
Fear and Confidence - Major Elements of Life

Woman Standing on Train Rail

Every passing moment is becoming a memory. Every day is adding some value to the chapter of our past. Each dreadful event is residing in a specific portion of the memory's catalog. But there is a constant fear that keeps on reminding you that everything is temporary. When you dive into your flow state, you are always being pinched by this fear. Whenever you step into a relationship of any kind, you are being held back by this fear that these moments of great ecstasy will end and you will remain with a piece of content called memory.

The fear whether to hold on or let it go. The fear that one day even your close ones will not be there for you. The fear that the bunch of people surrounding you will all get disappeared. The fear that you won't be able to stop them from leaving. The fear that if you will express your feelings and emotions to them, may be they will not remain the same. The fear that as a result, you will lose your groundedness. Then there is the greatest of all fears and that is "departure time". The fear that people who love you will become helpless on the day when you will leave this temporary world. The fear that maybe you will have to leave your children behind and will not be able to support them in their struggle. The fear that you won't be able to respond to their call when your kids will call you in great distress. The fear that maybe you will not be able to watch them prospering and getting rewarded.

I don't know whether these fears stop us from moving forward or let us to dive into this temporal bliss. But I truly believe that the only victorious is the one who has overcome the fears of all kind. The one who always go with the flow will never be held back by these fears. Those who dive in their flow states are clear in mind. They are neither anxious about future nor depress about past experiences. They have courage to reframe their cognition keeping in mind that everything is temporary. They have no fear of losses or victories. They think that life is just a continuous process of growth where you strive to thrive. They have groundedness and emotional presence that makes them good listeners. They speak with grace. They don't utter harsh words to let down others. They are like free spirits itching to acquire more experiences

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