. I had been running late for my flight and ended up skipping lunch to make it in time. While in the air, I sat in my seat watching as the flight attendant made her way down the aisle offering snacks and beverages to passengers. I was starving, yet when she reached me I felt a pang of guilt rush over me as I asked for more than one snack. I asked her for one bag of peanuts AND a packet of cookies. With a smile she obliged and the guilt eventually went away as I enjoyed my snacks. It was at that moment that it hit me... In all my years of traveling with Delta, and all my years feeling 'greedy' and 'guilty' for requesting two snacks, the flight attendants never said 'no' to me. Where was the guilt coming from? More importantly, was my guilt causing me to miss out on more?

As simple as it may seem, that realization led to a major breakthrough for me. When faced with an opportunity to ask for what I want, I hesitate...

For the rest of my flight, I couldn't stop thinking about my tendency to hesitate. So many questions ran through my mind. Where else did that hesitation exist in my life? What else was I afraid to ask for? Which areas of my life were being affected by those feelings?

I got to the office the next day and decided to share the snack story with my colleagues. I asked them all the following question: "When on a flight, how do you typically respond when asked if you want 'Peanuts, Pretzels, or Cookies'?"

The discussion that followed was eye opening for me. I was amazed to hear stories of my coworkers asking for '1 of each', or '2 peanuts and 2 cookies', or asking for the entire can of soda instead of just a cup.. AMAZING!! All this time I was feeling guilty about asking for two snacks, when in reality some of my coworkers were getting much more when flying! I realized at that moment that I'd grown comfortable with simply accepting what was given to me, rather than defining what I wanted and asking for it. The conversation with my coworkers inspired the creation of the "Biscoff Challenge". (We all share a love for the Biscoff cookies offered on Delta flights)

The challenge we created was simple: step outside of your comfort zone and ask for more than you normally do. To add an extra layer to the challenge, we set one rule. When attempting the Biscoff Challenge, no one is to know the "why" behind your request; not before, not during, not after. In other words, don't explain the challenge before asking for 'more', and don't try to justify the reason for your request to the person you're making the request of. The purpose of the rule is to ensure that the focus stays on you, and not the people around you. After the conversation with my colleagues, I knew what I had to do. My mission on the next flight was to ask for 3 packs of Biscoff cookies.

So why the challenge?

Too often, many of us sacrifice our own satisfaction for the sake of how we might be perceived, or to avoid making the people around us feel uncomfortable. It's possible that we mirror our own personal judgments and reflect them back on ourselves. In my case, I didn't want to be perceived as greedy; asking for more than 2 snacks triggered something inside of me that resulted in those feelings of greed & guilt. This challenge was meant to help me gain more power over those feelings in an effort to choose my ideal response; I encourage you to give it a try for the same reason. Being unselfish is a characteristic that I love about myself, but I also think it's important to feel comfortable choosing "me" first sometimes. Before we can expect others to make us a priority, we must be comfortable making ourselves the priority without hesitation. That's the most important lesson in all of this.

So was I able to complete the challenge?

Short answer... YES! This week I successfully completed the Biscoff Challenge! I sat in Row 2 (not First Class) on a small jet heading back to NYC and I waited for the question: "Peanuts, Pretzels, or Cookies?" The minute I saw the flight attendant setting up her cart, the feeling immediately kicked in: guilt. I thought to myself, "I'm in the front of the plane... What about the other passengers? What if they're short on cookies, and asking for 3 packs means someone in the back won't get any?" It's amazing how something so small could stir up such strong emotions. I quickly got it together and shifted my thoughts to remind myself that this moment was about me, and me alone. I made sacrifices for others on numerous occasions throughout my life, this was my time to collect my reward: a third pack of Biscoff cookies. When the flight attendant arrived and asked the infamous question, I looked her in the eyes, and with a confident smile I responded "can I have three packs of cookies please?" Her eyes seemed to pop out at my request, and I felt the passenger next to me look at me in shock out of the corner of his eyes. It felt like an eternity, but I kept the smile on my face and did my best to ignore their perceived responses long enough to hear the answer I was looking for. She responded, "Sure!" I exhaled and appreciated the moment. Such a simple achievement, but an achievement nonetheless.. And it's just the beginning!

Where are you experiencing similar hesitation? Do you truly know what you want out of life? In your career? In your relationships? How comfortable are you with asking for what you want without hesitation? I challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone and just ask. You never know... You just might get it!,-Pretzels,-or-Cookies:-Overcoming-the-Fear-of-Asking-for-What-You-Want&id=9814773

2 Quick Ways to Overcome Laziness and Procrastination

Laziness can sometimes lead to creativity when you are taking a break from a problem you cannot solve. Some research suggest that lazy people are the most creative. It is not hard to believe this when you see some of the inventions such as the television remote control. Instead of getting up to switch off the TV you just flip the channels. Laziness and procrastination can be positive sometimes to recharge and distress, but can also cause dreams that are not realized. For every major accomplishment there is a first step. It takes getting up and seating on a laptop to write a business plan, it sometimes takes discipline to fill up forms to get funding for your business or improve your CV for the next c-suite position. All of these are actions taken with an intention to accomplish a goal. When we are lazy and procrastinating we fail to act and rationalize about why the present is not a good time to act.

We give ourselves excuses and postpone action using our internal dialog, "the rain is too loud I can't call right now", "the computer is too slow to accomplish work", "I am too tired"... or "I will do it tomorrow still"... and so on. When you get lazy and procrastinate this can sometimes set you back in terms of goal achievement. The sad thing is you won't always know it because you cannot tell when your inability to update your CV, or to write a business plan and apply for funding has led you to a lost opportunity. This article shares 2 quick ways to overcome laziness:

1. Have future focus instead of present focus

When we are lazy and procrastinating we are driven by present focus - the pleasure of seating in a couch watching TV instead of exercising can sometimes overcome your good intentions to keep fit. Sleeping instead of starting the day early is much easier to do for most of us. Pain and pleasure drives the actions that we take - the pain of taking action and getting up versus the pleasure of seating in the couch and watching television. We might feel more pleasure in relaxing and putting out action and associate more pain to getting up or leaving the couch. In the present focus we might even forget what is good for us in the long term.

In order to discipline yourself and overcome laziness and procrastination, awareness in terms of how pleasure and pain influence your actions is important. In order to overcome laziness. You need to replace present pleasure that you experience in whatever it is that you are doing by the anticipated future pleasure you will gain from acting immediately. Runners do this very well. When going for a run most runners hardly think about the long road that they will face. Instead they think about the feeling of accomplishment that they will experience after running. Accomplishments allow us to experience feelings of satisfaction, fulfilment and joy knowing that we have taken action. To overcome laziness the focus should be on the expected pleasurable feelings that we will receive from accomplishing a task. Used well, the expected feelings of accomplishment can easily replace perceived present pleasure from not acting.

I doubt if anyone would be encouraged to overcome laziness and go to the gym if they thought of all the hard work they would have to do at gym and the muscle pain. Instead those who go to gym think about the rewards after gym such as being physically fit and having positive body image. Gym fanatics overlook what most people see as pleasure when they do not exercise and replace present pleasure with future anticipated gain i.e. being physically fit, muscular, weight loss and so on.

You might ask yourself how to do this from a practical point of view? Here is how - Let's say that you are seating in a couch lazy to exercise enjoying the pleasure of the moment. To get yourself encouraged to exercise begin picturing anticipated future pleasure from exercising. See yourself having completed your exercise - this can be running, going to the gym or doing a few exercises in your own home. Experience before hand how happy you will feel about yourself knowing you stuck to your plan and completed your exercise routine. Picture yourself in the future having positive body image and feeling healthier. Feel the intensity of this positive feelings in your heart. As you experience the positive feelings get up immediately, wear your gym clothes and exercise. You will find that you have more power overcoming laziness when you visualize positive future results like this.

2. Always act immediately

Most of the time, laziness and procrastination manifests itself as a result of the internal debate we have with ourselves prior to taking action. Often before pushing ourselves to get up from bed we ask ourselves questions, "should I get up now?", "Maybe I should sleep 10 minutes more", "I am going to run late maybe I should wake up?", "How about calling in sick?" Depending on the day, you either defeat your thoughts and get up or you get defeated and sleep until late.

To overcome laziness and procrastination it is best that you act immediately on whatever it is that you want to do before the internal debate starts. This will help you change the pattern that laziness and procrastination causes. So always and always act immediately when you need to do something without allowing yourself to have an internal debate.

Looking Forward From the Past

The whole of life is meant to be lived from a whole-of-life perspective; all facets of life - including all the broken bits - considered as unifying in the oneness of us as persons.

This, surely, is what Jesus had in mind as He delivered the Abundant Life edict, as recorded in John's Gospel. Jesus invited us into a worship which is by the Spirit, in the truth.

The Abundant Life takes all a life, inclusive especially of the ugly events, and gives us the capacity to build meaning for the present so we can experience hope for the future.

We're neither our pasts, nor are we one of many fabrications of the future. The Abundant Life is neither the lies of past, nor is it one of many dreamy vanities of the future.

We're only what we possess in the present; acceptance of which is the goal of the Abundant Life. And if the past informs us to accept what's gone, for the resilience to endure that we've shown, matched with God's faithfulness in carrying us, then we have hope indeed.

An irrepressible hope is the Life Abundant. Such a presence may exist despite all outward appearances. It's all a matter of the heart. And only God matters, there.

The murky past reconciled is a proof-text for a hopeful future, and the present experience is the Abundant Life. It doesn't matter how murky the past was.

Looking forward from the past allows sight for a reliable present where future endeavours are focused through a lens of truth.

Looking forward from the past is not about being stuck in the past. It's much more the acceptance of those seasons of life as part of the foundations of our overall life. Our past has informed us of what we wish to live for. Only when we've reconciled those seasons past can we step forward into the present experience of the Abundant Life. History will prove us blessed as we look back, a whole life lived.

So, the past is our ally; it is something with which to face and ponder and accept, even celebrate; especially victories, which are borne on the wings of defeats. Besides trauma that complicates reconciling the past, all reconciliation is achievable. And reconciliation - all of it - too, is the Abundant Life.

May God truly bless you as you plumb the accessible depths and ascend the climbable heights of the Abundant Life God has for you!

Become The Decider

Let's say you make plans with a friend to go out to dinner. When your friend asks where you want to go to eat, do you say:

A. I don't know

B. Whatever you want is fine

C. *shrug*

D. All of the above

In fact, how many times does that happen? Someone asks what you want and you say "whatever... " and default to their preference.

Avoiding decisions is a way of hiding. You avoid asserting what's important to you, what you value, what you want. You keep going along, same old same old. And you end up letting others - people and circumstances - run your life.

It's time to start making decisions.

Making a decision is powerful. The origin of the word decide means to "cut off". Deciding means taking a stand, saying yes to something and, by doing so, saying no to something else.

If you've been shrinking from decisions for a while, deciding can feel uncomfortable. Deciding means:

  • declaring a preference... what if someone doesn't approve of my choice?
  • accountability... what if I make a mistake?
  • cutting off options... what if I regret my choice?
  • taking responsibility for steering the direction of your life... what if I get it wrong??

Those nagging, negative, critical thoughts are a sign that fear is ramping up. Fear prefers the status quo, creating as much resistance as possible to keep you from doing anything different. It's true, someone might not approve or a decision might not turn out the way you expect, but that doesn't mean you collapse back into inaction.
Decision-making takes practice.

It's a skill you develop and a lesson in trust. Every time you make a decision, you learn about yourself. You discover what you want, how to speak for yourself, how to become the leader in your life. As a bonus, you build trust in your ability to decide. The more you decide, the more confident you become at decision-making.

If you're ready to break the habit of indecision, here are some ways to jumpstart your decision-making:

Check in with your body

You can tap into your body's guidance to help you discern which course of action to take by paying attention to what Martha Beck calls (in her book, Steering by Starlight) your shackles on and shackles off reactions.

Imagine choosing the options you're considering. When you think of each outcome, what do you feel in your body? If you notice that your body becomes tense, tight, constricted or drained - that's a sign the outcome is not right for you. That's your shackles on response.

On the other hand, if you notice that your body feels lighter, open, energized or more expansive - that's your body giving you a yes. That's your shackles off response. Check for which option feels like shackles off and go in that direction.


If you are dealing with a particularly stressful, anxiety-producing decision, ask yourself "What would calm do?". This question helps to bypass the fear-based chatterbox in your head and access a quieter, deeper, wiser part of yourself.

Fear doesn't get to choose

How much is fear driving your decision? Is your choice steering you toward what's best for you or trying to avoid something bad that might happen? Instead of focusing on fear, ask yourself "What would delight me? What would I love?" Lean towards love rather than away from fear.

Making decisions is like taking the steering wheel of your life. You're no longer coasting on autopilot... you are consciously and intentionally navigating your own way.

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. - Theodore Roosevelt

Having That Feel Good Feeling And Like What You See About Life

To have that feel good feeling with a quality of life comes down to one thing-- your ability to find ways to feel happy, which are of the habits of successful people everywhere.

Uncovering ways to feel happy is how successful people grow, and what highly effective individuals strive for.

Today I will offer you a couple of effective mindful strategies, as long as you use them, they will awaken your capability to feeling good, happy and alive about your life and the journey ahead.

Uncover the Light:

Uncover the Light which is your inner divine Self, and although we know the importance of feeling excellent, the majority of time in life we forget it.

We are so hectic at handling the "important matters" we must oversee every day and fulfill, and we forget the more important matter" Feeling excellent, live a tension totally free life".

Remember, A Course in Miracles teaches about tapping into and being aligned with the center of your inner Light. It's the highest quality of Who and What you are!

This is a technique that you hold in mind a favorable image, a minute of your past where you were feeling excellent, or simply a thought of an occasion that makes you feel all lit up inside.

Some people discover it is difficult to hold an image, and my response to them is just pretend you see what makes you begin feeling excellent.

The significance is not how plainly you see, however how strong you feel.

Capture Miracle Moments:

We do not remember all things happen in our lives, but we remember some moments.

The function of this way to feel happy is to assist you in recalling those wonderful memories so that they will make you better.

Till you find your ability to always feeling excellent, you will enjoy the process of working toward that goal.

Course in Miracles states, "It is through us that peace will come."

Give thanks to your inner Light which you have uncovered, for supporting you and pointing the way for feeling happy.

Be Appreciative

Say thanks to your mind for letting you realize how the world you needs you, and be grateful to your physical sensations for providing you the awesome feelings of the universe within you.

Remember that the ways to feel happy in this world is what you offer to the universe you shall get back a thousand fold or more!

Because they invest in the universe, the most highly effective people on this planet are always feeling excellent.

To that feel good feeling in you!

Stop Trying To Avoid Failure

We hear the word and cringe at the thought of it. From the time we were kids, we've been exposed to the many aspects and importance of winning. And as we mature, our ambitions continue to grow from our visions of success and accomplishment.

Envisioning a victorious outcome will often provide the strength to move forward, even when it seems as though you're pushing a boulder uphill.

But what of failure? What happens to your outlook when you think, even for a moment, that you might not succeed? You probably feel just about the same as everyone else would; defeated, sad, worried, or even stressed perhaps. And when these feelings begin to swirl around on the inside, the ripple effects begin to take hold of your performance, and create something often referred to as "paralysis by analysis".

It's as if the act of failure, has become synonymous with being a failure. And this couldn't be further from the truth.

The next time you feel the nerves beginning to kick in, all from the thoughts that you might not succeed; (whether they be of the project you're about to undertake, the company you're about to start, or even the wedding vows your about to make), take a moment to reflect on this:

When a baby starts learning to walk, what happens? Do they just stand straight up and start strolling around the living room, like they've been doing it for years? Of course not. They take a step or two, then fall down. They get back up, take a step or two, then fall down. Each time they fall down, that particular moment was a failed attempt at walking. But does this make that baby a failure? Of course not!

With each fall, the baby's muscle memory gets better and better. And as they continue to try, over and over again, they learn how to stabilize the entire body, so that the falling down becomes less and less... until finally, voila! They're walking like a pro.

There's not a parent in existence who would watch their child learning to walk, and think to themselves, "this kid is a total failure". On the contrary, with each step and stumble, that proud Mom or Dad is thinking, "You've got this! C'mon, one more step!"... all the while, cheering them on.

So why in the world would we as mature adults, consider our steps and stumbles in life to be any different?

If you're overly concerned that you're going to fail at something, it's because you're equating it to actually being a failure. This is nothing more than a mindset; one that can be corrected at a moment's notice.

As you read this, consider that project you've been hesitant to start; that promotion you've been wanting, but were afraid you might fail at; or even the commitment you're hesitant to make, because you might let someone down.

Now, being completely realistic with yourself, envision the steps and stumbles you're going to make, as your "muscle memory" gets better and better. Failures are not only normal, but completely necessary, in order for you to learn how to stabilize on your road to success.

So remember; failure cannot be avoided, nor should it be. Failures are nothing more than brief moments in life that teach us how to accomplish what we've set out to do.

Today, while you're traveling the road to success, embrace the unexpected failures along the way. They're really nothing more than turn-by-turn directions, that will get you to where you want to go.

Message From the Universe: All Your Wishes Will Come True

"For every day that goes by, I renew my promises.

And apart from spinning, twirling, and somersaulting as often as possible, they include slaying your dragons, granting your wishes, and basically showing you a really fine time.

Really, really fine.

Your promise was to let me.

There's nothing we can't do,
The Universe"

Even though some of your days seems to be the same, they are different in nature and opportunities. Your thoughts today will come to realization in a few months from now so make sure that these thoughts are positive. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and regardless of what you are going through today, you will see changes tomorrow and it is up to you NOT to allow yesterday to repeat itself. When dealing with difficult ordeals, our mind have the tendency to jump into conclusion and feel that this is what we deserve. Our subconscious mind knows that all of this could change for the better but we adamantly feel like these are the cards we've been dealt with and should accept it. Imagine yourself as "Rain Man" and able to count cards. You know in advance the next cards from the deck and can anticipate your next move. Your thoughts are of winning and it is up to you to carefully work with what you have to make sure you win the game. When you work on your thoughts, you carefully change the nature of their content, from being negative to positive. You repeat over and over again what you deserve, reminding the Universe what it needs to do to make things happen for you. Everyday is a new day and it should work to your advantage. Some days you might see positive changes happening but other days might get worst to get better. The key is to always keep looking ahead and not let the bad days compromise your future ones.

We all look to live a better life, a healthier life for ourselves and our family. We strive to make changes and become better people. Despite all the violence out there, the media covering depressing news of terrorism, crime, and so much more, we all need to work somehow to not let all this put us down and bring us to the brink of depression. I am not saying to ignore the news but do not let it drown your thoughts with constant negativity. If you are allowing yourself to watch what is going on around you, make sure your mind can digest this information and not let it change your mood for the worst. Focus on what is good for you and how you can change yourself first before you can try to change the world. It all starts from within and not from without. There is so much to look forward to in life and never forget what you already have. Be grateful every day and always stay positive that more is coming your way.

The Journey of the Humble (By Marsha Maung)

Staying Humble is Hard Work 
Humility wins over pride any time of the day. This is not to say that you can't be proud of the work that you do and the awards that you've gained along the winding road of daily-grinds. You've absolutely earned it but there is a fine line between being proud and gloating. Toe it.

In my line of work, it's impossible NOT to say great things about the products, services, and packages that I write about in glossy brochures, postcard-ready Instagram posts, and attention-grabbing websites. It's advertising. From the get-go, I need to say fantastic things (if possible, not bend truth out of its confined proportions). I need to beat the beast over the head, win people over and get them to part with their hard-earned money. There are no other ways around this... I've checked.

But that's work.

In your personal pursuits and the way you communicate with others, whether at functions, meetings or on the train, it is a better idea to be a little bit of a humble brag. People hate humble brags and it takes practice not to be an annoying one, but a few mistakes is going to polish you.

At the end of the day, the purpose of it all is to remind yourself that...

Pride speaks, Don't let Success Get to your Head 
It's not about pride or being proud, it's about having the right mindset. A mindset of being able to hit the ground running no matter the situation, the ability to see things from a beginner's point of view, and the willingness to learn from the rook-iest of people, says a lot of about how far you're going to make it into the game.

Imagine if you wake up every day with a scoreboard that reads 0-0. You've won nothing. You're starting over every morning. Despite everything that you've done in the past, all your achievements, you're starting from ground zero again. It makes you yearn for success because a relentless person is the most resourceful and productive one.

Despite having worked in the industry for well over 17 years, there are better writers, better analysts, newer ideas, more successful people, and more innovative technologies. I've said it before and I'll say it again: no one is ever THE best. There is no such thing.

Growing Requires Listening and Learning 
You'll be surprised at how much you'll grow and the number of new things people thrust into your arms when you're willing. Every year, we have a new American Idol, a new Miss Universe and a new winner for UK's Got Talent. If every single one of the winners, awards in hand, refuse to grow with times because they've 'made it', the journey will come to a head.

But if you listen in order to learn, you'll go a long way... and you'll never stop being hip! Well, maybe 'relevant' was the word I was looking for.

"By limiting our expansion, we soon become stagnant. While resting on our laurels, we then get surpassed by those who are hungry and willing to work -
Humility and hard work is an astounding combination. Do you agree?

You Deserve To Be A Winner

Have you ever felt that somebody who wins all the time has their luck working for them? And that their life is nice and easy compared to yours? Haven't we all? But, unfortunately that's not even close to being the truth. The fact is that winning and losing have some things in common: they are both habits. You probably know someone who can't win at the game of life, no matter how many advantages he's given. You also know someone that's the exact opposite. He wins at everything, even though he doesn't seem to have any advantages.

Which of those two would you like to be? The winner! right? If you could just develop these simple habits listed below you'd be amazed at how dramatically you will increase your chances of winning consistently!

1. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goals. You can't win if you don't define the goal. Know what you're trying to accomplish. Set clear goals with reasonable deadlines. Create a target that you find motivating and exciting. Choose the target, but be flexible in your approach to achieving the goal. Celebrate all wins! Celebrate each and every milestone achieved! Stay in the energy of gratitude.

2. Develop habits that serve you. Replace the habits that don't serve your goal with the ones that do. Discipline and willpower are in limited supply. Use them to create the habits you need to reach your goals. Once you have a habit, willpower becomes unnecessary. For example, if your goal is to release 30 lbs of body weight, develop healthy eating and exercise habits. If your goal is to find your most compatible soul mate, develop a habit of being open and talking to people you meet. If your goal is to find more leads for your business, be open to going to business networking events!

3. Simplify your life. Our lives are full of things that get in the way. They can be possessions, activities, or even people. Get rid of the junk in your life. Make room for success and minimize the obstacles and distractions you face.

4. Get a mentor. It's true that you can accomplish a lot on your own but you can accomplish much more with a mentor. Odds are that someone has already accomplished your goal. Wouldn't it make sense to get some guidance and advice since you're taking the same journey? There's no reason to reinvent the wheel. Take advantage of the successes and mistakes others made before you, just model their successes and learn from their mistakes!

5. Take full responsibility. You're ultimately responsible for your own success. Even if you have a mentor, it's still your responsibility. Be comfortable with this. It means that you are the one in control.

6. Learn to fail forward. Failing is just getting a result you didn't intend. You may have failed at something, but it does not mean that you are a failure. Failures are opportunities to perfect your approach. The more you fail, and the more you learn from it, the more successful you'll eventually become. Everyone fails. However, it's important not to repeat your failures. Ensure you're learning something each time. Remember! "Every master was once a disaster!"

7. Be wise with how you use your time. Time is the great equalizer. We all have 24 hours each day. Using these hours wisely is the key. Are you spending your time wisely or wasting it? Only you know the answer! The most successful people are those that make the most of their 24 hours.

8. Invest in yourself. More knowledge results in more effective decisions. Invest in educating yourself through books, motivational CDs, seminars and workshops. It's you who is the real asset! But avoid the trap of learning at the expense of actually doing something. Spend a few hours each week learning something that you can apply towards achieving your goals.

9. Persevere. Winners don't quit. You can't lose if you don't quit. Just keep on going! You'll eventually win as long as you're willing to persist. If you quit, you've lost! Build the perseverance habit into your daily life. When you have the urge to quit an activity, keep going until that activity is completed. It might be folding the laundry, cleaning the house, exercising, or working on a report for work. Learn to stick with tasks after you feel the desire to stop. The habit will transfer to other activities!

Winning is the result of having a goal, developing useful habits, and persisting until success is achieved. Winning doesn't take any more work than losing. The work is just different! Begin today to develop the habits you need to win consistently. You Deserve To Be A Winner.