
Message From the Universe: Choosing the Life You Want to Live

woman in black top

"There once was a time in your very own planet's history, long, long ago, when the earth was truly a paradise. The diversity of life was as mind-boggling as it was spectacular. Flowers sprang up in impossible places. Birds and their songs filled the air over every continent. Snow, fog, showers, or sunshine added sometimes shocking and unexpected beauty to every setting. Animals were loved as family members. And complete strangers smiled and waved to one another, as it was everyone's natural instinct to be kind, to give, and to love.

Yeah, very little has changed.

See the good,
The Universe"

We all need to get back to how it was before, in a distant Universe, a long long time ago. Times have changed, I understand that. What was before can't be the same as it is today. With terrorism, kidnapping, murders. violence, and so much more, it is difficult to live in peace without fearing for our lives. It will be impossible to be nice to our assailant when they stop us to be violent or take our life. We will fight back and probably commit crime during self-defense. It can be difficult to not feel anger and frustration when the justice system can throw you in jail just because a criminal broke into your house and got hurt by you during the process. How can we show love and kindness to someone who is there to inflict pain or worst, take our life?

Nothing will be the same as it was before. However, these act of random kindness can be given to the people that deserve it and that are not mean in nature. Yes, there are tons of criminals, rapist, murderers, and hopefully most of them are behind bars. For the rest of the people who are circling around you have good nature, good soul and deserve to receive random act of kindness. If you take that first step of being kind, the rest will follow accordingly and people will notice and would want to repeat the same. Once it catches on, you will be surprised of the ripple effect.

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