
Harness Time And Potential On Purpose

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Life's highest aim is getting done what we have been designed, gifted, and called to accomplish! Yet, it seems that time is always racing against our release of full potential.

"The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose." - Dr. Myles Munroe

Discovering purpose will infinitely accelerate our use of time to release our full potential.

"Time flies. It's up to you to be the navigator." - Robert Orben

How can we fulfill our potential within the scope of the limited time allotted to us?

4 Keys To Harnessing Time & Potential

Time can be harnessed to release our full potential. There are four keys to this process.

1. Trust In Your Unique Potential

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

Never view another's gifts and talents as your measure for success. Find your scope of brilliance and shine for yourself.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein

Discover your unique reason for living. When you find your purpose you have a powerful guideline for developing and releasing your full potential.

2. Imagine Your Greatest Life Potential

"The battle is not against who we have been, it is all out war against who we are becoming." - Lisa Bevere

Limited thinking wars against and dwarfs potential. As we engage our imagination we expand our mind to see greater things on the horizon!

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein

Imagine the vast scope that your life could accomplish. The purpose of your life is contained in your soul and released in your dreams. Become like a child and dream big!

3. Multiply Your Potential

"Collaboration is multiplication." - Dr. John C. Maxwell

Access every opportunity leading to a successful life. It takes combined experience and desire to spot and capitalize on open doors. By working with others we access combined potential.

A search of the word "synergy" in any dictionary will reveal its meaning as, "The operation of two or more to produce a combined effort greater than the sum of their separate efforts."

Spot and employ the gifts and wisdom of others who have like purpose. As we run alongside others we are energized to fulfill and release our entire potential.

4. Eternal Purpose Releases Full Potential

"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." - Henry Adams

Time cannot restrain purpose. That's why reproduction of potential is essential to longevity past this lifetime. Transfer of wisdom, experience, opportunities, etc., through mentorship is a powerful escape from the limitations of time. Train others!

"Life is just a schoolroom with a glorious opportunity to prepare us for eternity." - Billy Graham

Discovering our eternal purpose will infinitely accelerate our use of time to release our full potential and the full potential of others!

Time Flies Or Time Produces

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