
Bullying Made Me Believe I Was Ugly (By May Esohe Olusola)


I found this throwback picture of me taken in 1987. I was 20 years old, painfully shy, void of confidence; but most importantly, a product of mental bullying that took root in my life and molded me into believing what I definitely wasn't. As ridiculous as this sounds, I used to believe I was very ugly and here is why.

I was born with a pronounced red birthmark on the left side of my face. Back then, it was the first thing you saw if you were meeting me for the first time. I was very conscious of it and used to feel like I was from another planet, because no one seemed to have a face like mine. The kids in school didn't help matters with their constant showers of horrible names to hurt my self-esteem, like: "Red-faced Monster," "Ugly Girl," "Map of the World," and "Your-Mother-Must-Have-Slapped-You-With-a-Red-Spoon.".

These taunts laid the foundation for many pity parties. "Why me?" was the question I used to put before God, and whenever my mother came home from work and saw I'd been crying, she would try her best to convince me I was beautiful. Her words had a way of gently draining away the malicious words I had suffered. Thank God for a mother who kept speaking life into me with statements like: "You are beautiful," "You are going to be great," and "You are somebody." This became a cycle, till I slowly started believing there might be some truth in my doting mother's words. I gained a tiny bit of confidence and was at the point of figuring out a permanent way to dismiss the bullying.


I was almost there when one day my teacher wanted to get my attention. However, instead of calling me by name, she called out: "Come here, Red Face." You can't imagine the shock that bolted from head to toe. She had betrayed my innocent mind to such an extent that I am fighting back tears as I write this. For an adult to confirm what the kids were daily saying proved to me that I was indeed a red-faced monster. Her words had added salt to a wound that caused unimaginable heartache for years.

Thank God for special friends back then. They celebrated and encouraged me in very memorable ways. By the time I graduated from the university, it was not as bad, but still bad. I just did not find myself worthy. This belief followed me into adulthood, creating some painful chapters that robbed me of many opportunities. In no time, my self-esteem graduated from low to invisible.

My turning point came the moment the word of God took root in me and I resolved to reject the fear of rejection and believe in myself no matter what. The light bulb of revelation had finally come on. I made a conscientious effort to start the change from within me. In no time, the layers and excess baggage that weighed me down for many years started falling off one day at a time.


Today, I can look in the mirror and say to myself,"Thank You Lord; I am beautiful!" I truly appreciate the way God made me. I love myself, I do what makes me happy and permit what enters my space. (If you don't guard your space, shenanigans will guard it for you.) If God wasn't on my side, who knows the other options I would have sought to medicate the pain bullying birthed in me? No matter what you are going through, the first step to recovery is believing in yourself. Forget what the world says about you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

It is imperative we form and maintain the habit of using words wisely. What we say to others matters a great deal. We can make or break ourselves and others with our choice of words. Let us be a part of putting an end to all forms of bullying today.

Focus On Reality And All Else Will Be Added

The ultimate fantasy is the bad intention and getting away with having it inside of you without catching yourself with it. Ultimately, genuine cheating and bad intentions are self-destructive. What is constructive, however done, is living in reality with simple honesty and realistic thinking and action. Indeed, the ultimate weakness is thinking you can win dishonestly, then deceive yourself with everyone else that you did not cheat.

When I think about life, reality and existence, I genuinely feel and understand that the best way is to approach it honestly without shortcut attempts, or any "aces up the sleeve"so to speak. The ultimate fantasy is "free without effort" anyway. We are not "owed" a good life, we have to create and make that ourselves.

For example, a person can have all of the advantages of life and mess them up, because they want to cheat or "have it even easier" or "better". On the other hand, a person can have no advantages yet do great ultimately because of a patient, realistic approach to living and reality that is realistic, understanding and "house holding", so to speak.

A great life and reality are promised to nobody, it has to be created and worked out from within a person. All the outer advantages and "great" trappings in existence mean nothing if you do not have the advantages of realistic understanding and honest ethic innately.

Solving the mystery of why some genuinely have it all, and some do not even with "all the advantages", it is probably because of the factors mentioned here. It starts inside, not outside. Why do you think the quote is "as within, so without" and not 'as without, so within'? It always starts within, and not without. It all starts with the cause and ends with the effect as a genuinely working cycle. Nature and reality do not work any other way. So, if you have a bad effect consider the cause and then change it from within strongly.

So, this article is not "the ends justify the means". This article is more like start from a good cause point and then create a great effect. If you start with the wrong cause, whatever the outer advantages, you will have bad effects. If you start with a right cause, ultimately good or great effects can be created whatever the temporary problems within the actions, because you are coming from the right place.

Ain't Nothing Time Doesn't Touch

Timeless literally means eternal, ageless, endless, and even undying; it is a vast description of existence. Is anything really timeless? We like to believe it is yet entire civilizations have disappeared leaving only the remnants of traditions once thought to be all enduring. Their existence, who they used to be, is uncovered and analyzed in archaeological discoveries. Someone's timeless suddenly reappears and a new world gazes and wonders what it all meant. Time touches everything leaving history to write the final analysis of what used to. Life is like that.

Every religion has a base belief system, hoping it will endure the test of time. It is human to imagine that all the things we know are enough, that time will never uncover anything that will alter what we imagine to be absolute truth. Almost every religion embraces the idea of a Creator in some form, even if by different names. Perhaps this belief will always be timeless. This is the story of what happens when time passes; we see differently because of what and how far we can see. When we discover archives of what most religions understood to be the know all and end of what they would become we are startled by what they believed. Have they changed or has the passage of time provided a wider lens through which we view the world?

If you imagine none of this touches your life take a quick trip back to old familiar places you knew when you were a child. Remember how big all of this looked through the eyes of a child? See how narrow the streets now appear, how small the homes seem to be? Yet they are the same. The essentials may be the same but time passed, trees and bushes grew up and out. New streets are wider, homes are larger and you are older and wiser. You have seen more; the ability to see beyond this familiar street has expanded to the Internet where you can see the world with a few clicks. Time has passed.

Look at pictures of the people you grew up with. Do they seem much older than you now? Do you notice things you never did before? When we look through the prism of time we rarely see the changes time has wrought in ourselves. We may notice slight differences but mostly we see ourselves as we remember and not so much as others may see us. Just like the streets that did not change, things changed around us and within us. Skin is less elastic, eye lids droop and we develop chins below the one we remember. Some take drastic action to 'correct' the changes while others may wish time had been kinder. Regardless, time passed and took its toll. Most people might wish they could recover some of what used to be but retain the wisdom they have gained, the lessons they have learned. These are the remnants of time passing.

How many times have you changed your mind, altered a position or accepted what you once thought was unacceptable? Once people who were perceived as 'witches' were burned alive in Salem, Massachusetts; the world accepted this. Time passed, we learned more and accepted things we did not understand before. Through the passage of time we gained greater knowledge and acquired the ability to research and develop new ideas. This is the gift of time passing. Like the tide that sweeps out and returns, time passes sweeping away what was and returning with something new leaving us free to change our mind or see something differently.

Time will continue to pass, ideas will continue to evolve and people will always change. This is why memories are so precious to us; it is how we embrace the best of time that has passed. It is one of the best traits humans share, these memories, because truly there ain't nothing time doesn't touch.

Change Your Life Around Today By Creating A Life Plan As A Happy Learner

There are various types of people in the world.

Some individuals are happy with the hard work of a good business for numerous years, then retiring, others do not desire to keep the same job for too long and keep looking for something better.

And, still others want to work for themselves.

A Course in Miracles teaches us deeply about 'wrong-mindedness' and 'right-mindedness,' both qualities of the ego-based mind-- that is built on fear and self-doubt.

I've studied about individuals and the charge for success in an extremely-unique method, and I'll give you a taste of what operating from the right-mind versus the wrong-mind means.

There have been a lot of books about ways to sell, how to experience prosperity and abundance, and other comparable titles.

Much of them offer complicated formulas for success.

There are two types of people in the world, wrong-minded and right-minded, and as humans, still both are ego-based.

The 'right-minded' individual still with doubt and fear, and we as humans while in this world will always have these traits, yet this more in tune mind knows deeper within how to reach spirit and be guided.

This guidance he/she receives overplays the doom and gloom scenario occupied by the wrong-minded thinker.

There are happy learning yet still sometimes unfortunate right-minded people, but they know how to listen within, get back up after a hard fall and keep moving forward in life.

Let's begin with the wrong-minded thinker:

These are the people who yell a lot, stress over due dates, and think the world is coming to an end if they don't succeed at every little thing they do.

When they do not succeed rather than learning from past errors, it's another person's fault for not being a sad wrong-minded person, too.

They are also the individuals who tend to pass away young of a heart attack or a stroke because of the massive pressure they put on themselves.

Now, let's go on to the right-minded man or woman:

These people are simply as driven as the wrong-minded guy/gal to succeed, except they take pleasure in every minute of it.

They enjoy the process, or the road taken.

They know success is an evasive victim, but it's the real charge they love more than the success itself.

They will constantly be successful due to the fact that they do take pleasure in the pursuit, not simply the achievement after the win.

They enjoy succeeding and helping those around them to succeed.

I have great news for you if you operate from the right-mind. You are well on your own way to success, so make sure you are actually creating a life plan.

A happy optimistic person gets up every early morning way prior than need be, since they anticipate every day and want to get a head start.

A delighted thinker, still with some doubts and fears, does not have to chew out and bully others because they will follow the lead and because they want to resemble them.

A happy thinker may help you plan your life and leads by example.

Previously I discussed free books and other material available to help an individual tap into his/her inner power for success.

I also noted that this right-minded person let's nothing take control and has learned mind training to charge at fear and self-doubt head on.

You have to do the things a happy learner does if success in your household or business is your goals and objectives and you want to be a happy learner.

If something knocks you down, you have to instantly get back up and take a look at what went wrong, learn from it, and charge after you're your goals and objectives and get the task done.

Are you really a happy learner?

The world's truly optimistic people have their own concept of success and not everyone has the courage to operate this way.

Now let's look the wrong-minded sad learner again:

They stand around being afraid to speak out or to learn something brand new, never doing very much, just kind of biding their time by.

They see the person of true optimism who is not afraid to follow spirit's guidance, and talk behind their backs saying things like, "It must be nice to be that fortunate."

They lower their head and go right back to mumbling and gossiping about successful others, while not doing anything toward personal transformation with their lot in life, accepting whatever is offered to them.

They grumble that anybody who succeeds is just fortunate and that they can not appear to ever get a break.

Now confess.

You understand a minimum of one unfortunate pessimistic person and do you like being around that sad soul?

Are you the sad soul?

I give the following advice for clearing away this self-limiting lack-based lifestyle if you are or have a good friend who is the unfortunate sad learner.

Stop over-thinking, and start taking action to plan your life in this instant right now.

Remember, a happy person creating a life plan doesn't need to belittle or bully others, just to get things done.

To plan your life you must both lead and follow out of respect due to the fact that we are all helping each other while in this world.

We right-minded doers and thinkers are always happy learning more while helping others along the way.

( I also recommend seeking the net for further helpful material helping you define the meaning of success for yourself so you may take steps toward creating the life you want.)

To success and happiness!

Are You A Self-Doubter?

While working with a client I had an epiphany about the depth and breadth of self-doubt versus trust and faith.

Some people trust themselves implicitly and conversely some people have self-doubt or second-guess themselves. Respectively, those who trust themselves implicitly might have difficulty trusting the Laws of the Universe. And those who doubt themselves sometimes can seemingly have implicit trust in the Laws of the Universe.

I used the word, 'seemingly,' because there is a disclaimer clause for those who believe in implicit trust of the Laws of the Universe or trusting themselves implicitly. Some people have full trust and faith in themselves and the Laws of the Universe.

The disclaimer in the fine print is quite explicit. When one doubts oneself, one also has hidden doubts about the Laws of the Universe. Maybe, just maybe the Laws of the Universe don't work 100%; 100% of the time.

Those who have implicit trust and faith in themselves, sometimes lack complete trust and faith in the Laws of the Universe. Thus, those who have complete trust in themselves carry some hidden self-doubt.

The Laws of the Universe are all inter-related and are grounded on the understanding that everything in the universe is energy, including humans, and that energy moves in a circular fashion. At the microscopic level, humans are a whirling mass of electrons and energy atoms spinning rapidly. In fact, everything in the world is composed of energy and humans are intimately connected with this sea of energy, the sea of whirling electrons.

The reason this is true is that our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions are all forms of energy What we believe, think, feel, say and do in each moment comes back to us to create our reality. Energy moves in a circle, so that what goes around comes around--a.k.a. Dharma and Karma.

When one doubts oneself, one has some hidden doubt with the Laws of the Universe, because one is part of the Laws of the Universe. Therefore, although one believes one is in complete trust and faith with the Laws of the Universe, one is blind to one's intimate slice of the energy that comprise the Laws of the Universe. Conversely, if one has complete trust in oneself, but, not in the Laws of the Universe, one is blind to one's intimate slice of the energy that one needs to be connected with in order to be in the flow with the Universal energy.

The exciting news is, because our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions create the world around us, we have the power to create a world of complete self-confidence and oneness with the Laws of the Universe. Thus, we can create peace, harmony and abundance. In order to do this, it is essential that we learn to be fully conscious of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

That followed with this: When I doubt myself, I have some hidden doubt with the Universe, because I am part of the Universe. Thus, the same applies to you. Because you have difficulty with Trust and Faith in the Universe you also have some self-doubt.

My conscious thoughts: We [you and I] have been in many life times together. We both came into this life to complete our respective missions. Me to learn to stop doubting myself and you to have Trust and Faith in the Universe. Who better to mirror these aspects of ourselves to each other than YOU to ME and ME to YOU?

And do you have the sense that Trust and Faith is the piece that is preventing you from creating your desires-financial freedom, happiness, success, and dreams?

It's time to SHIFT and get prepared for what's coming up for your life... so I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to how much mental, emotional and physical pain you are in. Then, step by step you can make the SHIFT gently, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional pain and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back.

You might need to ask for assistance.

I want your daily feeling of being overwhelmed to be replaced with a feeling of freedom throughout your day. I look forward to giving you the tools to help you conquer the every-day fears that hold you back.

Here's to living your dream life NOW.

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create happiness and success. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, taken prescriptions and OTC drugs etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into your happiness and desires.

You might need to ask for assistance to clear out the self-doubt, fear, guilt, shame or unworthiness.

This is an investment in your health, happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment. Following the principles in this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your happiness and mental, emotional, physical health and professional success.

Going Inward

The visionaries who paved the way to where we are now must be commended for their work. They took a dream, a simple dream; they took the time to map out all the different possibilities to set their dream in motion. They stretched their imagination as far as it could go, and it worked out great for them. Sure, there might have been a few dreams that didn't turn out as planned, but in the end, they watched their dreams transform into a life of their own.

Some examples of great visionaries are: Henry Ford, John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison to name a few. You can do exactly what they did by stretching your imagination. The thing about the imagination is, there are no limits, nothing is impossible. It is easy, clear your mind, totally clear it. Think of nothing, just be. Once you do that, you can start to let your mind wander. See what pops up; it can be a word, a phrase, an idea of how you can simplify your life, a new idea, or something that you've always wanted to do. Once you do that, the planning starts. What steps do you have to do to make it come alive? Again, let your imagination flow, the possibilities are endless. Map it out, draw it out, and work continuously to make it happen. You have to keep your dream alive; you created it and it is your responsibility to make it happen.

Our famous frontiersmen and explorers had a dream. They traveled to places no one has gone, they let their imagination go and they had no boundaries. Some of them were: Lewis & Clark, Christopher Columbus, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, and James Bowie. Our world is so vast that it makes you wonder. Has every stone been unturned to reveal all of its history that lay beneath the soil? Have our footprints touched every inch of our world? You can focus on a part of the world that you want to visit. What is it that draws to you to that place? Have you seen all there is to see?

Risk is the common denominator that all of these people, and so many more that weren't mentioned, have in common. They took risks, they dared to dream, and they watched it become a reality. You can do the same thing. But you have to be willing to let yourself go, to take risks, and to realize that your possibilities are endless. Many people have paved the way for us; they have had struggles along the way and have made many sacrifices for their dream to come true. Now it's your turn. Stretch your imagination and make your dream come true.

Do You Ever Switch Off?

So much of our lives are ruled by time, with school, work, appointments, transport connections all needing to be turned up promptly for. Even when we're looking forward to something like a run, a swim, a game of golf we may well be competing with others or trying to improve on our personal best.

It's good sometimes to be highly motivated to improve, or feel invigorated to push ourselves to beat someone else, but it's also important to notice if we ever switch off and at times ensure that we do. Think about slowing down, maybe changing down a gear at times.

Let's look at some important ways to switch off.

- Notice when your 'amber lights' start to flash. Just like traffic lights, red means stop, green means go and amber means slow down, proceed with caution, get ready to stop. Amber lights become noticeable when you're doing too much, are becoming stressed and overloaded.

Everyone has their own personal warning signs of stress. Yours may be when your sleeping patterns are affected, you're smoking or drinking more, your good humour has evaporated, your perspective has become more gloomy. Those niggles, irritations and mood changes alert us to the need to switch off and take a break. We need to take some 'me time', so intercepting that red light before it appears and causes everything to stop. Switch off for a while and return to a healthy 'green for go' state.

- Did you know that 19 million days of annual leave remain untaken in the UK each year? And that figure doesn't include the sole traders, small businesses and self-employed who regularly forgo holidays, feel they're too busy to switch off and take a holiday for fear of missing out on sales, business opportunities or out of concern at being unavailable and disappointing their clients.

But switching off for a time gives your mind a break and you'll often find that when you do return to work you're feeling refreshed, recharged and excited to be back. You may even have had time to reflect on your business and come up with stimulating new insights and ideas.

- Start that big task, the one that you've perhaps been dreading or avoiding. By being proactive and starting work on it you stop it from constantly playing on your mind, so preventing you from switching off. It may help to break it into parts; what you can do today, what you can't proceed with until you've had a response, those areas where you need someone else's help and expertise. Note what you've set into motion and then switch off until you're next in a position to continue.

- Do activities for their own sake. Not everything has to have a purpose or point to it. Clear time for painting, craft work, walking, even pottering about or people-watching in the shopping mall over coffee. Value the fun, satisfaction and therapeutic benefits they bring into your life.

- Spend an hour or so becoming immersed in reading a book, listening to music, tending your garden, watching a show. Remind yourself how lovely it is to switch off from the day's demands. Really focus on what you're doing so that you become oblivious to external distractions.

- Live in the moment. Appreciate the view, the weather, the scenery when you're taking a walk. Enjoy the coffee you're drinking or the food you're eating, value the company you're with. Give your full attention to whatever you're doing, the people you're with and find that your relationships improve as a consequence.

- Turn off your technology. Set aside specific times for checking online unless there's an emergency situation that needs regular monitoring. There are few things that can't want an hour or so and you may find that you become more time efficient when you fritter less in constant scanning of messages and updates.

- Designate a place as your oasis or haven, where you can go to truly switch off. For many their bedroom is their place of peace and calm. Include personal touches with your choice of fabrics, colours, decor. If you need a workstation in your bedroom, screen it off at the end of each working day.

- Wind down before bed, so giving your sleep and sleep quality the significance they deserve. Avoid that deep and meaningful conversation before bed. Save it for another more appropriate time. Take a bath, a relaxing shower and wash away the day's cares and stresses. If you have a tough mental job maybe enjoy some yoga or a leisurely walk before bed so that you're able to wind down gradually.

Treat switching off as important and you'll find that you manage your stress levels more effectively, often achieving a better work/life balance and a happier, healthier quality of life.

Just Me (By Gina DeNicola)

If you know me, you know I have major body image issues. I've never been confident with my body and never believed people when they would tell me I was pretty. I have never been comfortable with just me.

Almost every day my husband would tell me that I looked pretty or that I was beautiful, and I would always respond with "no I'm not." Then a few months ago I realized I hadn't heard those precious little words from my husband. So I had the conversation, and I asked him why he didn't tell me I was pretty anymore. His response was "you always say, 'No I'm not' so I figured I would stop saying it, even though I believe them to be the truest words I have ever spoken." That broke my heart, and I sat down on the bench behind me and started to cry. I cried because my perception of myself forced a man who would walk through fire for me, to not feel comfortable with calling me beautiful anymore.

I begged him not to stop, and I would answer differently next time. I thought to myself, how hard could that be, just respond differently? Not a day later I walked out of our bedroom dressed to go somewhere and there it was coming out of his mouth "you look beautiful". When the final word flew out of his mouth, I looked at him, seriously, and almost said: "no I don't." It would have been so easy to say "no I don't" after all those words were hitting the back of my teeth demanding to be let out. I swallowed hard and squeaked out a faint "thank you", so faint that if you weren't watching my lips move, you would be certain I hadn't said a thing. My sweet husband, knowing what a big step that was for me just opened his arms and swallowed me whole.

I have been trying to be kind to myself every day since then and thankfully my husband has not given up on me. I can now force out a thank you even if I only half the time believe it myself. I am slowly reprogramming those 40 years, and I have started to see myself as my husband sees me, as my children see me. Believe me, that is not to say I don't have my moments, come on, I'm human so of course I still have my moments, but then today happened.

Today was the first time that I looked at a picture of myself and I felt pretty, honestly pretty.

It is not a professional photo; it is just a picture I took by myself on my phone to show my sister my new haircut. When I got ready to send it, I couldn't stop looking at it, for the first time in my life I felt beautiful. I love the natural color of my hair. I have my reading glasses on and no makeup. That picture is 100% genuine me, and I loved it. I couldn't stop staring at it mostly because it is at an angle that I have in the past, despised and yet I was in love.

I was at a loss trying to understand why I loved it so much, and I sat and thought about it for a good hour. And then I came to the conclusion that the picture reflected a woman who was finally comfortable in her skin. A woman who is kind and good and it reflects on her face. A woman who comfortable with where she was in her life. A woman who is comfortable with herself like she has never been before.

Being gentle with myself has paid off. Having a gentle husband has paid off. The result is that picture, a picture of a woman who has fallen in love with herself. Please be gentle with yourself, you are beautiful, you are kind, and you are good.

Focus on Your Focus

You must be clear on how you want to live your life. In business, you focus on a model you want to create and see yourself growing it into a type of income that you want to develop.

You must get the big picture of your life for yourself, or someone else will create one for you. Which means you need be clear on what that life looks like.

When people first start out online, the most common reason is to get out of debt. Once you realize what's possible, you will make your goals bigger and bigger, like make enough money to help out family or friends.

When you reach a goal, you usually celebrate the victory and want to make more. At some point, money won't motivate you to keep going. You think you can automate everything and take it easy.

What happens when you do that? You get lazy and that's when you fail.

You never see anyone talking about the bad times, just the opposite.

How does someone find the energy and passion to stay motivated? You choose to do it and take the actions you need to in order to get results.

If you want to be successful, do not pursue something just because someone said it's what you should be doing.

Don't build a business someone tells you is right or chase an opportunity because it will make you a bunch of money.

When you define what you want, everything becomes clear on what you should do next.

Point being is to pick something you want and see it through until you make it successful. Then keep building to make it better and better.

So what I'm saying to you is to focus on your focus.

Pick a business model, determine your traffic source and hit the ground running.

The timing will never be right and you will, without a doubt, hit obstacles and have learning curves you will have to find solutions for.

If you stick with it and you're determined to reach your goal, nothing will stop you.

To make it work, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes and figure out the obstacles.

When you get clear on your vision, you will find products that help you get closer to your goal. You will do the things daily you need to move you one step closer to your goal and you will be excited to work on your business everyday.

The person who just keeps marching in one direction and makes tweaks to what they're doing when they hit obstacles will always out produce the person who keeps stopping and starting.

7 Keys to Learning How to Speak With Confidence in Public

How to speak with confidence? How many people have asked this question? How many people have become stressed over a public speaking engagement? Public speaking can be a nerve-rattling experience, but there are ways to develop the confidence to step on a stage or in front of several people.

Coaches Should Learn How to Speak in Public

You would think that all coaches would be good at public speaking. Their job requires them to not only listen to clients, but speak to them with confidence. However, speaking one-one-one and speaking to a room full of strangers is an entirely different experience.

But, coaches should learn the art of public speaking. This will allow them to give seminars and speak at conferences and public events - providing them with an additional way to earn income. Every coach should take some type of class about how to speak with confidence.

How to Speak With Confidence

If you think public speaking is about reading off a teleprompter or memorizing a few topics and regurgitating them to your audience, then you really don't know much about public speaking.

The way you speak matters as much as what you say.

If you don't sound like you should be listened to, your audience just might tune out. If you don't sound like you expect and deserve respect, you may not get any!

7 Keys to Speaking With Confidence

How to speak with confidence involves many different tricks of the trade. They are easy to learn and remember. How to speak publicly with confidence is about learning these skills and then practicing them.

  1. Slow down. If you speak too quickly, your audience will miss what you say. You will also sound nervous. Sounding nervous may elicit some empathy, but it won't earn you any respect.
  2. Don't go too slow. Slowing down is important, but going too slow will put your audience asleep. It is essential to find a workable balance. All lists on how to speak with confidence will talk about the importance of slowing down, but don't slow down too much or you will lose your audience to their smartphones!
  3. Eliminate any filler words. Obviously you'll always have a few, but the audience will catch on if you use too many of them. Say what you came to say as clearly and as concisely as possible. If your speech is three minutes shorter than the allotted time, it's not a problem; in fact, it may be more powerful.
  4. Breath when necessary. Don't try to finish a sentence or a paragraph without breathing if you need to take a breath. Obviously the audience knows you have to breath!
  5. The power of the pause. Adding a deliberate pause is part of slowing down. Putting pauses in your sentences adds authority to what you are saying No list on how to speak with confidence would be complete with the pause!
  6. A touch of emphasis. Speaking in a monotone will quickly put your audience into a coma. Adding emphasis to certain words breaks your words into section and keeps the audience interested. You could be telling them how to make a million dollars in the next month, and if you were speaking in a monotone, many of them would drift off.
  7. The last tip of this list of how to speak with confidence is to practice in front of a mirror - don't feel embarrassed about it. It's one of the best ways to get comfortable speaking and to practice your topics. Practice may not make perfect, but it makes your public words deserving of respect.

Psychological And Psychiatric Effects On Human Lives

All individuals experience psychological and psychiatric impacts equivocally and vicariously in their daily lives. What matters is to understand the factors which affect in a pronounced or in an insignificant way. Prior to prodding over the minor or major intricacies of these impacts, we must understand the basic concept and its context.

Kevan Lee explains in his article, "Six powerful psychological effects that explain how our brain ticks." Although his analysis specifically narrowed down to commercial activity, yet it reflects the thinking pattern within an individual. The synopsis of his article highlights that you are more likely to achieve if you remained normal. The extreme approach either cautious or naïve will affect differently in comparison to being normal. A question arises; Is this effect volunteer or spontaneous? We must examine the steps we intend taking to improve ourselves so that it eventually develops your mind.

At the first instance, we should be in good condition both physically and mentally to start thinking in a healthy way. It is an established fact that body and mind work coherently provided they are in a better physical condition. Well-being of an individual within a family is important because it affects the entire family. It then leads an individual or a group to arrive at a sound decision which will benefit productively. The important factor is the motivation which enhances overall performance both materialistically and spiritually.

The synopsis of above factors conclusively established volunteer psychological factors. It can be modified or altered to suit the beginning and end of aims and objectives. Now, it is intriguing to consider the spontaneous or spur of the moment effect. Here, we are concerned by the emotional impact it leaves on an individual. These impacts are directly proportional to implicit and explicit attitude. In comparison, the former is heavily inclined towards negativity.

It becomes interesting to evaluate; how does psychiatry affect attitude? Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of disorders. These include various abnormalities related to mood, behavior, cognition, and perceptions.(Ref Wikipedia) I am primarily writing the peripheral impact in a broader sense rather than doing medicinal analysis. The impacts can be serious if the disorder is neglected and ignored for longer time. However, in the initial stages, it can be controlled with treatment and support from psychological tests too.

In 705 CE, the first psychiatric hospital in the world was built in Iraq by Al-Razi (one of the greatest Islamic physicians). In his opinion, mental disorders were considered medical conditions, and were treated by using psychotherapy and drug administration. It is now clear that the human mind, and its illness are the result of cognitive disorder. Its effect can be peripheral or severe depending on the impact it sustained due to many reasons. The crux of the matter is the impact which is psychiatric, and it is should be treated accordingly.

Analyzing variations and deviations within the concept of psychology and psychiatry, it reflects human behavior. It is heavily adopted emotional decisions, thereby, affecting health, wealth and motivation. Here, home environments, social involvements and the will-power inculcate positive behavior leading to dramatic results. It will be a remarkable feat of an individual, and it is the hallmark of a compact decision of psychology and psychiatry.

Self-development and Mind Development Therapist.

Remember Makakilo (By Denise Wallace)

I love the Law of Relativity because it really helps me to keep things in perspective. Knowing about this law has helped me to be aware of situations in my life and the things I am going through and be able to look at life with a new perspective, which really helps to keep my spirits up and focus on the good in everything going on. The Law of Relativity states as taught by Leslie Householder, "Your situation is not fundamentally good or bad until you compare it to something else." In reality we are the ones that tend to make a situation bad or good by how we perceive the situation. What may be a bad situation to one may seem wonderful to another.

When we first moved to Hawaii, we had been homeless for 2 months because we had sold our house earlier then expected. We lived in our trailer, hotels and basements of family and friends. It was a very difficult time because we did not have a place to call our own. Have you ever been on a trip for a week or two and had to stay with others? When you get home, you are so grateful to be home in your own space and can just relax, I know at least I am. After arriving in Hawaii, we had another month that we lived in a hotel before we found a home to move into. I remember being so grateful to have a place we could call home, but we very quickly realized that this home was not going to be suitable for our family and we would need to do something about it soon. Every time I had a really bad day, I was able to draw up memories of our situation when we were homeless and that is what helped me get through the hard times, because I was able to compare our current situation with another one that was worse. It helped me realize that our situation really was not so bad and we would have it figured out eventually. As our situation got worse in Makakilo, at least it felt that way to us, from a roach infested home, to my kids having no friends and being asked if they do drugs, long commutes, fighting, depression, and just bad vibes in our home. Life felt pretty bleak, but at least we had a home.

Now we are in a nice home and my kids are happy and thriving. One evening we were sitting down to dinner one evening and my family was getting really annoyed and even angry because the doorbell kept ringing and interrupting our dinner. It was kid after kid coming to the door to see if my boys could play. As I saw the anger rising in my family all I had to say was 2 words and it completely changed the atmosphere in our home in an instant. REMEMBER MAKAKILO!!! My whole family had such a bad experience living there for that short 2 months that all it takes is to remember what it was like and all of a sudden everyone is grateful for all the kids ringing and knocking at our door.

I have a friend who would talk about how hard her life situation was and her friend would always speak and say to her, "well I survived cancer". My friend said her response was always "You Win" and whatever she was going through just never seemed as bad.

Just as stated before our situations are not "good or bad it just is". We are the ones that start adding emotion and perspective to our situations and by comparing what we are going through with what someone else is going through can really help you to get through whatever it is you are going through.

Inferiority Complex & Your Life Purpose (By Shamala Tan)


I had a weekend of lectures on in Depth Psychology by lecturers from ISAP Zurich. This is my third year and delighted to be still on the journey of learning.

Over this weekend, we had the most intriguing of lectures, with a focus on Complexes -- from an inferiority complex, mother complex, and so on. The lecturer Isabelle Meier shared that: Complexes arises because our basic needs (from childhood) are not met.

Our basic needs include attachment (all babies/children need an attachment figure), autonomy, self-worth, play & spontaneity and meaning. As I think about all the people I know, including myself, I can see all kinds of complexes and how they all play up in our lives! And they do stem from one of those basic needs not met.

In today's sharing, I like to touch on Inferiority Complex and how this plays up and the impact it has on our journey towards our life purpose.

OK, so some people may come up with this notion that having an inferiority complex is part of the purpose. But let's not go there. I do not think that making everything that is in us, as part of the purpose, helps us to move past them. It sounds a little like a cop out, at least to me.

For the sake of this discussion, I like to see one's purpose as separate from all of our f***ed-upness (can't find a better word to describe this!)

Think about this, if one suffers from an inferiority complex, there's a very high chance that they also suffer from a superiority complex. Because these two are polarized and the human mind has a tendency to flip-flop. To experiment, I like you to imagine yourself in a situation where you are very good at what you do, and that the people around you are not quite good at the same task, you may feel good about yourself, proud maybe, and a tinge of superiority over others? Or you may go to the other extreme of expressing excessive self-effacement.

Or let's say another situation you may find yourself in for eg. a networking event and you do not know anyone, and you are not really dressed for the occasion. Now if you are not prepped with self-confidence, there's a chance that you will feel uncomfortable, not just emotionally but physically. And when you meet someone who is less confident than you, and perhaps dressed even more shabbily than you, your self-confidence suddenly goes up!

This is a sure sign that you have not come to a space of complete ease with self-confidence and that the complexes are still acting up!

The truth is, most of us experienced what I describe above in our teenage years, but many have not moved past that stage. With all the latest technology to our avail, it makes it even easier to be harder on ourselves -- comparing ourselves with others, trying to one-up each other on social media, or trying to look better in selfies and so on.

With all of these opportunities for vanity, we need better-coping strategies and spiritual-psychological practices to stabilise ourselves internally and not allow ourselves to flip-flop between inferiority and superiority complexes. This will help us to go further than just personal development because how we give back to the world through our life purpose is also dependent on it.

I'm sure you have come across people who use their life purpose as a way to feel better about themselves. They may be speakers on the world stage suffering from a chronic case of superiority-inferiority complexes. I have come across too many. While I appreciate what they do, I personally feel there is so much more within themselves waiting to be unleashed and they have more to offer to us all, if these complexes are better managed.

Our soul or spirit, or whatever you want to call it, holds so much to give and share. We could well be the bottle-neck and the barrier, barring our full potential to be expressed.

There are many strategies to deal with this - and you may like to speak with me personally on this, I'm open to sharing via a 20min video conference call. Don't worry, I won't be selling you anything! But I will give you suggestions to do something eg a book, a course, see someone. Go here to sign up: (do check your spam box in case the confirmation email goes right in there!)

Anyway, in essence, my message to you today is to be aware of your inferiority/superiority complexes and how it is impacting who you are, and what you have to offer to the world today.


Spreading Happiness - How to Make People Happy Around You

Make people attain happiness. I can promise you it will return to you ten-fold. Guess how? Read on.

There are various ways to make people happy. It's usually helping them get what they want. What do they want? They will be usually in the following forms:

  1. Having more wealth
  2. Having vibrant health
  3. Be in the perfect romantic relationship
  4. Having children
  5. Be successful in their careers
  6. Wanting the perfect wellbeing of their children
  7. Wanting their children to be successful in their careers when they grow up
Now here is a couple of ways you can help them regarding their wants:

1. Health-wise parents and children can do well if they know a good doctor who will give them offers, instructions and advice from time to time. You can help them get familiarized with a skilled doctor who is able to help them in the areas they would like so that their worries will vanish and they will feel happy.

2. About parents and later their children having successful careers and generating handsome wealth, you could introduce them to a good career mentor with bountiful experience who can offer them tips and suggestions on budgets, asset maintenance and savings. If you could help them find such a good knowledgeable mentor, they will become super joyous when they start seeing results and credit you and be grateful to you. Likewise they can introduce a similar mentor to their children when the latter will need so after they grow up.

3. Parents should be an example to their children. They should work out their relationships and understand each other and commit to each other and their families. When children watch their parents in romance, they will carry the image with themselves and behave the same with their partners when they marry and be in romantic relationships. Of course, you could help out troubled parents or their children regarding their shaky marriage, if that is the case, by finding them a good relationship doctor and allowing them to contact her should anything go astray. When they find themselves back on track with her help, they will remember you and consider you to be their valuable living asset. They will be happy when things get back under control.
Summing up, these are some of the ways you can help people around by catering to them with a good health doctor, good relationship doctor and good career mentor. And since they are likely to remember the way you have helped them to make them happy, they will bend their ears to you, asking you how they can help. You have a whole community asking you such a question because you have been helping all the people around.
Think for a while what is it that you would want for your happiness and go ahead and ask. The community will certainly reward you generously. You can't help being over the moon, beaming all smiles.

Understanding Addiction Treatment

You are said to have a drug addiction when you are unable to control the drug's intake. Despite experiencing the negative effects of the drug, you continue seeking and taking it. Addiction begins with a habit where you regularly take the drug or consume alcohol. As your body gets used to the drug your ability to stop the consumption is compromised. The addiction is as a result of changes in the brain that interfere with your behavior.

Addiction treatment

The good news is that if you are suffering from any form of addiction you can get treated. Since the condition is chronic, it takes time for you to fully recover. Addiction treatment begins with you accepting that you have a problem that needs to be fixed and then enroll into a treatment program. The treatment program that you enroll into should help you to stop using the drugs, stay free of the drugs and be a productive member of the family, workforce and the society at large.

All addiction treatment programs follow a series of steps that begin with detoxification. Drug or alcohol detoxification involves the removal of the drug from your system. Here the drug that you are addicted to is taken away from you and using medications, the doctors keep you in check so that the dangerous withdrawal symptoms don't kick in. During detoxification, your psychological addiction remains but tolerance to the drug is greatly reduced. Follow-up treatment is put into place to ensure that the entire addiction goes away.

After detoxification, the next step is counseling. Since addiction is mental, the doctors work at motivating you to continue with the treatment and work hard at ensuring that you don't go back to your old ways. The counseling sessions are both individual and group oriented. Group sessions provide you with social reinforcement as you know that you aren't the only one going through the condition. During the sessions, you are asked to make a promise to the group members that you aren't going to go back. This promise keeps you grounded to the treatment as you don't want to fail your group members. The individual sessions are meant to address the private struggles that you might be going through. You have a session with a professional counselor who helps you to overcome the challenges.

The next step is the medication step. You are given medications that help you manage the withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, and treat any other conditions that you might be having. In most cases, medications are used when you are suffering from tobacco, opioid or alcohol addiction. Commonly used medications are: methadone, naltrexone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram.

It's common for drug addicts to suffer from other mental conditions such as depression and anxiety. The doctors will evaluate the condition that you are suffering from and treat it. Once you are through the program and clean, the doctors will arrange how you will be regularly visiting the health facility for regular checkups meant to follow up on your condition and prevent relapse.


Drug addiction is real but treatable. For ideal results, you should visit a reputable addiction treatment center that will guide you to drug freedom.

How to Brighten Someone's Day - Ways to Be Kind

Ever felt the need to brighten someone's day who was less than and freaking? Ever wanted to reach out to them and make them happy by acts of generosity? Then this article is for you. It will answer the opening questions in profound ways and more. Read on.

How about your maid servant? You literally find her depressed and gloomy. Make her work less that very day and leave her to enjoy the rest of the day. You may even tip her to buy a cup of tea for herself. Surely, she will have regained her spirits by the next day.

You come across a beggar on your way to work lamenting for alms. Hand over a Tk 10 on his bowl and make him smile.

Your toddler child has been meaning to have a toy car that he saw in the toy shop the other day. Yield to your child and make him happy by purchasing him the toy car he desires so much. Let him bounce in joy and let him play happily with it for a few days while you can attend to other household chores.

Help a newcomer stranger to the city who seems lost and doesn't know where to turn. Volunteer to give him directions so that he is relieved and gets back on his trailing path. He will remember your act of kindness for life.

If you see your wife all quiet and remorse by herself, brighten her day by giving her a bouquet of roses and taking her out to a restaurant and giving her a good treat. She will be grateful, change to a happy mood and be equally nice to you.

Visit a Cancer hospital and watch for yourself how kids and adults alike are suffering from the disease. Donate to the hospital and talk cordially to the patients, giving them an array of new hope. Let your presence make a difference in their lives.

When a tornado or flood erupts near about your area, reach the victims by donating a good sum of money to their fund and also distributing loads of relief material. They will be tearful and touched by your generosity and your love for helpless victims like them.

You notice a sulking colleague getting all hot and sweaty over his project at work. Calm him down and give him a hand and make him cheerful. He will remember this act of mercy upon him and repay you someday with equal kindness and efforts when you need it in future.

Pass a genuine compliment to your boss about his haircut, his get up or his new laptop by showing spiritedness and actual interest while complimenting him and make him feel good and give him a few minutes to smile during an extremely busy and hectic day. Your boss will treasure your compliment and repay your act of kindness in a way that will make you happy and feel worthy when you need it the most perhaps sometime in future.

Life is all about people and how you make them feel. They will not remember how successful, dutiful and hardworking you were years later. But forever they will remember your kind words if you ever uttered to them in times of their distress and transformed their bad days to hopeful and shiny moments when they badly needed the boost. Gotcha?

Stress - It's Personal

Stress is Personal

Stress is the combination of three things: (1) a potential stressor, (2) what your mind tells you about it, especially the threat, harm, or loss it presents, and (3) a stress response that kicks in if your mind tells you that you can't cope with the threat, harm, or loss.

Besides understanding the multi-dimensional nature of stress, the greatest thing to take away from viewing stress this way is realizing how subjective and personal stress really is. What stresses you might be totally different from what stresses your friend, your spouse, or a close family member. What you view as a threat, harm, or loss, might be totally benign to others. This is why you need to construct your own personal stress profile if you are serious about starting to manage your stress.

Your Personal Stress Profile

Your personal stress profile combines your potential stressors, the unique way your mind views them, the physical and mental symptoms that kick in when you are stressed, and your personal repertoire of coping skills. Since no two people have the same stress profiles you can't just use someone else' data and expect it to work for you. You can't get this information from reading a book, or having me or anyone else tell you what it is.

To construct your personal stress profile you have to start keeping a Stressor Journal and track this information for yourself. In essence, this is your personal stress data base and is unique to you. You need to keep this journal for a minimum of five days a week for at least a month. This will give you the bare minimum of data to work with to start managing your stress. It will also give you enough time to start identifying patterns and trends in your stress.

Stressor Journal Exercise

Purpose: The following exercise, My Personal Stress Journal, is designed to help you identify your potential stressors, how your mind views them, your personal stress response, and the effectiveness of your coping. It will also clarify the mental and physical signs stress that your personal stress response triggers.


1. Begin keeping this journal tomorrow.

2. Keep the journal at least five days a week for a minimum of one month.

3. Rotate the five days so both weekdays and weekends are accounted for.

4. Keep this in whatever format you desire; electronic, lined paper, bound journal etc.

5. Fill it in whenever it is convenient for you; as they occur, at the end of the day, first thing in the morning, etc.

6. Don't let more than a day pass when recording a stressor. This will keep the details of it from blurring.


a. Day & Date: list the day of the week and the date.

b. Potential Stressor: describe the potential stressor in one sentence.

c. Thoughts about the threat, harm, loss: describe what your mind tells you about the potential stressor that is threatening, harmful, or loss producing.

d. Intensity: on a scale of 1-10 (10=greatest), rate the intensity of the threat, harm, or loss you feel in response to the potential stressor.

e. Physical Response: describe the physical sensations in your body when exposed to the potential stressor.

f. Emotional Response: describe the emotions you feel when exposed to the potential stressor.

g. Perceived Ability to Cope: on a scale of 1-10 rate your ability to cope with the potential stressor.

h. Coping Skill Used: describe what you did to cope with the potential stressor and whether or not it worked.


a. Day & Date: Wednesday, September 14th

b. Potential Stressor: Going over the Jolley Bridge on your return home to Marco Island following Hurricane Irma.

c. Thoughts about the threat, harm or loss: "I have no idea what I will face when we get to our house. I can't stand this uncertainty. This is very threatening."

d. Intensity: 9

e. Physical Response: I felt tightness in my chest and had difficulty breathing.

f. Emotional Response: I felt very anxious. I couldn't stop my mind from thinking the worst.

g. Perceived ability to cope: 3

h. Coping Skill Used: I tried to do some deep breathing and shift my attention off of what might be wrong with my house. This worked OK until I got home.

After keeping your stressor journal for at least a few weeks you can begin to look for patterns in: (1) your potential stressors, (2) your self-talk about threat, (3) you personal stress response, and (4) your coping effectiveness.

Armed with this information you can start to be more pro-active in managing your stress. You can target any part of the stress response. Knowing what your most threatening potential stressors are you can learn strategies for reducing them or changing the way you think about them. You can use your mental and physical stress symptoms as red flags that show you that you are stressed and need to do something to relax and trigger a relaxation response. If you lack coping resources you can learn new ways to cope and build a more stress-resistant lifestyle.

What most people who work with me say is that in the beginning they tend to overestimate the threat, harm, and loss related to their personal stressors and underestimate their ability to cope. By the end of our time together they look back at their journals and laugh at some of the things they rated 8's, 9's and 10's that they now would label as 3's, 4's, and 5's. Armed with this kind of insight and a host of new coping skills they learned from me they report that they now more accurately estimate how threatening their potential stressors are and their ability to cope with them.

So, start keeping your Stressor Journal and developing your Personal Stress Profile. As you understand your stress more you will be able to tailor coping strategies to fit your individual needs.

We Learn Life Lessons From the People Who Come Into Our Lives (By Gary Wonning)

One of the hot topics in today's culture is bullying.

It can be a real issue for those, especially the young, who are affected by this. It can be a very traumatic experience for those who are victimized.

The only problem is, there are no victims in life, only participants. These so called bullies come into our lives for a reason. All we need to do is to discover the reason we are being taken advantage of, and take appropriate action to resolve the issue to our advantage and improve our lives in the process.

Sometimes the solution is a physical solution and we need to deal with it physically to teach the person a lesson he or she will remember for time immemorial.

But most often, it doesn't need to end this way.

On a more subconscious level, the bully is trying to teach us a lesson, once that is discovered, many times we can view that soul as someone who really made our life better by teaching us to become more self reliant, or guide us on a path of greater creativity.

If we go within, many times we will discover talents we never knew we had, sometimes these talents would never be discovered unless we are shunned by others and the only friend we have is ourself and God. Once we do some soul searching we discover many things about ourself we never knew existed.

We all have potential beyond our wildest dreams, but until we are forced to discover them, they go unnoticed. Only when an event outside ourselves creates an environment where we go must go within to find hidden strength, do we discover what we are really capable of accomplishing.

Suppose you have the ability to become a great actor of singer, but because you are shy you never even think you could become what you dream.

By suppressing your dream, you become even more shy by denying what your real character is, the more you talk yourself out of your dream, the more shy and unhappy you become until you are just downright miserable.

You would never get out of this vicious cycle if someone or something didn't come along and rock your boat.

Because, on some level of consciousness, we all create everything we experience, your subconscious mind, or higher self, (what many refer to as our Christ Consciousness) springs into action and begins the search for an answer to make you a better person and enable you to accomplish your life mission.

Here comes the bully, who has volunteered his time to help you. Sooner or later, his actions, or the actions of another soul if he should fail, will wake you to the reality of life, be it this lifetime or the next. It is your choice.

By his actions and yours, you are both evolving into a higher understanding of life.

Many believe the philosophy that we, each and everyone of us create our own reality, but when the going gets tough their belief falters just when it is imperative they stand strong for their beliefs.

This is the time one needs to do some serious contemplative thinking and look within and ask ourselves why we allowed this to happen to us.

When we do we will receive the answer and by owning up to the responsibility of creating our reality, we can overcome this obstacle and go on to lead the life we want and desire.

No one can do this for us, not our parents, family, the government or any one else, it is for us to do and for us alone.

It is only then that we can be proud of what we have overcome, and thank those who have aided us in our journey.