
There Is Brightness Amid the Fog - Whether a Sunny or Foggy Day You Own the Keys to Your Success!

Clouds during Golden Hour

There is brightness amid the fog, if only in short spurts. Let your glorious profitable, productive, remarkable potential of possibilities forge ahead and prevail, availing your self-imposed light in the fog; even if it hurts; things could be worse. You carry all of the keys to create light, even on your foggiest days!

Fog is just foul air that you scare away; stare the fog down, look it straight in the face and annihilate the foul fog with your analytical defense; a pungent sword. Fog is a metaphor for things that are unclear, or masking clean air that cleanses and invites relief from the pressures of your life events. Realize that fog is passing through, on a cold winter's morning, this too shall pass and you are assured to relax as you submit to the fog. You know yourself better than anybody, and the fog has no power over you!

Reward yourself in the knowledge that the battle has already been won by your innovative ingenuity; your emerging, uplifting uniqueness taking root. Recognize that you are assuming the melodic melody with your own two hands playing a rich, golden flute calling abundance to yourself from many resources and from many lands, by your own ability to find light in any situation, you are a beacon of light! As a beacon of light, decide not to worry in life about anything. Worry never solves or fixes anything and it is wasted effort to worry.

Take solace in the comfort that you have your own light to get you from sunset to a new sunrise; it is in the knowledge of your prior successes that brings back the knowledge of the light that you have hidden inside that always keeps you focused and wise.

Seize your inborn potential; speak to yourself, quietly; make it a daily practice to talk to yourself; walk by yourself, around your neighborhood or a city block- the effects are wonderfully liberating and essential.

You have ALL of the keys within your habits and daily regime to unlock your hidden talents that are also your light and treasures. Your light and ability to change, create, or understand is ample in measure. The focus that brings you the most peace and pleasure is your time alone; honor yourself and all of your endeavors should be as honorable as you!

Sometimes the fog is so dark, our focus misses the small rays of light shinning through, wanting to reveal the source of enlightenment. Although fog is not a welcome visitor, it serves to help us realize that there is brightness around the corner. Changing our focus from the fog in our lives, shifting focus on what is clear versus what is foggy and unclear helps us capture the ample opportunities that will enlighten our attitude and renew or thinking. There is brightness amid the fog, even if only in short spurts, take the opportunity to focus on the light instead of the fog and watch life answers unfold. Choose an opportunity to spread the light of hard work or knowledge to your life, in any measure, and to those people in your universe. Fog is passing through your life, it's up to you to shine as soon as you change your mind and live in the present moment versus living in the past. Know that after the fog has past, you are left with the new light of peace, ease, grace and understanding. There is brightness amid the fog, if you seek light in any situation you will find answers. A change of mindset, attitude, or ability to follow through with an action- plan, or change your actions can lessen the fog in your life. I wish you a bright and sunny life with ample opportunities to shine, like a sunny day in July!

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