
Finding Your Attitude Indicator

Group of People Having Fun Together Under the Sun

In flight dynamics an important concept is taught called "Attitude Indicator." Also known by other names like Gyro Indicator, Attitude Director Indicator to name a few, this instrument is used to tell the pilot of the orientation of the aircraft with reference to the ground among other things. The pilot keeps a constant check on the Attitude Indicator during take-off, landing and throughout the flight. Obviously, I've over simplified the explanation and the science behind it. But my goal is to help you understand how there is an "Attitude Indicator" that we all have within us, which we all use or could use while we navigate through the journey of personal relationships, professional careers, and social lives.

Right from our childhood, our behavior with our friends, relatives, and everywhere we go is under constant scrutiny by our parents. Bad attitude is brought to our attention right away and we're told to correct it. Good attitude is (generally) rewarded with praise among other things.

By adolescence most of us are capable of distinguishing between good and bad attitude. In school and college we pay close attention to our attitude as well as the attitude of others. By now we know how to distinguish between people with good and bad attitude. We tend to be friends with the ones who fall in our good attitude classification and often stay away from the one's who we see to have a bad attitude. Later, we use our Attitude Indicator with most people in our professions, personal relationships, our friends and acquaintances.

So what is your Attitude Indicator? What does it look like? Obviously, it's not like a physical gauge with numbers and needles like the one used in flight dynamics. The indicator you carry within you is intangible. Your Attitude Indicator is the feelings you experience. A good attitude indicates the feeling of positivity. You experience this when you or someone you're in the presence of possesses good attitude. Whereas, a clear indicator of a bad attitude is the feeling of negativity.

Whether you choose to have a good or bad attitude in any domain of your life, it is not something that you decide based on the events that transpire in your life or the people that you're around. Your choice is independent of the external circumstances. Without a doubt, your attitude is your choice and not something governed by your environment.

You and I all use our Attitude Indicator to learn, monitor and even transform our attitude as well as understand the attitude of others. Watch this in-depth video about attitude from the author.

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