
Message From the Universe: Put Your Guts and Genius at Work

Woman Wearing Purple Shirt Holding Smartphone White Sitting on Chair

"There is not one person on the entire planet better prepared to get all the money, fame, success and health and rock their own independence, wealth, health and happiness, than you. All that you've been through has created the perfect storm of possibilities for their imminent and inevitable manifestation.

There've been no accidents or mistakes, only guts and genius.

Yeah, guts - 
The Universe"

There is always the right time for everything in life. The question is: Are you ready for it? Are you prepared to bring all your visualization into a very close reality? You have sacrificed, worked very hard, done everything your inner voice suggested, followed your dreams, pursued all your dreams, been focused, determined, struggled but still moved beyond the pain and depression due to failures. You are the one in the race, no one can catch up to you. You are driving on a road that has no traffic, due to it being a very tough road and many are too afraid to venture in. You are the one with the courage, the determination, the desire, regardless of your situation in life. You listen to yourself, and ONLY yourself. You ignored the naysayers, you moved forward no matter how many people were against you in your journey to success, wealth, health and happiness.

Just look where you are today. You've pushed through massive walls, swam through humongous tsunami waves, gone through cement walls but still found yourself on the other side. You have the guts that many wouldn't ever dreamed of having. Once you hit success, they will soon come to you and ask you: How did you do it? What is your secret? How did you make it there? The answers are really up to you. The interesting thing is that all entrepreneurs, all hard working people and all determined individuals have that same attitude in common: Appreciation and gratitude. They avoid the entitlement approach and are always grateful for everything that happens in their lives. This is what they adopt when starting or managing their businesses. They are owed nothing and whatever comes their way, they are appreciative. This is what makes them different from all others. Do you feel you are entitled to anything in life? This is definitely something to think about.

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