
Do Not Be Afraid To Stand Alone

In life, you should not be afraid to stand alone when times come where you are challenged to stand up for what you believe in. It might just be a situation that forces you to decide to stick to your belief or follow the crowd. But whatever it is, you may have to undergo rejection, hate, envy, and mocking.
Do you have the courage to stand firm for your beliefs? Can you do so by doing what you need, even if it means standing alone? Are you the lion or the sheep?

Well, at this point, a saying comes to mind: "The lion does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep."

You have to be passionate about what you believe in and do not be afraid to stand alone. Even if it means that you feel like being attacked, rejected, mocked as well as hated by others, you have to persist. These things happen sometimes for no apparent reasons.

How to Stand Alone
However, you need to stand firm in your convictions while believing strongly in what you are doing. You have to stand-alone or hold your ground in the minority when it comes to what you believe is acceptable and what is not.

Your situation may involve something as apparently unimportant as refusing to spend time with colleagues after work but rather go home. Or it may include a circumstance that demands an extreme sacrifice on your part which you do not accept.

To stand alone requires an immense courage. This bravery is not an absence of fear, but more a decision based on your belief in something higher than your feeling of fear. Besides, even children stand alone at times for what they believe in.

The Motivation to Stand Firm
The passion, hunger, and thirst for what you have faith in are what motivate you to act in such a way. It can completely change your life, often for the better. When you are not as hungry as the wolf or the lion is, you follow the majority and become a sheep lost in the herd.

And yes, when you stand alone and hold your ground, you may lose friends, relatives and bring haters your way. But you need to focus on what is important to you and your life. In any case, it helps you identify who your friends are and who is not.

People come and go. There is no need for you to have an adverse reaction towards those people. Even if you once cared deeply about some of them, they now envy you, hate you or despise you. A lion or a wolf stands alone, hold his ground, tempt the impossible and leaves the past behind him.

Not Afraid to Stand Alone
It is the past relationships, the pain, the feelings and the emptiness that creates the loss of being part of the herd. I understand that being a part of a particular group, or a crowd if you will, feels safer, better, and more comfortable. But at times, it also stops you from growing and progressing.

So, just wish all of your haters, lost friends and forgotten relatives anything but happiness. And keep moving on, even if it means to stand alone. You have to realize that while you may feel left out now, it won't be forever.

In fact, being alone is healthy, being lonely is what is not. You are like the lion, far more intricate. Realize that you are hungry for more than what the world wants to give you. If you have to believe in something, so why not believe in something you love and care about.

Stand Alone for Your Beliefs
So now that you stand alone for whatever you believe in, you feel left behind by the crowd. But soon, however, a smaller group of stronger lions will become part of your pride. You will then satisfy your hunger for your belief and at times even play nice with the sheep.

Therefore, understand that it is OK to stand alone and be a lion. You care about the opinion of sheep, but do not let it affect you. Stand for what you believe in and hold on to it to drive you forward. Become a person of integrity, honor, courage, understanding, and hunger by being on your own.

When you stand alone, do not be afraid. Remember that you have the opportunity to have the courage of the lion and stand proud and humble with the gentleness of a dog. For if you believe in something, and stand for it, you will indeed live a life full of joy, love, respect and have no regrets.

The Master Key to Landing a Man on the Moon

A boulder field.

Fuel running out.

Neil Armstrong's heart rate hit 160 beats per minute.

He was sweating.

But he didn't sound worried or anxious.

He sounded cool.


In control.

Because he was.

He had overridden the computer controls and was manually flying the craft to find a flat area to set the Eagle lander on the surface of the Moon..

The seconds ticked.

The Eagle's occupants, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were so close to the Moon's surface that the craft's thrusters were kicking sand upwards, occluding the astronauts' vision.

The Moon, the enchantress and seductress of the Ancients, was bedeviling mankind once again.

There were but two options at this critical juncture.

Should they continue?

Should they abort?

The eyes of the world were on these two men, yet they sounded completely cool...

... completely collected...

... and completely awesome.

Neil Armstrong had, some would say, been preparing for a moment just like this his whole life. Steve Jobs said that you "can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards." That's where we are now as we look back on this monumental feat.

But I can imagine that Neil Armstrong knew that he would land his craft safely and perfectly.

He knew that he would, by the Grace of God, accomplish the mission.

Yes, he knew that he would be the first man to truly become an extra-terrestrial by stepping onto and walking on the surface of the Moon, the goal that was set by the late president John F. Kennedy nine years prior to this epic historic moment.

When President Kennedy decided in 1960 that the United States would put a man on the Moon in ten years, most of the technology to accomplish the task was not yet available. But here we find the key -- the Master Key. The decision to put a man on the Moon -- the belief in its possibility and the belief that it could be achieved -- produced the necessary scientific and technological breakthroughs to make it possible.

Charles F. Haanel wrote in The Master Key System that "the real secret of power is consciousness of power." This is what brings everything into reality.


Be it good...

... or bad.

What you want...

... or what you dislike.

This is how a man was landed on the Moon.

A goal was set.

It was believed.

Plans were made and...

... pictures were created and...

... the goal became tangible.

It became magnetic and the excitement and energy and activity attracted the best and the brightest, all of whom contributed by solving problems and sharing ideas and motivating each other.

And it became focused on one man as he guided his spaceship onto the lunar surface. This one man who trained...

... and prepared...

... and practiced.

This man who would speak almost casually into his radio on July 20, 1969, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."

Calm. Cool. Collected.

This is the result of thinking, which is, in the words of Charles F. Haanel, "Clear, decisive, calm, deliberate, sustained thought with a definite end in view."

This is what you open when you use your Master Key.

You define audacious goals.

And you achieve them.

Deliberately. Assiduously. Markedly.

Calmly. Cooly. Collectedly.

And you make giant leaps.

Because that's what happens as you exercise your inner power.

Because that's what happens when you attempt grand things "not because they are easy, but because they are hard."

Anthony R. Michalski/Master Key Coaching

Fear and Confidence - Major Elements of Life

Woman Standing on Train Rail

Every passing moment is becoming a memory. Every day is adding some value to the chapter of our past. Each dreadful event is residing in a specific portion of the memory's catalog. But there is a constant fear that keeps on reminding you that everything is temporary. When you dive into your flow state, you are always being pinched by this fear. Whenever you step into a relationship of any kind, you are being held back by this fear that these moments of great ecstasy will end and you will remain with a piece of content called memory.

The fear whether to hold on or let it go. The fear that one day even your close ones will not be there for you. The fear that the bunch of people surrounding you will all get disappeared. The fear that you won't be able to stop them from leaving. The fear that if you will express your feelings and emotions to them, may be they will not remain the same. The fear that as a result, you will lose your groundedness. Then there is the greatest of all fears and that is "departure time". The fear that people who love you will become helpless on the day when you will leave this temporary world. The fear that maybe you will have to leave your children behind and will not be able to support them in their struggle. The fear that you won't be able to respond to their call when your kids will call you in great distress. The fear that maybe you will not be able to watch them prospering and getting rewarded.

I don't know whether these fears stop us from moving forward or let us to dive into this temporal bliss. But I truly believe that the only victorious is the one who has overcome the fears of all kind. The one who always go with the flow will never be held back by these fears. Those who dive in their flow states are clear in mind. They are neither anxious about future nor depress about past experiences. They have courage to reframe their cognition keeping in mind that everything is temporary. They have no fear of losses or victories. They think that life is just a continuous process of growth where you strive to thrive. They have groundedness and emotional presence that makes them good listeners. They speak with grace. They don't utter harsh words to let down others. They are like free spirits itching to acquire more experiences

Share Your Talent With the World

Woman Wearing Black Sports Bra and Jogger Shorts Smiling

Share your talent with the world. Don't be timid or selfish. Be bold and daring with your talent--all of it.

Fear is a threshold you must overcome. We need your talent in the world, now. Why are you stalling?

We depreciate ourselves during our creative process; yes, we all go through this sporadically while we are developing our dreams into reality.

Artists, writers, photographers, authors, speakers, farmers, business owners, musicians, scientists, gardeners, dancers, singers, actors, chefs, athletes, filmmakers, comedians, and in every field people are striving to make things better, to find an improvement, to make things unique, to change outcomes, to offer loftier products and services, and to turn the world into a more hopeful place.

In addition, everyone has a level of doubt about his or her work at times.

Writers, poets, and authors do not stop writing because previous talented authors such as Jack London (journalist and author), William Wordsworth (English poet), and Henry David Thoreau (author), were already discovered.

Artists and photographers do not put away their tools because Frederic Edwin Church (Hudson River School artist), and Ansel Adams (photographer), were already well-known as the pinnacle in their field of expertise.

Athletes train to exceed the current standard of performance and to surpass their own as we noticed with sisters Venus and Serena Williams, both ranked number one during their tennis careers at times.

Michelangelo did not begin painting the Sistine Chapel on his primary attempt; he had a lifetime of artistic skills developed through commissioned work he produced over his career.

Yes, superstars are intimidating; they set the gold standard in their industry for all of us to challenge ourselves and one another in becoming a sterling example of creativity and proficiency in our field.

On occasion, some people seem to have genes that come with a high level of expertise and skills already built-in, a prodigy or teens with awesome talent. Generally, this is not the course of progress.

The reality is once you master one level of skills in your field, you long for a greater level and a more proficient way to perform. Goals are reachable, then we struggle to attain and achieve even more. A level of enthusiasm and momentum grows with each success.

Once we build a foundation, a level of confidence develops through 'wins' both minimal and great.

Do not hesitate to create your ideas. The time is now. You will change the world in a positive form that is unique with your creative viewpoint. Share your talent with the world - all of it; we are awaiting your creative ideas to make the world a more hopeful place.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, then go, and do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive." --Howard Thurman.

I Suddenly Have a Million Dollars: Should I Laugh or Should I Cry? (By Vyara Bridgeman)

Glass Ball on Wood Clip Art

If you had a billion dollars and your net worth was suddenly reduced to a million, you would be pretty pissed off. But if you had a hundred dollars and your net worth suddenly increased to a million, chances are you won't complain. So what exactly is the difference between a million dollars and a million dollars (no typo here!)?

In the last 4-5 months I had to learn how to use my left arm for things I used to do with my right arm. I also learned to ask for help. I still have my right arm. It just became a bit dysfunctional as a result of a shoulder injury that I initially didn't think much of. But as time passed by my arm got more and more stuck, the pain increased, and my frustration increased as well. I reached the point of tears, which was all good. When you hit the bottom, you know it's time to start climbing back up.

And that's when I had my epiphany. What if, I asked myself, I didn't have either arm, and then the technological advancement reached such levels that I could have one arm, fully functional? How would I feel being able to use one arm (after having no arms at all)? Of course I would be ecstatic. There is no doubt about that! Well, in that hypothetical state that I would be ecstatic about, I would in fact be worse off compared to the state I am already in and being miserable about. In reality I have two arms - one of them functions fully, and the other one functions somewhat (but will get better according to all of my therapists).

So then, I continue my reasoning, there is nothing about the situation I am in that is inherently frustrating. If the situation was frustrating in and of itself, I would be feeling the same level of frustration in the hypothetical situation where I end up with the use of one arm after having no arms at all. But I am not feeling frustrated in that scenario, so my frustration has nothing to do with the situation per se. It comes from my expectations. I expect to be able to use both arms but I can only use one. It frustrates me. If I didn't have arms and then got one, I am totally fine with using one arm.

My conclusions are inescapable: Firstly, my expectations shape my perceptions. And secondly, to change my perception and I need to change my perspective.

How accurate are your perceptions? And how much of them are shaped by your expectations and have little to do with reality? The bad news is, perceptions are never accurate, that's why we call them perceptions (otherwise we would be calling them facts). The good news is, you can change your perceptions by examining your expectations and changing your perspective. Expect the unexpected! Release all attachments to "successful" outcomes. You are here, that's already a success. Everything else is a bonus. Including the one million dollars.

You Are In Safe Hands (By Hifzur Rehman)

Photo of Teddy Bears Sitting on Wood

"Don't worry, you are in safe hands". These were the words of a Swiss doctor which gave me a new hope to survive and thanks God, I survived a massive heart attack.

It was a sunny day of February 2003 when I was sitting in my office in Geneva and doing the work as usual. Suddenly I felt something wrong in my body. Before I could analyse what was wrong, I suffered a severe heart attack. An ambulance arrived in no time which took me to the hospital. While on the way to the hospital my condition started worsening due to short of breath and severe pain in my chest. This was the time when the doctor's kind words "don't worry, you are in safe hands" touched my soul, and gave me a great relief by assuring me that I was in safe hands. Now after 15 years I still feel the magical effect of those words on my body. Whenever I have to go to the hospital to see some ailing relative or friend, I say to the patient "don't worry, you will recover soon" and the patient starts feeling better. Every patient needs a positive energy to fight the disease and this energy comes through kind words which he/she listens from others.

Any bad event in your life can be dangerous. But if someone says to you "don't worry, you are in safe hands" then you get a new energy to fight the evil forces. Kind words are always helpful. Please be kind to anyone who is in some kind of physical or psychological pain. Say some loving words, caring words and encouraging words so that he/she comes out of the ugly situation.

Be careful in using words. Your words can give someone a new life or even take his/her life. Always use kind, sympathetic and helpful words. Always be ready to help someone in one way or the other. Life is beautiful. Make it more beautiful and charming by using nice words for others.

You can make a difference in the lives of other people just by using proper words for a specific situation. Use the power of words to motive them, heal them, encourage them, guide them and to help them succeed in life. Also make people happy by passing decent jokes and loving remarks.

In any difficult situation, let your near and dear ones know that you are at their side willing to help them. If you are far away then send them messages of sympathy, love, encouragement and prayers.

Reading Benefits

Woman Reading a Book Beside the Window

Reading is not only informative and entertaining but extremely educational. Much of the things we learn are "absorbed" through our subconscious mind. It "registers" information by constant reading like proper word usage, correct spelling, and correct punctuation while the reading matter entertains us, and we are not much "aware" of our lessons learned! But we begin to wonder when we write ourselves, where our certainty about the right spelling of a word, the insertion of a comma and the usage of a word originates.

Our subconscious mind "has registered" most of these things without much of our "conscious awareness" and instructs our "conscious mind" of correct applications here and there which otherwise we did not learn, but are suddenly aware of, quite often to the point of even understanding the grammatical or only logical reasons for it being so!

And look at our reading matter! It not only entertains but imprints or informs us of the subject we wanted to know. Books read in proper order and sequence can make up quite knowledgeable on specific topics! We may not become lecturers or experts, but we can call ourselves reasonably educated.

Let's not forget all enlightenment and comprehending of new and "improved" ways based on "prior knowledge" faithfully written down and recorded as things were at the time. Thus bringing about that our latest findings and improvements are "built up" "brick by brick" into the "proud edifices" of knowledge we have today.

Likewise, can every single person improve or add to their knowledge of whatever subject they wish! Piece by piece of information added together through one book or more and became quite knowledgeable.

Reading is great news! The best there is in improving one's state of mind, educational limitations and one's general awareness. It gives one more topic to talk about then the experiences of one's daily routine.

For instance acquiring another language such as English, reading comic books and children's books because it is in a more simplified English. Repetition over a period of months made foreigners more confident to attend night classes to further their education in reading, writing and speaking.

Reading does benefit the human being who has no knowledge, accessing a computer to search for information according to their interests. Audio books are available to a person who does not know how to read and they can use their imagination, while hearing the story being told.

Creating Your Ideal Life

White and Brown Concrete Building

As a life coach I work with many individuals who want to make serious changes in their life, so I often ask them this question: "What would your ideal life look like?" What has surprised me over the years is that at least 98% of the people answer, "I have no idea," or "I've never thought about it." Yet we know that our thoughts create our life experiences in most cases, so it seems to me that individuals would have thought about what they want in their life.

However, human beings seem to place their focus on what they don't like in their life, what isn't working, what they don't have, and they also focus on what they believe is impossible to achieve. This of course means that their focus is on the negative - the lack, wanting more or different, not believing in possibilities - and this emphasis can only bring more of the same. That is the way energy works - the vibrations of what is being sent out returns in like manner. Perhaps you're in this place of thinking mostly of what you don't have or don't like in your present life experience.

Since it is such a big negative for many people, I thought it a good topic to discuss this month. After all, we are in a year of abundance, but you cannot create abundance if you're continually thinking lack, don't have, or not believing you can have.

The first step is actually making the decision to make changes in your life... that you are willing to see things in a new light and will follow through with what you decide, that you're willing to let go of your old beliefs and patterns that haven't created the life you want, and that you're willing to leave your old story behind. This is huge, for many individuals say the right words and think them for a time, but they fail to place them deep in their hearts and take the action needed. Your mind is where the creative experience begins, but it is your heart - the seat of your emotions and feelings - that brings about the creation of what your thoughts conceived.

So right now decide you want to begin creating something new and better in your life - that's the completion of step no. 1. Step number two in the next paragraph is where it gets to be fun.

Get quiet where no one can interrupt you. Take out a piece of paper and pen or pencil and think a moment about what you'd really like your life to be like if you could pick out what you want. Be sure to dream big - remember... there are no limits unless you put them there! Think about what your career would be, how much income you'd make because you are able to decide that amount, where you would live, what hobbies you'd be involved in, who would be in your life with you, what your lifestyle would be like, how you would help others, and so forth. Put as much detail into this list as you can imagine, and while you are thinking about it, feel what it would be like living in this life! As you are feeling the life you want, go beyond the physical, material realm. Do you want to feel stress-free, peaceful, comfortable, thriving, (no more feelings of struggle), happy, joyful, enthusiastic every day, enjoying your life? Include everything and above all, have fun doing it! After all, what could be more exciting and fulfilling than actually creating exactly what you want your life to be!

You see, that's the key - you have to know what it feels like to live the life you dare to imagine. Thinking it is the starting point, but feeling it is the creation point. Without feeling the emotions of the life you want, it is difficult if not impossible to create it. This is where people fall short - they think the thoughts and envision the life - but inside of them they still doubt the possibility of it ever appearing. You see, their thought vibration and belief vibration must be aligned. What does that do? It blocks the flow of the manifestation process because inside of you, where the heart resides, you still doubt its possibility. So that stops it dead in its tracks, and people wonder why they cannot manifest their dreams. That dear friends, is why.

Photo of Couple Walking on Seashore While Holding Hands

We humans are doubters, worriers, skeptics and unreliable manifestors - no wonder we don't create what we want and instead live life by default.

Quick reminder: Remember that there are only two energy vibrations in this world of ours. Every thought and feeling originates from either a fear-based vibration or a love-based vibration, and whatever vibration you think and feel, brings back to you the exact same vibration!

But here's what you can do to change this scenario. Write down exactly what you want your life to be, in full detail, imagining beyond what you think is possible. I like putting it in a list format for ease of reading. Read it over, then with your eyes closed, feel what it would be like to live this life. The more emotion you put into it, the easier it will be to manifest. Then you put your list somewhere easy to locate or perhaps keep it visible so you can read it over as often as you wish - daily is good - so you remind yourself continually of what you want. You will slip back into old patterns of lack and wanting - that's guaranteed - but the more you focus on what you want, the easier it will become to create it.

Now you must make a conscious effort to be aware of what you say and think every day. When you catch yourself back in your old story of lack and doubt, quickly cancel the thoughts and switch to your new life dream. You're right, it may not be easy, and just when you think you're getting it, you'll find yourself back in that old story. Don't beat yourself up. Okay, so you slipped, again. You are human and it will happen.

Simply get up, brush off your knees and get going with positive thoughts to manifest your desires. The key is to continually check yourself for where your thoughts are going and change them when they get off track. The more you do this, the easier it will become and your slips will happen less often. Know this... Your behavior is a reflection of what you truly believe and must be in line with your truth if you want to create a new story!

So what kinds of things should you write in your list? If you get quiet and let your spirit guide you, all kinds of desires will surface. To help you get started, here are things I hear individuals mention to me over and over that they want in their life.

1 - A job that they love and feel excited to go to work every day.
2 - The ability to be creative in their work.
3 - Income that gives them financial independence.
4 - A soulmate relationship - either because they are single or want a more fulfilling relationship with their present partner.
5 - That their children are happy and healthy.
6 - For good health - many want to know how to improve their present health.
7 - To be relaxed, content and happy in their life
8 - To help others - to make a difference in the world.
9 - To connect better with the realm of Spirit, Angels and their Higher Power
10 - To feel fulfilled and be successful.

Orange Mercedes Benz G63

One thing I've learned on my life journey is this: When asking for something - perhaps a new job or career or if self-employed more clients/customers - mention what it is then say your desire is for ______ or something better. I remember when we were looking for a house last year (and it had been a long process), I put out there exactly what I saw the house to be, but in stating my intention for that house I always said, "This or something better." And guess what, we got something better!

I know you can create the life you dare to imagine if you can change your thoughts and your inner beliefs, and feel what your dream could be. Once you've created your list and begun your new thinking process, surrender it all to God and the Universe - this is your power source and nothing will manifest without this connection - and go about your life, in other words, get out of the way! This way you're handing the details over to God and the Universe, which is the only way you can receive your dream! And remember this as you focus on your dream - you are required to have patience, not something most of us have. Our timing is not always God's or the Universe's timing, so patience is a virtue most of us must learn.

Here's the recap of all we've discussed:

1 - Decide you want something different in your life and be willing to create it.
2 - Envision in great detail exactly what you want - your ideal life - write it down and read it often.
3 - Feel what it's like to live this life you dream about.
4 - Surrender the details to God and the Universe - get out of the way!
5 - Learn patience for the perfect timing as your ideal life unfolds.
6 - Always believe it is possible!

One more thing... "You are the writer of the script of your life. As such, you hold all the power to create exactly the reality that you choose - Power is the ability to choose"... Linda Larson

Most of you reading this have dreams - things you want to have, do or be. Yet many do not realize they are the creator of their life experiences. Their thoughts and feelings create their life and so many individuals focus on what they don't like, but cannot understand why they keep getting the same results. Whatever energy you put out is the energy from which your life outcomes appear. So envision what you want and go after it. Focus on it every day and keep your thoughts on the higher vibration for creating. If you are having trouble creating your dreams, let me help you. I've been helping individuals for many years all over the world to get their life on the right track so they can create what they want and deserve.

The Metaphors Within You Are Here to Heal You (By Marian Buck Murray)

Selective Focus Photography of Open Signage

Metaphors have always been there, reaching out to guide me -- even when didn't notice, or when I tried to push them away. And, now, when I open to their call, I begin to see them everywhere. In every challenge, every pain, every place of beauty. They're here for us each day, in every moment.

The poetry of life, waiting for us to embrace its eternal, loving guidance.
It was one day, many years ago, when I realized the power of what was inside me, begging to be seen. It was a hot day in August, and as I listened to the cicadas sizzling in the trees, it dropped, right smack into my consciousness. A neat little package of metaphors, it was the answer to the questions I had been asking for over 15 years. Finally, I knew, without a doubt, why I had gotten sick, over and over again.

My heart, my body, my spirited inner child, were all in it together, creating the poetry that would guide me back to health. Urging me to open my heart. Showing me where I had shut down. Painting the picture I needed to see to finally wake up from my pain.

It turned out, that each symptom, each autoimmune illness, each heart surgery, were all pieces of the same puzzle. When I saw them all together, they revealed the divine map I needed to heal from the trauma I had experienced many years earlier, when I lost my sister to suicide.

In my work with clients, metaphors appear everywhere. They show up as a restriction, or pain in the throat, for a client who's afraid to speak her truth. Or as a tight heaviness in the shoulders, for someone who feels as though she carries the world on her shoulders. Sensitive digestion, is often a sign of deep sensitivity, and an inability to digest all the worries of the world.

Though these metaphors can sometimes seem obvious, it's usually not that simple.
Layers of meaning abound, and for each one of us, they are uniquely personal. It's where we go next after that first glimpse of the metaphor. What lies underneath? What guidance do we need to follow? What pain is asking to be loved and released?

Both EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting are the perfect tools to help my clients uncover hidden metaphors within their pain. As we gently unwrap the layers, pain is released, and messages are discovered. Wisdom emerges, leading to even deeper healing.

The way I see it, it all comes back to a call for love. The metaphors within us, the metaphors all around us, are beckoning us to love ourselves more. To forgive, to let go, and to open up to the love that's all around us. Simply, and profoundly, they are love poems, ready and waiting to be read.

In Love and Courage,


Love Is Not Everything In A Relationship

Man and Woman Holding Hands Walking on Seashore during Sunrise

There is nothing quite as electrifying and satisfying as falling in love especially when you've found a partner to spend your life with. But what happens when you start to realize that this man or woman might cause you more sufferings than satisfaction? You've already let yourself get so invested that you even enter the sanctity of marriage. You don't know that it's more painful than you could have imagined.

This was my experience again and again, until I started to see my relationship from a different perspective. Love alone is not enough for a marriage to work. It should be coupled with trust and respect. When you know how to embrace your weaknesses and strengths.

When my marriage failed, I kept on asking myself why it happened? But lately I realized that it's not really because my husband was wrong or I was the one faulted. It's because we never learned to accept ourselves wholeheartedly that we keep on searching from each other to fill that emptiness. For any relationship to work, both parties should be willing to feel and to deal with their ugly feelings.

For having a happy married life, love is not enough. There are still many things that will change your love life entirely. Some people even will take extreme action to prove his love to her due to lack of ability to control his feelings for a woman. Not because they don't understand what is right or wrong, but when the attraction is too strong and they are not mature enough to get themselves in control, chances are they will make mistakes unconsciously because at the moment it just feels right.

Love is not enough for a relationship. What really makes a relationship stronger and sustainable is respect, honesty, truthfulness and win- win,understanding of each other. There are so many events over which we have no control. But being happy isn't something that happens based on how others are doing for you. Happiness starts from within. No matter what happens, you have the control over your life, so, your happiness depends upon your choice even if sometimes we delude ourselves in the common belief that love alone can save or make our relationships work.

The moment you have feelings for someone, nothing matters anymore. All you are concerned about is that you are in love;you are in love of being in love.You don't care about the consequences of your wrong choices and you get hurt every time you go into a relationship, and you still don't learn. The fact of the matter is that you are loving wrongly.

In a functional relationship, love or for want a of a better word emotions is never enough to sustain any relationship. The feeling, the emotions and its results will not make it work. There are more important ingredients that make relationship sustainable of which love is not included. What really makes relationship stronger and sustainable is respect, honesty and truthfulness.

Every good relationship is anchored on win-win situations and have nothing to do with love. Relationship based on win-win situation, means everybody is benefiting from the relationship. At the end of the day, everybody was happy and not one-sided. At the end of the day, every complains was addressed. Every fight was settled. Everybody was satisfied.

If a relationship would not work in the first place, coming back again will not make it better. It's just a waste of time. Just focus on yourself and the people around you who supported and loved you unconditionally like your family and kids. Even if trying to understand, goes a long way to bridge the gap between you and your partner in a more satisfactory manner; patience is required to make the relationship work, and not love.

Strong relationships are built not on love, but built on mutual respect, mutual understanding, sharing private matters when needed.

For any relationship to work, it's important to set some time aside to just be a couple; and spend quality time together regularly, especially during hard times. This doesn't need to involve money; just a walk down the park together or along the beach will help. Just taking yourself out of your home environment will be beneficial and this does not necessarily requires love; just merely mutual understanding.

A Life On Fire (By Joshua Clayton)

Cut-off Saw Cutting Metal With Sparks

Creative reality when productive, sets you on genuine fire. When it is not, and you do not have a goal. Nothing happens. With that seemingly random thought, I begin this article.

Sure, I could have had a more standard opening to this article, but, I could not think of one that would fit the epochal nature of the title, "A Life On Fire". In reality, I could say this, though: Reality to mean anything genuinely productive or good must be genuinely creative in the sense that beneficial actions must beget beneficial emotions, and not the other way around, where destructive or vengeful actions beget "fun", if you get my meaning here.

So, when I write about a life on fire, I am writing about Michelangelo in painting, arts and sculpture/Phidias in sculpture or Raphael-type creativity expanded into Albert Einstein with this revolutionary discoveries in math and physics or Lewis Latimer and the drawing of the light bulb schematics type genius, not Ferdinand Foch, Saddam Hussein or Napoleon Bonaparte type creativity in war and destruction. What I mean is, vengeance and war are never productive or creative, just destructive, however ingenious the techniques used, from well planned war maps and idea visualizations, right down to nuclear bombs or chemical dust from genetically engineered flowers or cleverly disguised poison sarin gas.

This I understand: Greatness is as greatness does, and evil is always just plain evil. Deeds always speak the loudest, and louder than even the best words, right down to Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali's boasting, although he did back that stuff up very well. But the quietest power is almost always the most potent, right down to the power of the wind when harnessed into electricity through its motions.

Indeed, to become a winner with a life on fire, you must always be productively creative, and not destructive.

In fact, when I think about reality, who gets the richest genuinely? Those who help people in a very real way through productive uses of ideas. The real poverty happens with revenge and selfishly destructive short-sighted thinking anyway. It is a given, reality when rightly lived is a far-reaching, productive idea acted on and nothing more anyway. Humanity only gains in a winning way when we are realistically creative. We must persist in this sense until we do succeed realistically. After all, existence itself always exists and never dies, and that persistence works in the same way. Here is the catch, though, we must change approaches if it does not work, but there is not any real quitting time, just as Alexander Graham Bell solved the problem of the phone with the turning of the screw to create a current where a voice could be carried without singing. Simple, yes, sometimes it is. But, creativity by its very nature is more complex than destruction anyway.

How To Be A Hero - Why Do We Love Heroes So Much?

Fire Fighter Wearing Black and Yellow Uniform Pointing for Something

Why do we love Heroes so much? Why do we watch movies and read books and listen to stories of people who overcome difficult situations? Who step into the battlefield and fight valiantly? Who face their fears and display courage, even when the odds are against them?


Because that's who we all aspire to be.

Joseph Campbell outlined a common story that is followed by heroes from ancient mythological stories through modern day movies. He called it "The Hero's Journey." He believed that, not only are humans drawn to this story, but that we all have the capacity to live it.

Have you heard of Joseph Campbell?

Allow me to introduce you.

Joseph Campbell was a 20th Century mythologist, teacher, and philosopher. He was an influential thought leader and author who wrote many books. As a college student, I had a part-time job working for the Joseph Campbell Foundation, where I was introduced to his ideas.

There is a movie, Finding Joe, that explores Campbell's ideas about the Hero's Journey. I highly recommend it! It features modern day philosophers, spiritual leaders and authors like Deepak Chopra and Ken Robinson as well as musicians, professional athletes, and even my old boss from the Foundation.

The Hero's Journey

In the movie, author Alen Cohen says "We're not separate from the characters we see in our stories and in our novels. They are us. It's one journey."

The hero's journey is defined by a few key elements. First, there is a separation and a call to adventure. The hero embarks on a journey to an unknown or unfamiliar place (physically or emotionally/spiritually). Along the way, he encounters challenges and temptations, and eventually he must face death (either physically or metaphorically). It is by overcoming that experience that they are reborn and transformed. Then they have earned the title of "Hero."

There are whole books written about this, so I am summarizing here. But the point is that the story line is the same, even though the details can be dramatically different.

The Creative And Entrepreneurial Call

There are many different "calls to adventure" that can jump start a hero's journey. And we can experience it repeatedly in a lifetime. In the movie, some of the instigators were physical challenges like a crazy skateboarding trick. Sometimes they are thrust upon you, like a serious medical condition or tragic experience. There can be geographical separation, like moving to a new location, country or culture. Or a different kind of separation, like losing a job or a relationship.

As a Content Creation Coach, I believe that both entrepreneurship and creativity are heroic calls to adventure. They involve taking a risk, entering the unknown.

"The forest represents the darkness, the unknown, the edge of your world. And it takes the courage of a hero to go into that forest. The people in your community don't understand why you want to go into that forest. In fact they're pulling you back, they're asking you 'Why can't you be happy with what you have here?' But there is this urge within the hero to go and explore."

That is how philosopher Brian Johnson describes it in the movie. Sound familiar? I think it sounds a lot like the entrepreneurial calling, or the creative calling. You have a drive within you that you can't ignore. That is what Joseph Campbell would call "Your Bliss."

One of his most famous quotes is "Follow your bliss." I used to mail t-shirts with that quote on it from the Foundation offices.

But following your bliss doesn't mean trying to be happy all the time. Following your bliss means doing the thing that you can't not do. That's where your own journey starts.

The Discouragement Of Heroes

"If this path of the hero's journey is fairly simple in design, why then is it that everybody isn't living it? The answer is that most people on the planet live under a kind of mass hypnosis." - Alen Cohen, Finding Joe

Everywhere we turn, we are seeing messages that actually discourage us from following the hero's journey. In our consumer society, we are led to believe that we should seek comfort, make money so we can enjoy the easy life.

But that's not who we are. In fact, that doesn't really exist. We are called to be more.

Deepak Chopra described it so beautifully in the film by saying, "It's very difficult for someone who's brought up in this environment of instant gratification, with the media, with advertising, with all the promises of instant gratification... You lose contact with this mythical domain that is actually part of your soul. It's part of everyone. It's their passion, their bliss, their unique skills, unique ways of expressing themselves, it's their song, which if they sing, they could do anything."

What is your bliss? What is the next step on your own journey? Have you seen the movie? What did you think? I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

And I'll leave you with one final quote from Joseph Campbell himself...

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."

Perception, Truth and Reality

Woman Using Vr Goggles

The virtual world has its own dimension subject to the perception of an individual's feelings, thinking and imagination. It is a fact that perception is deceptive, in a sense, that it is part reality and not the whole truth. It is a reality within its own concept because of what is perceived is yet again a reality of thought, feeling and deductions. However, it differs in many aspects from total reality. Those who perceived are not wrong until reality exposes by itself or exposed by any other means.

It is established beyond doubt that to achieve reality and truth, human beings should intend to thrive for a goal in life which revolves around righteous path. German philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that there was a supreme principle of morality, and he referred to it as 'The Categorical Imperative'; It has two forms:

  1. Behave in such a way that a reasonable generalization of your action to a universal rule will lead to a benefit to a generic person under this universal rule.
  2. Always treat others as ends and not the means.

A categorical imperative, although, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that must be obeyed in all circumstances and is justified as an end in itself. It is best known in its first formulation:

His argument substantiates his principle of morality and existence after death. He devised an argument from morality based on practical reason. Kant argued that the goal of humanity is to achieve perfect happiness and virtue (the summum bonum) and believed that an afterlife must exist for this to be possible, and that God must exist to provide this. He has substantiated unequivocally in his work that there is an existence beyond this materialistic world. It also proves that existence is meaningful provided it is based on morality, reality and truth.

Those who have not understood his theories, or those do not subscribe to his research and work experience, take a detour in the direction which satisfy their intentions. It is not necessary that they should either prove themselves right or they remained attached to their stubbornness and arrogance.

An English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley say there are things known and there are things unknown, in between are the doors of perception. Thus, perception which depends upon feelings and partial reality is guided by the fact that there are a reality and truth which substantiate the perception. It then exposes many vistas of truth and reality, thereby leading to 'The Categorical Imperative.' It will lead to absolute and a firm believe that existence has an end, it means there is a transformation from this realm into another. In other words, paving the way to metaphysical realm, which again proves the Absolute Reality of God.

There is a difference between reality and truth too. It is defined that in physics term, reality is the totality of the universe known and unknown. The reality alone is unique in its existence, but indirectly needs truth to withstand among doubts and confusion. The reality and truth are interdependent of each other to substantiate facts and phenomenon within its meaning and context. One cannot eliminate reality and truth from each other to substantiate perception. Therefore, it becomes an eternal triangle within this limited sense to reveal and substantiate a fact.

People must exercise caution when exploring the words and their meanings. A person can read is a reality, but he never read is a truth. Since he never reads (at least in front of others) does not mean that he is an illiterate. Although it sounds ambiguous to others, yet it is a reality. Hence the perception, truth and reality are existing in a realm of virtuosity and absolute factuality. We must dive deep into the subject within and outside the context to comprehend absolute truth and total reality. At this stage the perception becomes a reality and truth leading human beings to achieve dizzy height of success and total satisfaction.

Self-improvement and Mid Development therapist.,-Truth-and-Reality&id=10149024

Put Your Creative Talents to the Test

People Inside Concert Hall

There is no doubt exhibition designers are creative and motivated. They tackle tough jobs, tight deadlines, and continue to come up with new concepts. They learn about market trends, narrow down specific target audiences, and listen to the needs of those they work for. They strive to create a campaign that offers value on every level.

Some make it look very easy, but exhibition designers have a tough job to tackle. They can take simple conversations and turn them into visual aids. They can help any business owner walk through the process of getting ideas in motion. Don't worry if you show up without much direction on what you want or need. Talking to them can get it all moving along smoothly.


In addition to being creative, exhibition designers need to have excellent communication skills. They need to listen, ask questions, and share information. The wrong conceptions being formulated through such discussions can put a hold on everything. They can delay outcomes, waste resources, and leave everyone involved uneasy.

This is why the foundation has to be in place with efficient communication. If you aren't sure what to share with them, show them images, tell them what you like, tell them what you don't. Explain to them what you want to share with customers and how you plan to gain new consumers. Express what you feel competitors have to offer that you lack at this point in time.

Unique Ventures

Those who excellent as exhibition designers offer something unique and specific to each of their customers. They don't have a vague idea that they slightly tweak for different types of businesses out there. Instead, they go the extra mile and take on that role of helping the business to get themselves seen out there. This is a great way to build a reputation and gain future business.

They offer a unique opportunity for each business they work with, and that is what helps them to grow their own reputation. They continue to explore new ideas and to beyond set boundaries. They use the technology and techniques available to make better looking materials in the least amount of time.

It is fascinating to see the ideas go from discussions to paper, to being put into a computer system. From there, they are created, printed, and put on display. The concepts continue to get better and better all the time too - thanks to advances in technology. Getting more overall value for the investment is appealing to business owners.

Results that Count

While most exhibition designers never see the outcome of those efforts, they do hear about them! Business owners notice the increase it brings to them in terms of traffic. Most of the time, that also means more sales for them. They often reach out to the provider and thank them for a remarkable outcome.

They also share feedback with others because they want to convey a message that the exhibition designers they worked with did an amazing job. Getting these types of results can be done for an affordable cost too. You shouldn't be investing a small fortune for this type of marketing. Instead, it should work well for you and also fit into your allocated budget.

Take the time to find providers and to ask about the services they offer. Check out previous work they have done too. This will help you feel confident they have what it takes to get your needs met with ease. Be involved with that process from start to finish. This will make it easier for any changes to be done along the way if necessary.

5 Steps To Personal Satisfaction

Black Haired Woman Hugging Gray Pillow Near Glass-panel Window

Happiness is measured based on a million different standards. We all know that someone's happiness doesn't really mean it is happiness for all. If I love drawing and you hate it, drawing to me would be happiness, while to you it would be just a hassle.

We can't all agree on happiness, however, we can all agree on personal satisfaction. Which means being satisfied with who you are at the moment. This falls under being content, and as for being happy, it requires taking a few steps further after becoming satisfied with yourself.

How do we reach a level of personal satisfaction? There is a fine line between what we think of ourselves, and what people think of us. The common thing between the two is that they both affect us. Well, we let them affect us.

We need to be affected by what we think of ourselves, but let's try to let it affect us after the achievement of a personal satisfaction level. We need to follow 5 steps to reach this level, one after another, and when we reach it, we will wake up everyday without the insecurities and the stress of how we are portrait by others. Do you know how much time and effort you put just so you don't get judged by someone who truly doesn't matter to themselves yet alone you? The answer is a lot.

1. Don't do what you hate.
We all know exactly what we hate, yet we do it anyways resulting in shame, insecurities, and disappointment. There is an old trick to training dogs, don't put your dog in a situation where you would have to punish him. So if your dog growls when you get near his food, just don't get near it until he is done. We are the humans, we have to do the thinking. Just like the dog, you need to not do what makes you sad. If each time you get lonely you call your EX boyfriend and it ends up in a disappointment, don't call him. Self control, it is hard at first, but it is very rewarding very fast. You can see the fastest result with self control it is almost like magic. Simply write a list of things you hate doing, and STOP doing it.

2. Let go of people.
You obviously shouldn't drop people out of your life, however, you will get a lot further in life if you understand the insignificance of people's opinions about you. "You look fat" says your friend. Those three words could end up with you jumping off of a building. While the one that said it is sitting on the table eating dinner thinking about a lot of things, what they said isn't one of them. The idea here is to understand the simple reality of people's opinions, it goes with you wherever you go, but the ones that said it drop it right there with you and never think about it again. It's your life, you put in the work, and you make the decisions. Make a decision today that people will not affect you anymore, you have to be prepared to take the criticism and let it go, as soon as you master this, you will go far in life, while they sit there like useless critics.

3. Do what you love.
Notice that doing what you love comes after not doing what you hate. This is not a mistake. Good things has less effect on you than the bad ones. Sadness takes over a lot quicker then happiness. So before you start doing what you love, make sure you stop doing what you hate. Now that you are clear from most of the things you hate doing, ask yourself this, what are my passions? Write a list of all your passions, and do them all. Yes, not one, not two, but all. Why are you holding back? Don't save any for the future because your passions will grow with you, they might even become a career if you decide you want to do so. You can never do enough things to make you happy. Start by the simple things, and make your way down the list until you are doing everything you love on a monthly basis.

4. Have fun with yourself first.
If you only have fun with friends, then you have a problem. You have to love yourself before expecting people to love you. You get approvals from your friends that you usually don't get from yourself. This is OK, but you need to start showing yourself some good time. Spend alone with yourself doing the things you love while crossing off the things you hate. Alone time is the only time where you can work on yourself as an individual, so take the chance to better yourself in your own eyes. The more sincere approvals you get from YOURSELF, the better you will approach life. Love yourself, have fun with yourself, then call up some friends and hang out.

5. Put a fire under your creative side.
Creativity is simply thinking outside of the box. We have all seen what is inside the box, and we are all bored of it. Cherish your creative side and you will never be bored. Remember, creativity brings more creativity, ideas, opportunities, and life changing decisions. Draw, write, dance, sing, play music, take pictures, see nature, and even talk to yourself in a non-crazy way. Stay outside of the box, and you will see things you would never see inside. Make sure to do creative activities once a day.

Before we can think about success in our careers, life, and relationships, we have to think about success with ourselves. We can't live our lives looking the other way from someone that is sitting in the same room that is your head. You can fool anyone, but you can't fool yourself. You know how you feel, yet you choose to ignore it. Take a step towards personal satisfaction, then take another, to another, and before you know it, you will reach a level of satisfaction, with that you will have the confidence, attitude, and ideas to go very far in life, and most importantly, you will be happy through this whole journey.

The Mental Growth Spurt

Brown Hawk Flying Above Green Trees Artwork

I've noticed a theme in the last few months. Nothing fits.

I'm talking: clothes, shoes, positions, ideas, reactions, beliefs, relationships and more, have become ill-fitting.

Have you ever felt this way? Like you've outgrown many things in your Life?

Since you've begun your journey to Wholeness and Self-Awareness, you may notice that your newly unclouded mind is not so easily accepting things that no longer serve you.

  • What you once believed in with all your might, you've begun to question.
  • The people you had a great time with, are no longer in alignment with your needs.
  • The job you once hoped you'd get, has become a main source of stress.
  • And that relationship you thought you'd die without, no longer keeps your interest.

If any of those things seem close to the truth for you, YOU ARE OUTGROWING THIS STAGE OF LIFE. Trying to keep things as they are now is like putting on your once roomy jeans that now fit more like leggings and laying on the bed sucking in your stomach for dear life to force the button through the hole. Sure, you've got them on and probably look amazing on the outside. But inside, you're cutting off your circulation praying for the end of the day where you can finally get out of them and feel your legs again.

A few things to consider:

  • Don't force things to fit into your life when all signs point to - You've outgrown it.
  • As inconvenient as it may seem to find new jeans to fit in, more positive people to be around, new positions to search for, and getting to know the new you - it's worth it.
  • You've been asking for change, and so it is. A part of that desire being fulfilled and those prayers being answered, is that you now allow the change to happen.
  • There's a huge requirement to Let Go, just as the trees in Autumn are unafraid when their leaves begin to fall. You too can trust that things you needed before, are no longer necessary for what you will do and be in this next season.

Prepare for the stretch of your wings that free you from the confines of your once needed cocoon. Appreciate what has been and what has served you well in past. Release yourself from people and situations that are no longer contributing to your growth. Trust that you will have everything you need and more in this new season.
Be grateful for the things you've outgrown because they are indicators of how much you are growing.

What to Do If You Have Anger Problems

Man Wearing Brown Suit Jacket Mocking on White Telephone

Anger is an emotion we feel like sadness, fear, joy and happiness. It is a feeling that is normal, healthy and serves the function of letting us know when all is not right in our world. However, when felt too intensely, too frequently or expressed inappropriately, (through violence, intimidation or verbal abuse) is when anger becomes a problem. Even when anger does not result in violence, the inappropriate expression of anger such as verbal abuse or threatening behavior often result in negative consequences not only for themselves but also for others around them.

There are numerous ways one can manage anger. Developing as many strategies to use in situations of anger can reduce the possibility that one will explode and/or act in an unhealthy manner. Here are several techniques to use when you are beginning to escalate.

1.) Take a time-out. Leave the situation that is causing the escalation of anger or stop the discussion that may be provoking it. Timeouts can be very effective when combined with other strategies such as breathing exercises or relaxation techniques.

2.) Use thought stopping. In this approach you simply tell yourself through a series of commands to stop thinking the thoughts that are getting you angry (i.e. I need to stay calm so I don't lose my job, I need to control my anger before it controls me).

3.) Use the conflict resolution model. Identify the problem causing the conflict, identify the feeling associated, decide whether to resolve the conflict or let it go. Ask yourself is it worth responding to or should I just let this go and move on? Identify any potential consequences if you are going to address the situation. If you have decided that the situation is worth getting angry about and there's something you can do to make it better, the key is to express your feelings in a healthy way.

4.) Communicate your anger using assertiveness. Use "I statements, which sound like: When you (specify the behavior), I feel (identify your feeling) and I want (identify your need).

5.) Journal writing. You may find that writing your thoughts and feelings is a powerful tool in reducing anger. Write about everything you felt, perceived, thought and experienced. Write for whatever length of time it takes to calm down so that you can move forward.

If your anger is becoming uncontrollable despite using anger management strategies, you may need additional help. There are many therapists, classes, and programs for anger management. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Finding others who can relate to your experiences and offer you support can be very helpful in managing anger.

Decisive Plans That Bring You Closer To Your Goals

Woman Hanging on Gym Equipment on Focus Photo

If you don't let yourself be distracted, you make the required career changes. No longer sitting back, you're motivated to turn long-cherished plans into a promising and beneficial period for your career. If you focus on putting in place a decisive plan that brings you closer to your aims, little stands in your way.

Effective goal setting let you achieve what you want in life. However, many of us abandon our goals before we accomplish them because of lack of confidence, not having a workable plan, being unrealistic, fear of failure, and putting too much stress on ourselves to accomplish them.

In reality, we need to establish what really want to happen in our lives. If we set our mindset that we really deserve success, anything is possible. We just need to believe that we can do whatever we set our mind to. We need to believe that we can do what we set out to do and that we possess the talents and abilities for doing it. Unless we start with this crucial premise, our efforts will be thwarted and we will fall short of accomplishing what we want.

One of the biggest problems people have in setting goals effectively is not knowing what they really want. The lack of a clear idea makes it difficult to proceed. The one thing all successful people have in common is that they are extremely focused and intensely goal-oriented. Every time they set something on their minds, can really be realized through positive mental attitude.

Try to chunk down you goals into little bits because if you want to achieve all at once, you might find it daunting and overwhelming, so it's best to organize and prioritize your goals. Devise a workable plan for each goal you want to accomplish. Since careers take a lot of time and effort to establish, then, planning and organizing your moves makes good sense.

Review and update developmental goals on a regular basis to ensure they are still relevant to you and keeps you on track and taking the appropriate steps and actions. If some of your strategies aren't working, fine tune them, or devise new ones. Anticipate distractions and obstacles along the way. Plan ahead of time what you need to do to overcome them and if it's not working, try to revise and adjust your priorities.

Staying focused and motivated is one of the toughest things to do when setting goals. It is natural to fall every now and then but it is important to get back on track as soon as possible. Make it a habit to review your goals periodically to stay on track.

Effective goal setting allows us to achieve whatever we aspire in life. Without it we would drift aimlessly and waste valuable time and effort in pursuits that lead nowhere. So, what are you waiting for? So start now! Decide which among your goals are most significant to you and devise a plan to accomplish them.

Goals are what take us forward in life. t's very important that we realize the significance and importance of decisive plans that bring us closer to our goals.

7 Steps Towards a Positive State of Mind

Woman Spreading Both Her Arms

Most of us have heard the saying: The optimist sees the glass half full, while the pessimist sees it half-empty. In its simplest terms, positive thinking is optimism and negative thinking is pessimism. It is an attitude towards life, yourself and particular predicaments and events in life.

Positive thinkers quickly zone in on the positive side of even the darkest moments in their lives, and often see those predicaments as opportunities for growth and learning. Positive thinkers are resilient and able to deal with stressful situations in productive ways.

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."- Anthony J. D'Angelo

Becoming a positive thinker is not necessarily something that will happen overnight. Depending on the severity of the negativity, it can take time to make appropriate changes.

The practice of positive thinking, and making it a character trait rather than a one-time thing, takes effort, patience, and time. If optimism is not natural to you, there are ways to turn it around.

Work towards combating the negativity you identified and maintaining an optimistic nature and use these steps as tools in the process.

7 Steps To A Positive Attitude

1. Say something positive whenever you think something negative. The tricky part about this is catching each negative thought as is happens. As much as possible, stop the negative thought as it happens and say something constructive to yourself, such as "today is going to be great."

Positive affirmations can be recited daily to reprogram the mind of negative thinking. There is a positive opposite for virtually everything negative...

"The weather is too hot." versus "The sun feels good on my skin."

"People at work are annoying." versus "It's great to a have a team to help with the workload."

"I look fat in that dress." versus "I look awesome in that dress."

"I screwed up again." versus "I made a mistake that I will learn from."

"I should be graduating at the top of my class." versus "I am so proud that I am graduating."

"All this snow is a hassle; it makes life harder and creates more work." versus "The snow left my backyard looking like a scene from a postcard."

"My husband cooked dinner for me, but it was only pasta." versus "I so appreciate my husband cooking dinner for me."

"I worked hard all day but did not get nearly enough done." versus "Wow, what a productive day I had at work."

2. Laugh often. Negative thinkers tend to be very uptight, and it's no wonder considering the heavy burden they often carry and the lack of positivity in their life. Allow yourself to laugh and often. Seek out scenarios where you laugh, like hanging out with funny people or visiting comedy clubs. Learn to see the humor in life, even during painful times. Laughter reduces stress, stops you from taking everything too seriously, and yields a more optimistic outlook.

3. Surround yourself with positive people. Negativity breeds more negativity. A positive attitude is contagious, and the best way to adopt such a thought process is to learn first-hand from a master. Having positive people in your life will allow you to view first-hand what it looks like, and positive people will give you uplifting advice, feed a positive outlook and problem solving suggestions, as opposed to negative people who will only want to sink in the muck with you and feed your negativity.

4. View every experience as a learning opportunity. Consider this scenario. A positive thinker finds out that their significant other has cheated. They break off the relationship, evaluate what went wrong, and attempt to learn from the situation, viewing it as a growing experience and a stepping-stone to a brighter future with someone else. Their process is a positive one that will include pain, and anger, but the way the positive thinker deals with it is constructive. The optimist knows that not everyone is a liar or a cheater, and that they can and will meet someone honest.

A negative thinker founds out that their significant other has been unfaithful and thinks thoughts like, "all men/women are liars and cheats;" I hate them all." They will dwell in the misery, and pain, and not view the experience as a learning process. They may become consumed by anger and hatred and generalize the entire opposite sex as evil, and eventually they may fall into a state of depression and experience anxiety and other ill health effects. Their next relationship may inevitably suffer, as their general distrust of the opposite sex will surely affect intimacy.

The positive thinker's resiliency and attitude allows them to grow through the painful experience, come out better for it on the other side, and avoid possible health manifestations that can result from negativity and its stress.

The negative thinker's own attitude will result in them missing an opportunity to grow, and the stress that attitude puts on their emotional and mental health will only harm them in the long run.

5. Adopt practices such as yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, tai chi and deep relaxation. These practices help you to focus your mind, build self-awareness, and obtain a deep peace. They also help you to maintain awareness about your thoughts and feelings, which helps you to control them so that you can build more positive energy in your mind and body.

6. Use positive affirmations. Our own inner dialogue determines our emotions, this means that we must be deliberate and conscious about what we say to ourselves. Speak positive affirmations to yourself every day, as they can help re-program your mind towards the positive mode and control your inner dialog.

Our mind is a garden and our attitudes are the seeds of its life, so plant healthy and weed regularly! Always repeat positive affirmations phrased in the present and personal tense, for example:

"I like myself!"

"I love today!"

"I love my life!"

"I see the positive in everything!"

"I can deal with anything!"

"I am strong!"

"I am optimistic!"

"I enjoy being around positive people!"

"I am aware of my thoughts"

And my favourite of all - "You are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe and far more capable than you think you are."

7. Practice Gratitude. There are multiple methods to transform your negative feelings. One of the fastest and highly effective ways is to harvest feelings of thankfulness and appreciation directed towards:

• Yourself

• Other people in your life

• Material things

• Your life circumstances

• And even strangers

Practice starting your day by focusing on being grateful, and bring to mind several specific things. This will help you move your mind towards positive thinking and positive energy vibrations.

There is nothing stopping you from achieving a more positive state of mind other than yourself. Start by acknowledging your negative thoughts, determining their source, and then transforming them into positivity.