
Acres Of Recycling Plastic And Aluminum, Acres Of Diamonds

Riches are found sometimes in the most unlikeliest of places, and wealth creation is sometimes dressed up in work boots disguised as lowly "meaningless stuff". Nevertheless, there is always gold and riches if you look for them anywhere regardless of where it may hide.

What do you think of when you think of riches? I feel that is an appropriate question to start this article off with, because, stereotypical riches are "easy" to come by like lottery winnings or a legal stock market win in a good market. But the real riches are something you have to look for. What I mean is for example: when Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak or Mark Zuckerberg got into computers they were not considered serious networking tools, or communication devices, they were toys. Remember Nolan Bushnell and the Atari gaming systems, Bally Games or Sega Games or the Pac-Man video games years ago. What happened to this perception of computers, those guys like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Mark Zuckerberg looked for the wealth potential in the toys and "trivial things" and made them into riches instead of waiting for the idea to come to them. I say all this not out of envy or "look at them", but I say in understanding: Riches come in the form of insignificance, "toys" or silly seeming nothing in their rough form. Look at the old Russell Herman Conwell essay "Acres of Diamonds", the farmer Ali Hafez thought that his diamonds were just rocks in the creek bed, and look what he was really sitting on if he looked a little more into it. On the other hand, the eighteenth century railroad magnate James Jerome Hill built a fortune on this principle in the cold, "valueless" Northwest region of North America near Canada if you look deep into the old encyclopedias and history books. So, think about that fact for a moment, before you make fun of the "stupid guy" or "silly gal" looking for that wealth in the impossible, think for a moment what they really could be doing, and get a niche or unique value yourself!

Indeed, I will make this statement and it will sound silly until you really think about it: All real opportunity is really recycling, right down to Alexander Graham Bell turning the screw and making speech possible on the phone where the other inventors could only sing on the phone like a toy microphone at best. I am not only saying be alert, but be deeply realistic in an abstract way that works to make you rich ultimately. "The town weird person" at first, great and prosperous later. It is all application and understanding that makes it anyway, regardless of the realities "normally perceived". If you want greater than normal results, you have to be abnormally creative. If you listen and perceive hard enough, your answer could be blowing in the wind, and look! "X" marks the spot where you least expect it.,-Acres-Of-Diamonds&id=10018619

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