
One's Weakness Is One's Greatest Strength (By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales)

Your weakness can be your astounding strength if used in the right context. In fact, you will not realize your greatest strength until you faced your greatest weakness. I guess my greatest fear in life is to have a broken family. I really don't want that my kids would grow without a father figure. But you know what happened? My being separated for more than five years now becomes the source of my greatest strength because I can do whatever I want and travel where I want to go. I become more independent and reliable compared to the time when I was still married.

My fear that my separation would hinder my kids' performance in school turn out to be the opposite because my kids perform better without their father's presence. Basically, it gives me the courage to move on with life when I feel that I don't have the strength anymore to carry on.

Some people believe that holding on and hanging in the sanctity of marriage are signs of great strength for a woman even if that means swallowing her pride and for her to suffer for the rest of her life. However, there are times when we need to realize that it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.

I become a strong woman who can make it even through the worst circumstance. My weakness makes me fearless and independent. I won't need a man in my life. I can raise my kids alone with my own patience and hard works. I won't ever back down to a challenge. I am in fact a risk taker.

I am not afraid to face any obstacles in my line of work because the more you feel alarmed, the greater the danger. And once you are eaten with uncertainty, the chance of succeeding is rare. It takes a lot of guts but if you face all your fears headstrong, then, everything will follow.

We gain strength, courage, and confidence from our experience in which we really stop being afraid and do the things that we think we can't. If you always put a limit in everything you do, it will spread into your life. The best thing you can do is to go beyond them. Have the courage to overcome your fears. Don't be afraid that you will fall, what's important is how you rise back from where you fall. You become better and stronger.

Sometimes people are too preoccupied with their busy lives that if they want something they never had, they just need to do what they never did. every time you feel uncertain, remember how far have you come, all the obstacles you faced and all the fears you have overcome.

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