
How to Brighten Someone's Day - Ways to Be Kind

Ever felt the need to brighten someone's day who was less than and freaking? Ever wanted to reach out to them and make them happy by acts of generosity? Then this article is for you. It will answer the opening questions in profound ways and more. Read on.

How about your maid servant? You literally find her depressed and gloomy. Make her work less that very day and leave her to enjoy the rest of the day. You may even tip her to buy a cup of tea for herself. Surely, she will have regained her spirits by the next day.

You come across a beggar on your way to work lamenting for alms. Hand over a Tk 10 on his bowl and make him smile.

Your toddler child has been meaning to have a toy car that he saw in the toy shop the other day. Yield to your child and make him happy by purchasing him the toy car he desires so much. Let him bounce in joy and let him play happily with it for a few days while you can attend to other household chores.

Help a newcomer stranger to the city who seems lost and doesn't know where to turn. Volunteer to give him directions so that he is relieved and gets back on his trailing path. He will remember your act of kindness for life.

If you see your wife all quiet and remorse by herself, brighten her day by giving her a bouquet of roses and taking her out to a restaurant and giving her a good treat. She will be grateful, change to a happy mood and be equally nice to you.

Visit a Cancer hospital and watch for yourself how kids and adults alike are suffering from the disease. Donate to the hospital and talk cordially to the patients, giving them an array of new hope. Let your presence make a difference in their lives.

When a tornado or flood erupts near about your area, reach the victims by donating a good sum of money to their fund and also distributing loads of relief material. They will be tearful and touched by your generosity and your love for helpless victims like them.

You notice a sulking colleague getting all hot and sweaty over his project at work. Calm him down and give him a hand and make him cheerful. He will remember this act of mercy upon him and repay you someday with equal kindness and efforts when you need it in future.

Pass a genuine compliment to your boss about his haircut, his get up or his new laptop by showing spiritedness and actual interest while complimenting him and make him feel good and give him a few minutes to smile during an extremely busy and hectic day. Your boss will treasure your compliment and repay your act of kindness in a way that will make you happy and feel worthy when you need it the most perhaps sometime in future.

Life is all about people and how you make them feel. They will not remember how successful, dutiful and hardworking you were years later. But forever they will remember your kind words if you ever uttered to them in times of their distress and transformed their bad days to hopeful and shiny moments when they badly needed the boost. Gotcha?

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