
Depending On Yourself Without Doubt - Key To Success

Depending on yourself, without a doubt, is easier than you might think. You have the courage and strength within you to move beyond fear and limitation, with which to take your life to the next level. Teachers/professionals may point the way, but you yourself need to take every step necessary to move in the direction of your soul and life purpose.

Avoid fooling yourself to believe that your happiness and success is in the hands of other people about what they will or won't do for you or if you get their validation or not. It is entirely up to you if you desire happiness and independence or not. No one is forcing you to hang out with people who don't resonate with your values, desires or dreams.

Avoid allowing anyone to tell you how to live your life when you know in your heart which steps lead in the direction of your soul's path.

Mental/Emotional health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his/her potential while navigating the stresses and vicissitudes of life, working productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her/his community.

Mental/Emotional and Physical Health and Wellness is the act of remaining calm and focused while working things out with respect and unconditional intent to find a solution. Ultimately your personal character; personal strength and courage will evolve. To attain wellness requires you to make healthy choices in nutrition, relationships, social contact, work, and leisure activities.

Mind, Body, and Spirit transformation is possible without psychotropic drugs, artificial hypnotic inductions, rituals, life-long coping strategies, and psychic interventions. I have assisted many people to transform/ transmute the cause of what's preventing them from reaching their desires.

You can do it.

Remember, success is nothing more than a state of mind. You attract what you focus on or move it away, it all depends on the way you think. As Henry Ford aptly said, "If you think you can do a thing, or you think you can't, you are right."

Message From the Universe: Making Your Illusions a Reality

"It's human nature to unthinkingly project present circumstances, people, and feelings into your future, as if those that surround you today will follow wherever you go.

Until you remember, time's just an illusion that allows you to project into space only those things you think about.

No more unthinking,
The Universe"

All these messages from the Universe reverts back to ONE principle: "Thoughts becomes things". At the same time that these thoughts reverts to things, you should also add some action to this equation. Think about the good in your life, think about the people you want to be around with, be and stay positive, work on becoming a better person and the rest will follow. You don't need to be a billionaire to be kind, and nothing depends on outside factors for you to become a generous and thoughtful person. Random act of kindness can be performed by anyone with any status. Keep that in mind.

When being surrounded with the right people, you get inspired by their presence and their energy. Each of us have different energy signature which provides us with the capability of determining if we want to be with that person or not. Call it instinct if you wish. We have that inner voice or gut feeling that helps us with that choice to move forward or not. It may be different when it comes to relationship though. I have seen many cases where relationship may be right at that specific time in life of both parties involved but a few years down the road, energy signatures can change and no longer in sync. Hence, the end result is one individual decides to change and better themselves while the other stays the same. Path have changes for both people involved and no longer share common interests as they did in the past. Result? Separation with imminent divorce (if married couple).

No one wishes this to anyone. Divorce is difficult but when you decide to share a life with someone, you should encourage each other to become better people, and do your best to always keep track of how both of you can keep the similar energy signature and change at the same pace, towards the same direction. It might be difficult at first, but constant communication is key to make this happen. Nothing is guaranteed in life when it comes to securing a life long relationship, however, if both put in the effort and energy on it, chances of success are enhanced dramatically and life together can be a fun and exciting journey.

Life - An Oscillation Between Commotion And Serenity

Human's existence, progress and propagation have its own volatility. Commotion and serenity compel all of us to meditate in a meaningful manner. What transpires and conspires within and outside the mental sphere of an individual needs to contemplate. Human volatility can be constrained provided sensibility prevails. One factor of volatility is commotion generating undesirable outcome. Generally speaking, the root cause of commotion is insignificant. Nevertheless, it makes a disturbance in and around. If we do not pacify the differences in the group or among people worried, and so it contributes to total chaos. At this occasion, the only element which creates harmony is pacification among disturbed people.

Breaking down the commotion will reveal that the degree of neurotransmitter within the brain becomes off-balance. Hence, it calls for a correction to alter the imbalance to restore normalcy in humans. In simplification, one call for serenity to prevail to become contained and framed. Christopher Bergland is a renowned world-class endurance athletic coach says, "This biological design is generous, but lies dormant in many." It implies we need to explore and execute in the correct way to achieve bliss and felicity.

The word serenity stretches in different direction covering vast regions of imaging. Nevertheless, Johnny Miller is an English film, television and theatre actor appropriately said that Serenity was knowing that your worst shot is even reasonably full. He arrived at a subtle and profound statement which is outstanding by itself. The life is oscillating between commotion and serenity when feelings and mental deliberation contemplate.

An inquisitive mind always wants reasons and deliberations to see why in the first instance it finds. At the outset, commotion and serenity are like hand and baseball mitts. It is shown that whatever conflict or commotion wreak havoc. It is likewise a fact, as mentioned by scholars that human beings are trained to protect themselves. Scientists have enlightened us that we have two amygdala (It acts an important function in motivation and emotional behavior), one along each side of the head, behind the eyes and the ocular nerves. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, in his book 'The Body Keeps the Score', calls this the brains "smoke detector." It is responsible for detecting fear and preparing our body for an emergency reaction."

Human organisms are hardwired subconsciously to certain preconceived ideas due to our environmental rituals and practices., As we remained attached within the similar living and thinking pattern then we develop stagnant intelligence. The logical doctrine and facts and phenomenon get relegated, and ritual takes precedence over our lifetimes. These rituals if devoid of values, then it is meaningless and superstition become part of our animation. Nonetheless, if sense and sensibility prevail, after it becomes a bliss and felicity.

It is at once obvious that people turn the victim of circumstances. They fall prey to gossip and hearsay rather than presenting a second thought to the happenings around them. This is the important juncture where commotion takes a quantum leap and disturbed the peace of mind. The opposite can happen provided people remained calm and composed. The major hurdle is the deficiency of sound interaction and fruitful discourse. Social gathering among families and neighbors will pave the path for greater discernment and humility. Tallying up the argument is to build up a habit of forgiving others and ignoring trivial issues.

Feeling Betrayed

Feeling betrayed by someone we believed to be a trusted friend is especially hurtful. It feels like we were taken advantage of, deceived, cheated, or stabbed in the back. That is why it is so painful because we would not expect to be hurt so badly by someone we thought we could trust.

Sometimes the person we thought we could trust and count on is no longer the person we believed them to be. Maybe our relationship changed and so did their loyalty to us. Maybe something in either or both of your lives has changed and they became insensitive to us.

There are many reasons that cause people to betray one another. More often they are deliberate and intended to hurt the other person but sometimes they are consequences of choices that are made with no intention of doing any harm to anyone. It can ruin many aspects of life such as trust,wounds, broken hearts and anger. The pain is long and lasting. That's why it is very difficult to mend a broken heart.

The pain of betrayal has a significant impact on the lives of all those who have experienced it which can also impact people's hearts and lives forever. If you have ever been betrayed, you cannot change what has happened to you or make the pain go away. You need time to grieve and feel angry.

Betrayal hurts and there is no easy way to heal it. Betrayal is probably the most devastating loss a person can experience. To be betrayed, the person must first experience trust in the betrayer. It is fairly impossible for you to be betrayed if you did not trust the individual in the first place. Therefore, the definition of betrayal involves the act of someone violating your trust in them.

In trusting another person, we believe that they won't hurt us; when they hurt us, that's the time when we realized that the other person has the capacity to hurt us. We have lost something very important in the relationship. Most often it is a loss that didn't have to occur. It only occurs because of someone's deliberately hurtful behavior, or their carelessness, or their own personal weakness.

Everyone faces betrayal at some point in life. However, the violation of our trust is at the root of betrayal. When we are betrayed by someone, it is likely that we will not easily trust them again. Trust is hard to gain but can be lost instantly.

Betrayal can be forgiven if and only if the person recognize the hurt they have caused and are trying to change the behavior. To want forgiveness the person has to see the behavior as wrong and not intend to engage in it any further.

Why the "Second Right Answer" Is a Bad Idea

In his wonderful book, A Whack on the Side of the Head (still one of the seminal books about creativity), Roger Von Oech talks about the concept of looking for the Second Right Answer. The idea is that most people (and you can substitute "people" with "leaders," "teams," and even "organizations"), when looking for a solution to a problem or challenge, stop after coming up with a solution. A solution. One, single solution. But just because it's the first solution doesn't mean it's the best solution. That's why Roger suggests going beyond that first answer and looking for the Second Right Answer. And I think that if you do that, there's a good chance the competition will run right over you.

When I lead my creativity workshop (What a Great Idea! Unlocking Your Creative Smarts), I guide my participants through several activities designed to help them become more creative-on demand. In some cases, I divide them into teams of five or so, and give them seven minutes to come up with as many answers to a challenge as possible. Then I listen. Nine times out of ten, this is what I hear:

Start to around Minute 4: A buzz of activity, punctuated by frequent laughter, as the teams come up with the typical answers, the obvious answers, the easy answers.
Minute 4 to around Minute 5: The Lull. They've made it through the easy answers, and they've run out of ideas. The room gets quiet. This is where most teams stop. But they can't, because there are still (intentionally) two to three more minutes left in the activity. So, very gradually, I hear...

Minute 5: The crescendo. This is when the participants start to dig deep and come up with the not-so-obvious answers. Which leads to:

Minute 5 to Minute 7: The Buzz, Part 2. This is the renewed sense of energy as one not-so-obvious answer sparks another, and another, and another.

After the activity is over, I ask the participants about their experience during the process. I talk about The Lull, and I generally get a nod of recognition. But then I ask a key question. I ask, "How many of you came up with some of your best ideas after the lull?" Generally, about a third to a half of the participants raise their hands.

This is why I say the Second Right Answer is a bad idea! Because by the time most teams get to The Lull, they've gone way beyond the Second Right Answer. Most teams, by this point, have come up with a half a dozen or more "right answers."

Now let's take this into your world. If you and your team are trying to come up with a solution to a business challenge, you'll eventually come up with the First Right Answer. And this is where many teams stop. But not you, because you've read A Whack on the Side of the Head. So you urge your team to come up with the Second Right Answer. Good for you! But you know what? The chances are good that your competition will also come up with a Second Right Answer. And maybe a Third and a Fourth. See, when it comes to creative ideas, here's the Golden Rule:

When it comes to creative ideas, quality is a function of quantity.

To put it another way (which is how Nobel Prize winning chemist Linus Pauling put it), "The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas."

So here's the take home lesson for you. Like you, your competition will come up with the First Right Answer. And, like you, they may also come up with a Second Right Answer, and possibly a few more. But here's the key: they will almost never work past The Lull. And remember, anywhere from a third to a half of my participants say that they came up with some of their best ideas on the other side of The Lull.

Bottom line: Don't stop at the Second Right Answer. If you want the breakthrough idea that your competition will never get to, you'll find it on the other side of The Lull.

Recognize and Counter Your Inner Critic, and Take Back Your Power

We all have voices that chatter in our heads throughout the day.

One of the most strident, demeaning, and debilitating of these voices is that of the inner critic.

This insidious voice steals your time, takes you out of the moment, and distorts how you feel about yourself and the world around you.

Be aware that is not only the words, but also the disdainful, judging tone of voice, the rolling of the eyes, and the wagging of the index finger that compound the energy of the inner critic.

Do any of these statements or questions sound familiar?

  • What are you doing THAT for?
  • You should NEVER do it that way!
  • You ought to do it THIS way!
  • If you worked harder, you could succeed.
  • You should be getting straight A's!
There are many variations on these statements. Some hold a judgment. Others are designed to inhibit you or make you feel guilty.
Here's a revealing exercise:

1. Write down a critical message you give yourself regularly.

2. Under the critical message, answer these 2 questions:

  • How do you respond to this criticism?
  • How does your response affect your daily time choices?
3. Now counter this critical message with a strong message in your adult voice.
4. Under your adult reply, answer 2 follow-up questions:

  • How does your energy change with this alternative message?
  • What do you learn?
Repeat this exercise frequently. You will learn how to recognize the voice of the inner critic, perceive how it undermines you, and offer an alternative response that is grounding and validating.
You may be pleasantly surprised by how effectively you can change old patterns. Writing down your responses provides you with essential objectivity. You discover how unrealistic and unnecessary your inner critic is. And as you reassert control over how you use your mind, your power over your time multiplies, as well.,-and-Take-Back-Your-Power&id=10206181

How To Be Confident At Work

We all have self doubts sometimes.

If your confidence is threatened, there are things you can always do to restore. Some of them are as follows:

- Be focused. When at work, it's always good to stay focused. Do what is required at the right time and with the correct practices.

- Ask questions. It is recommended to ask questions when you are not sure of what to do or when you're not familiar with the procedures. Ask questions about the quality of work you need to submit and how to be the best in what you do.

- Ask for feedback. Once you perform a task, it's polite to ask for feedback. This will help you to know if you are on the right track with task performances at work. You will also know how people regard your work.

- Accept mistakes. We are not always perfect. We all are human and we make mistakes. Accept your mistakes and work to correct them.

- Trust your gut. Think positively and trust your gut feelings. Most of the time they are right. It is always good to believe in your self and to believe in your work too.

- Find supportive workmates. It's good to associate yourself with positive people who well help you with challenges and build up on your self-confidence. They will also assist you whenever you need help without criticizing you.

- Boost your knowledge. At work, it's good to read a lot and research more to add knowledge. Knowing how certain processes and task are done will help you to be confident.

- Do personal training. Once you learn that you are not familiar with some procedures at work, it is good to self-train so that you are not stuck. Try doing tasks at work alone to see how well you can manage.

- Be positive. It's recommended that you think positively. Take your criticism positively and work on them. Negativity will only make things worse.

- Have fun. At work, make sure you enjoy what you do and have fun with it. It is not advisable to embark on work that doesn't make you happy as you will not be able to do your best in it.

- Be thorough. Go through your work, eliminate your mistakes and research well. When presenting you will be confident knowing you gave it your best and it's of the best quality.

Put a smile on your face, dress smart and be confident. Everyone will notice it.

Live Your Ultimate Life! 5 Behaviours to Guarantee Your Best Outcomes Daily!

You have the potential to live an absolutely phenomenal life.

A life where you get to determine the standards of your lifestyle, the quality of your results and the abundance that you receive

A Mistaken Sense of Reality...

You are not be experiencing these phenomenal impacts because right now you may be in a situation where you are so emphatically conditioned that you are resigned to the mistaken belief that everything happens TO you, that's life... and you have to accept it.

This is an unfortunate mindset too many people have! A mindset that causes them to surrender control of their best assets and expose themselves to a false sense of fate.

I urge you to not fall into this same debilitating way of life!

Understand that this definitely does not have to be the case for you. In fact, it shouldn't! you have been endowed with phenomenal gifts at your creation, which allow you to take a significant amount of control over your direction in life and your circumstances. This issue arises when, as an individual you do not develop these gifts, or give them an opportunity to be expressed with any meaningful intent.

Set Your Expectations!

You are a fine-tuned instrument; your creation is perfection in motion... what you need to understand is how it all comes together. We won't have time to get into all of it in this article, but I want to specifically focus on your mindset, your expectations and how these attract corresponding results.

I encourage you to begin focusing on your unseen, spiritual attributes, as this is where you have the greatest control. This is the part of your creation where your results begin. Everything you have or you experience in the physical is the 'second version' of an idea, thought or expectation.

When you come up with an idea and get emotionally involved with that idea you begin to move into the corresponding frequency of that thought or idea and this vibration gets into harmony with everything on the same frequency.

You are effectively a 'radio dial' that tunes into the station that you want to listen to.

The key aspect is that, for the most part, your 'radio dial' is set to an automatic frequency and everything on that frequency moves into your life as a physical and non-physical results... even if you do not like them.

Your vibration... your vibe determines your environment.

This is why you need to begin to place a premium on your thoughts and expectations.

Don't leave Change to Chance!

As you reflect on the above, I want you to take heart in knowing that change is possible... and you have control over how to turn your life around!

You now have the beginning of a changed awareness and a new understanding. In order to make a meaningful and lasting change you need to begin doing things in a way contrary to how you have been undertaking action to this point.

Currently you are looking at your life, your job, your current results and letting these visible aspects determine what you think you can do.

  • Financially you look at your income, mortgage, credit card limit and immediately impose a restriction on your financial potential or capability.
  • You perceive the number of hours in a day, your commitments, your relationships then confirm to yourself your limited ability to use time
  • There are also many other perceptions based on your current results or way of life that limit how you allow yourself to set goals or manage your expectations.

In order to change you need to focus on pulling yourself up and elevating yourself onto a higher, more valuable level of existence... this can only be done by determining what frequency you want to 'dial into' then working towards that! You need to begin thinking in a very specific and certain way that focuses only on the good and abundant and that your goals and desires you have set for yourself are certain to happen, they are guaranteed and that there is nothing that is going to stop them from coming into being. The complimentary mindset you need to entrench yourself in is that you shut your mind off entirely to any influence or contrary opinion that will tell you cannot get what you have set your mind on. Safeguard against these influences.

Please note that these actions are not just to readjust your thoughts and beliefs into "just accepting" your results with a blind approach to just being satisfied. What we are striving to achieve is meaningful change that meaningfully engages your creative faculties and sets up new expectations that you know will accelerate your growth!

5 Behaviours you can engage today to Guarantee you best outcome daily:

  1. Gratitude: be thankful for everything... regardless of appearances. Developing a deeper sense of gratitude allow you to experience the perception that everything is contributing to your well being and all situations are there to create an environment for your success.
  2. Decision: Deciding what you want and sticking to that decision set an internal tone from your mind to your Paradigm that begins to move in the direction of that decision.
  3. Imagination: This wonderful creative faculty is your designer that adds layers of detail and colours your future world.
  4. Believe: knowing that what is to happen will happen for your ultimate growth.
  5. Expect: the ribbon that holds it all together... expecting what we want is far superior to expecting what we do not want! Either one will happen... you choose which!

All the above behaviours working in harmony and in an upward spiral of synergy takes you onto ever increasing levels of vibration... vibrations that are on the same frequency of the life you desire.

Get your "vibe adjusted" and enjoy the abundance that follows.

Our drive at invinciblemind is to make the most of ourselves to give the best of ourselves!

Learn how to Unleash Your Ultimate Potential with invinciblemind... Your future self will thank you for the immense decision!!-5-Behaviours-to-Guarantee-Your-Best-Outcomes-Daily!&id=10362511

Why Healing Requires Integrating Our Unconscious Experiences Into The Wholeness Of Our Being

 Nurture The Deepest Part Of Your Core Nature

Healing involves integrating our fragmented parts into the entirety of our being. However, the paradox is: we are not broken but merely disassociated from our wholeness. The term healing denotes restoring what is not functioning as it is intended. When we are caught up in the distorted beliefs about ourselves, it leads to separation or what we consider being broken. In fact, it is merely being separated from the completeness of our true nature. Think in terms of a hologram where the whole is contained in every part. This was an idea espoused by the late theoretical physicist David Bohm who believed the universe is a solid and brilliant hologram. He recognised how each part of our physical reality contained information about the whole. Therefore, our thoughts, emotions, soul and physical body are composed of our soul nature.

How does this idea appeal to you? Are you comfortable knowing whilst you were born whole and pure, through your beliefs, thoughts and experiences it leads to separation? I'm not suggesting it is entirely your fault because we are all bound to experience this. It is said, while our painful experiences are not our fault, healing the pain is our responsibility. Although there's an element of truth to it, we ought to remember there is nothing to heal other than to attend to our unconscious memories in order to return to wholeness. By attending to these aspects, we integrate our known sense of separateness. Release and Renew is a mantra I often repeat in my writing when I discuss healing and emotions. In doing so, we release that which is not conducive to the present moment. Similarly, we renew our commitment to nurture ourselves by connecting with our core emotions. The integration I speak of is an association with our soul nature, which at its essence is pure, whole and knows nothing of separateness or brokenness. It is the egoic mind which disconnects us from our spiritual self to create two identities i.e. the darkness and the light.

How To Heal Your Fragmented Parts

I am drawn to a passage by the South African author Michael Brown, who writes in The Presence Process: "I dropped my use of the word "heal" because of its connotation that something was wrong and had to be fixed. Instead, I began using the word "integrate," which to me meant there was a part of my experience that was unconscious-a part of my experience that I resisted, controlled, and sedated-which was asking to be incorporated into the whole. Whereas healing felt like I was excluding something from my experience, integration felt like I was embracing everything I experienced." I believe Brown makes two important points here: we mustn't resist nor control the past, but perceive them as the whole of our life's experience. Second, integration means to embrace or at the very least acknowledge everything that happened to us. Perhaps not right away, but when we are ready to make peace with the past.

What are your thoughts about this? I realise you may have questions related to your personal experiences. Whilst I am not present to answer them, I assure you trying to make sense of them consciously is a healing process rather than an integration process. It is what author Dr. Mario Martinez means when he writes in The MindBody Code: How to Change the Beliefs that Limit Your Health, Longevity, and Success: "The true agents of change are elevated cognitions and exalted emotions. These agents of change provide sustained transformation; in fact, they have triumphed over the greatest infamies and darkest periods in our human journey." It does little good to dwell on why the past took place as it did. Instead, we ought to turn the tables and consider the following questions as a basis for self-enquiry. Instead of trying to make sense of the past which keeps us trapped replaying painful memories, we identify how the experiences served us.

  1. How can I use the past to facilitate my greater growth?
  2. In what ways can I use my emotional wounds to bring peace and love to the part of me that is pure and whole?
  3. How can I integrate my sense of separateness into the wholeness of my being?
  4. Whom do I need to become and let go of to achieve this inner state?

Once we can perceive the pain of the past through the lens of: compassion, forgiveness, peace and love we heal our fragmented parts. It may involve deep exploration into ourselves with or without the guidance of a trained therapist. Considering this, I'd like you to spend the following week journaling your answers to the four questions above. Call it a remote coaching session if you like. Write what comes to mind even if it involves images or symbols. Similarly, pay attention to your dreams via the symbols that appear. Note how you feel within the dream and upon waking. Look for messages in your waking life in the form of people, places and situations that cause you unrest. This is your soul guiding you towards integration. Ultimately, to heal ourselves we must be willing to integrate the pain of the past, so healing happens naturally as nature intended it to.

Tips for Holding an Intervention

Having a family member who is living with a drug addiction can cause you a lot of stress. This rings especially true when you don't know how to get them help. You can feel powerless and trapped in your situation. Fortunately, you don't have to feel that way. Holding an intervention is a great way to help your loved one enter a treatment facility.

Holding an intervention can seem scary because it means confronting your loved one. Below are some tips to help make the intervention go smoothly and hopefully, get your loved one into treatment.

Hire an Intervention Specialist

The first step to holding an intervention is hiring an intervention specialist if possible. An intervention specialist is a trained addiction expert who can add perspective to the process. An intervention specialist also serves as a neutral third party, which can prove crucial. A lot of the times, people who live in active addiction manipulate those around them, which makes it hard for those manipulated to have a chance of getting them help.

Construct an Effective Team

An intervention's success depends on your loved one conceding to the fact that they have a problem and need help. Family members who the loved one cares about will have the best chance of seeing that he or she gets help. You want to make sure to avoid any people who your loved one has a negative relationship with as it might trigger him or her. If you trigger your loved one, he or she could feel defensive and not want to continue with the intervention.

Find a Formal Location to Hold It?

When you decide to hold an intervention, it's important to try and figure out where to hold it at. It's tempting to try and hold an intervention at your house another family members. However, this environment can derail the intervention. First of all, the loved one may have a lot of counter-productive memories associated with the house. In formal spaces, people are more likely to behave than in a house where they feel comfortable.

Have Rehearsals

Before holding an intervention, you should develop a script. The script will outline the order and provide the family with what to say. It's important that the family stick to the script. It's easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and say whatever feels right at the time. However, it's important to practice what you are going to say and stick to the script so that the intervention doesn't come off the rails.

Reserve Judgement

It's important to remember that addiction is a mental health issue, not a sign of bad morals. When your loved one acts out of character, he or she isn't trying to hurt people on purpose-your loved one is sick. Therefore, in the intervention, the best advice is to make sure that you reserve judgement. You don't want to push the person deeper into his or her addictive trap with your judgmental attitude.

Interventions provide a host of challenges. When you decide to hold one, you may feel like you have to get the person into treatment in order for you to feel like it was a success. However, the intervention is a process, not an event. When you host an intervention, you are planting a seed and it can take a couple interventions to get them to seek out help.

No Matter What A Woman Looks Like, If She's Confident, She's Sexy (By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales)

Sexiness is not the way a woman looks, but the way she carries herself. It is about her depth, and substance. Beyond her physical appearance, a sexy woman has a dignified choices, and a refined character.

The beauty of a lady isn't within the garments she wears, the figure that she carries or the means she combs her hair. How a lady carries herself and also the means she dresses have to be compelled to promote the subsequent kinds of words: modesty, discretion, wisdom, beauty, magnificence and refinement, however not sensuousness, luxury, extravagance.

To be yourself in an exceedingly world is the greatest accomplishment. Sexiness comes not from not what you look nut on how you carry yourself with grace and confidence. With every step you are taking, you'll grow stronger and stronger, more skillful, confident, and undefeated.

Trust yourself. produce the type of self that you simply are going to be happy to measure with all of your life. create the foremost of yourself by fanning the small, inner sparks of risk into flames of accomplishment.

Being an attractive woman means acting like a lady. It means having a firm management of words and actions; acknowledging weaknesses; bearing in mind that if somebody angers, it's rather more effective to reply in a sensible manner than a belligerent manner.

A sexy lady is stable and secure. Wondrously caring and infinitely smitten is that the attractive lady. However she is proud of her immense self-worth. For this reason, she doesn't throw herself at anyone. The sexiest girls know when to decision and when to refrain from occupation. The esteem isn't stricken by the approval or attention of anyone.

No matter what form or size you are, you ought to feel assured of yourself. The age of a lady is not an issue. In fact, there is nothing sexier than a wise lady. A really appealing lady thinks before she speaks and acts. Emotions are the result of a habit, and the sexy woman has gotten into the habit of mastering her emotions so that they cannot master her. In other words, a sexy woman is not dominated by negative emotions.

Above all, a sexy woman knows how to control her emotions. Even if she is really boiling up, she can still stay calm and compose. A truly appealing woman thinks before she speaks and acts. Wisdom can be developed at any age and contributes tremendously to the charm of a woman.

As women, we want to be considered sexy far beyond our looks. So, what are you waiting for? Be positive in your outlooks and everything else will follow.,-If-Shes-Confident,-Shes-Sexy&id=9997232

Your Reputation

Have you ever wondered what another person did to earn the respect of others? Building a good reputation is one thing but keeping it is another. I once heard a lawyer state "You can spend a whole lifetime building a reputation and then lose it in one minute".

Following are some of the habits that will reward you over time:

  1. Tell the truth - Liars cannot be trusted. They spin tales that they think will serve them but, it doesn't take long until they are "found out". Telling the truth is not only easier than lying because you don't have to try to remember what you have said, but they also build trust with others who know that they can depend on you when it comes to honesty.
  2. Have good boundaries - Know clearly what you will do and what you won't do. When you are working harder than other people's problems, you might be working too hard. When you are neglecting your own self-care needs, it is only a matter of time until your health will suffer, or you will burn out. Good boundaries protect you!
  3. Do what you say you will do - False promises led to disappointments. Other people will be let down and you will think poorly of yourself, especially if this is a pattern in your life. The best thing to do is to never make a promise or statement that you cannot carry out.
  4. Be consistent - Small actions done repeatedly form good habits. Most times your family and close friends can predict what you are going to do in certain circumstances. Can they depend on you to consistently make good choices or are they expecting you act in a random manner?
  5. Learn to apologize - No matter how good our intentions might be, we all make mistakes. Sometimes other people are hurt, and we didn't even realize that until they tell us about it. You cannot take responsibility for everything that goes wrong in a person's life but can always say "I am sorry for the part that I played in this circumstances that resulted in you being hurt". If the other person is not willing to forgive you, you can rest knowing that at least you did what you needed to do.
  6. Think positively - No one likes to be a with a "Debbie downer". Always looking at life from a position of negatively and talking about doom and gloom will alienate people. Keep it up and it won't be long until you find yourself alone! On the other hand, positivity acts like a magnet and draws people towards you. I believe that we are all like glasses of water who splash on others. If we are filled with emotional toxins, we burn others but if we are filled with clear, clean thoughts and splash on others they will respond with "that was refreshing".
Reputation is important for others who might use you as an example for healthy living. It is also important, however, for self-respect.

What are you doing to develop healthy habits and build a good reputation this week? Can you commit to doing these things faithfully over time?

Deadpool's Lifelong Battle With Anxiety

He's crude.

He's funny.

He's zany.

He heals.

Deadpool is a former military officer, turned anti-hero after a cancer-treatment gone wrong - leaving him with healing powers.

But there's more than meets the eye with golden-globe nominated Deadpool actor, Ryan Reynolds. You'd never guess it but he struggles with anxiety. In fact, before every talk-show interview he fills with dread and gets sick to his stomach - sometimes convinced he might croak.

Even though Deadpool is not everyone's cup of cranberry juice. There's a barrel-full of lessons we can all take a swig from - especially when facing off against anxiety or crushing uncertainty.

Here we go:

Deadpool's Five Lessons From Wresting Anxiety

1. Channel Fear Into Something Constructive

When Reynolds did TV sitcoms, he would warm up the audience, which was mostly to set himself at ease and channel his panic into something constructive. Likewise, he uses the character of Deadpool in the same way (one reason he prefers doing TV interviews as the super-hero - not himself).

2. Takes Time to Heal Himself

Just like in the movie, when Deadpool is clobbered or knocked off a bridge he needs time to heal and regain his strength. In the same way, Reynolds takes time to recharge and rejuvenate by daily meditation.

3. Skills Emerge From Setbacks

Reynolds grew up under a strict and unpredictable father. He was tough on others. Tough on himself. And rarely open up:

"I always wanted that father that was like Wilford Brimley,

who would put me on his lap and just dispense incredible life

advice and guidance."

But that wasn't his Dad. Reynolds always tried to yank conversation out of him. But only got brief, knee-jerk responses. Never exposing much. Or sharing much. So he felt distanced from him.

The hardest part for me is that he was always kind of a mystery.

I just don't feel like I ever had a real conversation with him.

-Ryan Reynolds

But out of that pain, emerged a humor, compassion and skill for listening closely to others. And eventually he learned: "At some point, you just kinda gotta live and let go."

4. Knowing The Anxiety Will Float Away

Even when he's sweating bullets, jittery, or about to prance into interview there's one belief he's built over the years and that is "these feelings will pass"

5. Embracing Yourself Even Without A Mask

He used to get anxious at the thought of saying something that:

1. Revealed his ignorance about a subject
2. Could be misunderstood

So he'd crack jokes and handle conversations at a surface level - never diving any deeper. Over the years though, he's embraced that he's smart but he's also embraced that he can be an "idiot" too - and being okay with being both.

Key words:

"Being okay with being both"

Because sometimes we forget that we're allowed to be both.

Feel Better About Yourself: 7 Habits to Increase Self-Worth

Here are seven areas that you can work on each day that will help you realize and increase your self-worth.

1. Self Talk

What are some of the things that you're saying to yourself?

Take time to think about those thoughts that come up and don't judge yourself for having those thoughts.

Just realize that those thoughts are yours and you're having them at the moment. If you have unkind thoughts about yourself or about who you are, ask yourself if you would talk to somebody else like that.

If not, then take time to find how you would talk to yourself in regard to those items.

Would you look at somebody and say, "You really suck at cooking?" Of course not, but you might say, "Hey, would you be interested in taking a cooking class with me?"

In this way, instead of noting the negative you are creating an opportunity for the positive to flow into your life.

Don't tell yourself you're fat - ask yourself if you'd be willing to walk a little bit further by parking at the back-end of the parking lot instead of next to the door.

It is all about taking small steps for great change!

2. Support Network

Boosting your self worth is much easier when you find people who are supportive of who you are and what you're doing.

Don't be afraid to decline invitations to events that may pull you back down or hold you back from becoming your greatest self.

When you turn down invites to events to hang out with people who would hold you back you are opening up the doors to let in people and events that will help you grow.

Find make time for activities that bring you more joy in your life and allow you to feel more fulfilled.

3. Appreciate Yourself

Have you ever thought about what others appreciate in you have you taken the time to ask them?

Simply Having a kind word from someone who we love can go a long way we trust that person for good reason it's because we value their insights.

Sometimes having their perspective will shed light on some of the unique qualities that we are not aware about.

Take time today and ask a close friend or a family member one thing they appreciate about you. Then make sure to grab your journal and write down their words.

There are times when you can go back and read those words for an extra boost to lift you up and make you feel better.

4.Emotional Triggers

Triggers are the things that make you go boom emotionally. What are the triggers in your life?

Are there words, decisions, comments, or actions that cause you to emotionally go off?

If you can learn why you're triggered to respond you will begin to understand yourself in a better way.

This will help you to know what it is that needs healing within your heart.

5. Switch Your Focus

Focus on kindness to find more self-worth in you.

When you began helping others it will help you to see your own worth.

It's hard to think you don't have value if you are able to add value to another's lives.

So instead of focusing on all the things that are wrong with you, begin to focus on how can I serve others what can you give back to your community and family.

Kindness is a high-value trait and cultures all across the world. When we develop a heart and a mind of kindness our self-worth and our Worth to the world will increase.

6. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is an amazing opportunity to grow our self worth.

When we appreciate qualities that make us each beautiful and unique, we turn our focus to the good that is within us every day.

Finding self-worth is easier when we realize that we are not the only one who is struggling.

Take time to write a few things each day that you appreciate about your self on the inside.

I want you to write down the things that are unique to just your last 24 hours. When you approach it on a 24-hour rule, you will not be sucked into the habit of writing down the same thing each day.

7. Acknowledge Struggles

Taking the time each day to realize that you are not struggling alone. It will give you greater clarity about your place in the world.

It is not about saying,"I'm not as bad as the other person," or, "My life isn't as hard as theirs". It is about acknowledging did we are not alone in this world and we all have a place.

It is about knowing and what we are going through it's not something that has never been survived.

There is growth in our struggles. Therefore the more we struggle, the more we grow.The more we grow, the greater our value. The more value we have, the more we can offer the world.

How Do You View Your Mistakes or Failures?

Do you take them personally and conclude you are not as good as you thought you were? Do you beat yourself up and languish in pain and misery over them? Or even worse, do you use them as reasons to give up or change your goal or profession? Do you fear them so much that they end up becoming self-fulfilling prophecies? All of the above are common reactions to mistakes and/or failing that many people occasionally or regularly make.

As common as the above reactions are, they do not come naturally to us, but rather are learned in our environment. Very early on in life almost all of us begin to dislike making mistakes and failing. Thank goodness that we are not born that way, or it is likely that none of us ever would have learned to walk or talk. Can you imagine babies trying to walk and each time they fail berating themselves about what a screw-up they are? Or imagine if they attempt to talk and gobble-de-gook comes out and they conclude they are not good at talking and give up to focus their energy on drooling−which they are already pretty good at doing.

One of the key differences I have noticed in the higher performing people I work with is the way in which they view their mistakes and failures. First, they tend to be much more understanding of them in the sense that they know they are going to happen. Viewing mistakes and failures as inevitable turns them into part of the process of getting better versus the more common belief that they are a threat to their own value or competence.

Secondly, they have an understanding that if they want to get better they have to constantly be attempting things that are currently out of their reach. No one ever learned to ride a bicycle by staying on a tricycle. In other words, no progress is made without risks. They understand the more things they attempt, the more things they learn to do and the more skilled they will become.

The best of the best that I have worked with are able to completely distance their ego from their mistakes. Failure and mistakes are looked upon as necessary annoyances that will enable them to reach their goals faster. When people ask me how to reach their goal(s) faster, my standard reply is that it's simple, just learn to fail successfully faster and more often.

The great basketball coach John Wooden once told me that most people think the team that makes the fewest mistakes will win, but he has found the opposite to be true. When teams are not making mistakes, they are usually playing it safe and not striving for greatness.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone looked at their mistakes and failures simply as gifts of learning new ways to do things? The truth is, nothing is stopping any of us from doing just that. Like anything, with deliberate practice this will become a habit, and there's a high likelihood that if you adopt this attitude it will enhance your happiness and success.

Acres Of Recycling Plastic And Aluminum, Acres Of Diamonds

Riches are found sometimes in the most unlikeliest of places, and wealth creation is sometimes dressed up in work boots disguised as lowly "meaningless stuff". Nevertheless, there is always gold and riches if you look for them anywhere regardless of where it may hide.

What do you think of when you think of riches? I feel that is an appropriate question to start this article off with, because, stereotypical riches are "easy" to come by like lottery winnings or a legal stock market win in a good market. But the real riches are something you have to look for. What I mean is for example: when Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak or Mark Zuckerberg got into computers they were not considered serious networking tools, or communication devices, they were toys. Remember Nolan Bushnell and the Atari gaming systems, Bally Games or Sega Games or the Pac-Man video games years ago. What happened to this perception of computers, those guys like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Mark Zuckerberg looked for the wealth potential in the toys and "trivial things" and made them into riches instead of waiting for the idea to come to them. I say all this not out of envy or "look at them", but I say in understanding: Riches come in the form of insignificance, "toys" or silly seeming nothing in their rough form. Look at the old Russell Herman Conwell essay "Acres of Diamonds", the farmer Ali Hafez thought that his diamonds were just rocks in the creek bed, and look what he was really sitting on if he looked a little more into it. On the other hand, the eighteenth century railroad magnate James Jerome Hill built a fortune on this principle in the cold, "valueless" Northwest region of North America near Canada if you look deep into the old encyclopedias and history books. So, think about that fact for a moment, before you make fun of the "stupid guy" or "silly gal" looking for that wealth in the impossible, think for a moment what they really could be doing, and get a niche or unique value yourself!

Indeed, I will make this statement and it will sound silly until you really think about it: All real opportunity is really recycling, right down to Alexander Graham Bell turning the screw and making speech possible on the phone where the other inventors could only sing on the phone like a toy microphone at best. I am not only saying be alert, but be deeply realistic in an abstract way that works to make you rich ultimately. "The town weird person" at first, great and prosperous later. It is all application and understanding that makes it anyway, regardless of the realities "normally perceived". If you want greater than normal results, you have to be abnormally creative. If you listen and perceive hard enough, your answer could be blowing in the wind, and look! "X" marks the spot where you least expect it.,-Acres-Of-Diamonds&id=10018619

How To Love And Nurture Your Neglected Self

 Opportunities To Love And Nurture Our Neglected Self

What is the relationship you have with yourself? Are you aware of your inner dialogue related with your self-worth? How do you treat yourself when you're angry, fearful or sad? How we relate to ourselves during our darkest moments shows what type of relationship we with ourselves. Everyone experiences positive emotions when things are going right, but what about when life isn't going according to plan? These are opportunities to love and nurture our neglected self because the disowned self is the one we must come home to. What do I mean by coming home to ourselves? It means creating a place to honour our emotions, especially the difficult ones which call for our attention.

Many people run away from their negative emotions, and I used to be one of them. Besides, who wants to experience negative states regularly? We want to feel alive and happy and negative emotions don't fit into that plan. Or do they? Negative emotions serve a purpose and we mustn't run away from them but deal with them with openness and compassion. Because they are important messengers and running away delays our emotional well-being. Think about the negative emotions you experience from time to time? How do you process them? Do you journal how you feel and notice what they're trying to tell you?

Consider the following scenario as an example of why we must love and nurture our neglected self. Your boss constantly criticises you on your work performance, and you feel a sense of: sadness, frustration and anger. Over time, you bottle these emotions because they remind you of the disparaging comments from your boss. But what if there's an underlying message contained within these emotions? Perhaps by connecting with them on a deeper level, you learn not to take the criticism personally but improve respective areas of your work thus leading to a promotion.

Make Room For Negative Emotions

Emotions are transitory events that come and go from our nervous system, hundreds of times a day. Most people are not mindful of them because there's so much going on inside their heads. That is why we should listen to what is taking place beneath the surface of our lives, otherwise we will succumb to the negative emotions like a tsunami. Connecting with our emotional life means checking in with ourselves to see how we're doing. It means stopping, feeling and listening to what the emotions are trying to convey. A practice I undertake when anger, frustration or fear emerges is to stop what I'm doing and place my hands on my heart to observe my emotions. I sit and feel them, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable they are. I know these emotions will pass, and my job is to connect with them through an embodied experience.

An embodied experience means to somatically perceive through our nervous system, the emotion/s without deferring them. Many people distract themselves via: drinking, drugs, food, shopping, etc. when negative emotions surface. But eventually the emotion will seep through and grab our attention, when we least expect it. Our emotions are our soul's calling card. They don't have an agenda other than to communicate the essence of our true selves. They help us to make sense of life, so we can live in congruency with our authentic self. For example, if you're not receiving adequate love and affection from your partner, your emotions will tell you something isn't right. Some people try to rationalise it by telling themselves their partner is busy at work or has a lot on their plate. But our emotions don't lie because they are the foundation of our intuition, if we care to listen. Perhaps we're afraid to tell our partner we need more intimacy in the relationship? We might fear putting our demands on them will make them think we're being demanding and so we hold back.

Have you experienced something like this before? It might start out as a gut feeling that grows and turns into confrontation because you haven't communicated yourself properly. Therefore, we must love and nurture our neglected self because it is the part of us we need to come home to. The neglected self is the comfortable sofa we lay our weary body after a long day at work. It is the comfy pyjamas we wear on a cold winter's day. But like all emotions, we must also make room for negative emotions and process them with openness. The key is to be with your emotions and feel them in your body. Simply, stop what you're doing, and breathe into that area until the emotion dissolves or transforms.

I did this exercise recently after experiencing anger and tension from a busy day that didn't go as planned. I was sitting down late one evening, looking forward to reading, and was repeatedly interrupted, which led to anger and stress. I remember a thought entering my mind that said: "I don't have time for this right now." In the next moment, I dropped what I was doing and breathed deeply for three or four minutes, whilst moving my awareness to my chest where the anger was situated. What took place moments later was the most exquisite love I have experienced. Its presence was reassuring and comforting and I didn't want to return to what I was doing. I've since experienced many more moments like this because what I learned is that on the other side of our negative emotions is a pure and abiding love that beckons us to come home to. It is this love we must nurture often, instead of neglecting coming home to our true self.

Is Your Mind Compromising Your Health?

The last time you had a cold, unspecified aches or pains, or just felt under the weather, did it occur to you that your state of mind might have had something to do with it? You may think "That's a crazy idea - I just caught a bug." And you did. However, there may have been underlying reasons why. Commonly these are:

1. Stress and how you cope or don't cope with it
2. Your subconscious beliefs about your health and body

Whether we recognize the symptoms or not, stress is a factor of daily life: getting stuck in a traffic jam when you are late; having an argument with a friend; your car breaking down on the freeway; discovering your checking account is overdrawn; a call from school because your child has gotten in trouble again... However, not all stress is caused by external factors. We do a great job of creating our own stress by excessively worrying about something that may or may not happen, or continually thinking pessimistic thoughts.

While we ordinarily think of stressors as being negative - an overwhelming work load, an exhausting schedule or a rocky relationship, any situation that makes high demands on us or forces change can be stressful. This includes positive events such as getting married, buying a house, going to college, receiving a promotion or moving to a new city.

For short periods of time stress can actually be beneficial. It helps you meet deadlines or challenges, and keeps you sharp and focused during a presentation at work or during a sports competition. But too much stress can overwhelm the body and make us sick, both mentally and physically. While our bodies are designed to handle short periods of stress, we are not equipped to handle long lasting, chronic stress without consequences. Prolonged stress raises blood pressure, creates tension in the body and compromises the immune system. Not only does a compromised immune system make you vulnerable to all the "bugs" out there, many other problems can be caused or worsened as well. Some of these include: heart disease, pain, depression, weight issues, auto immune diseases, skin conditions such as eczema and sleep disorders.

Subconscious beliefs play a large role in the state of your health as well. For over 50 years medical professionals have been demonstrating that the mind can heal the body by something known as the "placebo effect." A placebo is a substance that has no known medical benefits, such as sterile water, saline solution or a sugar pill. A placebo is nothing more than a fake treatment that in some cases can produce very real results. The expectation of the patient is key - the more a person believes the treatment will work the more likely it will. Less known is the placebo effect's ugly twin, the "nocebo effect." This is the placebo effect in reverse. If you believe something is harmful it most likely is or will be.

Negative beliefs can be extremely harmful to the human body. According to Bruce Lipton, a former medical school professor, research scientist and author of The Biology of Belief, we are what we believe. What we think we believe is not always the case. True beliefs are buried deep within our subconscious mind. Many of our beliefs were formed before we were old enough to separate fact from fiction, and we internalized whatever we heard and were told. Were you consistently sick as a child and considered to be too frail to have a normal life? How is your health now? Is there a correlation?

Growing up you may have repeatedly heard family members discuss how Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease or some other debilitating condition "runs in the family." If you believe it is inevitable you will succumb too, you are setting yourself up to be a sitting duck. Changing your belief does not guarantee you will never get that particular disease or condition, but it can help prevent it from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How can you use your mind to protect and improve your health? Positive thinking is vital, but it won't change deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs. As Albert Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." If positive thinking alone could keep us well, many doctors would be out of business and hospitals would be much emptier. Both EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and PSYCH-K® (Psychological Kinesiology) work at the subconscious level of the mind and are powerful tools, both for managing stress and changing subconscious beliefs. Rob Williams, originator of PSYCH-K®, explains that this technique "is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all human behavior originates, both constructive and destructive." While appearing deceptively simple, PSYCH-K® is not something to attempt yourself unless you have been properly trained to use it. Find a professional practitioner who can work with you to identify and change negative beliefs that might be sabotaging your health. On the other hand, EFT can easily be learned and practiced any time. Do yourself a favor and learn more about how these modalities might help you prevent illness and maintain good health, especially as you grow older.

7 Secrets to Improve Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is not a problem only faced by teenagers and youngsters.

There are many adults today - even in their golden years - who don't have good self-esteem.

This is sad because low self-esteem can make our relationships suffer, we are constantly envying other people and make us feel... pretty much lousy about ourselves.

It's time to change that!

Good Self-Esteem Will Make You Feel Great About Yourself

I'm sure you know a person or 2 who are comfortable in their own skin.

They don't crumble when people criticise them unjustly. They are comfortable saying 'I'm sorry' when they are wrong. And they are confident of their own talents. They can laugh at themselves.

The wonderful thing about high self-esteem is that it gives us

more success at work
we seem more attractive to our partners
we don't need others' approval
life seems more bright and joyful and less gloomy
we feel great about ourselves

However, I don't think it's our fault entirely if we have low self-esteem.

That's because the way our parents brought us up, had a HUGE impact on our confidence levels.

Were you expected to be 'perfect' when you were young?
Were you harshly criticised if you had a big dream or wanted something badly?
Were you constantly compared to other kids?
Have you 'failed' at achieving something (eg: losing a game, scoring a D in an exam) and made to feel as though you were a complete failure as a person?

The above are some examples of how our parents might have unknowingly stumped our self-esteem.

7 Ways to Re-build Our Self-Esteem


Accomplish more
I'm not referring to accomplishing something as big as winning an award or getting a medal at some sports event.

We can set small goals, pursue the small goals and achieve them. Once we've achieved our goals - be it small or big goals - we will have esteem-like feelings.

Make sure that the goals you set bring satisfaction to yourself. Don't set goals to please another person or to get praise!

Do you know what's interesting?

Bragging a little bit of our accomplishments on Facebook or Instagram can also boost our self-esteem. Just don't overdo it or we will be a tad annoying 😉


Be Aware of Your Talents
This might seem obvious to some of us.

But low self-esteem people are not aware or choose to ignore their strengths.

If you put pen to paper and list your strengths and talents, you might be surprised that your list is longer than you thought.

Or, you can get a trusted person to list your strengths. You will get insight into your talents you were not aware of!


Treat yourself like a worthwhile person
This is where self-care comes in.

Pamper yourself with a massage, a warm bath, diffuse some essential oils (geranium essential oil evokes feelings of self-love if you are into the metaphysical), play with a pet or child, journal, exercise, dine at your favourite place... basically do activities which make you feel awesome.

These feel-good activities will send signals to your mind that you are a valuable person worthy of nice things in life.


Fake it till you make it
Is there a celebrity whom you admire because she is so confident of herself during interviews?

Or someone you know personally?

We can model their body language. Confident people tend to shake hands firmly, make eye contact, speak clearly and stand tall. When we adopt their body language, people will treat us with respect which in turn, makes us feel confident.

I personally admire Queen Rania of Jordan. She gently draws boundaries when meeting people in public places whilst maintaining a smile on her face and very polite body language even when unknown women rush to smother her with hugs at events.

Jennifer Lopez is another celebrity who is a master in people skills. She can answer awkward interview questions with jokes, she laughs at herself and effortlessly makes herself seem humble and approachable. It's a well-honed skill.


Talk & spend time with high self-esteem people
I adore spending time with people who are positive.

They help me to reframe any problem I have as something that will pass.

High self-esteem people will make us feel energised and recharged after spending time with them.

They are open to admit any mistakes or 'failures' they've had and they will still be supportive of us when we make mistakes ourselves.

In short, they accept you for who you are, flaws and all.

Value these people tightly.


Be Kind to Yourself
I like a quote I came across recently: "You can't get life wrong because there's no such thing as getting life right."

Everybody makes mistakes. Successful people make even more mistakes than the average person.

When we 'fail' at something, focus on tweaking our strategies. 'Failures' are feedback that our strategies need tweaking.

'Failures' have nothing to do with us as a person. So don't beat ourselves up when we falter.


Tame the inner critic
All of us have inner critics. These pesky little things will negate our capabilities.

Inner critic example: "My superior praised my work today. I think he was just being polite. Or maybe he is in a good mood. I'm sure my work wasn't that fantastic."

We can reframe it with: "I feel good that my superior praised my work today. It may not be perfect, but I did the best I could. I feel proud for pushing myself."

I've heard of a successful businessman who has an unorthodox approach to this. He visualises his inner critic as an iguana (of all things!). He said that all of us have these 'iguanas' living in our minds.

When negative self-talk starts in his mind, he will shrug it off as the 'iguana' blabbering (yet again).

This is one creative way we can separate our destructive self-talk from ourselves.

Please remember that changes in habit or mindset takes time. 🙂

We will not be a confident superstar immediately after applying all the 7 tips above. If we've been having low self-esteem for years, we can't just switch to being a confident person in 1 day.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to change.