
Living a Precious Life

I spoke with a friend this morning. She explained to me that she likes to fantasize about being free of her physical body and soaring effortlessly in the etheric realms. She sounded bored with her life and over whelmed with the responsibilities of her day- to- day existence. She wistfully described her longing to be free of all the emotional pain, boredom and the numerous duties associated with being in human form. I listened with an open heart and mind, and thought to myself, how very sad that my friend is missing the magic of each moment and the surprises that life can bring.

I reflected on our conversation and realized that she must be overwhelmed with the prospect of her life continuing to be the way that it is now and always being stuck in the grind. Although from the outside her life looks pretty successful. She works in the helping profession, has a devoted husband, good health and owns her own home. Nevertheless, she is unhappy with the monotony of paying bills, cleaning house and being a good wife. The boredom of her daily routine seems unbearable. She has lost the spark of remembering the preciousness of each moment. How I wondered, can she regain her enthusiasm for living?

Then three words starting with the letter 'p' popped into my head. I heard my higher self say "Purpose, passion and play are the ways to counteract boredom and being overly responsible and create a solution to living life in a more meaningful way. When a person aligns their work with their core values then there is a special grace that happens as they do their work. For example, if somebody values helping the Earth and they work in a field that prevents pollution then they are living an inspired purposeful life through their work. On the other hand, if a person values caring for the Earth and they work in a field that harms Mother Earth, then they will most likely feel depleted and drained from their work and lack a sense of purpose.

Next, if there is passion connected to how one spends their time in life time in life, then they will feel life becomes more valuable and significant. Passion carries a quality of putting ambition into action with heart. In other words, if you are excited about what you are doing and are willing to go the extra mile to sacrifice whatever it takes to get the job well done then you are living passionately. For example, the writer who stays up until the wee hours of the morning because they are so inspired by the written word coming through them that they sacrifice sleep for passion.The opposite would be the person who dreads going to work and feels tired and weary of their job so much so that they can barely get up in the morning.

Finally, the third remedy to boredom and over work is play. Having a playful approach to one's duties and responsibilities brings a fresh outlook. When a person takes time to balance play and enjoying themselves with the duties of life, then they come alive and reconnect with their joyful nature buried within. A simple solution like going to see a funny movie or enjoying an improve comedy night could be the anecdote to the doldrums of an overly responsible life. When one takes time to nurture their playful child within, they are less resentful of the adult responsibilities of living and more able to cope with the day- to- day stresses of life.

I called my friend back and invited her to consider the possibility that life is offering her an opportunity to make new choices. I reminded her that her passion is important and her purpose of helping humanity is still pure and can be resurrected in her work. I also suggested she take time to play and plan some joyful activities into her life. The magic of life is so much more fun when shared with a friend and life can be full of happy surprises when we remember how precious life is.

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