
What Is the Origin of Your Anger?

Man Facing Sideways

Both proverbial and of cliché proportions, the term "tip of the iceberg" has been used to compare and shed light on numerous aspects in life, emphasizing that what one sees jutting out of the water is only a tiny portion of the greater mass upon which it rests below it. One of them is anger, since what you feel about circumstances and people later in life may have very early, subsurface origins.

Perhaps using others as a mirror when I was an adult-that is, viewing them with the same trusting eyes, integrity, and honesty I projected-I was sometimes disappointed, receiving, instead, betrayal, lies, and defamation, and not realizing that their low and lesser-than behavior had nothing to do with me, but everything to do with the efficiencies from which they functioned.

Unsuspecting, I was never prepared for their underhanded actions and usually raged about them for a considerable period--anywhere from weeks to months to years--perplexed as I asked myself such questions as, "How could they do such things to me?" "Why didn't I see that coming?" "Where was their remorse, regret, sorrow, feeling, conscience, embarrassment, or empathy for the hurt they inflicted on me?"

Those who continually heard my tirades were compelled to ask, "When are you going to get over it already?"

I could not. Therefore, I could not answer them.

Examination of my ire revealed two significant aspects of it: (1). Its intensity and (2) Its duration.

Why, I wondered, did I rage with such insatiable vehemence and why, despite the multiply-repeated tirades, did they never lose their intensity, regardless of the time lapse?

I ultimately realized that my late anger was the smoke produced by the early, still-smoldering fire lit by my father's abusive, traumatizing, life-threatening, predatory chases, projections, toxin transfers, enmeshments, and soul-siphoning-late layers, if you will, of an early, never dismantled foundation. Like threads stitched by time, they all stretched back to those unresolved incidents.

Physically blocked and suspended of power, I was immobilized, unable to run, harness the internal explosion of stress hormones, or even cry or scram. A single word afterward, interpreted by a mentally unstable parent, would only have been viewed as "talking back" and "disrespect of elders," inviting more of the same. It would have very much been the equivalent of pulling my own trigger. Little had I known that my father had been subjected to the same treatment as a child and that my sheer presence actually pulled his own trigger.

Squelching, suppressing, and swallowing it all, I became a backed-up volcano, always awaiting my own internal eruption and I always chose the lesser-and less detrimental-of two evils: remain silent until I imploded or talk back and risk further physical harm in the name of "justifiable discipline." It was a lose-lose situation, a damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don't' choice.

But the brain, by means of its neuron recordings of the negative, counter-survival experiences it is subjected to, only has so much capacity to absorb, like the sponge that tries to soak up a spilled gallon of water. After it reaches its capacity, the rest will ooze out of it until it virtually drowns in it.

Relevantly, the later-in-life authority figures, unrecovered adult children, and qualifiers triggered these never-diffused bombs and lit the match on the image of the father I had never processed and forgiven-not to mention still feared. Subconsciously, they wore his displaced face.

I could not "finish out" and reach a level of release, relinquish, and satisfaction with those I encountered as an adult, because they tripped the circuit I never diffused with my father as a child. This was the origin of my anger.

Anger, from a psychological perspective, is negative energy and emotion, a natural and automatic response to a person or circumstance who or which wronged you, especially in cases of unfairness, unexpectedness, and injustice. There can be either an internal or an external trigger to it.

Originating in the primitive or stem portion of the brain, it can be a defensive reaction to a threat, stressor, or loss. It provides a channel for the expression of negative feelings and can spark or motivate a person into solution- and survival-oriented actions. Because it never occurs in isolation and is usually preceded by pain or painful feelings, it can be characterized as a "second hand emotion."

Underlying anger is always hurt.

From the adult child perspective, anger is a normal reaction to an abnormal circumstance.

Spiritual or religious discussions warn of its overtaking nature, if it is not resolved, quelled, or kept in check. "In your anger, do not sin," the Bible advises.

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice."

"Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires"-in other words, if you think that you are doing his work for him, you are not.

Although these quotes bespeak of ultimate truths, they are almost impossible to achieve and maintain when the fires of an abusive childhood still rage within you, waiting to be doused and dissolved with recovery. They may be the origins of your own anger, as expressed in Courage to Change (Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, 1992, p. 341). "Before Al-Anon, I'd have sworn I didn't have an angry bone in my body. Through working the steps, however, I discovered that, without knowing it, I'd often been furious with the alcoholic in my life. I began to recognize anger while it was happening... It felt great to reclaim these repressed parts of myself. I felt more whole, more powerful... "

The person seems to share the same origin of anger as I and was equally forced to squelch it. All roads lead to Rome and all anger apparently leads to your abuser.

The solution for me came from shifting my focus from the tip of the iceberg later-in-life to the foundation laid by my father earlier in it and realizing that this insatiable, unshakable emotion was due to my inability to confront and express to him what I had been forced to absorb. This was the true origin of my anger.

Can you think of any of your own that you now believe was displaced and out-of-proportion for the person or the circumstance? Can you trace it back to the original ones? Was it something you never processed or resolved or someone you never forgave? Can you determine that what you wanted to express to someone as an adult may have been the same, unfinished emotions you should have vented to your parent, abuser, alcoholic, or qualifier as a child?

This, too, may be the origin of your anger.

Boost Your Confidence In All Areas

Man Standing in Front of Chairs and People

We are all more confident some areas of our lives than others, even the most confident of people have some areas they feel they are lacking. Whilst even the least confident have some areas they feel confident.

Confidence is a feeling of assurance that you can complete the task successfully with ease, in fact you scarcely consider the task at all! It may be a task related to your work or home life, something you practise daily: such as public speaking, teaching, child rearing, cooking or it may be confidence in a sport, that you know you play well.

Whatever areas you feel confident in, you feel good about yourself. Especially when you are faced with these tasks.

Many of us have areas in our lives we would love to feel more confident. So how can we achieve this, when are lives are so busy. Training and guidance from experts together with lots of practice, plus belief in yourself will all boost the feeling of confidence and expertise.

Compare the first time you tried to drive a car to you confidence years later. Consider how new Mums' feel with their first-born, especially if they do not have younger siblings. Confidence can be learned and developed in all areas and will make you a more rounded happier person.

Sometimes teachers and parents influence how confident we feel, by being critical in childhood, but as adults we can take control of our lives and change this.

I am confident in most areas of my life, but would hate to speak in public, and I am a complete technophobe. The very thought of anything technical sends me in a spin. So these and a few others are my areas that need some work! So which are you areas will you be improving this year? A new year is a great time to start something new, what will your challenge be?

So to sum up: lack of confidence is natural, to improve in any area get good training and practise your new skills knowing you are improving in that area. Have belief in your efforts and enjoy compliments.

So will yours be a gym challenge, losing weight, or a new hobby? Or with the money pressures everyone is feeling it could be earning a second income. Whatever it is have a happy healthy and prosperous New Year.

An easy to read little book full of tips and quotes to increase your confidence:

"How to be Confident" by Anna Barnes

The Thirteen-Minute Article (It Took Me Ten Minutes To Write, Three To Edit) (By Joshua Clayton)

Grayscale Photography of Person Holding Pen

This article will take me ten minutes to write, but a lifetime to apply for us all! With that said, I will start typing the body of the article from here. Think about it, we all take actions. We must take profitable actions in every moment we can, though. In existence and life (in that order), we either take actions that are beneficial to us or not. The best actions are the most profitable, and the worst actions genuinely waste the most time.

Anything that lifts our lives and realities to higher levels is good, except when we cheat at it. What I mean by cheating is taking irrational short cuts, whatever they may be. Whether it is basic lying to ourselves at a very deep level or "getting away with it in the eyes of other people, but not our own"; reality has a way of working with us making sure we pay what we need to pay or get our just reward for whatever we do. Indeed, at every genuine level it really is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Think about this fact for a moment and you shall see, I can hope I am wrong with "everyone else", but I know that I am on point with those facts: There are not any genuine free lunches or tricks we can play to get something for nothing, but somewhere we pay and benefit to the measure we give or take genuinely.

Dealing with reality seems like dealing with nickels, dimes and pennies of energies, does it not? Well, it is. Those who do not cheat genuinely get rich from this way of dealing with things. Those who do cheat have to pay sometime whether they "know" or "do not know" what the price is. In thought and reality, the honest person is right, and the dishonest person is wrong. Indeed, though, who wants to admit that basic fact, especially where "larceny" is involved.

I know, this is a scary, hairy article for those that keep the truth and honest reality submerged, but for those that are close to understanding, I say keep going and you will get it. If anything, I encourage you with my freak like, consciously realistic and honest self.

Yesterday, before I wrote this article, I felt so overwhelmed that I felt like cheating in a very small, but large way, but I did not. So, I end with this: I put this article under "goal setting" to say, make it a goal to be honest with yourself. You may regret it short term, but you will not regret it long term. I can honestly promise.,-Three-To-Edit)&id=9969229

Should You Give People a Second Chance?

Man Kissing Woman

People talk about second chances in various ways. They say: "if I knew then what I know now." "If I had an opportunity to do things over." "Please give me a second chance." "Can we start over?" The list goes on. Most people actually believe they learn from their mistakes. However, when you look closely, you see history repeats itself. Why do most repeat the same pattern? They approach second chances with a first chance mindset.

Two easy examples are the divorce rate and criminal behavior. The divorce rate for first time marriages in the US is almost 50%. For second marriages, the rate is 67% and third is 74%. When it comes to the recidivism rate for criminal offenders, 47% for federal and 77% for state prisoners are arrested again. As you can see, second chances do not always mean you learned from your mistakes. So why do people ask for second chances?

Many people can tell you they learned what "not to do". Except, they fail to realize that learning what "not to do" does not mean you know "what to do". The list of things "to not do" can be infinite. You only need one item on the list of things "to do" to make things work. Because the brain can get stuck with repeating patterns, learning from mistakes is not necessarily the best way to learn.

In previous articles and videos, I spoke about neuroplasticity. When you learn something new, your brain looks for common ground. That way the new concept can be understood based on what you already know. You are comfortable when you learn something that is different, yet familiar. Therefore, everything we learn is neatly placed in neuropaths that already contain lots of knowledge and information. The problem is your brain cannot determine if the knowledge you have is true or false. When people believed the earth was the center of the universe, they made all planetary calculations based on that belief. If you believe the world is dangerous, everything you learn will be placed on top of that belief and you will believe you have to constantly protect yourself from danger, even when there is none. That alone will cause you to say and do things that are inappropriate. In many cases, that can cause you to sabotage any situation no matter how many chances you get.

With neuroplasticity, you learn new ideas that most likely have no relationship to what you already know. As a result, you are likely to encounter confusion, frustration and uncertainty. The outcome of that path can literally be a headache. And most will avoid learning something that will give them a headache. They will discard the new and return to old neuropaths that are familiar to them.

Tiger Woods is a great example of a person who learned something new. During his prime, he changed his golf swing several times. He had to retrain his brain and body to think and move differently. In the beginning of the new swing, the performance of his game decreased. When he mastered the new swing, he was back on top.

Most people lack the tolerance Tiger Woods had. The fact society has become a microwave mindset - everyone wants results instantly - is an indication that people quickly return to the mindset that caused failure in the first place. In their mind, this time they will do it a little differently. That amounts to the same thing, but different. Why? Because they are using a mindset that is part of neuropaths that only understand situations based on existing knowledge and experience - the first chance. That is a formula to repeat the past.

To break a pattern of the past, you will need to work through the frustration and uncertainty like Tiger Woods did when he changed his swing. And Tiger did not do it alone. He had a coach to hold him accountable and observe when he returned to an old swing.

If you want to break a pattern, it would be in your best interest to find someone to hold you accountable to a new way of being which will transform the way you think and act. If you are looking for a second wind in your career or business, it could be critical to have someone who provides you with tools to make the transition to the next level as well as provide you with honest feedback. With a new mindset, it's kind of like you are doing something old for the first time.

Creativity in Classroom

Photo of Four Girls Wearing School Uniform Doing Hand Signs

"Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity requires passion and commitment. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness: ecstasy. " - Rollo May.

People might differentiate creativity and innovation but creativity is a part of innovation. It is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is required in every field of job, be it a multinational company or an advertising company or an educational institute. A classroom itself is a place of creation. It is a place where creativity takes birth. Both teachers and students share ideas and make a classroom a creative hub. Creativity is in our mind. It is central, along with skills like collaboration, critical thinking, and communication and helps in bringing a shift from teacher-directed learning to a more student-oriented learning and bring a change in the approach. We don't want our students' creativity to end with the comments they leave on their friends' Facebook pages.

Every child is borne with the potential of being creative. Creativity is something that needs to be cultivated and classroom is the place one must start cultivating one's creativity. There are various techniques or strategies which guide teachers to promote creativity in classroom. Some techniques are as follows:

• Emotional Connection - Researchers says that creativity can be cultivated through emotional cultivation. For instance if a project related to community problems like domestic violence is given to a student, it can help them to develop the much needed creativity

• Classroom environment - Classroom environment plays a crucial role in cultivating creativity and confidence in students. It is the duty of the teachers to make the classroom more creative by making students participate in each and every activity. Getting involved with the students in the community is the best way to give a push to their creativity. There are three small steps through which a teacher can make their class more effective for their students.

- Permit frequent discussion and interaction amid students in the classroom.
- Make time for informal class opportunity for the students.
- Memorize each student's name meanwhile ensure every student knows each other's name.

• The use of different models - A perfect model can help student in promoting creativity and establishing more contacts, create chances and resolve novel issues.

• Risk taking - Teachers must encourage students to take risks as the ability of taking risk prompts creativity.

• Active Learning - Active learning includes use of creative stuffs like games, concepts, maps and study materials. One can encourage active learning only when the students are interested. Teachers can cultivate creativity by introducing interactive sections that provide an opportunity to students to solve a problem, by asking them to prepare questions for the upcoming exams.

Creativity has always been prized in the American society but has hardly been understood by anyone. Every invention, both practical and whimsical is the product of creativity. "The great engine that drives innovation and invention in society comes from people whose flame of creativity was kept alive in childhood, " says Alice Sterling Honig, PhD, of Syracuse University. The disappearance of creativity in the classroom is worrying teachers. The charm of creativity is fading out and worksheets are taking its place. Teachers should encourage students so that they come out with new ideas and think out of the box.

Teachers can apply different strategies to make the classroom a vibrant and innovative place. Here are some strategies that teachers can apply to add a creative spark in the classroom:

1. Create a classroom that recognizes and encourages creativity. You can design awards or bulletin boards to showcase different ways of solving a problem, or creative solutions to a real world scenario.

2. Always use strategies that are helpful and can become advantageous in the long run.

3. Think of creativity as a skill. Much like resourcefulness and inventiveness it is less a trait and more a proficiency that can be taught.

4. Participate in or create a program to develop creative skills. Programs like Odyssey of the Mind and Think quest bring together students from around the world to design creative solutions and bring them to competition.

In the recent times there has been a shift towards the increased acceptance of valuing creativity. Our traditional education system must take the blame for the absence of creativity in classrooms. Most of the teachers are forced to teach and as a result lack the skills or interest to produce creativity in a classroom. It is the duty of teachers to introduce and nurture creative thought in the classroom. Visual effects can allow students to look at photos or paintings and as a result come up with stories. Music can also encourage students to be creative as they can visualize the scenes that play in their mind while they listen to the music. English teachers really have great opportunities to infuse creativity in the minds of teachers. Creativity should not be limited to the English or arts classes. There should be places for every teacher to add creative elements in their daily curriculum.

Creativity can take us to the moon. So we must make sure that the value of creativity is understood by the students and they are given each and every chance to bring their creative side and add interesting flavours to the daily monotony of classroom teaching. Creativity comes with divergent thinking and divergent thinking must be encouraged that can foster an environment for creative work.

The Vanishing Man in the Mirror

man wearing white karati gi

So, yes, I am a man. But that doesn't mean what it seems to mean. I am also yin, concealed in yang; dark veiled in light, nightfall remembered at dawn. So are all we humens (huwomens?) as everyday humans.

In Tai Chi we are urged to watch ourselves in the gym wall mirrors. Let the flowing images of your existence this very moment become apparent to your casual gaze. But never stare at yourself - the man in the mirror. In Tai Chi a stare will stall you out, freeze you in mid-flight, lead to a crash in consciousness, perhaps cause you to vanish.

Now we're back suddenly to the problem of dynamic fiction and its writer. If the creative novel, short story, or flash fiction is dynamic - that is to say, "alive" - then I or you the author have vanished and we readers are held captive in the minds and motions of the characters, striving to either thrive or survive the world they find themselves stranded in or blessed with. These character flow through their own predestined lives unaware of their looming fates and without reflective mirrors to advise them.

What if we can't find any of these reflective mirrors I'm calling for to cautions us in our own lives? No still morning lakes rimmed in mist to see ourselves in from the docks or boats? No rain-sheened roadways reflecting us up from our feet skyward? No pricy gyms walled in reflective glass to admire us? Then, half close your eyes and try to remember (but not necessarily understand) yourself in motion right now - at play in the body and mind.

Are you moving as the wind moves, the tides flow, the white crane flys?

No? Then that's not Tai Chi you're doing. Not yet...

Let go.

Vanish into the mirror even as you watch yourself go...

The self-transcending (and self-trancing) Tai Chi form that can be described in words is not the Tai Chi form we practice for energy, strength, health, and longevity.

The Tai Chi form we perform and that sweeps us away into energy, strength, health, and longevity is not the form at all, but our approach to the form and our experience of its flows.

Wrists, toes, palms, tongue, and belly lead as organs synchronize. Heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, bowels, and glans rouse themselves into attention and commit all over again to cooperation in the dance.

We move so slowly that we can finally learn deeply and well. Our bodies remember while our minds, at first wildly thrashing for control, finally surrender to the beauty of the motions evolving out of our effortless efforts.

In all of these word sequences I am merely trying to show you the internal realities of the Tai Chi dance, not tell you about the logical connectives of muscle, joint, tendon, bone, and faciea.

As a writer of fictions I surrender to a need to create a newer world into which I invite you, showing its wonders to you without wanting to tell you of them. I want you to be there with me - in the dance. As in Tai Chi when a whole class of students synchronize with the teacher, birds flying in tight formation, seamlessly synchronized, unaware of anything beyond each other.

Come, fly away with us.

Anger And Other Forms of Control

Woman And Man Wearing Brown Jackets Standing Near Tree

Did you grow up with anger in your household? Did one or both of your parents use anger as a way to keep you in line and have control over you?

How did you respond?

You complied, trying to be the good little girl or boy and do what your parents wanted, hopeful that they wouldn't get angry so often.

You resisted and rebelled, making not being controlled your highest priority.

You fought with them, learning to use anger in the same way they did - to control.

You used a combination of the above, perhaps overtly complying but covertly resisting in various ways, and maybe getting angry with younger siblings or friends as your way of dealing with conflict.

You numbed out by staying in your head and turning to various addictions to avoid your feelings.

You turned their anger at you inward, becoming judgmental toward yourself.

Now, as an adult, what part does anger play in your life? Do you use anger to control, trying to get others to do what you want? Do you use compliance to control others, trying to make sure they don't get angry with you? Do you shut down, withdraw and resist when others are angry, to punish them and not be controlled by them?

Anger, blame, criticism, judgment - these are all ways of trying to control others. Compliance and niceness can also be ways of controlling how others feel about you and treat you.

Resistance and withdrawal are covert ways of controlling others and having control over not being controlled. All these behaviors create controlling systems that don't work in any relationship. Rather than creating harmony and intimacy, controlling behaviors make these things impossible.

If You Are The Angry One...

Each person who is involved in this system needs to deal with his or her own end of the system if the system is going to heal. If you are the angry one, you need to deal with the feelings your anger is covering up, such as fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, aloneness, emptiness, loneliness, heartbreak, grief or helplessness over others and events.

Trying to control others with your anger is generally a projection of your own inner child's anger at you for not taking care of yourself in some way. How are you not taking responsibility for yourself? What are you making others responsible for, and then getting angry when they don't do it right?

As long as you believe that dumping your anger on another person is okay, you will continue to do it. You will stop only when you really understand that the psychic darts of anger are just as hurtful to another as actual physical darts. As long as you allow your wounded self to take over when your painful feelings come up, you will act out in anger. Fortunately, when you have practiced Inner Bonding long enough to have a loving adult present when pain comes up, then you will have a choice over your reactions.

If You Are Compliant, Resistant or Withdrawn...

If you are the compliant, resistant or withdrawn one, you need to see that you are not taking loving care of yourself either. Instead of being reactive by giving in, resisting, withdrawing or getting angry in return, you need to address the fact that it is not okay for others to dump anger onto you. You need to speak up and let the angry person know that you are not available to discuss any issue when he or she is using anger as a way of dealing with conflict.

If the angry person is not available to taking responsibility for his or her anger, then you need to lovingly disengage - leave the conflict without anger or blame and take loving care of your own feelings - until the other person is willing to drop the anger and/or explore the conflict with you. When each of you opens to learning about your own end of the system, and you each explore what is loving to yourselves and each other, then you begin to heal the dysfunctional anger/compliance/resistance/withdrawal system.

The person on the receiving end of anger is often very reactive to it - i.e. he or she goes into automatic compliance, resistance, withdrawal, or anger. If this is you, you need to practice being a loving adult to yourself in the face of another's anger. A loving adult is not reactive.

A loving adult stays open to learning while stating appropriate limits regarding the anger and taking action based on those limits, such as saying,

"I won't discuss this as long as you are angry," and then lovingly disengaging from the interaction. This is far easier to do if you are able to catch it at the first sign of the other's anger, or your own reactivity, and move into your loving adult self.

Dealing with your own or another's controlling behavior in a relationship can be a rewarding challenge for all concerned as long as each person is willing to open to learning rather than continuing to indulge in controlling behaviors. Each person has much to gain when learning has a higher priority than controlling.

Why Failure Before Success? (By Tonya White Johnson)

Photography of Woman Listening to Music

If you are human you have probably asked the question, why do we fail before we succeed? Unfortunately, some of us stop midway the question, and we only get to why do we fail? Life experiences have taught me that Failure is inevitable. It's the universe's way of helping us live a more empowered life. I know that sounds crazy right? It was probably the most insane thought that I could think, would ever cross my mind; particularly after one of my "greatest failures," my divorce. Funny, how I still take ownership of it. Did you just notice how I wrote my divorce as if I was the only one getting a divorce? Some habits are hard to break. Even as I am writing, I am learning. But I digress, back to my "woe is me" story.

The Failure

So it was 1995, and I was 25 years old. I was blessed with a beautiful two-year-old son, a high-powered management job in hospitality, great friends and seemingly all was well with the world. Except it wasn't. My personal life was falling apart. Some things had happened to me as a woman, that I never thought would have happened to me. How did this happen, I wanted to scream? How did I become an ex-wife, a single mother, and worse yet, why was my son in a single family household, traipsing back and forth between his parents every other weekend. Never in a million years could I have imagined that this would be my life. That same year my best friend was getting married. So I had to be truly happy for her and focus on her beautiful day while my heart had been shattered into a million little pieces.

At this point in my "perfect life", I was supposed to have a home, a white picket fence. My handsome son, a loving husband and a dog. Maybe two dogs. But here I was, unhappily single and trying to figure out what happens next. I'm sure I don't have to explain the roller coaster of emotions that happens after a "supposed failure" in life. Bouts of depression, sadness, anger, tears. Sometimes to cope we find ourselves in addiction. Addicted to anything from illegal drugs, legal drugs, alcohol, excessive shopping, excessive food and more. You name it, in despair and hopelessness, we can find all kinds of vices to get into. Whatever we can find in the moment to temporarily relieve the pain, we find ourselves clinging to it, often worshiping it.

The Revelation

It was during one of these crisis moments that I had this mind-blowing epiphany. The revelation that failure is life's sway of empowering me. Helping me to understand my strengths, challenging me to take back my power. You see, I had given my power to the word failure. My whole life, all of my accomplishments up to that point, as well as all of those that would come after, was wrapped up in one life event. One alleged failure. Divorce!!! Seriously, how could my life be over after a divorce? And while I can be complacent about it now I understand if you can't yet smile through your pain. I understand if you are in the throes of depression, sadness and anger. I get it! But you don't have to be. Your hopelessness does not have to last as long as mine did. I want to give you what no one was able to give me. I want to give you hope. I want you to know that you are not a failure just because things did not work out just the way you planned. It doesn't have to be divorce; it could be anything in life. Any of life's events that does not happen the way we think it should. Trust me when I say there is nothing in life that hope and faith can't conquer. I have to tell you, as the revelation of how life was challenging me, empowering me, becoming clearer as each day passed I found myself laughing out loud. Feeling my strength come alive. Willing my fight muscles to strengthen. Daily warring with the negative thoughts that plagued my soul, and eventually winning the battle and conquering all thoughts that warred against my mind.

That empowering moment was a turning point for me. It was the moment that I made up my mind that I would seek to learn the lesson of every event in life, whether labeled good or bad. I was determined to seek the lesson and not give my power to the word failure again.

Success Through Failure

Today, I am happily married. I have a beautiful God-sent husband. Someone who loves me through all of my stuff. I finally have a partner and a friend. I have a wonderful family life. All that I hoped for back then I now have. It took some time. It didn't happen overnight. I had to go through some stuff. There are some scars. Some wounds. Some pains. But they no longer hurt. They are there as a reminder. They remind me how great life is. They remind me of what I am capable of. They remind me that I was not built to break.

So now when I am asked the question why do we have to fail before we succeed, I can honestly answer without hesitation that failure is a way of preparing for what's to come. Failure is our strength training. It builds our muscles to be able to carry all of the success of tomorrow. It gives us life lessons to learn and share. Because of failure, we become teachers. Because of failure, we become humble. Because of failure, we become wise. Because of failure, we become grateful. Because of failure, we can now succeed.

How Do you Live an Empowered Life Through Failure?

Empowered living comes from empowered thoughts. It's not about the fact that you have failed and most likely will fail again. Empowered Living is just the opposite. It is embracing the failures. It's embracing adversity. It's choosing to accept what is, and being determined to take your back your power by re-framing the event in your mind. It is getting up after being knocked down. It is dusting yourself off and standing tall with your head erect knowing that you were not built to break. Empowered living is giving yourself permission not to be perfect. And when the flaws begin to show, you smile anyway, knowing that tomorrow will be a brighter day. Another lesson learned, another empowering moment to absorb. Another empowering moment to teach.

Do you have an empowering moment about failure and success to share? We've all had them. The key is to remember and remind ourselves of how we felt at that moment when we took back our power. It's those thoughts. That feeling. That energy that will empower you to live your best life. Your best-empowered life!

Don't Let Anyone Kill Your Inner Child

Woman Using Umbrella With Lights

The concept of Creativity and Killing are total opposite ends of the spectrum but many artists and people alike put them together.

So what does creativity and killing have to do with killing the inner child? Everything. See many times we get great ideas such as I'm going to take some clothes and paint them a certain way and offer them for sale to help a charity. The first couple of minutes your full of energy ready to put your wonderful, brand-new, life changing idea out into the world. Next you don't like most people do and say to a friend. Hey, I have this idea to put paint on clothes and sell it. The friend usually says oh, that's a good idea but so and so tried it and failed or it' has already been done before. Then what most people do is take that great idea and throw it in the trash can.

It doesn't matter how many good ideas came before your idea or are similar to your idea. You still have to do you idea. Just because someone puts paint on clothes and offers them to charity maybe your clothes will be different or your clothes will support different charitable causes. Most people don't think like this they say to themselves this idea is no good just like all my other failed ideas. The key to remember is any idea not given life will die. Which brings me back to my original point of not allowing anyone to kill your inner child.

When you were a kid if you got the idea to put mustard on apple pie you did it. If you got the idea to take your toy or doll and paint it whatever color you wanted you did it. But as you got older you learned what was important. You learned what was considered acceptable standards for your profession or art. Slowly but surely the spontaneity in you dies and withers away until you are a mechanical robot, with others putting in input and you spurting out the same contrived and manufactured answers. Now this isn't a call to do whatever you want, but I reminder to listen to the inner child. That small still voice that tells you to like at the problem from the non traditional way. Next time you have a problem look at it the way a child would. Remember don't let anyone kill your inner child.

How to Become a Good Thinker

Woman Holding Two Ropes in Gym

Most people, especially those who are not as intelligent as Einstein, would want to have a boost of their brain power. If you are one of those people who want to think better, your brain power boost might be just a few steps away.

These seven steps might help you in your quest to keep your brain working perfectly fine.

Engage yourself in a Regular Exercise

Do simple exercises like a simple walk or jog. It may not be as intense as a full-blown work-out. You just have to keep your body physically fit and active.

Simple work-outs may trigger the release of neurochemicals known as endorphins. These chemicals are responsible for making us feel happy and by feeling happier, a more positive effect on the brain can be observed.

Supplement your Diet

Natural supplements with magnesium and vitamin B are believed to have a good effect on the brain. These supplements not only keep your body healthier, they also maintain the fitness of your brain; thus resulting to better brain power! These supplements are so popular that they can be found anywhere, from your local health and food store up to the web pages of the internet.

Use your Brain

If you are to exercise your body, you should exercise your brain as well. Use your brain muscles more often - think and learn. You may read, talk with other people or even play educational games. Any activity that can keep your brain working effectively may be tried out.

Play Games

Choose games that will definitely have a good effect on your brain. Refrain from playing games which are "no-brainer." Nowadays, most computer games are designed to exercise your brain, so all you have to do is to choose well the games that you will play. Gaming consoles are also following the fad into increasing brain function. So, do your part in boosting your brain power, play games that will increase your brain power.

Enjoy an Educational Hobby

Choose a hobby that will give you some lessons at the end of the activity. This will not be such a difficult task since most of the time, we learn something from our experiences. Just be sure to do things that are not monotonous. Your hobby should be something that will help you learn new things every time you perform it. This way, you will be able to use some parts of your brain which are left unused before.

Sleep Well

Sleeping is the time when your body rebuilds and recharges itself. Most professionals believe that you should sleep for at least six to eight hours a day. Aside from these hours, you should also try to take ten-minute power naps. After these refreshing sleeps and naps, you will surely feel energized to take on more activities for the day. Do not deprive yourself of sleep, and you will then realize that your brain will function better with more hours of sleep.


Because of the complexities of our society today, your brain is exhausted just as much as your body. Thus, you should take the time to relax and cleanse your mind of the worries and stresses that might overwhelm your thoughts. You may want to try on spas or meditations to give your mind a break from all the hassle. After the relaxation, you will feel that you are prepared to take on another complex day!

How To Correct Injustice - Positive And Effective Change

Smiling Women and Men Sitting on Green Grass

This article is about the common frustration of facing someone who is doing something you consider very wrong, either to you or in general.

When faced with a situation in which someone is cheating or hurting you, and you feel a tremendous injustice is done, leaving you very confused by the incomprehensible actions of that person, you may find yourself very angry.

A feeling of revenge or you may deem it a sense of delivering justice falls upon you. Giving it objective thought, it really is a desire for revenge even if you want to call it correcting a wrong.

When done out of anger, there can be no balancing correction, the only possible result is a hurt for hurt. These situations can never resolve or bring true justice, they can only make you feel better for a short while.

The anger you feel is in a large part due to not being able to understand why or how a person could do what they did, and your pain is in a large part from the confusion rather than the results of the actions.

The ego also gets into play with your feeling cheated and hurt and someone else getting away with something they do not deserve. It may not even involve you, but the situation is the same, someone hurts someone else and gets away with it.

If you attack with anger, the only thing that will result is a greater fight and you suffering in your anger. Go ahead, be angry but you will burn in your own anger. Is that going to help make you feel better?

When you truly understand someone, you cannot be angry. Think about that. You may not agree, but you cannot be angry when you understand the reason for someone's actions.

Now we must examine why we cannot understand someone's so called evil actions. Simply because of your own ego arrogance. You are making a statement that you are right and they are wrong. But they would say that they are right and you are wrong. So unless one of you is God, then who is to say who is right. That is just a matter of opinion and the source of war.

When you apply humility to the freedom that every human being should have to believe in what they want, simply because you want that freedom, and thus you must offer that same freedom to another, you could open you mind to understand them.

With understanding, anger dissolves. When anger dissolves you no longer are in conflict and war with that person. And now a very simple conclusion to this article and the way to resolve almost all conflicts.

Who is more likely to be able to make a person understand that what they did is wrong and correct or at least stop it? The angry attacker, or someone in harmony and understanding with their thoughts?

When you accept that humans are in general scared, greedy, foolish and in some cases pretty nasty and selfish, disregarding any other living creatures rights to a peaceful life, all due to their own personal fears about their own survival, you will know what drives that person to do what they did.

Let me ask all the women readers a question; Would you be a prostitute? You may say no, but I would say almost every one of you would. All you need is the right circumstances.

If you had three kids and you are a single mother and the only way to feed your children or get them medical care to save their lives due to being so desperate that there was no choice, or perhaps if a man put a gun to your children's head and offered you a choice to save their life, would you then prostitute yourself for the sake of your children's lives?

In general, we are very fortunate, but in reality there are a myriad of distorted and perhaps unjustified fears that rule all of us. Most of us thankfully are never pushed to that situation, but just consider that you do not know what drives a person, what formed them when they were young, and open your mind to the reality that they feel justified in what they did, or in their excuses to avoid taking responsibility.

Being angry will rarely correct what was done, and it will just make you sick and waste more time and energy. Open your mind, understand that you may not understand but that there is a valid reason in that person's mind, and accept the sad fact of life which is; Life is not always fair.

There are times to stand up for your rights, but if you are driven with anger, you will lose in the end, even if you win. There are times we must simply accept our loss and move on.

Objective is not negative, it is simply what it is.

Why Your Soul Knows What The Mind Cannot Understand

woman wearing teal sweater and eyeglasses

Your Soul Knows The Best Path For You

Have you ever experienced a sense of oneness? A feeling of connectedness with life and the universe? What did it feel like on an emotional level? These types of occurrences are difficult to explain through logic and reason because the soul experiences what the mind cannot explain. For example, how do you describe the attraction towards another person via logic? You might describe how the other person makes you feel, but it is difficult to define the exact quality of the attraction. This is because emotions are the language of the soul and can only be experienced through the heart. Soulful living is an invitation to merge with our heart and mind through these faculties. Is this something you're willing to explore in your life?

I'll admit, it can be difficult to navigate our way through life at the soul level because the communication is hard to distinguish. In contrast, the language of thought is direct because we are familiar with it. This doesn't mean thoughts are the only way to make sense of the world. In fact, many of our problems stem from an overactive mind that leads to stress since we buy into the narrative our thoughts promote. Have you noticed this with the mindless chatter that takes place in your head which can cause chaos and confusion? The language of the heart speaks in silence and relays messages through subtle signs and symbols.

Your soul knows the best path for you in life, yet it may not appear that way sometimes because of the challenges you face. Regardless, these are vital lessons to expand your soul's evolution. I've experienced many of these lessons throughout my life and now realise my soul was communicating to me through these experiences. Whilst they were difficult, a new path emerged following the event that lead me in a new direction. Have you experienced something like this before? Whether it be the breakup of a relationship, losing a job or the unexpected loss of a loved one? Whilst these events can be distressing, they leave a ripple effect in our consciousness and we can never go back to the same way of living.

Acceptance Does Not Mean Resignation

I've written about my life-and-death encounter in earlier articles where I describe a gradual awakening that foreshadowed a new way of living. I began to read books on consciousness, personal growth and leadership and realised my experience was a gateway to expanded living. Regrettably, I lost many friends during this time whom I no longer identified with. It seemed we were speaking different languages that neither of us could understand and our life's journey was taking us in different directions. Naturally, I wanted to hold on to these relationships because I had known these people since childhood. As painful as it was, I allowed life to take the lead, and surrendered to the process. I stopped resisting the changes because they were happening, regardless of my struggle. My resistance only fuelled more suffering, and it was easier to go with the flow hoping it would lead to somewhere special. I'm glad I did because that special place is the one I am living now and the person writing these words on your screen.

Sometimes, what seems like the wrong turn, is the only turn we need to take for life to guide us where we need to be. The soul has a plan for us and knows the people that will enter our life at the right time. It knows what lessons we need for our soul's evolution. It makes it easier when we let go of resistance and learn to accept what is unfolding. Remember, acceptance does not mean resignation, nor does it mean we like what is happening. It means letting go of the mental drama of why things shouldn't be happening as they are. All our problems will melt away when we accept what life is trying to bring us. Sometimes the pieces may be still coming together and the situation may look fragmented. This is an opportunity to practice infinite patience and wait for the storm to pass, before taking the next step.

With this in mind, I'd like you to think about a difficult situation in your life right now. Ask yourself: What does my soul want me to learn from this experience? How does my soul want me to learn and grow from it? Journal your answers in a diary. I assure you there will be responses that come forth which may not make sense at first. Keep exploring them and follow the trail. Sometimes, it will be easy and at other times you will be frustrated because you cannot make sense of what is unfolding. This is natural because you might try to dance quicker than the song being played. The uni-verse (one song) has an inherent rhythm we must abide by and when we learn to synchronise with it, life flows easily and effortlessly. Your soul not only knows what the mind cannot understand, it knows the best way to get there.

Forget About Miracles

Girl Doing Levitation Trick

Have you ever found yourself praying for a miracle? It's usually when your back is against the wall. A loved one is sick. You're in extreme physical pain or have been diagnosed with a medical condition that sounds horrible. A mate has left you or done something that you react to with pain. Maybe you or your mate have lost a job or lost your future to the stock market.

Whatever the case may be, you can stop praying for a miracle. It's not something that's bestowed on you.

Beautiful healings and turnarounds can and will happen when you flip the switch on your focus. Shifting your perception to what's possible can be a very quick process or it can be gradual.

The time it takes will not matter so much to you, once you let go of needing your outcome to happen quickly. When you feel even the slightest bit of emotional or physical relief, the world will begin to feel like a magical place again.

When you appreciate the fact that there has been a small shift in the way you feel, the tangible results will follow. The key is not to get frustrated if you don't see immediate results. This will slow the entire process down.

Now... back to the beginning. How do you shift your focus when you're asking for that miracle? Any thing or thought you can grab onto that will create even a smidge of relief can begin the process. A conversation with someone who is very comforting and uplifting is of great value. Bodywork or a walk in nature is also a good start.

Here are some thoughts that I find valuable:

  • This too shall pass.
  • The Universe/God is with me.
  • I am asking for help and the Universe always responds. It's my job to let it in.
  • Inner being, what can I do to feel a tiny bit of relief?
  • I'm going to let myself be scared or hurt for a little bit and then I'll work my way to better feeling thoughts.
  • What are five things that are working well in my life right now?
  • I can have things go my way.
  • The Law of Attraction is like having a magic wand. I just have to relax.
  • I'm breathing my way into calm.
  • The only reason I feel discord is because I've separated myself from my Inner Being.

Hope is a great feeling to reach for at first. Then you'll have to pump up your faith that things will go your way by remembering past experiences where you've succeeded. You can also think about other people who have turned dire situations around. They had to go through the same steps as you to flip their switch to miracles.

When things begin to move in a favorable direction it will feel like magic, but it's just you relaxing into the truth that you are worthy of all good things.

What miracle have you prayed for recently?


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here:

Message From the Universe: Choosing the Life You Want to Live

woman in black top

"There once was a time in your very own planet's history, long, long ago, when the earth was truly a paradise. The diversity of life was as mind-boggling as it was spectacular. Flowers sprang up in impossible places. Birds and their songs filled the air over every continent. Snow, fog, showers, or sunshine added sometimes shocking and unexpected beauty to every setting. Animals were loved as family members. And complete strangers smiled and waved to one another, as it was everyone's natural instinct to be kind, to give, and to love.

Yeah, very little has changed.

See the good,
The Universe"

We all need to get back to how it was before, in a distant Universe, a long long time ago. Times have changed, I understand that. What was before can't be the same as it is today. With terrorism, kidnapping, murders. violence, and so much more, it is difficult to live in peace without fearing for our lives. It will be impossible to be nice to our assailant when they stop us to be violent or take our life. We will fight back and probably commit crime during self-defense. It can be difficult to not feel anger and frustration when the justice system can throw you in jail just because a criminal broke into your house and got hurt by you during the process. How can we show love and kindness to someone who is there to inflict pain or worst, take our life?

Nothing will be the same as it was before. However, these act of random kindness can be given to the people that deserve it and that are not mean in nature. Yes, there are tons of criminals, rapist, murderers, and hopefully most of them are behind bars. For the rest of the people who are circling around you have good nature, good soul and deserve to receive random act of kindness. If you take that first step of being kind, the rest will follow accordingly and people will notice and would want to repeat the same. Once it catches on, you will be surprised of the ripple effect.

Message From the Universe: Put Your Guts and Genius at Work

Woman Wearing Purple Shirt Holding Smartphone White Sitting on Chair

"There is not one person on the entire planet better prepared to get all the money, fame, success and health and rock their own independence, wealth, health and happiness, than you. All that you've been through has created the perfect storm of possibilities for their imminent and inevitable manifestation.

There've been no accidents or mistakes, only guts and genius.

Yeah, guts - 
The Universe"

There is always the right time for everything in life. The question is: Are you ready for it? Are you prepared to bring all your visualization into a very close reality? You have sacrificed, worked very hard, done everything your inner voice suggested, followed your dreams, pursued all your dreams, been focused, determined, struggled but still moved beyond the pain and depression due to failures. You are the one in the race, no one can catch up to you. You are driving on a road that has no traffic, due to it being a very tough road and many are too afraid to venture in. You are the one with the courage, the determination, the desire, regardless of your situation in life. You listen to yourself, and ONLY yourself. You ignored the naysayers, you moved forward no matter how many people were against you in your journey to success, wealth, health and happiness.

Just look where you are today. You've pushed through massive walls, swam through humongous tsunami waves, gone through cement walls but still found yourself on the other side. You have the guts that many wouldn't ever dreamed of having. Once you hit success, they will soon come to you and ask you: How did you do it? What is your secret? How did you make it there? The answers are really up to you. The interesting thing is that all entrepreneurs, all hard working people and all determined individuals have that same attitude in common: Appreciation and gratitude. They avoid the entitlement approach and are always grateful for everything that happens in their lives. This is what they adopt when starting or managing their businesses. They are owed nothing and whatever comes their way, they are appreciative. This is what makes them different from all others. Do you feel you are entitled to anything in life? This is definitely something to think about.

Give Yourself Change - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Woman Facing Sideways in Shallow Photo

Your intellect is divided into two parts - Conscious and Subconscious Mind. The Conscious Mind is in charge of analyzing the data received through your five senses. The Conscious Mind is the side we use when learning something new, like driving or any new subject.

By means of repetition, those "thoughts" are sent over to the Subconscious, that part of you which has the strongest connection with the Universal Mind.

These repeated thoughts become "Thinking Patterns" or Beliefs. These beliefs, combined with your conscious choice of feelings, attract to you Circumstances, People and Experiences that match what you are emitting.

Many people struggle with Manifestation. They change how they think, read self-help books and meditate more than most monks these days but still feel stuck.

Let's break this down a bit.

*When you want to attract something, you must OPEN yourself up.
* Whoever FEELS less, will continue to get less.
* The More Gratitude you are capable of expressing, the more you will love your life and be loved by others.
* Your Subconscious Mind cannot tell the difference between what is Real from what is Imagined.

• Open Yourself Up

A mind focused on Abundance, will Attract Abundance. When you want to receive something, you have to open your hands, you cannot receive something when you close your hands. You have to be open to the possibilities of being Abundant. You do so by believing that you are living in abundance, that you are wealthy and prosperous.

We tend to focus on things that we don't desire, how we don't want things to be and about how things could fail, if we took a certain path. It matters not what you are seeking, but if you focus on all the wrong thoughts, then that is what you will attract into your experience.

You see, the mind attracts to it whatever it's attuned to.

Take the simple example of waking up a bit late in the morning. The first thing to hit your mind will be, "I'm late". That thought will flood your mind with similar thoughts of a future you haven't even gotten to yet. You'll start seeing the consequences of showing up late, your boss waiting with a written warning at your office or plain old traffic in the street after 6am.

All those thoughts lead to a very unhappy ending, as much as they haven't taken physical form yet. That way of thinking leaves no room for anything else. Then you wonder why Sam woke up 15min after you and still got to work before you.

Much of this is caused by closing the communication line with your Intuition, which is your Non-Linear Intelligence System that knows it all. If you had listened to that small voice inside you, then you would have found a way to get to where you wanted to be on time.

Through Inspired Thought, Your Higher Self Guides you in every moment. Not knowing how you are going to do something, doesn't mean it won't happen.

You have to come from a place that matches your desired outcome, the universe knows just what to do.

• Remember The Principle - The More, The More; The Less, The Less

Imagine if your child never said thank you. Imagine them complaining about all the things they don't have, how long you're taking to buy that new toy and how they never get what they want, but you're always out buying stuff for them.

That is not a pleasant scene hey. This is also true for the Universe. If you never count your blessings, then God will stop blessing you until you wake up.

Gratitude is one of the Key Points to successful living. Dr. John Demartini said, "What we Think about and Thank about, we bring into our experience"

Gratitude unlocks the powers of the universe to make manifestation a breeze. Most of us are not really aware of all the complaints we make on a daily basis. "The President, the System, The New World Order, The Wars, The Hate, The... You get the picture. The more we focus on these things (Things that we hate, or don't have) the more they show up in OUR experience.

Throughout this article, I mention the word "experience". It is YOUR experience, YOUR world, YOUR beliefs creating that experience. In other words, this emphasis is made to make you realize that "YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN OF YOUR SOUL", as the late Nelson Mandela used to say.

• Subconscious Reprogramming

Your subconscious mind is the boss of all that happens to you, through you. Most of your actions are on autopilot. See, God gave us a great gift. That gift can sometimes be a curse, if neglected. This gift is called Habit!


Habits are a gift or a curse. If certain habits don't serve you (like spending money unwisely, knowing you want more abundance) then your subconscious mind will just pick that up as you NOT wanting any more, because when you have more, you don't know what to do with it. If those habits serve you (like showing up for that audition, interview or workshop to better your life) then you will attract and continue to attract the things that will get you to your desired outcome.

Repeated thoughts become habit. Bob Proctor said, " Habit is God's way of making good automatic in our lives". Every thought absorbed by the subconscious, becomes a habit, a belief in you.

Those beliefs, determine whether you will attract prosperity or not.

Changing a subconscious belief is hard work though. You have to repeat your new beliefs for more than 20 days in order for them to become your new habits. One way of doing this is when you are asleep.

This is huge! It might just be the answer you have been searching for.

* Write down how you would like your life to be. "I am Wealthy" is where you could start. Begin with "I", because you are going to say this to yourself. Once you've completed your new life affirmations, grab your smartphone and open the voice recorder. You will want to do this in "high quality" format so your voice is clear, a Samsung usually does wonders (but it's OK if you don't own one, any phone will do). Hit the record button and read your new life out loud (record yourself). You may add some background music if you have experience with mixing softwares or technology, but your voice is the star of the show.

When your audio is complete, set your phone next to you at night, on the nightstand or under your pillow, just make sure you can hear it. Put the audio on repeat and doze off.

Commit to doing this for 21 days in a row and see the difference in just 7 days.

5 Top Sources of Inspiration That Will Help You Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Man Wearing Blue Suit

There are people who were involved in the business industry due to the thrill and excitement that it brings. However, there are moments when you will find that it is hard. If you lack the passion, a negative situation can easily affect your motivation and positivity. Though this situation is only temporary, it can still negatively affect your dedication, creativity, and liveliness which may lead to a more serious problem.

Top Entrepreneurial Inspiration That Lead to Your Success

Whenever you encounter such negative situation, it is highly important that you have an ample source of entrepreneurial inspiration. Here are some of them.

Read Relevant Materials
In order to become a successful entrepreneur, you must start reading materials that matter in the business industry. Start by digging into the best business magazines such as Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Fortune. Most of the time, these magazines will feature a renowned personalities that have spent their entire lives in learning the different facets of the industry. Their stories can be a source of your inspiration. Hearing how they managed to overcome the adversities can be a source of your motivation.

Quotes for Motivation
The internet is packed with a limitless amount of motivational quotes. Make sure to look for the quotes of prominent personalities who revolutionized the industry and become a fighter of innovation. Find quotes that will personally resonate to you.

Remember Your Goals
What is your reason for entering into this industry? Before you start your day, always remember the reason that convinces you on becoming an entrepreneur. If possible, it should be the first thing that you will see the moment you wake up. Remembering your goals and objectives will shower you with inspiration. It will also help you face the adversities and challenges.

Quiet Time
A lot of people have undermined the importance of having a timeout. Working for longer hours can lead to a counterproductive situation. Eventually, you will lose your focus, and it can affect the quality of your work. In addition, there are distractions that can affect the natural flow of creativity. By taking short break, your creativity will be stimulated which will result to a boost in productivity. You will be surprised to know that some successful entrepreneurs take a time off in order to preserve their motivation.

Talk to Your Mentor
Your mentor is not only a person who will share advice and guidance; he is also a source of inspiration. In case you find yourself in an unfamiliar situation, you can call your mentor, and he can enlighten you with his knowledge and experience. They can also view your situation in a different perspective.

I hope the 5 sources of inspiration will keep you inspired and motivated to become a successful entrepreneur. Try to incorporate them into action, and you will gradually feel better. In case one of the approaches that we mentioned is not working for you, try other tips until you find the right one for you.

4 Useful Ways to Stay Focused

man using MacBook and cordless headphones

Staying focused at work can be difficult if you have a constant stream of phone calls, emails, clients and employees demanding your attention. With a few simple techniques, it is possible to improve your focus which leads to better all-round productivity. Here are four ways to stay focused and harness your determination:

Do the difficult things first

Start the working day by completing the most difficult tasks. Any work that is seen as difficult will not get easier as the day goes on and you will only be wasting energy the more you fret about something. It is best to get the hardest jobs out-of-the-way while you still have the energy and the mind is fresh.

Studies have shown the mind is a lot sharper early in the day and that is the perfect time to tackle the most complex and time-consuming jobs. Once the difficult work is complete, the rest of the day is free to finish the more routine assignments that do not demand as much energy, ability or mental strain.

Eliminate time wasters and distractions

A real emergency can happen at anytime and must be dealt with straightaway. But, most situations that interrupt the workday aren't emergencies; there are many time-wasting, trivial matters that do not need your attention right away. In many cases, these situations will likely to resolve themselves over time. If you stop working to keep responding to minor requests, you will certainly find yourself receiving a lot more. However, if you ignore the minor distractions, you will show you are a focused, strong-willed person who is busy.

Keep up your energy

A regular break throughout the working day is a great way to regenerate the mind and body. If it feels like your energy is starting to fade, take a short break and complete a few stretches, go for a run, or take a brisk walk. Even after a short break from your workstation, you will have a sharper mental focus and renewed vigor.

Also, eating small snacks of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables throughout the day is a lot better than eating a large meal at lunchtime. Additionally, drinking plenty of water will further help to keep the mind fresh and able to concentrate on the task at hand.

Keep your ultimate goals in mind

Create a useful reminder like a mind movie or a vision board to help stay in touch with your ultimate goals. If you have something to aim for, you will stay focused and work more effectively to achieve what you really want in life.