
Are You Living Your Purpose in Life?

Now that is a big question to ask! Yet it is frequently asked... by others and even ourselves; What is my purpose in life? What is the meaning of my life? How can I find meaning? Why am I here? What am I supposed to do? Am I living my purpose? These are all legitimate and important questions to ask, as we all want to feel like our lives are purposeful and hold meaning.

Many societies and media outlets created this need to search for your purpose, as if it is lost somewhere and you have to find it, and if you don't you are failing somehow. This is a lot of pressure to put on someone, connecting one's self-worth and existence to something far reached and yet very significant.

So what is the solution? How about shifting your paradigm and look at things from another perspective, you don't have to spend your days on a quest searching for your purpose, instead you can decide to create it yourself. Just ask yourself simple questions such as; What do I love? What do I enjoy doing? What am I good at? What does the world need? How can I make the world a better place? It doesn't have to be Earth shattering and move mountains, it can be as simple as I enjoy making people smile, or I am good at learning new things. Such things that inspire, speak to your gut and make you happy can be your purpose.

Another thing to keep in mind when discussing purpose is that you can decide to change it as you grow and develop. Believing that your purpose is just one thing throughout your life is very limiting; you can have a different purpose in different chapters of your life, as well as changing it with different people you encounter. Allow yourself this flexibility that it is OK to change your purpose according to your circumstances, timing, and, if it doesn't feel like it speaks to your soul anymore, then it is fine to decide that it is time to create a new purpose for yourself. After all it is your life and you are in control of the choices you make. So don't feel guilty about it.

One thing for sure is that no matter where you are, or who you are, or where you come from, or what you do, or what background you come from, people in general achieve two things in life; first thing is learning and growth and the other is contribution. It is inevitable; you cannot go through life without experiencing some level of learning and growth and contributing in some way even if on a small-scale. This can be looked upon as part of your purpose in life as it is part of who you are and what you do and how you influence the people around you.

So relax, don't feel like your life has no meaning and feel pressured to know exactly what it is you are meant to do in this life, instead realize that in some ways you are already living your purpose and can decide to change it accordingly if you wanted to.

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