
The Habits Of Highly Effective People You'll Need To Learn For A Wonderful Journey To Success

Being 'disciplined', 'authentic', 'respectful', and 'testing' over and over, (DART) are the qualities of truly successful people who have ever walked among us.

These above mentioned traits of successful people everywhere is why they "DART" across the finish line.

This has actually resulted from a mindfulness research study of the primary personality type to be found on the planets most effective individuals from women, professional athletes and political leaders and business people.


Successful people are well-organized and self-disciplined.

Typically they have actually been brought up in a structured disciplined environment. From being led they understand the best ways to lead.

They are considerate of others and realize ways to be greeted with respect from others.

They comprehend the importance of loyalty and demand commitment from others.

As you absorb what this article has to offer keep in mind this spiritual metaphysical principle from the Course in Miracles which states, "Let, then, your dedication be to the eternal, and learn how not to interfere with it and make it slave to time. For what you think you do to the eternal you do to you."


Effective people do not accept only going half way, because they act from their inner core and true free will.

The qualities of successful people always stand up to unnecessary administration and need fairness and correctness in the world around them.


Previously I discussed free available information on the web accessing you to discovering how successful people grow and the habits of a millionaire's mindset.

Effective individuals everywhere and in all walks of life around the globe are respectful of others. They possess a 'kind heart'.

The qualities of successful people contain courage of their beliefs and respect their own convictions, and they will face up to adversity and overcome it.

They are successful typically against huge chances due to the fact that they have the inner-vision and the courage to till through all the hurdles and barriers positioned in their path.


A great side aspect in the qualities of successful people is their grit and toughness and also with a sense of humor, especially when the chips are down and life seems to be against them.

They will not end up being stressed out and will often get rid of tight spots by their wit and well put humor which is a trait of their toughness.

Make certain to remember my "DART" to the finish line theory as the qualities of successful people.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of qualities possessed by successful people, but by concentrating on these traits of successful people and how successful people grow, will offer you a great running start in a life of success.

As I stated, of the habits of highly effective individuals mean never compromising for a job or task half done, while having strong conviction in their goals and objectives.

(Please also note, I like to suggest searching the net for further helpful material on topics like, how exactly do people become effective and have far beyond good leadership skills.)

To success and happiness!

Living a Precious Life

I spoke with a friend this morning. She explained to me that she likes to fantasize about being free of her physical body and soaring effortlessly in the etheric realms. She sounded bored with her life and over whelmed with the responsibilities of her day- to- day existence. She wistfully described her longing to be free of all the emotional pain, boredom and the numerous duties associated with being in human form. I listened with an open heart and mind, and thought to myself, how very sad that my friend is missing the magic of each moment and the surprises that life can bring.

I reflected on our conversation and realized that she must be overwhelmed with the prospect of her life continuing to be the way that it is now and always being stuck in the grind. Although from the outside her life looks pretty successful. She works in the helping profession, has a devoted husband, good health and owns her own home. Nevertheless, she is unhappy with the monotony of paying bills, cleaning house and being a good wife. The boredom of her daily routine seems unbearable. She has lost the spark of remembering the preciousness of each moment. How I wondered, can she regain her enthusiasm for living?

Then three words starting with the letter 'p' popped into my head. I heard my higher self say "Purpose, passion and play are the ways to counteract boredom and being overly responsible and create a solution to living life in a more meaningful way. When a person aligns their work with their core values then there is a special grace that happens as they do their work. For example, if somebody values helping the Earth and they work in a field that prevents pollution then they are living an inspired purposeful life through their work. On the other hand, if a person values caring for the Earth and they work in a field that harms Mother Earth, then they will most likely feel depleted and drained from their work and lack a sense of purpose.

Next, if there is passion connected to how one spends their time in life time in life, then they will feel life becomes more valuable and significant. Passion carries a quality of putting ambition into action with heart. In other words, if you are excited about what you are doing and are willing to go the extra mile to sacrifice whatever it takes to get the job well done then you are living passionately. For example, the writer who stays up until the wee hours of the morning because they are so inspired by the written word coming through them that they sacrifice sleep for passion.The opposite would be the person who dreads going to work and feels tired and weary of their job so much so that they can barely get up in the morning.

Finally, the third remedy to boredom and over work is play. Having a playful approach to one's duties and responsibilities brings a fresh outlook. When a person takes time to balance play and enjoying themselves with the duties of life, then they come alive and reconnect with their joyful nature buried within. A simple solution like going to see a funny movie or enjoying an improve comedy night could be the anecdote to the doldrums of an overly responsible life. When one takes time to nurture their playful child within, they are less resentful of the adult responsibilities of living and more able to cope with the day- to- day stresses of life.

I called my friend back and invited her to consider the possibility that life is offering her an opportunity to make new choices. I reminded her that her passion is important and her purpose of helping humanity is still pure and can be resurrected in her work. I also suggested she take time to play and plan some joyful activities into her life. The magic of life is so much more fun when shared with a friend and life can be full of happy surprises when we remember how precious life is.

Destiny or Free Will?

On the surface, it does seem like we make decisions and choices out of our own free will. But when we dig deeper, we realize that given the circumstances we make the only choice we possibly can based on our programming. For instance, you need to choose between two jobs. The interviewer at the first one squinted unpleasantly and reminded you of your father who used to beat you up. You didn't even notice that consciously but your subconscious already made a decision to keep you away from this job. Now you are consciously stacking up pros and cos to have something tangible to justify your decision, all the way not even realizing that the decision has been made. In the end, of course you "choose" the second job after having experienced quite a bit of worry, fear of making a mistake and indecision. It looks like you made the choosing out of your own free will, but did you really? And if not, if you were always going to end up with the second job, were the sleepless nights prior worth it?

Granted, the above scenario is not the only way we make decisions. Here is another one. Consider a young man who is dating a few women and settles for the obviously "wrong" choice. "Is he blind?" asks everyone. "Why leave the sweet girl for that bitch?" But why not? What choice did he have really? Assuming we all come here with a script, there are certain things we not only cannot avoid but we must experience in order to learn, grow and evolve. So we "make choice" to support us on that journey. In reality, we don't have a say as to what is going to happen, especially when it comes to experiences that are going to challenge us to rise to higher levels of consciousness (whether we do or not is a different matter). It is as if we are watching a movie where we play the main part. The movie has already been shot but we are yet to extract the morale of the story. We can't change the script. But we can keep reminding ourselves that we are observers; we can step back, gain perspective and learn from our own experiences projected on the screen.

Thus, the young man is marrying the bitch not because he made the wrong decision. Their union was already in the movie and the only thing he is left with now is learn (to trust his intuition, to not judge, to be more patient, etc.). (Not) coincidentally, that bitch is most likely mirroring his own dark side and is helping him integrate his shadow and elevate his own game. So what should he do now? Get out of the marriage? If that's on the script, he will. But more importantly, the question here is not what to do but what to make out of it. What attitude is he going to have while watching his own movie? Is he going to watch it in fear, regret and bitterness, or is he going to stand in faith, trust, acceptance and unconditional love? He most certainly can't change the movie itself, but he can change his experience while he is watching it. And that's worth gold because the quality of our life is determined not by the events in it but by how we experience them.

So if you are struggling to change your script, stop. Work on your attitude instead in order to be able to experience a life of higher quality. After all, this is the very reason we came here for: to work on our attitude. It is not by chance that our script is full of obstacles. They offer opportunities to alter our attitude and thus elevate consciousness. Attitude is the key to "changing" life. Not that you can really change it. But by changing your attitude, life will look different and you are more likely to enjoy it.

Understand that change starts within. Don't wait for life and circumstances to change to your liking so you can be happy. Instead, become happy first and your circumstances won't bother you. They will seem like a blessing, an opportunity, a gift. Ask yourself: Are you acting out of greed or love? Are you acting out of resistance or acceptance? Are you acting out of vengeance or forgiveness? Are you being grateful? Your attitude determines your possibility for happiness. It won't change the number of fallen trees on your path. But it decides whether you will be happy or miserable. And it also determines the quality of your decision making process. When you focus on who you are being instead of what you are doing, you won't be as fearful of the results. Cultivate integrity, love, forgiveness, patience, faith, trust and acceptance. This is how you assume the right attitude which effectively changes your programming. And once you observe your movie from a higher program, the results (decisions, choices, etc.) will simply follow effortlessly and you won't be tormented in the process.

In conclusion, if you want a good life, you work on controlling life's circumstances (which will give you marginal satisfaction but will leave you exhausted and ultimately dissatisfied). If, however, you want a great life, you work on your attitude. This way you align yourself with destiny gracefully. You are not afraid of fate; the ever so tiring need to control life is simply not there. It is what it is, and you ask for no more and no less.

Mind Tyranny: What Is Truth? (By Dr. Tom Rhudy)

Do you find yourself wondering, "What, if anything, do I really know?" If yes, then you and I will be able to take this journey together. If no, then you are likely deceiving yourself into thinking that you have answers to questions about which you have given little reflection.

In the account often referred to as Jesting Pilate, we find the following exchange: "Jesus answered, 'For... I have come into the world... to bear witness to the truth... ' Pilate said to him, 'What is truth?'" (Quid est veritas?)

Ted Williams said, "If you don't think too good, don't think too much." Most of us, unfortunately, "don't think too good." (sic.) We assume that our thinking is predicated on our cognitive processes. However, very frequently, our thoughts are not our own.

Propaganda is information, especially of either a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular cause or point of view. Are we being educated or propagandized? Albert Einstein defined education as "what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school."

It is very important that we have some knowledge of the motivation behind the "professor" of information/knowledge that is conveyed. Are they attempting to inform, convince or persuade? Perhaps, they are intentionally attempting to deceive.

Some individuals appear to have no interest in what they are saying. However, it may be imprudent to conclude that they are not lying. As Blaise Pascal said, "Some people lie for the mere sake of lying."

If you are like me, you are finding it increasingly difficult to find reporting that is not tinged with bias. Years ago, while serving on the Graduate-faculty of a university, I was assigned to the Research Department. Although never fully successful, researchers learn to seek equipoise (i.e., neutrality in the results derived from the research conducted).

This is often very difficult to attain if there are strong vested interests in the outcome. I vividly recall one research project that I initiated, at which time, another faculty member stated, "It's been nice knowing you, Tom."

When I first decided to discuss this topic, I thought that we might be able to address the issue relatively easily. However, there is much more that we must discuss to do the topic justice.

Have you ever wondered whether truth is viewed the same, irrespective of where on the planet it is being discussed? Research has revealed that Westerners place more emphasis on individual rights. Easterners appear to place more emphasis on social responsibility.

You Will Win Every Time You Remain Positive In A Negative Situation

The Difference Is What We See And How We Interpret It

When was the last time you experienced a negative situation? Recall the event as best you can and think about how you responded. Did you get caught up in negativity or were you composed? Depending on the event, can you see how the worry and anxiety draws you into despair? It's natural to respond negatively when a condition spirals out of control, particularly when we least expect it. A tirade of negative thoughts emerge and we find ourselves unable to break free from it. I want to reassure you this is normal because of the mind's inherent negativity bias. It is an evolutionary mechanism that has helped mankind evolve over thousands of centuries. However, it becomes a hazard when it works against us.

Each of us has experienced a negative situation at some time. Regrettably, some people experience them more than others and get caught up in victimhood thinking. Perception is everything because what you look for, you will find. The power of free will means we can perceive something as bad in a good situation and complain about it. Someone else will find the good in a negative situation and use it to their advantage. What's important is how we interpret what we see. For example, I was reading through my book reviews on Amazon recently and noticed someone had left me a one star review on my book, Awaken Your Authentic Self. If you buy books on Amazon, you will be familiar with a feature called Look Inside. This allows the user to preview the contents of the book before they buy it. The reviewer mistakenly attributed this feature which was not working as something I had a part in.

To be clear, this is Amazon's domain since they create, manage and host their own website. As an author, my publisher lists the book on Amazon and I am divested of any involvement in the sale or management of its content. I felt a wave of negative emotions come over me when I read the review, since there was little I could do to resolve it. The point I'm trying to make is, sometimes things happen that are out of our control and while we may be innocent, we still have a choice in how we respond. Getting caught up in negativity is of little use because it won't change the outcome. Even if I got upset, I am allowing external conditions to dictate my happiness.

Life Is Neither Fair Nor Unfair

Can you identify with this narrative in your own life? Has something similar happened where you were innocent and though you tried to rectify the situation, it was of little help? This is when we may succumb to negativity because we have been wronged against. However, we have a choice and it may not be the easiest one to make, but it is the better choice for our peace of mind. Anger and negativity reinforces a despairing mindset because we feel transgression is perpetrated intentionally. Listen, bad things happen to good people sometimes. Equally, people believe life is unfair. Life is neither fair nor unfair; it beats on regardless of how much you try to change its nature. I don't mean to say we are insignificant in the scheme of things. Rather, things are bound to happen, and it is not the event itself that fuels our suffering but in choosing our response that dictates whether we remain at peace or get caught up in the storm. Are you comfortable with this idea that perceiving life as fair or unfair does little to help you through difficult times? The questions we ought to ask ourselves is: What am I called to know about this situation? How can I evolve from what is taking place?

Therefore, you win every time you remain positive in a negative situation because life will pull us into despair given the chance. Negativity is only a stone's throw away. Everyone will tell you how difficult life can be but rarely do we hear stories of life being filled with joy and happiness. Even comments on social media nowadays have become an outlet for moral outrage and social injustice. But this is not helping anyone, other than pulling us into hopelessness because we are drawn into this fictitious sense of injustice in the world. Assuredly, what you read enough of is bound to create your reality and for some, social media is their only platform for information. I knew of a client whose only information outlet was Facebook, so all her news and information was catered to her area of interest. She didn't read books but preferred Facebook as her source of knowledge, regrettably most of it was negative. With this in mind, I'd like you to think about the earlier example of a recent negative event in your life. Ask yourself the questions I put to you in the second last paragraph and journal what comes up for you. It is by remaining positive in a negative situation we win the day and overcome the negativity of the world. What will you choose?

Why Do I Exist Here on This Planet and How Can I Achieve Happiness? (By Rosina S Khan)

Ever pondered over the title question? Has life dealt with you harshly that you are forced to ask the question? Fear not! We are all in the same boat. We are all meant for something big and we all deserve to be happy. But for that to happen, we need to do something. What is it? Read on.

Let me tell you a short story about myself. After I achieved a Masters degree in Software Technology in Germany, I returned to my country to join my job from which I was on leave. I could hardly settle and relax as I loved the idea of going abroad again. I soon started browsing American universities and their PhD curriculum. By the surge of electricity and forces within me, I worked hard through the process of applications and formalities. Finally I had the visa in hand to go to Dallas and yes, I was over the moon.

Everything was happening positive when I reached there. I got teaching assistantship and doctoral fellowship. I got straight A's in the first semester. And then somehow the blues came in. My supervisor didn't want to work with me any longer. He was a young man and without any warning, he dared make a decision like that.

I had heard from other sources that I could appeal to his decision. But I figured out that there will be a lot of upheaval and talk in the department. So I decided to keep quiet and smoothly transition out of the department back to my country to join my old job.

Now this was my favorite job. Never did I think that with the arrival of a newbie Vice Chancellor, three years later, I will have to quit my job as well. And that's exactly what happened to me - twin disasters in my life to make me fall so rock bottom that this article's title question hit me hard.

I really was wondering why I was on this mighty planet and how can I be happy? At a time like this, taking up writing was a good solace for me. I wrote fiction stories, self-help articles and books as well as blogs. I created a Facebook page and a website. I cooked whenever I liked and ordered from Food Panda at will. I sang, playing my special musical instrument, harmonium (available in our world).

I stayed at home with Mom. My brother came to visit us in the weekend. He stayed back at our old residence because his workplace was nearer from there. When he came to see us, we were a small family united again. My Dad had long passed away. My two younger sisters were living in the US with their own families.

So what do I say I am doing nowadays when I am asked by people? I simply say I am a writer. My passion for writing more than compensates for the twin disasters in my life. My love for singing, cooking along with writing helps me to become happy.

So you see, you should question yourself if you fall into victim phase after a series of disasters. How can I achieve happiness? What is left that I can do now to make me happy? Start journaling and researching on yourself about your likes and dislikes. And it is my belief you will hit something solid and aesthetic.

Trust me, that is how life works. And that is how my life worked. Of course, I have other dreams and goals to achieve but right now I am building the trust and foundation and hopefully my burning desires will be realized.

Trust yourself to do something similar and skyrocket the ladder of success. There is no one stopping you except yourself. So take action and move forward boldly and fiercely.

Are You Where You Want To Be In Life

Are you where you want to be in life - financially, health-wise, relationships or your career? Silly question? I don't think so. I've asked myself this question dozens of times during my life and I have to admit more often than not the answer to one of the life areas was - no.

In life, you can only be one of three places (I'm being general here) - where you were or have been, where you are now and where you will be in the future. I know this might at first seem a bit confusing but think about it - for example - where are you now - in your car, your office your kitchen or backyard - the simple answers.

Where do you want to be tomorrow - the hard answers - because here's where it can get a bit tricky. But, keep this question in mind generally - don't get into the weeds about every single life area - just consider the bigger picture of your life. For example in the future - you want to be with someone or someone different, you want to be working somewhere else or retired, you want to be better off financially or you want to rid yourself of this current negative health condition that is plaguing you now - yes there are hundred's more questions like these - I used these to keep the process but not necessarily the results - simple.

Here's the challenge. You will ultimately be where today takes you - so if you want to be somewhere different tomorrow you have to take the action to get there - today. Fail to take it and tomorrow you will be in the same place you are now - and again to be clear - I'm not talking here about whether you are in your car or the kitchen, I'm confident if you are still reading you have figured out the subtleties I am trying to share.

So, where do you want to be that's a different place tomorrow? Go ahead take a minute and jot down a few items like - better or different; job, relationship, where you live, what you drive, who your friends are, how healthy you are, your financial condition- go ahead - write them down - as many as you can - trust me you can't get there if you are not clear about where "there" is. And why - well if you don't know what they are what do you think the chances are they things will change or be different tomorrow than they are today?

I will guarantee that everyone wants something better, new or different tomorrow in some area of their life - to be younger, to be with different people, to be living someplace new, etc. Whether it's a small difference or a major one is not the issue - what is the issue - is your willingness to either let go of the wish, goal, plan or desire - essentially give up or settle - OR to take the necessary moves or steps today to get there or to start to make it happen.

Why do people wish for something better or different and then do nothing to get there? Why do they settle? Why do they give up or in? Why do they quit? I could go on for hours or pages but how about just three (yes there are many more) quick reasons; 1) The fear of the unknown future - will it really be better or different or should I just stay where I am? Can I control the future? What if it doesn't turn out the way I hoped? 2)The fear of rejection or failure - what if I try and don't succeed?

What if I go for it and people laugh at me for doing so at this stage or time in my life? 3)The fear of success. What if I do go for it and get it or achieve it and it doesn't live up to my expectations or needs?

Here's the major problem that you are facing if you have any of these three fears - you are tending to define your future by your past or present; experiences, attitudes, outcomes, choices, etc. In other words, you have always struggled financially so why expect that the future will be any different. You have always been disappointed in relationships so why should you anticipate that the future will be better or different? Everyone, you know in your age group, gender, race, religion, etc. has never done what you want to do? Got it - with these mindsets you are letting the decisions or choices of others or your past rule your ultimate future.

No one knows what is around the next corner whether you are broke or a millionaire, stupid or the smartest person in the room, healthy or really sick, beautiful or handsome or ugly as sin, etc. No one knows how actions, choices, decisions or anything will be or turn out tomorrow. It's all about desire, faith, courage, passion, effort, and acceptance and yes - resilience, self-trust, patience, and hope. If you don't have these - stay stuck. If you have them - go for it.

The Trouble With Being No.1 in Everything (Rosina S Khan)

Do you see any trouble with being No.1 in everything? Or, do you consider it a life full of bliss? I talk about this aspect in this article. Read on to find out.

Sure, to the amateur and inexperienced, it may look like a life full of bliss. But the reality is that it's not.

Back when I studied at school abroad, my Dad coached me so well in every course that I always stood first in class. I walked with an air of jubilance and superiority all the time. But little did I know that I had attracted lots of enemies over several years.

Through school politics, I was deliberately thrown to second position, much to the happiness of my backstabbers. Life seemed so unfair and terrible. I remember crying and crying until tears would no longer flow. Then, with the decision of my parents. I dropped off a few optional courses and began to concentrate on fewer courses and upgraded my grades by the next semester and remained steady all along I was in that school.

So the trouble with being No.1 in something or everything is that you lose a lot of friends and become lonely. But if you do not compete to be the very best and remain steady, life is a lot easier.

It is up to you whether you want to take that stress and strain.

By being the topmost in something, you do earn a lot of fame and power. But life is not all about fame and power but rather how many friends you have and how much you enjoy.

Life is about being happy. And you cannot be happy being lonely and not having friends.

At this point in life, I realize this aspect so much. But life has dealt with me harshly when I had literally everything and everything has been snatched away from me except my pride.

That's when I took up writing and I started writing more and more as I was being credited gradually by the universe. Now I have reached a point when I need to think and act differently so that I can take the next forward steps that will make me soar to greater heights, having a life full of fun, friends and happy times simultaneously.

I have dreams to follow and further goals to realize. I am working with affirmations and reading self-help books on how to stay unstuck and move forward. These are my first steps. Once I am done with these steps, I will know what my next steps would be and accordingly, act upon them.

The same applies to you. If you had worked hard to go to the very top and life just catapulted you off stray, find yourself back, stay grounded, discover your passions, work on them at your pace, monetize them and make lots of new like-minded friends by networking.

Life is sure to smile back at you and treat you gently this time. It would be my advice though not to compete to the very top but remain steady with regular income and regular friends.

Principles of Success - Definiteness of Purpose

Everyone desires to succeed in life. When you seriously want something, you can sacrifice for it. Definiteness of purpose is an unwavering desire one has in life. It is a strong wish that needs to be realised. One needs to write it down to ensure that it is firmly planted in one's subconscious mind. It is said that whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Achieving such is not about how deep a person's formal education and poverty levels are. A person possesses some thing powerful to change anything in life.

Regardless of the number of times you may have failed in achieving something in life, definiteness of purpose shall help drive you achieve your desire. God the Creator has given a gift to every man, which is different from other creatures, that is, the ability to use and control the mind to achieve anything in life. You can control anything. Other creatures only follow instincts, which they do not even understand. It is, therefore, important that you describe exactly what you want. Set a goal bigger than the one you achieved before.

To very human being is placed two choices in life. That is to follow blessings or riches and curses, which are a result failure to control one's mind accordingly. You enjoy blessings if you possess and direct your mind. Failure to possess and direct the mind leads to penalties or negative consequences.

Blessings of possessing and directing the mind result in several benefits, which include sound health, peace of mind, freedom from fear and worry, positive mental attitude, and material riches of your choice and quantity.

On the other hand, failure to direct and control one's mind results in ill- health, fear and worry, indecision and doubt, frustration and discouragement throughout life, poverty and lack, a lot of evil consisting of things like anger, unforgiveness, etc.

What should you do to ensure you have definiteness of purpose?

1. Get some thing on which to write your major desire in life. It terms of achieving your desire in life, you are limited by those limits you accept or those you allow others to set for you.

2. Clearly describe what you intend to do in return to get what you desire in life. Begin doing it immediately. Always remember that there is nothing for nothing. Provide service or something of value.

3. Read and repeat the statements you have written down and memorise them. Read it the statements at least twice a day, that is, in the morning and evening.

Begin expressing gratitude for realizing your desire before holding it in your hands.

Definiteness of purpose is the first principle of success on anything you want to achieve in life. Know what you want and put it on a concise statement. It is important to determine what you can offer or provide in return to acquiring your desire. Put the two statements on paper or writing so you can read and memorize them. Read it regularly until it is part of you. Start expressing gratitude right away.

Stop Forcing Things To Happen And Relax Into The Knowing, It Is Already Happening For You (By Tony Fahkry)

It's Already Happening For You Behind The Scenes

What are you trying to make happen in your life right now? Is it a relationship you're hoping will develop into something more, or a business venture? Whatever it is, I want you to get a sense of the emotions felt when you think about the situation. I'm not denying what you feel, but I'd like to help you explore another way to get what you want without forcing it to happen. You probably know that forcing things to happen seldom works out. In fact, the more we push and strive, the less it happens for us. Many people give up at this point and turn their attention to something else, which is when their desires manifest.

Can you identify with this? I have a fond memory of this experience in my 20s, following my graduation from design school. I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion and was keen to work for a particular luxury fashion house in my state. I sent repeated letters, enquiring about a potential career within the organisation, yet nothing came of it. This went on for two years, and eventually I grew despondent and stopped pursuing it. Within the space of six months, I received a letter from the marketing manager, saying she had kept my letters on file and there was a position opening up that would suit me. She invited me in for an interview and I immediately got the position! I couldn't believe my luck because I was adamant that if I did nothing to chase this opportunity, it wouldn't eventuate. Earlier on, I was trying too hard to force things to happen, which worked against me.

Whilst I realise it's difficult to put into practice, we must learn to relax about how life develops. Chasing and striving are signs of desperation because it communicates an energy of lack. What I'm saying is: it's already happening for you behind the scenes, when you allow yourself to relax. Life is an intricate system, with millions of processes taking place beyond our senses. Sometimes, when nothing is happening, it is because there's a hive of activity occurring behind the scenes. So, when things go quiet in my life, I get excited because I know the universe is planning something wonderful. Think of a chef working in the kitchen without a sound and then suddenly, they come up with an exquisite meal in no time.

Coming From A Place Of Non-Resistance And Trust

The universe functions according to its own framework, which can be likened to an intricate web, governed by universal laws. When we assume things aren't working out, we are not seeing the entire picture unfolding in the backdrop of our lives. With this in mind, are you content to relax and know it's already happening for you? Could you allow yourself to drop into this knowing and trust you are taken care of? I know it's difficult to believe when you don't see things happening in your physical world. But I'm inviting you to trust the process because when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Life takes on a new perspective because our old paradigms are not working. This is what Albert Einstein meant when he said: "We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them in the first place." We must develop a new consciousness in which to overcome our problems.

A carpenter cannot build a house using kitchen utensils. I know I'm stating the obvious here, but they must use the correct tools and building practices to assemble a home that complies with building regulations. The same is true for bringing to life our deepest desires. The tools of our trade are our thoughts and emotions, which means learning to collaborate with harness them into our desires. So how does this practice work in actual life because I get asked this question often by coaching clients? It involves the art of detachment, meaning separating our desires from wanting them to happen a certain way. We become less invested whether or not they happen because we trust the universe to bring us what we need according to its timeline, not ours. The psychiatrist and consciousness researcher Dr David Hawkins captures this idea in his book Letting Go where he writes: "In a freer state, that which is chosen manifests in our life effortlessly. We surrender the emotion of desire and, instead, merely choose the goal, picture it lovingly, and allow it to happen because we see that it is already ours."

Operating from a place of non-resistance is a wonderful way to live because we allow life to unfold as it should, instead of pushing for it to happen. Therefore, your romantic interest requires detaching yourself from an intended outcome and relax into the knowing that whether the relationship develops, it is fine either way. This is when your life will soar because things will happen for you when you come from a place of non-resistance and trust. We can summarise this principle in the following way: Trust = Love. So, we ought to trust and have faith life is already happening for us, but not in the way we expect. Knowing this, as a journal prompt, list three areas of your life where you are trying too hard? Could you learn to trust things will work out for your highest good, even if it doesn't look that way now? Life is functioning exactly as it should and will bring us what we desire, as long as we align our thoughts with universal intent. It is when you recognise life is already happening for you that everything you need will arrive beyond your wildest dreams.,-It-Is-Already-Happening-For-You&id=10411403

Divine Soul Purpose Signal

Divine Signals and Messages

Our soul is different from spirit, and often confused. We are given divine signals and messages. Our spirit is the connection to our higher source, where answers will be heard with actions to be taken. Our soul is the expression of how we will live in this world, because we are a body.

Living with the soul is a natural way of living in the world. Your soul is being expressed through your everyday experiences. So today you can start to become the person you are most seeking, making you life more fulfilling, living with soul will help you to become more alive and purposeful.

When the search for spiritual connection and it works well, it brings great relief. You want this experience to last forever. All it takes it a few minutes a day to remember. Your soul will show up more as it becomes better connected to higher source.

Connect to your Higher Source

Give yourself a few minutes and try this exercise to connect to your higher source for answers of your soul purpose

I recognise there is one power and presence in the universe. God the good, omnipotent. I am one with this power and presence of God. Therefore, I claim my perfect divine signal and divine message to come to me now with divine order and timing.

I call upon the Holy Father to give me a divine signal and message. Release all seeming blockages that have prevented me from receiving my perfect divine signal and message now. Release and let go f all ideas that I am separate from God or that God is out of reach. In doing so, I accept and welcome with open arms my perfect divine contact with God now. Thank you, God, and SO IT IS.

Once you make contact with your higher source take a few deep breaths

I now let go of the outer environment and go deeper to the physical level

Take three deep breaths

I now relax and become aware of my conscious mind

Take three deep breaths

I now relax to the level of my subconscious mind

Take three deep breaths

Connect with your higher source

Ask for the signal

Take three deep breaths

I call upon Holy Wisdom to give me your divine signal now. Feed it stronger feed it stronger feed it stronger

Take a few deep breaths

Let go and Let God

Recognise and verify my signal

Once recognised a clear signal than say aloud:

Holy Wisdom is the signal that I have identified as being my signal? Then please feed it stronger to me now?

Take three deep breaths

Ask for a message and say aloud

"Holy Wisdom please tell me (ask the questions you are most seeking answers to) now"

IT is critical to ASK for direction of your soul purpose.

  • Why am I holding back?
  • What is it that I need to do?
  • When do you show up in my life?
  • Is there a message that I need to understand?
  • When will I live my truth?
  • It there anything else you would like to say?
  • What would you like for me to do?
  • How will this look like in my life?
  • Is there anything else you would like to say?

Let go and let be

Take another deep breath

Do nothing and less than nothing. Do not try to get a message have a neutral attitude and give up completely.

Give Thanks and Gratitude

Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals

Some people are motivated away from the things that they don't like and some people are motivated towards the things they want. For example, some people will work on increasing their income because they don't like where they live or they don't like being in debt. That would be called an Away From strategy; moving away from something that is uncomfortable. A Towards person increases their income because they are thinking of the home that they prefer or they are thinking about wanting to increase their savings or their retirement fund. Most people have some combination of both such as 60/40 in either direction. Statistically, this is the most common combination with most people leaning in one direction or the other rather than equally balanced. There is a social bias that a Towards strategy is preferable but that is not necessarily true. If someone has an Away From strategy and it is working then it is a good strategy.

If you are primarily motivated away from things that you don't like then it is important that you use that strategy successfully to stay motivated. If your house is messy, there is a point where it gets to be too much and it gets tidied. At what point does the tidying begin? Does it begin at a comfortable level or is your house a disaster before you reach your threshold to clean it? Someone with an Away From strategy for cleaning their house has to notice the house becoming uncomfortable to get motivated to clean it. If you put on blinders and ignore the mess then your Away From strategy isn't working. You will have to take the blinders off and notice how uncomfortable your house is to change the threshold and have a house that is comfortable.

A Towards person is thinking about how nice the house looks when it is clean and is motivated to get it to look the way they like it. If the Towards person forgets what their house looks like with everything put away then there is no motivation that way either. For a Towards person it is important to remember what is good about a tidy house so that they stay motivated to keep it the way that they like it.

In both cases the amount of work and effort is the same but one is motivated away from messiness and the other is motivated towards tidiness.

If you think about it for a moment you can probably figure out which motivation strategy you are using. Think about something that you regularly get done. Are you motivated away from discomfort or towards a goal? You probably have a different strategy in different contexts. Most people have variations depending on whether they are motivated in their career, at home, in their relationship, etc. If you're not sure which strategy you are using in these different contexts you can begin to observe yourself being motivated to find out which strategy you primarily use.

If your motivation strategy isn't working there are things you can do to turn it on more strongly. If you are primarily Away From, build your Away From strategy. Build your discomfort level by really noticing how bad the thing you don't like is. If you hate your job, career, home or finances, and you want to change it - really notice how much you hate it and build that until you start moving away from it. If you have goals and things that you really want, notice how much you want them and develop that strongly. Think about what it will be like when you have what you want. Make it strong and really compelling.

Towards people are focused on a goal. They are thinking about what they want to achieve. They are motivated by what they want to get, have, achieve, or attain. They are energized by their goals and tend to be good at managing their priorities.

Away From people notice what they are avoiding, getting rid of and not allowing to happen. Their motivation is often triggered by an increase in difficulty or discomfort such as a new problem or an existing problem getting bigger that becomes a threat. Away From people respond to deadlines, penalties and negative consequences. They are good at troubleshooting, problem-solving, identifying obstacles and picking up on the things that could go wrong. They are motivated by fixing problems, correcting mistakes and a lack of mistakes. This is their style of writing and studying. They look for errors and correct them, constantly upgrading their accuracy by making corrections. They are often distracted by goals and are more motivated by a response to something negative. They are sometimes disliked by Towards people by being seen as negative, cynical, jaded, managing crises, and drawn to problems. To accurately determine an Away From strategy get beyond the surface reason for doing something. Most of us have been trained that it is better to think positively so our first response is often going to be in a positive direction. Dig deeper for the real reason that you want what you want and look for an avoidance pattern or a moving away strategy. Identify what you want and then find the reason why you want it. Do you want it because of what it will give you or do you want it because of what you will avoid? Away From people set goals, but they do it to avoid failure. Their reason for setting goals is Away From and that is what triggers them to take action on their goals. Away From people sometimes get easily distracted by any little thing that goes wrong. For an Away From person's strategy to work they need to have a balance of some Towards thinking to stay focused on what they need to fix and what they want to accomplish.

Towards people need to be aware of any problems that might arise and stay Towards while they work on solving the problem. They need to have back up plans and contingencies for the things that can go wrong. Without a well thought out plan the Towards person can lose motivation when things go wrong if they haven't thought about how to solve their problems.

Both Away From and Towards people need a successful combination of clear goals, contingency plans and a focus on priorities.

The Away From or Towards strategy is often what gets the person started on a project but something bigger is usually needed for completing a goal bigger than cleaning the house. For big life goals it is important to be primarily goal focused rather than problem focused. An Away From person can still be primarily motivated away from discomfort, but staying focused on problems only will not succeed in maintaining motivation. Whether the person is moving away from a problem to avoid or moving towards a problem they are solving, as soon as the problem begins to get either resolved or successfully avoided, the discomfort of the problem is reduced just enough so that the motivation stops. The problem is no longer an irritant even though it is still there. Being problem focused does not maintain motivation.

What maintains strong motivation is a focus on goals. If you are headed for the Emerald City and that is what you are focused on, if there is a mountain blocking your path you are either going to go under it, around it, over it, through it or go the whole way around the planet in the other direction, because you are focused on getting to the Emerald City. A problem-focused person is going to be stuck at the mountain and decide that it is not possible to get any further on their path. They will even forget about their goal because the problem becomes bigger than the goal. Don't ever let your problems get bigger than your goals. Don't be ruled by your limitations.

It's all a matter of perception. If goals were always easy to achieve they wouldn't mean as much to us. A challenging goal that has been reached is a valuable achievement, worthy of effort and even sacrifice. Keep your eyes on the prize!

In archery you never aim for the bulls-eye. Gravity will always put the arrow in the ground before it gets there. Raise your aim a little higher, zero in and take your best shot. You can learn to hit the bulls-eye every time.

Set a goal, define it very accurately, and generate a lot of excitement about the goal. Focus on what you want with a body of knowledge that supports that. This is what you want to build on. For a big important goal, think about that goal 3 or 4 times a day and get excited about it. It's a matter of focus. Attach a high level of energy to it. Learning to increase your own energy is a very useful thing to be able to do, particularly for achieving big goals. Attach an immense amount of energy to something that you want to accomplish, like riding on a roller coaster, galloping on a horse or skiing down a slope. Attach that intensity to achieving your goal and think about that several times a day.

For a long-term goal, pick your goal and put intermediate step goals in between. Put your energy in that, keeping your eyes on the end goal. All along the way there will be obstacles, problems and things to resolve, go around, or avoid to get to the other side of the problem. As soon as you reach an obstacle reorient to the target.

When a rocket is sent into outer space it is off course most of the time as it heads towards its destination. It will go off course to the right until a mechanism indicates that it is off course and if self-corrects back to the course. Then it goes off course to the left for a while until it self-corrects and starts heading to the right. The rocket is off course most of the way towards its target but it is programmed to reach its destination. As long as the rocket stays on course it will reach where it is going.

Students tend to focus on a goal of getting through school rather than to focus on what their goal is for going to school which is whatever their chosen career is. This tendency can cause a lot of people to get stuck along the way and lose sight of their original goal for going to school. The ultimate goal must be maintained in order to stay motivated to achieve all that is required for this big undertaking.

Define where you want to be. Where do you want to be five years from now - career-wise, health-wise, relationship-wise... ? If you stray from that path you'll lose your focus. Motivation comes when you keep accessing the goal(s) that you really want. Attach fun to it. Make the achieving of this goal exciting - extra exciting - and really, really fun! Make it sparkle. Attach the same level of excitement to overcoming the obstacles and problems to be solved along the way to the goal. Keep looking back at the steps you have achieved to maintain your enthusiasm and belief in your ability to continue doing that as you continue toward your goal.

Here's a little exercise that you can follow now from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming):

Think of a time in your life when you were really motivated. It might be that you are motivated to be in front of your TV at a certain time every week for your favorite show. It might be a time of learning something fun that you really enjoyed. It could be an experience from a younger age or something you got done easily yesterday. Think of an example where you were easily motivated; the motivation was switched on automatically. It doesn't have to be a big success. It can be any example, even a small one like making a cup of tea that you really want. Maybe it was learning a language or hang gliding. Find an example, any example, from any time in your life where you were highly motivated. Good.

Now close your eyes and go back into that memory as if it is right now; fully associate into that memory as if it is happening right now, and notice everything that you can notice from that experience - what you see, what you feel (physical sensations), what you hear, and everything that you are aware of when you go to that memory fully associated. Close your eyes and go there right now.

Write down everything that you notice: pictures, sounds, physical sensations, and everything that you notice from that memory. What are you aware of when you think about that memory of being motivated? What do you notice most strongly? What is the one signal that is strongest? Is it certain words you are saying inside your head like, "Yes!" or "This is great" or is it a picture that you see? Do you see yourself in the picture or are you looking at the picture from your own eyes? What does your body feel - exact physical sensations such as temperature, movement, muscle sensations, smiling, etc.? Find one signal that is the strongest.

Okay, now think of a goal that you have now that you want to be motivated to have. Bring the signal from your motivation memory to the goal you have now. So, for example, if you have, "Yes!" as your biggest signal from your past motivation memory, think of your current goal and hear yourself say, "Yes!" If the signal from the past memory was warmth or tingling in your body, think about your current goal and feel warmth or tingling in your body. This is a simple example of NLP using a signal from a past experience to elicit a similar response in the present.

Another way to set up motivation for a successful future is to look into the future and see yourself achieving what you are working on having. If you are a student, for example, don't focus on graduating or passing - focus on what you will have after you achieve those steps on your path. School and exams are a doorway or stepping stones that lead to where you want to go. Graduation is not the destination; it is part of the journey. Focus your attention on where you ultimately want to go. It could be debt or job limitations that are triggering you to move forward but you have goals of where you want to go. Focus on that. Create a clear picture for what that looks like and put it right in front of you, ahead of you, and not too far away. You want it to be achievable in the near future so have your picture somewhat close in front of you. It's not important to actually "see" a picture, but just to imagine in your mind's eye or even just to pretend that an image is there. Good. Now look on your path for obstacles. Is there anything there that you can clear out now? Maybe you can just put it to the side of your path and walk past it. If it's an exam, for example, see yourself walking through that to the other side where you have your goals. See that there might be some problems or challenges on the path to your goal and see yourself climbing over or around those or resolving them in a routine manner. Facing challenges is normal in achieving a big goal and increases the value of achieving it. Go out now into that future and imagine having your goal, experience what that is like (what it looks like, sounds like and feels like) and then come back to the present with that experience, knowing what it is like to have the goal.

These are some simple exercises from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and TPM (Thought Pattern Management). In my work with clients each session is individualized to the needs of each person. A Motivation Strategy or Success Strategy is strongly identified and made to run automatically. Any blocks or barriers to success are identified and resolved.

We can elicit a successful strategy for achieving any goal. Keep your eyes on the prize!

Visionary Thinking: Deciding to Thrive, Survive, or Nose-Dive

This is a story about three views of vision,

Which one to choose is your decision.

The first one is nose-diving and that isn't good.

But wouldn't people turn that around if they could?

Includes lots of mourning, weeping, and sadness,

No easy solutions to get out of this madness.

The second one is surviving, just keeping afloat.

Who cares how many leaks are in this boat?

Predictable irrationality is to be expected,

But excuses for mediocrity are to be rejected.

The third is thriving with a life of meaning.

This is not all eating, drinking, and laughing.

But with authentic vision, quite the contrary.

Meaningful living can make one weary.

The thriving vision is living a life that matters.

Taking action to help others, not just idle chatter.

"Do or do not, there is no try" says Yoda with the Force.

Nose-dive, survive, or thrive in your vision - decide your course.

Everyday begins with an indication of the status of a person's vision. Whether in thought or vocalized, the following expressions set a course for the day: "Do I have to get out of bed?", "Got up on the wrong side of the bed!", or "It's a brand new day!" The expression that begins the morning usually rules the day.

The seemingly harmless expressions are a mindset that is part of bigger picture. Everyone has a vision for life. Acknowledging it is one thing, but ignoring it becomes a bigger problem failing to realize the power aimless wandering wields.

Nose-diving is filled with ideations of "never good enough", "who am I to think I could ever fill in the blank", or general negative self-talk. People reiterating these phrases or some variation of each more than likely think they have no vision, but this is a big part of the nose-dive.

Lack of direction is like flying with vertigo. The pilot has no sense of up, down, or the direction the plane is heading. Failing to follow any course in life at best ends up like an airplane that runs out of fuel, rendered useless. The worst case is a crash that did not have to happen.

Surviving might include phrases like, "don't worry, be happy," "go with the flow", or "you can't have your cake and eat it too." The deceptive part of the surviving is there are times this mindset is appropriate. The problem is embracing mediocrity without ever stepping out of the comfort zone.

Taking time off for recovery might be considered as surviving. The reason for the recovery has a lot to do with surviving or thriving. Many people retire only to take it easy. Without purpose, retirees become sedentary and listless. The shame is that the multiple gifts and talents of these people to help others in a different capacity go to waste.

Thriving visionaries take time to recover knowing a renewed energy is essential to doing meaningful things. They are in a sweet spot that is the right combination of being excited about the task at hand with the capability of performing well in doing it. The Yerkes-Dodson Law suggests that performance and arousal are directly related. Understanding how the combination is consistently optimized is thriving.

An example of optimization to thrive in accordance with the Yerkes-Dodson Law is in a basketball game down to the final shot to win or lose. The nose-diving person doesn't even want to be on the court for fear of making a mistake. The survivor is on the court, but does not want to touch the ball. The thriving visionary player wants the ball to take the shot and is upset if that isn't the play called.

Can everyone thrive all the time as a visionary Superhero? Of course not. Does an occasional nose-dive or time-of-survival become part of a person's life? Certainly. Hard work, focus, and even suffering is required to maximize time in the sweet spot of thriving. The Yerkes-Dodson Law research identifies the relationship of performance and arousal. Each person has to determine where to live the majority of a visionary life - nose-diving, surviving, or thriving.,-Survive,-or-Nose-Dive&id=9967310

10 Little Steps to Happiness

What is happiness? Happiness doesn't mean being joyful or laughing all day long. Although happiness should be defined by each of us for ourselves, a general understanding of it could be having more good moments and memories than bad ones and having an overall feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. So, how can we have more happy moments?

  1. Give yourself permission. Give yourself permission to be happy. Many of us have the impression that we're not allowed to be happy, that we don't deserve it. Well, we're all WRONG! We ALL deserve to be happy, no matter what others say or even what we believe. And if you look deep inside you, you'll feel it in your gut. I am right. You DO deserve to be happy. So give yourself permission to be. Start enjoying that freedom. YOU CAN BE HAPPY.
  2. Smile... even if you don't feel like it. Yes, smile as often as you can. If you are with people, they'll feel warmer and respond likewise. If you're alone, smile for at least 3 minutes and your brain will take it as a real smile and will start producing feel-good hormones and other chemicals.
  3. Enjoy the now. Feeling bad about the past will not change it a bit and worrying about the future will not make you any more ready for whatever it is that finally happens. Hopelessness lives in the past, fear in the future. Choose the now and make an effort to live it. Only in the now can you truly be free.
  4. Like yourself. Make a list of everything you like in yourself, no matter how small or big and remind yourself of all those traits a few times each day.
  5. Love yourself. Every night, when you go to bed, devote a few minutes to just feel love for yourself. Thank yourself for anything good you did during the day and let the warmth of love fill you up. If that's too hard, close your eyes and look for the little child you once were and who still lives inside you and shower that kid with your love.
  6. Flip it around. Somebody tells you something or does something you don't like? You might get angry, upset or feel ill-treated. Or you might turn it around by being original and choosing to interpret it as a wakeup call or as a funny situation. They called you something... choose to find it funny instead of offensive. They push you, ignore you or even talk about you... choose to consider it just a reminder that we are all humans and, as such, make mistakes. Love the humanity in those who upset you.
  7. Dare yourself. Early in the morning dare yourself to do something unexpected or different throughout the day. Choose the action in the morning so you have the whole day to find the right moment to do it. You don't need to think of very difficult or adventurous plans but just something you wouldn't usually do, like going to a certain store or eating a new type of food.
  8. Share love. Say something loving to one person (or more) today. You can say it out loud or in writing. You can even draw it or sing it.
  9. Try new words. Are you one of those who often uses words such us... 'can't', 'don't know', 'never'... ? Why don't you try to use some easier ones like: 'don't feel like', 'would like to learn' or 'not in the habit of'... ? Or choose a positive or happy word you want to use today and try and apply it as often as you can. Be brave and imaginative with your words.
  10. Count your blessings. Take a piece of paper and something you like to drink and sit comfortably maybe with some nice music in the background. Then write. Write a list of all and every blessing in your life. Start with the smallest ones: I'm alive... to the biggest ones you can feel. Don't leave anything out. Once you're done, leave the list on the table. Read it every morning during breakfast for a week.

Enjoy life... ALL of it,

Why Those With A Troubled Past Find A Way To Create An Amazing Future

Understanding The Nature Of Pain

A troubled past is not a sentence for a deprived future. Our wounds can often be used to create a remarkable future if we perceive them through the lens of compassion and forgiveness.

Everybody has experienced pain and troubles in their life, however we mustn't stay mired in our problems but use them as insights to better understand ourselves. Our troubles do not mean we are flawed or lacking as many are led to believe. If we buy into this narrative, we are convinced what transpired is detrimental to our future. Our wounds are pivotal turning points which can reveal a greater depth of our human nature. They are helpful for better understanding pain and suffering so as to integrate them into our being.

I am drawn to Dr. Alex Lickerman's perspective who writes in The Undefeated Mind: On the Science of Constructing an Indestructible Self of the need to change the narrative of the past by witnessing it through the eyes of survivorship instead of victimhood: "Another way we might be able to improve our ability to manage pain is by retelling ourselves stories of previous painful experiences from a different perspective: not with a focus on the intensity of the pain we felt but on the fact we survived it. For if we survived a terrible episode of pain in the past, we can survive a similar episode of it in the present."

You are no more flawed by what took place than an oak tree that has weathered the storm over time. In fact, if you were to get up close you would realise how strong and resilient the tree is despite the forces of nature enacted upon it. Yet, it still stands tall because what doesn't break it allows it to grow in strength. The same principle is as apparent in our lives: what doesn't destroy us, advances us more than we realise. A troubled past can be a blessing that gives us clues to our purpose and destiny. Our scars are our battle wounds and should not be looked upon with shame but with courage knowing we faced our battles and emerged stronger. A troubled past is a gateway to strengthening our resolve and commitment to a better future.

Our Past Needn't Keep Us Stuck

I experienced difficulties in my youth. I rebelled against authority figures like my father, whose parenting style didn't suit me. I channelled my rebellious energy toward creative pursuits like painting murals on walls near train lines, so passengers travelling to work could see them. Thankfully, this phase of my life was short-lived and I grew out of it eventually. Upon reflection, this period served as a time to express my creativity, albeit in a nonconventional way. It was years later I was accepted into a Bachelor of Arts program to study Fashion Design at a prominent design school. Think about the periods of your own life where you may have rebelled. Do you look back and see how it now served you?

From my parent's viewpoint, I was a troubled youth partaking in dangerous and meaningless acts, while I considered it a period of self-expression. Decade's later here I am writing articles and books and helping people awaken their greatest potential because I dared to tap into my creative abilities. Whilst my story pales into insignificance compared to those who endured more troubling times, it shows how our past needn't keep us stuck but help advance us. Our wounds show we have danced with life and emerged victorious. Recall Dr. Lickerman's earlier quote where he invites us to see our troubles through the lens of a survivor instead of a victim? They are a reminder that life is continuously evolving and we mustn't hang our hats on what transpired but use it as a basis for better things to come.

Life can lead you in different directions and as the narrator and director you get to choose which path to follow. Leading on from my earlier question, how have your experiences shaped your present-day circumstances? Do you consider the past with regret and shame? Whilst this may be normal, if we're to appreciate the underlying lessons contained within our experiences, we can rewrite the future with a compelling narrative. We needn't anchor our boats to the past but allow it to sail into the open waters. Just as a boat creates a wake in its trail, it does so behind it not in front, which means our future is open to being written with a clean slate, if we will look upon our wounds with openness and compassion.

How to Be Motivated to Do Those Tough Tasks

It's easy to allow yourself to slip into the habit of procrastination. But what is Procrastination? It simply means putting off those tasks that you really should be doing but don't. The reason for doing that is simply, that you feel more joy not doing those tasks than you would if you did them.

The problem is we can put them off too much and fall into a hole that we may struggle to dig ourselves out of. That's what we must avoid, but to do that we must learn to become motivated. Easier said than done especially with those less desirable tasks, such as taking the garbage out or even paying a bill.

So how can we become motivated to do those kind of tasks? We must learn to change how we feel about those mundane tasks. To do this we have to change what we see in our heads and how we imagine ourselves completing the task at hand.

If we can do that then we will replace the images of pain that we have when we think of those tasks and replace them with images of satisfaction instead.

So that's what to do but now it's time to find out how to do it. How do we change the images in our heads? We must learn to think more along the lines of what will happen if we do not do those tasks. What will your house look like if you don't take out the rubbish? What will it smell like after the rubbish has sat there for a while? What will your Partner say? You must learn to imagine this in great detail and feel like you're really living it now. You must learn to feel pain from not doing it. The other example of not paying your bills can be a lot more severe and is a good example. If you fail to pay your bills you may be taken to court, end up in debt, go to prison and even end up losing your family. Very extreme I know, but if you can get yourself to begin imagining situations such as this then you have definitely managed to get yourself to feel pain when procrastinating.

For many the feeling of pain will be enough to simply jump in and get those tasks done right away. But for others it may require practice. The more you practice techniques such as this the easier is becomes.

Of course there is no better motivator than just getting things done now. If you feel that you really don't want to do something learn to make yourself do it now and you will feel better once it's completed. The more often you do undesirable tasks the easier is becomes. You will be making a habit that will be difficult to break a habit that can set you up for life, because once you get started, who knows what else you can achieve?

Message From the Universe: Start Looking Into the Future, But Live in the Present

"When you visualize a great dream of yours coming true, what do you imagine?

Do you see yourself jumping up and down, doing the happy dance, looking to the sky, and shrieking, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"? Can you feel the skin on your face stretch as you smile from ear to ear, or the palm of your hands sting as you slap more high-fives? Can you feel your fingers dialing your best friend's telephone number?

Yeah, I think you should.

"Very should,"

The Universe"

So what are YOU going to do when you have reached your ultimate goals? Will YOU jump up and down a sofa like Tom Cruise when he expressed his love for Katie Holmes? Or will you just take a breather, look up into the sky, thank the Universe for everything and be grateful for all the great things that are about to happen in your life? Will you scream from the top of your lungs with joy and tears coming out for all the hard work and sacrifice you have made to make all this happen? Whatever you do, you deserve it. Do all of what is suggested, or do whatever you intent to do and tap yourself on the shoulder for a job well done. You should be proud of everything you have done, because not many are about to go through the same path as you. Not many have the courage, the determination, the desire, the will to sacrifice to get to where you are today.

One important thing to mention though. You are now a TARGET. Yes, you are wealthy, powerful, and everyone wants a piece of what you have but weren't willing to risk it when you were in development stage of your idea. They will all knock on your door congratulating you for an amazing job, with the purpose of getting something out of you. It is important to really decide what step to take from this point forward. Wealth can play some crazy games with your mind so do not go and spend all of it at once. Do not buy yourself luxury cars or mansions. Get yourself smart and trustful financial adviser to how you can re-distribute your wealth so it can start making more money for you. Stay living the same way as you used to, so no one will come knocking on your door as you can delay response by saying: I have taxes to pay, will get back to you when all my responsibilities are met. Keep escrow account aside to give to family and friends and charities. The rest, invest it in your business, in a corporation that NO one can touch your funds, and develop a plan to make yourself more successful. Do not let yourself be taken by living the life of the rich and famous, as when that dies down, the people who partied with you will disappear with your wealth. Be smart!,-But-Live-in-the-Present&id=9764517