
The Master Key to Landing a Man on the Moon

A boulder field.

Fuel running out.

Neil Armstrong's heart rate hit 160 beats per minute.

He was sweating.

But he didn't sound worried or anxious.

He sounded cool.


In control.

Because he was.

He had overridden the computer controls and was manually flying the craft to find a flat area to set the Eagle lander on the surface of the Moon..

The seconds ticked.

The Eagle's occupants, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were so close to the Moon's surface that the craft's thrusters were kicking sand upwards, occluding the astronauts' vision.

The Moon, the enchantress and seductress of the Ancients, was bedeviling mankind once again.

There were but two options at this critical juncture.

Should they continue?

Should they abort?

The eyes of the world were on these two men, yet they sounded completely cool...

... completely collected...

... and completely awesome.

Neil Armstrong had, some would say, been preparing for a moment just like this his whole life. Steve Jobs said that you "can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards." That's where we are now as we look back on this monumental feat.

But I can imagine that Neil Armstrong knew that he would land his craft safely and perfectly.

He knew that he would, by the Grace of God, accomplish the mission.

Yes, he knew that he would be the first man to truly become an extra-terrestrial by stepping onto and walking on the surface of the Moon, the goal that was set by the late president John F. Kennedy nine years prior to this epic historic moment.

When President Kennedy decided in 1960 that the United States would put a man on the Moon in ten years, most of the technology to accomplish the task was not yet available. But here we find the key -- the Master Key. The decision to put a man on the Moon -- the belief in its possibility and the belief that it could be achieved -- produced the necessary scientific and technological breakthroughs to make it possible.

Charles F. Haanel wrote in The Master Key System that "the real secret of power is consciousness of power." This is what brings everything into reality.


Be it good...

... or bad.

What you want...

... or what you dislike.

This is how a man was landed on the Moon.

A goal was set.

It was believed.

Plans were made and...

... pictures were created and...

... the goal became tangible.

It became magnetic and the excitement and energy and activity attracted the best and the brightest, all of whom contributed by solving problems and sharing ideas and motivating each other.

And it became focused on one man as he guided his spaceship onto the lunar surface. This one man who trained...

... and prepared...

... and practiced.

This man who would speak almost casually into his radio on July 20, 1969, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."

Calm. Cool. Collected.

This is the result of thinking, which is, in the words of Charles F. Haanel, "Clear, decisive, calm, deliberate, sustained thought with a definite end in view."

This is what you open when you use your Master Key.

You define audacious goals.

And you achieve them.

Deliberately. Assiduously. Markedly.

Calmly. Cooly. Collectedly.

And you make giant leaps.

Because that's what happens as you exercise your inner power.

Because that's what happens when you attempt grand things "not because they are easy, but because they are hard."

Anthony R. Michalski/Master Key Coaching

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