
What Is Anger Management? A Definition

Whether you are someone who has a problem with anger, or you're just curious, you may be wondering - what is anger management? The phrase is thrown around rather casually, but it is actually a serious therapy that can help people control their intense emotions, particularly anger and rage.

Most psychological experts would define anger management as the process of recognizing and controlling your anger. It is not something that is done only once.

When you have a problem with anger, you will be required to manage that problem for the rest of your life. If it is left untreated, it can end up causing a long list of social, physical, mental and emotional problems.

The first part of anger management is identifying the problem you or your loved one may have with anger. Most people get angry from time to time; anger is a normal and healthy emotion.

If someone disappoints you, or you feel you have no control over a terrible situation or you are taken advantage of, it is very natural to feel angry. Most people are equipped to deal with that anger in ways that are helpful and healthy.

People who need anger management have a problem understanding how to respond to their feelings of anger. Instead of dealing with it appropriately, they let it turn into something uncontrollable, often threatening or harming themselves or others.

Anger that isn't managed may lead to depression, anxiety, suicide and other harms.

Knowing what is anger management can help you recognize your need for it. If you have a problem controlling how you feel, particularly when you're angry, you might have some issues.

If you find yourself unable to get over something or some wrong that has been done to you, or you tend to blow seemingly small problems into huge issues, you could have a problem with anger.

Any time you become abusive or threatening in a physical or verbal manner, you know you need some help with anger management strategies.

People who have problems with anger management might also have a difficult time maintaining healthy relationships. If you have an anger problem, there's a good chance that you don't always treat people well or fairly.

Many people who have a hard time with rage will alienate their friends and family members. People will avoid you and your tendency to engage in confrontations, arguments or fights.

Take a look at your life and think about how anger might be impacting it. If you'd like to bring more meaningful relationships and positive experiences into your life, but you cannot because you are angry all the time, it's time to get yourself some anger management.

There are many different ways to take advantage of treatment options. You can try to do it on your own; using books and other printed, digital and visual resources. Look for anything that addresses what is anger management and how to make it work for you.

You can read what experts in the mental health field have written, visit websites and sign up for newsletters and other information online. Educating yourself on anger and how it affects you is a great first step towards managing the problem.

Getting help from a professional therapist or counselor is a good idea. You can talk about what makes you angry, how you respond and how you would rather behave.

A therapist will ask you about your past, particularly how you may have acted as a child, how you were raised and whether you were exposed to a lot of untamed anger as a child.

This has a profound impact on your current emotional and mental health. Your therapist will give you some great anger management techniques, and help you track how you are doing with different strategies and tools.

Another great way to manage your anger is through support groups. Working with others who have anger problems is a great way to address what is anger management and how to use it for your own benefit.

You will be able to share your own stories and listen to the stories of others. Some things might sound familiar to you, and you will have the opportunity to find comfort in the fact that you are not alone.

You will also learn some great tricks for anger management, and you can even share some of your own.

If you or someone you know is suffering from emotional problems that stem from problems with anger, acknowledge the problem. You won't be able to help until you recognize that something has to be done in order to embrace a healthy and productive life.

Don't ignore the anger problem that may be lurking. Start by educating yourself on what is anger management so you can choose the tools that will work best in your own life.

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