
How to Find Joy Even in Tough Times (By Phillip Ramphisa)

play balloon toy motivation happiness courage joy satisfaction positive self confidence joy of life frohsinn lust for life say yes to the live think positive

There are three times of our lives (I) the past (II) the present (III) the future. Often most of us focus on the past and the future. We often dream of a better future, a better job, a better car (hopefully not a better wife or husband haha). We think about things that were great in the past "the good old times" or we worry about things that we could have done better in the past "living in regret".

Our shuffling of the past and future limits us from living in one of the most important times of our lives -; the present. Whilst we wish for a great future or reminisce over the good old times or beat ourselves about things we could have changed in the past, we tend to ignore the things in the present that we should enjoy and be grateful for. We fail to see the fundamental truth that no matter how many trials and tribulations we have, there is always something to be grateful for in the present. There is always something that we can try to appreciate.

In my life I have had many trials and tribulations. I was born in a family of 9 children without a present parent in poverty. I spent many days without food and many nights without super. Life got better in my adult life because I had education and became a well paid professional and entrepreneur. Despite the success, problems didn't cease to exist in my life. I still had trials and tribulations.

At one point I got involved in a serious car accident that nearly cost a drunk pedestrian their life. Whilst the passenger was in hospital in a coma trying to recover, the thought of being involved in a person's death tore my heart for weeks.

Throughout all the trials and tribulations in my life I have found that there were little windows of moments that I could still appreciate. When I went hungry growing up I still enjoyed playing hide and seek with my friends despite the suffering. When the emotional turmoil of a car accident was heavy in my heart, the touch of my daughters soft hands gave me hope and encouragement. During all my trials and tribulations I found that there was small windows of gratitude and appreciation that I could still open.

I do not know where you are in your life right now or what kind of challenges you are facing. But no matter how grim your life seems, no matter how heavy your burden weighs on your shoulder, I would like to encourage you to try and motivate yourself to appreciate the simpler things that exist in your life. Perhaps you have a mother that still loves you despite your challenges or friends that care deeply about you. Why not try and motivate yourself to sacrifice a few hours and forget about your problems and spend quality time with your loved ones?

Maybe you are going through a rough divorce but still have healthy children that love you - why not spend a few moments enjoying their warm hugs and their soft touch. Perhaps you are going through a difficult financial situation and cannot even afford a drink, why not try and sacrifice a moment to forget about your problems and go for a run or walk. Maybe you still have good music that you can listen to whilst talking a walk.

Life is better lived in the present because the past is gone and we do know with absolute certainty what the future holds.

Thank you for reading this article. Remain inspired, move mountains and all obstacles that stand in the way of your success, do not dare give up on your dreams or on yourself.

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