
Why Do I Exist Here on This Planet and How Can I Achieve Happiness? (By Rosina S Khan)

Ever pondered over the title question? Has life dealt with you harshly that you are forced to ask the question? Fear not! We are all in the same boat. We are all meant for something big and we all deserve to be happy. But for that to happen, we need to do something. What is it? Read on.

Let me tell you a short story about myself. After I achieved a Masters degree in Software Technology in Germany, I returned to my country to join my job from which I was on leave. I could hardly settle and relax as I loved the idea of going abroad again. I soon started browsing American universities and their PhD curriculum. By the surge of electricity and forces within me, I worked hard through the process of applications and formalities. Finally I had the visa in hand to go to Dallas and yes, I was over the moon.

Everything was happening positive when I reached there. I got teaching assistantship and doctoral fellowship. I got straight A's in the first semester. And then somehow the blues came in. My supervisor didn't want to work with me any longer. He was a young man and without any warning, he dared make a decision like that.

I had heard from other sources that I could appeal to his decision. But I figured out that there will be a lot of upheaval and talk in the department. So I decided to keep quiet and smoothly transition out of the department back to my country to join my old job.

Now this was my favorite job. Never did I think that with the arrival of a newbie Vice Chancellor, three years later, I will have to quit my job as well. And that's exactly what happened to me - twin disasters in my life to make me fall so rock bottom that this article's title question hit me hard.

I really was wondering why I was on this mighty planet and how can I be happy? At a time like this, taking up writing was a good solace for me. I wrote fiction stories, self-help articles and books as well as blogs. I created a Facebook page and a website. I cooked whenever I liked and ordered from Food Panda at will. I sang, playing my special musical instrument, harmonium (available in our world).

I stayed at home with Mom. My brother came to visit us in the weekend. He stayed back at our old residence because his workplace was nearer from there. When he came to see us, we were a small family united again. My Dad had long passed away. My two younger sisters were living in the US with their own families.

So what do I say I am doing nowadays when I am asked by people? I simply say I am a writer. My passion for writing more than compensates for the twin disasters in my life. My love for singing, cooking along with writing helps me to become happy.

So you see, you should question yourself if you fall into victim phase after a series of disasters. How can I achieve happiness? What is left that I can do now to make me happy? Start journaling and researching on yourself about your likes and dislikes. And it is my belief you will hit something solid and aesthetic.

Trust me, that is how life works. And that is how my life worked. Of course, I have other dreams and goals to achieve but right now I am building the trust and foundation and hopefully my burning desires will be realized.

Trust yourself to do something similar and skyrocket the ladder of success. There is no one stopping you except yourself. So take action and move forward boldly and fiercely.

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