
Spreading Happiness - How to Make People Happy Around You

Make people attain happiness. I can promise you it will return to you ten-fold. Guess how? Read on.

There are various ways to make people happy. It's usually helping them get what they want. What do they want? They will be usually in the following forms:

  1. Having more wealth
  2. Having vibrant health
  3. Be in the perfect romantic relationship
  4. Having children
  5. Be successful in their careers
  6. Wanting the perfect wellbeing of their children
  7. Wanting their children to be successful in their careers when they grow up
Now here is a couple of ways you can help them regarding their wants:

1. Health-wise parents and children can do well if they know a good doctor who will give them offers, instructions and advice from time to time. You can help them get familiarized with a skilled doctor who is able to help them in the areas they would like so that their worries will vanish and they will feel happy.

2. About parents and later their children having successful careers and generating handsome wealth, you could introduce them to a good career mentor with bountiful experience who can offer them tips and suggestions on budgets, asset maintenance and savings. If you could help them find such a good knowledgeable mentor, they will become super joyous when they start seeing results and credit you and be grateful to you. Likewise they can introduce a similar mentor to their children when the latter will need so after they grow up.

3. Parents should be an example to their children. They should work out their relationships and understand each other and commit to each other and their families. When children watch their parents in romance, they will carry the image with themselves and behave the same with their partners when they marry and be in romantic relationships. Of course, you could help out troubled parents or their children regarding their shaky marriage, if that is the case, by finding them a good relationship doctor and allowing them to contact her should anything go astray. When they find themselves back on track with her help, they will remember you and consider you to be their valuable living asset. They will be happy when things get back under control.
Summing up, these are some of the ways you can help people around by catering to them with a good health doctor, good relationship doctor and good career mentor. And since they are likely to remember the way you have helped them to make them happy, they will bend their ears to you, asking you how they can help. You have a whole community asking you such a question because you have been helping all the people around.
Think for a while what is it that you would want for your happiness and go ahead and ask. The community will certainly reward you generously. You can't help being over the moon, beaming all smiles.

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