
Feeling Betrayed

Feeling betrayed by someone we believed to be a trusted friend is especially hurtful. It feels like we were taken advantage of, deceived, cheated, or stabbed in the back. That is why it is so painful because we would not expect to be hurt so badly by someone we thought we could trust.

Sometimes the person we thought we could trust and count on is no longer the person we believed them to be. Maybe our relationship changed and so did their loyalty to us. Maybe something in either or both of your lives has changed and they became insensitive to us.

There are many reasons that cause people to betray one another. More often they are deliberate and intended to hurt the other person but sometimes they are consequences of choices that are made with no intention of doing any harm to anyone. It can ruin many aspects of life such as trust,wounds, broken hearts and anger. The pain is long and lasting. That's why it is very difficult to mend a broken heart.

The pain of betrayal has a significant impact on the lives of all those who have experienced it which can also impact people's hearts and lives forever. If you have ever been betrayed, you cannot change what has happened to you or make the pain go away. You need time to grieve and feel angry.

Betrayal hurts and there is no easy way to heal it. Betrayal is probably the most devastating loss a person can experience. To be betrayed, the person must first experience trust in the betrayer. It is fairly impossible for you to be betrayed if you did not trust the individual in the first place. Therefore, the definition of betrayal involves the act of someone violating your trust in them.

In trusting another person, we believe that they won't hurt us; when they hurt us, that's the time when we realized that the other person has the capacity to hurt us. We have lost something very important in the relationship. Most often it is a loss that didn't have to occur. It only occurs because of someone's deliberately hurtful behavior, or their carelessness, or their own personal weakness.

Everyone faces betrayal at some point in life. However, the violation of our trust is at the root of betrayal. When we are betrayed by someone, it is likely that we will not easily trust them again. Trust is hard to gain but can be lost instantly.

Betrayal can be forgiven if and only if the person recognize the hurt they have caused and are trying to change the behavior. To want forgiveness the person has to see the behavior as wrong and not intend to engage in it any further.

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