
Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations

                 House Near Green and Brown Mountain

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Yes, I know, it is probably the last thing you want to hear when you are enduring pain, feeling lost, having hard times or failing in life. But when you survive a storm, with all its frustration and misery, it, in time, steers you on a better path.
Are you on a hard road that you thought would bring happiness, but instead bring you only barriers? Is your destination getting further away from reality? Do you feel like life may be unfair?

I know. I get it. All of us have been there at some point in our lives or are going through it right now. But in truth, when you do go through some dark times, come out and land on the other side of it, more often than not, it is never as bad as you thought or expected it to be.

Of course, it is a miserable experience, but you survived and learned a lesson. You felt like life pushed you away from where you want to be, but you must admit that in the end, difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

The magnificent view you have from the mountain tops could never be enjoyed unless you begin hiking and climbing the hard path that leads to the summit. The world is filled with hidden places and treasures that can take your breath away, but if you are unwilling to face the dangers to get there, you won't see these unbelievable splendors.

"It might be stormy now, but it can't be raining forever" - Unknown
Being on a Hard Road 
You should not let fear hold you back from being on a difficult road. The reason I am saying this is because if you do let fear take over, then you might miss out on some of the greatest destinations that our planet has to offer you. It sounds crazy but the harder a road is, the better the journey's end could be.

You, I, all of us, go through tough times. Obstacles, barriers, and failures are a fact of life but staying down is a choice only we make. Of course, it is always easier to stay down rather than to get back up to fight another day. But you hit rock bottom in this life, there is only one way, and it is up. So you have to get up and get going.

Many people are on a difficult road, but a lot of them give up. So if you want to experience the benefit and live a better life, then you have to make an effort to go through the storm and reach your end destination.

The Difficult Road May Be Worthwhile 
Keep in mind that when you travel on a challenging road that your end journey may be worth far more than you thought it could ever be. Yes, you might inevitably struggle along the way but facing it and going through it makes your destination far more rewarding.

"You are stronger than whatever you are facing right now" - Unknown
In the end, you might be happy that you chose a road which was somewhat harder and more difficult because of what you achieved when you finally reach your destination. I am going through some rough times at the present stage in my life. So I want to encourage you to fight through whatever it is you are going through.

No matter what the difficult road you are now walking on in your life is, I ask you to have faith and let the problem, whatever it is, run its course. You can always make a decision based on what you learn.

When the Road Gets Tough 
Of course, you may have the desire to give up, get upset, and even discouraged when things are not going the way you plan them to be, but do not give up when times get tough. Your objective is to confront such setbacks and learn how to use them to your advantage. Make them work for you instead of against you.

And yes, a difficult road is often a very lonely one. What I mean by that is that often, you are going through the darkness alone and it leaves you feeling isolated, like a lone wolf walking down an unknown path.

Each of us has to surmount obstacles in life, but a determined person is the one who faces the hardest roads with determination and courage and overcomes them. A difficult road is a real journey in itself, but if you believe that your objective is worth it, then you must commit to it. You must endure the loneliness which leads to your destination.

Difficult Roads Lead to Beautiful Destinations 
I feel you. You want it to be easier, to be on your way, to be over, or to already be there. It would be great, wouldn't it? However, it is practically impossible to happen overnight. Instead, the choice that life gives you is usually an issue of 'not right now.'

It means that, with time, the destination you are aiming for or cannot achieve, or the idea you have, or the situation you are in, will reach a conclusion.

Nevertheless, you should be aware that, no matter what path you take, all of the difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations while the smooth paths fall astray. So, no matter the barriers in your way, you have to focus on a few principles to guide you:

  • Believe in yourself and realize that the hurdles in your way cannot stop you.
  • Recognize that there is a difference between giving up and knowing that you should keep going.
  • Occasionally, you have to give up on certain people, just because they do not care, even if you do.
The Vital Key to Surmount Challenging Roads 
You need to push hard against the storms coming your way if you want to win and overcome the difficult roads. At some point in your life, even when successful, there is no doubt that you will run into a wall, a barrier or an obstacle stronger than usual.
The vital key to surmount challenges and achieve success in life is to figure out how to go through, climb, dig under, pass over or walk around what is on the difficult roads you take. Have faith and trust that all is going to be fine, maybe not today but in due course, it eventually will.

You should have confidence in the process. You may not be able to see it visibly, but unconsciously you know that it is there. You have to know that difficult roads if accepted and respected, will lead to beautiful destinations. Even if it is not what you asked for, it will get replaced with better.

Understanding Creativity - With Neuroscience

Neuroscience is shedding light on many areas of human behaviour - including the creative process. So is it the case that you are either a creative person, or you are not? Can our developing understanding of the creative process help us become more creative? How does it work?

Behind almost everything we do and say is a creative thought. From the car we drive to work to the sandwich we eat for lunch and the movie we watch in the evening - it all started with an idea.

And in the workplace, solving problems often requires creative thinking. We therefore owe it to ourselves to understand creativity better.

The creative brain

The creative process is not centred on a specific area of the brain; rather, creative thoughts are a result of neural activity in several different cerebral regions.

There are generally considered to be two stages to the creative process:

  1. Experimentation and the creation of new concepts or works
  2. Rehearsing, editing and assessing the final product

To further understand this, we need to consider several of the brain's networks thought to play a part in the creative process.

The 'executive attention' network

Some creative tasks involve intense concentration; this calls for the 'executive attention' network to be exercised.

This controls attention and working memory, and is often more active in the rehearsing, editing and assessing stage rather than the initial experimentation stage. It adds extra focus to the final touches.

The 'default' network

Allowing freedom of the mind to be distracted and to 'wander' is another important part of creativity, where the 'executive attention' network is less influential.

Here the 'default' or 'imagination' network might take over, where daydreaming and removal of focus on the outside world becomes key. This helps in self-reflection and recalling past events, helping us build new pictures based on previous experiences.

The 'salience' network

The 'salience' network helps the brain decide which sensory inputs to pay attention to and which to ignore.

It is thought to help us 'switch' between relevant networks of neurons, turning the most appropriate groups on or off, depending on the situation: we might need the 'executive attention' network or a freer flow of creative thoughts based on emotions and sensory inputs, depending on the task at hand.

Clearly, composing a piece of music or drawing a picture requires different creative skills to solving a complex problem in the accounting department at work.

It is therefore not surprising that we use different parts of the brain to help us achieve them, though each could be said to require a 'creative' response.

Some creative tasks require a high degree of 'latent inhibition' - the ability to filter out the surrounding world - for example when writing an important report; others thrive on the distraction that seemingly 'irrelevant' inputs provide. Similarly, some tasks require extensive self-monitoring and control of actions, while others (like performing a jazz improvisation) will actively suppress it.

Clearly, the creative process is complex and neuroscience has just started to shed light on it. There is a long way to go, but it is sure to be an interesting journey.

4 Powerful Reasons Why Setting Goals Is Important

Winding Road Photography

Goals are what move us forward through life; they are the oxygen that fuels our dreams. They are the first step we take in every journey. It is essential to realize the importance and significance of setting powerful goals and how to apply this information to your life. If you don't know why you should be setting goals in your life, here are four powerful reasons why goals are important.

They Give You Focus

You may have all the potential in the world, but without focus your talents and abilities are useless. You can't achieve anything in your life if you haven't set goals for yourself. It is your goals that give you direction in life. Having a sense of direction gives your mind the ability to focus on a target rather than just wasting energy drifting aimlessly through life. When your mind is focused, you are better able to reach your goals.

They Move Your Forward

Having goals with specific deadlines provides you with something to plan and work toward. Goals give you something to focus on and visualize to connect yourself with your deepest desires better. Goals give you the motivation and energy you need to work through challenges and setbacks in life. When you write your goals down, they become an external representation of what you desire most and are a constant reminder of what you need to accomplish.

They Help You Believe in Yourself

Setting goals is a way to fuel your ambitions. It isn't just about creating a plan for your life and a way to hold yourself accountable; goal setting gives us the inspiration needed to aim for those things in life that we never thought were possible. If you want to accomplish something, you have to make a goal for yourself and work every day toward achieving that goal. If you aren't able to see the progress you make, your dreams become nothing more than vague notions floating in your imagination.

They Help You Live Life to the Fullest

Taking the time to set goals will ensure that you are living your life to the fullest. There are many beautiful things in life to do and experience. However, without concrete goals, the things that you want to accomplish and experience in your life will be nothing more than a dream. If you're going to get the most out of your life, you have to know what it is you truly want.

This doesn't mean that you have to have every minute of your life planned out in front of you. However, if you don't have clear goals for your life, you'll never be able to do what you want and live life to the fullest.

Creativity: A Medley of Passion and Fun

There is an innate trait of creativity inside every individual on this planet. How can you tap into this creative energy within you? Is it possible or worth it? This is what the article talks about.

To spark your creative side, you need to look within, not outside. You need to ponder about stuff that fascinated you during your childhood. Was it drawing/painting, making crafts, writing stories for the school magazine, journey by air or traveling, journey by water on a boat or ship etc. So just spend a few minutes thinking along these lines and you will land on something creative.


If painting was your childhood passion, chances are you will do well in painting portraits and/or sceneries; you name it. Then you can sell them in open studios, galleries and/or exhibition spaces and make good money.

If only drawing with or without colors mesmerized you as a kid, you will do well as an architect. Therefore, you can have a degree in Architecture in an Engineering University and then have a career in planning and designing houses, buildings and real estate homes.

Making Crafts:

If you found pleasure in making crafts out of paper and/or clay as a little one, chances are you will enjoy having a career making crafts out of wood or ceramics. That way you can own a furniture or ceramic industry.

Writing Books:

How about writing stories on your own for your school magazine? Did you like bringing about ideas on making a simple plot? I say simple because you were only a child then. Or did you simply enjoy writing essays for the English Language class? If yes, you are born to be a writer. You can be the author of fiction stories and nonfiction books, for instance, academic books. If latter is the case, you also bear the potential of becoming a distinguished faculty member of a university.

Journey by Air:

Did you enjoy traveling by air when you were young? Did you enjoy the sceneries - the green landscapes, the sky, clouds etc. through the small closed and sealed windows? Did you enjoy the food and drinks that were served to you? Above all, did you enjoy the journey? If yes, you have the entire caliber to be a pilot or to be in relocating/transferrable jobs related to office or business, navigating through various parts of the world.

Journey by Water

As a little kid, did riding on boats or even sailing in a ship take your breath away? Were you excited? Did you enjoy the thrill of the experience? Then you should consider traveling by water as a passion for you and you should think BIG such as, becoming the captain of a cargo or passenger ship, or becoming a marine engineer, with a degree in marine engineering.

To sum up, those were some of my thoughts on creative work but you can come up with hundreds of other ideas that you were passionate about and therefore, creative as a little child. Converting your most desired passion into a lucrative career/business is very important because this is something that will help you to excel naturally and vigorously, loving what you do and further enhancing you to make good money too, without ever having to think that you are working any single day.

Getting What You Want - Never Ever Give Up (By Anne O'Dwyer)

Woman in Red Coat Surrounded by Trees

My mother now in her 90's has been telling us more stories of her youth. It always amazes me the level of education achieved years ago as youngsters didn't stay at school until they were 18! Despite this my mother still has an excellent understanding in all areas of maths and English, she also has an excellent spelling and reading ability and still remembers some French learned in school.

I will share with you the tale she has told us many times, of when she was 14 she was officially able to leave school, she was the youngest of 4 so was keen to get out into the grown-up world and get a job and she also didn't like school she felt she had spent enough time there! Her mother wanted her to stay at school and improve her education but she persuaded her dad to let her leave.

Her Mother was annoyed by this and decided if she wanted to work she would have to work hard, and was to find a job immediately she left school. Not only this but she had to pay most of her wages to her mum 4 shillings out of a meagre 6 shillings, her weeks earnings! Her bus far was 2 pence, so sometimes she had to walk home six miles if she couldn't stretch her allowance any further. Her stockings cost nearly 12 pence and often had to be mended to last the week.

Her biggest disappointment, which she sadly remembers to this day, is the fact she had to wear her school coat whilst she saved every week for 30 months to replace it! I can't imagine youngsters doing that today they spend more a week on make-up!

She is determined to keep all her faculties and not be burdened with dementia so plays crib in the afternoons, does anagrams and only recently stopped doing crosswords as her eyesight is not too good. A recent hobby is to convert her food shopping list into French! (We had a laugh today to find an endearment translates into my little cabbage)" Brussel-sprouts will never be quite the same again.

To keep her body active she does exercises every morning, some housework and walks with a walking aid whenever someone is free to walk with her, often daily despite severe arthritis in her back and joints! She is a very determined lady. What has kept her alive so long - good genes and a determination to look after a chronically sick son who has been ill for 40 years. So together they manage and support each other.

Are we as persistent at getting what we want? Do we put in as much effort or persistence? So the moral of this story, never, ever give up!

It's those that persist in the face of adversity that achieve their goals, Do you know people who took years to build their business, we just view the results and think of them as successful without seeing the struggle and determination invested.

So for all those budding entrepreneurs there is an easier way, than struggling alone, find a competent coach in whatever you are learning and your learning curve with be smoother and quicker. If like me you aspire to a successful career online find a great coach in your chosen niche.

Affiliate marketing is a great starting point for online marketing, your coach will provide products and training enabling you to start earning commissions whilst you begin online. Don't sack the boss yet but begin in your spare-time. Working from your laptop gives you time and location freedom, which is great for family life. So whatever you choose, persist and enjoy the journey and the results!

Here are a couple of books to inspire you:

"Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers

"Do It! A Guide to Living Your Dreams" by John-Roger and Peter McWilliams

Top 3 Books for Inspiration on How To Work Smarter, Not Harder (By Bianca Z)

Working smarter, not harder! So what else is out there but college, job, debt and working until you die? What other kind of lifestyle is possible?

I love working smarter. And I know this because I started my professional life working HARD. And yes, I got burned out. I "managed" to develop the chronic fatigue syndrome before turning 30. This is why I love working smarter, not harder. And by smarter, I also mean being honest, legal and with respect and dedication for what you do.

So how is that even possible? Where to start?

I was studying for my BA in business in economics, when I was thinking what to do with my life. Pursuing good grades, so I can keep my scholarship. I wanted to be a good student, so I can have good recommendations. Those would help me get a good job, and once I had my own income and not be supported by parents, my life could actually begin. Sounds familiar?

At age 19, I was searching for information on a project I had to finish in the university library. As I was wandering around the isles, I stumbled upon a title that sounded not at all academic. It said "Rich dad, poor dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. Hm! That made me curious. I picked it up and read the back cover. I took it with me and read it in the following days.

Wow! That was the turning point! I was so grateful to have found it so early in life! And a bit sad I hadn't read it at about 12! I dare to say it was life changing! It showed me what else out there would be possible, how to do something else in life, to earn a good living, and not be an employee for the rest of my life! In an honest way, again! After that, I started looking for alternatives. Wondering what else is out there that I haven't heard of. And now of course, simply reading that book didn't mean I read it, snapped my fingers and turned into a millionaire. But I know I am making considerably better life decisions than not having those information.

I will put below a summary of the books that I found so far and have a tremendous effect on me. Specifically those books that teach and show something else than being a good employee.

1. Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad, Poor Dad: A book which is worth its weight in gold, for each copy that is being read by someone who has had no financial education. How can I summarize it so you can understand you need to read this word by word, by yourself? Let's see if I can succeed.

Chances are, you were born in a family where one or both income providers (parents, grandparents, older brothers) were employees. We too, have learnt, by imitation, the same thinking habits: get a job, work for others, be there on time, leave on time, get a paycheck (and live paycheck to paycheck). Also think about how wonderful would be if you had another job, with a bigger salary and more perks. This is what the author calls the rat race. Robert Kiyosaki explains very well how people who become wealthy think differently. They educate themselves (financially), take educated, calculated risks, learn what is necessary, not mandatory. Also, they develop a habit of saving, then LEARN to invest. And LEARN how to make money work for them. And all those concepts are very well explained.

On the other side, if I am to notice something that I dislike about this resource, is the fact that it tends to be a bit outdated in offering real-life examples; the business world and entrepreneurial opportunities have multiplied massively with the Internet and his work doesn't cover that area. Of course, the mindset and principles are still applicable, but the examples are of the old economy, primarily regarding physical products and real estate.

2. Choose Yourself by James Altucher. James Altucher is the kind of author that writes a lot about his personal experiences, very bluntly. And very openly, especially about his failures. He writes in blog style; unusual for a book but you'll appreciate his openness. Also, his personal blog is the main source of information and inspiration, because it's always keeping up with developments in the real business world (which is online-integrated).

Specifically in the mentioned book, James Altucher explains that the economy (and society) have already changed. We are now in an idea economy.That is, what is most valuable, unable to copy, unable to outsource to China and always in demand is your own creativity. Working smarter is necessary, working harder is no longer a winning formula. And the ability to reinvent what you do, what you have to offer to the world and the skills you mostly use in your daily life. James Altucher has a radical approach in his views. But we need to hear this, rather sooner than later.

The time of the employee is passing, the time of the artist-entrepreneur is coming. He shows that if you choose to be an employee and to work for a company, you must be aware that businesses change very, very, very fast. And not only that, but their focus is not people (as I'm sure all corporations state on their office walls) but PROFIT. And once the primary business purpose for which you were employed is no longer producing the desired profitability rate, the corporation will change. It will change the product offering, the processes, the assignments of people, they will change people, and the amount of people working.

The alternative proposed by James Altucher, both in his book, and in recurrent material he is creating on his blog, is the following: The momentum for being an employee has passed; now is the time of the artist entrepreneur. That means choosing yourself: doing what you love, something you love so much that you don't even feel like making an effort when you're working at it. I don't quote much, but I simply need to add this so you'll understand why you need to read this: "Success comes from continually expanding your frontiers in every direction-creatively, financially, spiritually, and physically. Always ask yourself, what can I improve? Who else can I talk to? Where else can I look?". Working smarter means, in this case, doing what you love so that you don't even feel like working!

What I didn't like very much about this author's approach is the sometimes overly personal references. At least, I find he shares too much of his own doubts, negative views or personal experiences. Sometimes this is depressing. That makes me say his content is useful through advocating for originality and entrepreneurship. Still the way he takes one side on some topics doesn't make me feel he offers the wisest advice.

For example, he wrote on why he believes young people should not go to college: investing tens of thousands of dollars, four years and getting a diploma in a field that will soon be outdated. Instead offers 40 different ideas on what to do for really pushing your life forward and gaining business experience. While this might seem like a balanced approach from him, it becomes balanced merely for adults who already have the knowledge and discipline for many years of work. For young people graduating from high school - coming across this kind of advice, I believe it can be causing serious limitation, because an 18 year old doesn't usually have the discipline, sense of reality and work ethic that comes with persisting in achieving something: like a degree, or working to make a living while also studying. Having been through that stage myself not so long ago, I can say that has helped me a lot to build resilience and motivation!

To conclude on this one, I do recommend following James Altucher with his online resources, he offers many different materials on various topics, with a definitely original content. As always, personal judgement is needed to make the best decisions for yourself, irrespective of where you find inspiration.

At the time I'm writing this, I just came back with my feet on Earth after being in the cloud listening to an amazing audiobook that made me every 9 to 10 minutes or so ask myself: "Why didn't I think about this earlier?" or "Wow! I believed common folks didn't have access to such things" or "Why didn't I try this earlier?" and especially "I HAVE HAD THIS EBOOK ON MY COMPUTER FOR MORE THAN 3 YEARS! Why didn't I read it by now?". I believe this is the best resource I've found so far on the topic of working smarter. So here it is:

3. The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. This is full of incredible tools for a freedom-loving lifestyle. This is full of exact, step by step indications on how to use some tools that you believed are reserved only to the lucky few, born rich. Tim Ferriss is talking about: personal assistants and how to find incredibly educated, dedicated and effective people for a very affordable price (yes, such things do exist!). Also, he is talking about how to make money with you business in the developed markets (like the US) and spend it where they have much more value - like in Thailand, while living on a beach.

It's something you probably haven't heard much until now. A kind of book that hasn't been written before. It is the roadmap from being overworked and overstressed to becoming one of the New Rich. In this decade, this means: having a passive source of income, working a few hours a week and dedicating your time to what matters most to you: your family? Your children? Travelling? Sports? Social volunteering? Talk about working smarter!

If this is to have a downside, it's the following: the information here is not for everybody. Although employees also would find value in it, this is mainly a praise of the entrepreneur turned investor. This is a book full of tools for the courageous ones. So if your personal values are security, predictability and risk avoidance - don't try this; it will only frustrate you and make you believe that like such things don't exist.

For getting inspiration, I do recommend reading this book. eBook, audiobook, you'll want it all in the end, so you can track your progress. Tim is also a former Princeton student and a "rebellious" who has turned his back to the old system of living. He went through the established path of raising a successful young man and he invented his own way.

To sum up all the above, I hope you'll find inspiration in the resources I've mentioned. Each and every one of us is unique, so everything I've mentioned will impress you and apply to you in a different way. However, I hope you'll select valuable ideas to enhance what you already are mixing to create a better life for yourself!,-Not-Harder&id=9834694

How to Tame the Beast (Anger) in You?

Woman Wearing Red Sports Bra Sitting on Red Yoga Mat

"Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind." (Bodie Thoene, a historical fiction writer from USA)

But the irony is that when in a fit of anger, one does never care whether the flame is alive or dead. Again, those who often get angry for petty reasons are lovelorn and need more love, so goes a popular quote. But that hardly is a solution. And if that is considered to be one, then we are doomed. Think if such a person gets so angry at the drop of a hat that they kill you in that fit of anger! You must be alive and kicking to make love. The coincidence is that each one of us has a bit of anger somewhere within us. At a peculiar situation when we lose our patience to tolerate their anger, we too might get angry and react. A mishap cannot be written off in such cases. So is there a way to tame this beast 'anger' in us? I wonder if any external force can ever do that.

Look inward, you might get a way out. And as you do that, see if you can follow an agenda like this:

1) Realize that your anger is a weakness which you are unable to overcome yet. And it is quite natural to have many such weaknesses as human beings. Indian-American author and public speaker Deepak Chopra says, "If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return."

2) Look for ways to tame it from all sources that you can access - a good book, a psychology expert or a friend who has successfully dealt with it.

3) Shed all your ego and inhibition, and raise your hand up for help. Someone from your family, a sincere friend or your teacher might come forward to help.

4) When you are receiving the inputs that might help you in getting rid of the beast, listen to the counsel and believe that it helps. There is no scope for your intervention. Do as directed if you are serious about letting the beast go.

5) Be patient and know that time heals too. Continue to practise all that you have been preached. Just know what the Buddha's teaching says, "Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free."

6) After a while, maybe after a couple of months, evaluate yourself in terms of how you react to certain things that you don't like. Compare and see if the magnitude has come down. If you have been honest in practising the ways to control your anger, you shall see a positive difference.

Do you remember what the famous English Poet of 16th Century, John Milton, says about human mind in his magnum opus Paradise Lost? "The mind is in its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."

Deeper Perception - What to Do With It?

The ancient mariners navigated their sea route at night by the stars. These tiny twinkling bits of knowledge high in the night time sky offer useful information. The same could be said for our spiritual journey. Likewise, navigation is important for finding a path for the soul. We need higher knowledge intuitively perceived. Something that provides deeper perception than the facts of science can provide.

This deeper perception might be an insight that comes during self-reflection. Or perhaps it is an intuition we become aware of during meditation. Alternatively, it could be an idea found in sacred writing.

It can be assumed that seeing what is good and true can help us steer a course through the complexities of life. Possibly enable us to find meaning and purpose in our troubles. Even offer encouragement and hope.

But is this certain? Is deeper perception of itself sufficient for transforming our lives?

Examples of deeper perception
I may pick up on the idea that there are two realms of reality - a realm of physical objects and a realm of consciousness or spirit, not limited by space or time. As a result, I may toy with the thought. Play around with it. Bring it into conversation. Moreover, I might even use it as a working hypothesis.

An intuition may come whilst meditating. For example, the sense of the oneness of all life; everything somehow connected; an essence of reality behind outward appearance. This insight may stay or depart.

Huge variety of spiritual knowledge and awareness
The world is teeming with tiny seeds of wisdom. We wake up to them again when we hear them clearly articulated.

Another deeper perception is self-knowledge. For example, knowing about one's own strengths and weaknesses, successes and failings, dreams and fears. One weakness might be winning arguments, gaining status and impressing people without being concerned about the consequences. Personal development means living with consideration and integrity.

In line with the notion of karma, it is said that sooner or later we get what we give - what goes round comes round.

Realising the importance of compassion for oneself and for other people is another example. This is related to the so-called Golden rule. Wilson Van Dusen (mystic and clinical psychologist) has pointed out that a form of this idea is found in various religions.

  • Do to others as you would have them do to you (Christianity)
  • What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man (Judaism)
  • No one is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself (Islam)
  • Do not do unto others what would cause you pain if done unto you (Hinduism)
  • Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful (Buddhism)
  • Regard your neighbours gain as your own gain and your neighbour's loss as your own loss (Taoism)

Our response to deeper perception
In the Bible Jesus told a story about a farmer scattering seeds. First of all some seeds fell on the path and the birds came and ate them up. A number fell on shallow soil and withered in the sun because they had no root. Some fell among thorns which choked the growing plants. Other seed fell on good soil where it produced a large crop.
Swedenborgian writer, Edward Mitchel, says our minds are like soil, which differ according to our willingness to nurture seeds of wisdom.

The path
Some people are like the hard ground of the path. They have an outward opposition to higher principles. As a result they have no interest in spiritual ideas that casually enter into thought. Consequently, the seed of truth does not sink in.

Shallow soil
Some of us may be like the shallow ground. We might become rapid converts to new ideas to us of writers in spirituality and religion. We may become quite emotional or argumentative in their favour. But a superficial interest, in discovering what is meaningful, is not deep enough to survive the trials of putting ideas - say about mindfulness, self-restraint or compassion - into practice. Also needed is a willingness to be more patient, less greedy and more concerned for others.

Some of us have plenty of thorns in our makeup. Thorns have the advantage in being native to the soil. They are at home in it. And so, in our natural minds, worldliness and self-centeredness finds a hospitable home and thrives. Consequently, when we allow these pleasure-seeking and self-serving thoughts to rule our life, we become indifferent to the seeds of the spiritual life which can no longer grow.

Good soil
The story goes on to say some seed falls on good soil and produces a large crop. Within us an openness of heart enables us to connect with the light of what is deeply inspiring. Also, there is a willingness to put higher awareness of what is good and meaningful into practice.

Summary about deeper perception
There are many ways we can gain deeper perception. For instance, during counselling, self-reflection, meditation, contemplation, listening to ethical ideas, observing nature, reading sacred writing, hearing about religious teachings etc.

However, I believe deeper ideas and insights of themselves do not amount to enlightenment but they are a necessary precursor to it. Spiritual knowledge and awareness are merely the beginning of wisdom.

The process of enlightenment depends on how we personally respond to higher perception. Do we truly listen? Do we act on it? Or do we allow it to get drowned out by the concerns of self and materialism?

Message From the Universe: Learn to Be Grateful and Appreciate Everything You Already Have

     Silhouette Photo of Man Throw Paper Plane

"From an endless sea of wistful souls who've waited out eternity, it's now your turn, in time and space. And there are simply no words that can express just how uniquely special this privilege is.

Nor how fleeting.

Zip-pity zip,
The Universe"

Consciousness remains despite leaving your physical body. Sometimes it can be hard to believe that our consciousness remains until we are sent out to another mission, or probably just finishing the one that the previous us wasn't able to accomplish. If we come back to a new body with a clean slate, our consciousness is rebooted and a new operating system is installed. We start a new life without any recollection of the past. So what happens when people start remembering, not just a distant memory that happened in your existing life, but remembering what our previous soul have encountered in its lifetime. Some people have the "Deja vu" flashback to places they have NEVER been in their entire life, but yet, remember events and locations very precisely, as if they were there. Some might think it as being spooky because these events occurred in a very far past, when this person wasn't even born yet. The individual experiencing these deja vu moments are certain about seeing or experiencing an event, either it being positive or negative. These moments comes with detailed explanation of events, time, location and even details of feelings regarding these events. They are persistent about being there when it happened, when in reality, couldn't make sense if you do the math about time and space.

These are moments where you shouldn't look for an explanation or try to find reasons why this person discussing the event is losing his or her mind. Events of that sort happens every day to people, but they choose to keep low key for the exact reason mentioned above, where people would think they are losing their mind. They believe it is real but avoid attention so they don't pay a visit to their local asylum. Near Death experiences, Out of body, and Deja-vu moments are when the subconscious mind is wired a certain way where it can allow things to happen to certain people and not others. Are these people gifted a certain way when experiencing these moments? In the case of near death experiences, does heaven think the person deserve another chance to complete their mission and feel that it is important for them to stay on earth and get it done properly? No matter what the reasons, we need to learn not to question the reason as to why things are done a certain way, why others live a very long life and others die so young. How can a toddler facing illnesses or accidentally succumbing to death to early in life can be accepted by their family or surroundings? How can that be right? What have this little toddler do to deserve such a short life on earth? We understand that death is imminent, and there is no ways around it. We need to learn to accept it and just live our lives like it's the last day we have on earth, because it is how uncertain life is all about. No one knows their expiration date, or a date where we will be the power from above and plea for forgiveness for everything we have done during our stay on earth. The final judgement will be based on how you behaved on this earth, and how much good you have done to help others be the best they can be. When you do your morning routine, where you wake up and be grateful for everything you already have, make sure to add a small prayer asking the Universe and the power from above to allow you to be happy, not rich but happy. Regardless of being rich or poor, if you are happy, either coming your way will impact your existing feeling. No matter what, you will still be happy and content with your existence. Focus on requesting happiness over wealth. If you were meant to be wealthy, it will happen because of your attitude of being happy regardless of your financial status. When you stop caring about your pursuit of wealth, you will start caring about your current existence and everything else that comes with it.

A Spiritual Approach to Anger: How to Understand, Appreciate and Heal Your Rage At Its Source (By Ruth L Schwartz)

Just like our organs, our anger is part of us. When we are angry, we have to go back to ourselves and take good care of our anger. We cannot say, 'Go away, anger, I don't want you.' When you have a stomachache, you don't say, 'I don't want you, stomach, go away.' No, you take care of it. In the same way, we have to embrace and take good care of our anger. - Thich Naht Hanh

Anger is a reflexive, protective response which emerges, at least initially, from a primitive part of our being - "primitive" only in the sense that anger has been with us for as long as we have been embodied. It can flare up in an instant at the sight or sound of a threat; then, if inner and outer conditions allow, it can dissipate just as quickly. Anger that has not been distorted by other wounds and confusions is like a guard dog who can bark, snarl and growl very fiercely in the presence of perceived danger, then flop down on the floor and roll on its back to let its belly be petted a few moments later.

Because we live as separate beings in a world of other beings who also perceive themselves as separate, anger is a necessary response to circumstances in which we are encroached-upon or deprived. Of course, in a state of unity consciousness, anger would not exist; in fact, it could not even be conceived of. But in our human lives anger is natural and appropriate, when we can allow it to serve its purpose - the laying-down of a boundary - without emotional complication. It serves a function as basic as the functions of hunger, thirst and sleepiness, all of which exist to ensure that we attend to important needs.

The problem is that in most human beings, anger is no longer an elemental, uncomplicated state. Instead, it has become enormously entangled with other emotions, patterns and imprints: for instance, the pattern of turning against and negating ourselves, which then requires a compensatory lashing-out at others; the pattern of suppressing ourselves and our natural responses, which produces unsustainable states of pressure in the being; the pattern of allowing others to mistreat us, which creates free-floating anger that can poison us and others with its invisible time-release action - and so on.

Most of us, therefore, have some sort of "anger problem." In some of us, that manifests as what appears to be too much anger. We may operate on high alert, responding with instant fury to even the smallest threat, and have great difficulty relaxing our inner being into conditions of ease. This pattern can lead to other patterns; for instance, we might become angry at ourselves for feeling and expressing so much anger toward others. This would then add another step to the dance: 1) Perceived threat, 2) Instant fury at the perceived source of the threat, 3) Immediate fury at the self for experiencing instant fury. Obviously, step three does nothing to facilitate the state of calm openness in which we are most able to contact universal sources of love and compassion; in fact, it locks us even more firmly into the physiological and emotional hyperarousal of anger. This is a very common pattern among survivors of physical trauma, and is often classified in mainstream psychology as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.)

On the other hand, some of us manifest what appears to be too little anger, failing to react even when others blatantly invade or violate us. Some people even imagine that this is a spiritually advanced way to be. While it is probably true that an enlightened being would be non-reactive in this way, it's safe to say that few if any readers of this article have achieved that degree of enlightenment. Instead, what is usually at work in this response is a different pattern of dance steps: 1) Perceived threat, 2) Instant fury at the perceived source of the threat, 3) Immediate suppression of fury. This anger dance generally leads to states of resignation, depression and internal collapse - and sometimes also to physical illness. While the person who is frequently angry lives in a state of chronic energetic hyperarousal, those who are rarely or never angry live in similar discomfort at the opposite end of the energetic spectrum: chronic hypoarousal, usually experienced as emotional or physical weakness or malaise. This, too, is a very common pattern among trauma survivors.

Of course, there are infinite variations on these patterns and intricate complications that can ensue - for instance, a pattern of using drugs or alcohol to medicate either the hyper- or hypoaroused states; a pattern of "passive-aggressiveness," in which the anger we have attempted to suppress leaks out indirectly; a pattern of perseveration, in which we find ourselves drawn to endlessly revisit or talk about the situations that have produced the anger; a pattern of withdrawal, in which the hyperarousal of anger so frightens or disturbs us that we isolate ourselves in an attempt to avoid it; a pattern of displacement, in which our fear of our own anger leads us to develop phobias, allergies, physical symptoms or other diversionary responses in its place - and many others.

If you ask your spirit guides for help in dispassionately exploring your own response to perceived threats or actual violations, you will easily be able to map out your own most common dance or dances of anger. In and of itself, this mapping can be very helpful in diffusing the emotional charge most of us feel around the topic of anger. When we examine the vast number of ways human beings have twisted and tangled ourselves and each other into painful, angry knots, we can start to take our own relationship to anger less personally.

Beyond that, the work of harmoniously realigning our relationship to anger is the same work described throughout this artical. Assuming full responsibility for our own anger, no matter what others may have done or failed to do, is the stance that enables us to begin this process. Soon we will become able to see that beneath each step in our own personal anger dances, some healing, clearing or energetic correction is needed - perhaps one or many soul retrievals, releasing of imprints, straightening-out of our non-physical posture, or the removal of energetic interference. Thich Naht Hanh advises, "When you are angry, and you suffer, please go back and inspect very deeply the content, the nature of your perceptions. If you are capable of removing the wrong perception, peace and happiness will be restored in you, and you will be able to love the other person again."

The shamanic journey is an extremely powerful tool for understanding and healing your anger at its source. The following notes describe a sequence of four shamanic journeys I took a number of years ago, which helped me dismantle the anger I felt in a specific circumstance, and begin the very necessary healing process which lay beneath it. More often I do only one or two journeys at a time, but as you'll see, in this case, all four were necessary. The entire process of taking the four journeys and writing them down took less than an hour in ordinary-reality time.

Journey #1: I felt angry at a human mentor who I believed was "using" me. My journey question was, What do I need to understand or heal in relation to that anger?

I found myself having to squeeze through a very thin tunnel, and also being strained through a sieve, on my way to the upper world. When I finally got there, I asked my guide what to do with the anger. He said, What anger? I explained. He said it made no more sense to be angry at my mentor than at myself, and made no more sense to be angry at myself than to have any other reaction. Yes, people will "take advantage" if you walk around in the world with the kind of weak spot I've had, but it's like water rushing through a wall that is weak, or has a hole in it. Does it make sense to be angry at the water? Does it make sense to be angry at the wall? Or does it just make sense to see what has occurred, and fix the hole and/or make the wall stronger?

Although I could see the truth of what my guide was saying, I was kind of pissed-off by not being able to hold anyone else responsible, even a little bit. I felt resistance and kept getting distracted. Finally, by following the distraction, I could see that the "wall" is really more like vapor in me, no clear boundary at all. I got that it's because I've given so much of myself away to practically everyone. So I focused on getting more of myself back from all the different sources - family members, ex-lovers, friends. I could feel myself getting stronger, yet I still kept feeling resistance to the process.

Journey #2 - What's all this resistance about, and what needs to happen with it?

I found myself in a cave in the lower world, surrounded by a circle of guides who were praying for me. I felt uncomfortable and thought, Why are they praying for me? Then I realized that my difficulty accepting their attention was part of the problem (i.e. difficulty in receiving,) so I relaxed and let them pray for me. After that, it seemed I needed to have layers of skin peeled off of me by a giant carrot-scraper-type apparatus. As they got peeled off, blue and lavender light got sent in. Then I was taken to a room where I could convalesce. There was a skylight in the room, and again, the bluish and lavender light was streaming in. In the physical world, I started drumming harder, and directly over my body. It felt like something related to the resistance needed to leave me, so that I could really embrace taking full responsibility for myself.

Journey #3 - Check in with the anger, resistance and self-responsibility now.

I went back to the room where part of me was convalescing. She now seemed like a girl of about twelve. She was kind of feverish and writhing around in the bed, not doing too well. I sat down on the side of the bed and just kept her company. At one point I called my guide in to ask if there was anything else that needed to be happening, but I got the message that there wasn't. So I just sat there with her. Images came of different ways she/I had betrayed her/myself - all the times I had sex I didn't want to have, or gave or lent people things or money which I never got back. I felt no judgment toward her or myself, just held these images. Eventually she calmed down; I lay down beside her in the bed and we just looked up at the skylight together. Then we merged - she came into my body - and then it was just me lying there and looking up at the skylight. Then I brought in images of the ways I've been with my mentor - how hard I was trying to cater to her, how eager and in a way desperate I was. I was able to look at that without judgment, as well. That way of being was so deeply imprinted in me, and with her I justified it to myself by saying it was because she was such a force of good in the world, etc., so didn't it make sense to just turn myself over to her needs and wishes and pleasures? But of course it didn't - I could see that now, and stop blaming her for the compulsive way I'd been with her, and also stop blaming her for accepting it. Sure, she was the water that flowed in through the hole in my wall (or the vapors where a wall should have been), and if she were completely healed, she would not have done that. But she isn't, and I'm not, and there's no point in blaming either one of us - the point is just to make a wall, not a fortress, but a sea-wall, where there needs to be one.

Journey #4 - Check in on the status of all of these issues now - wholeness, boundaries, giving, and my relationship to my mentor.

I went to the convalescent room to check on myself there, but my guide came and playfully dragged me out to the edge of the cliff, where we took turns diving and jumping off the cliff, landing on the bottom, then going back up to dive or jump again. Then at some point we were jumping into a deep pool of water instead, and the message seemed to be that all the different kinds of shattering - for instance, the shattering of the water, when we hit it - were necessary. Then I was swimming in the water like an eel and realizing that "boundaries" could operate just the way my skin does in the water. It's not that the water is bad or that I need to "protect myself" from it, it's just that it's not appropriate for it to come inside me, because I have my own chemical makeup which is different from the chemical composition of the water. The boundary of the skin is easy and natural. I can learn to emulate that with my emotional and energetic boundaries.

This series of journeys illustrates many of the healing and teaching methods commonly found in shamanic journeys. In Journey #1, my guide used a metaphor - the image of a wall with a hole in it - to help me see my situation more impersonally, release anger at my mentor and at myself, and move beyond the impulse to blame either one of us. Yet although I was able to begin that process in this journey, my resistance showed that more energetic work was needed.

In Journey #2, my guides initiated several kinds of healing. The first came about as my guides prayed for me, and as I made the internal shift needed in order to receive the healing energy of their prayers. The second healing, in which I was peeled by the giant carrot scraper, is an example of a shamanic healing technique known as dismemberment. Although dismemberment can sometimes appear brutal - this was a relatively mild dismemberment, but even in this one, layers of skin were removed from me - guides use it as part of a compassionate process of energetic cleansing and reconfiguration. My sense is that the energy I called "resistance" was buried beneath my skin, so the "peeling" was necessary in order for me to release it.

The third form of healing in Journey #2 involved the use of blue and lavender light. Each color carries its own healing frequency, and evidently these were the frequencies I needed at this time. My sense is that this light was used both to purify my energy, and then to help me recover from the dismemberment. I believe that my urge to drum over my body in physical reality also came as a directive from my guides; the vibrations of the drum further cleansed me, offering a fourth kind of healing and completing the process of releasing the "resistance" energy.

In Journey #3, it became clear that in addition to the clearing and dismemberment I had experienced in Journey #2, a soul retrieval was taking place. The journey suggests that I experienced some significant soul loss at around age twelve which led to an inability to set or maintain healthy boundaries. Although it was painful to see the ways that that soul loss had led me to betray myself, I was able to maintain compassion both for my younger self and my present-day self, which enabled the lost soul part (the "girl") and I to reunite and become one again. With that part of my soul restored, I was even more able to accept what had occurred with my mentor, and release both her and myself from anger or blame.

Journey #4 suggests that since the necessary healing for this cycle had been completed, it was now time to play! Guides generally have great senses of humor, and journeys often offer teachings in playful forms. In this case, my guide used the experience of jumping and diving into a pool of water to provide me with more understanding about the nature of damage ("shattering,") and the nature of healthy boundaries.,-Appreciate-and-Heal-Your-Rage-At-Its-Source&id=7777620

Get Lost: The Secret To Thinking Outside The Box

Man and Woman Doing Yoga Near Mirror

The essence of being happily human is to be creative. Few things in life are more fulfilling than transforming something old or non-existent into something new, better, faster, less expensive, more lucrative, joyful, efficient, effective, etc. And the secret to creative power is to get lost in what you're "creating." Getting lost is necessary to finding what's new.

Why? Because you can't come up with something new, different or original using your same old thinking mind. The metaphor and cliché for this concept is "thinking outside the box." But that's a misnomer because creativity is only partially about thinking. The purpose of thinking and feeling is just to get things started, get the creative process stimulated -- not to get the answer directly. This is where you may be going astray. The answer cannot be completely thought out no matter how smart you think you are.

Outside-the-box means outside the conscious, personal, thinking mind and into the subconscious, knowing mind. That's where all the creative power and action is. That's the faculty the answers come from. That's the higher level of consciousness you want to operate on all the time to be creative all the time. This is a form of meditation, perhaps the highest form.

All your thinking mind has to do is just get out the of way and let the creative process unfold. It unfolds from the subconscious by itself to the degree your personal, thinking/feeling mind is out of the way -- your ego is out of the way! Don't try, push or stress. That's the catch: Your effort needs to be effortless for it to work.

First, think or brainstorm about the new thing you strongly desire to create. Once it's clearly in mind and you're satisfied it is, then let it go. Drop it. Detach from it. Let it incubate. Let it sink into the subconscious for advanced processing.

Finally, just be calmly and patiently receptive to the answer -- which is guaranteed to come to the degree you are persistent and convinced that it will come.

You become a creator, inventor, explorer of that which is new and different -- that which has never been produced or expressed exactly this way before. Your getting lost in uncharted, unknown territory is the great joy, thrill and adventure of creation. You were created to be a creator, and fulfilling that purpose is what the good life is all about.

Prepare to Succeed by Taking an Inventory of Your Skills (By Tammi Brannan)

Handheld Tools Hang on Workbench

This week I'm doing a workshop that has the same title as this article. In the workshop, I will help people identify 30 of their skills and then brainstorm ways they can apply those skills at home and at work.

Why do I need to do this? Because if you were to ask the average American what their skills were, he or she would most likely be able to count them on less than one hand. Sadly, some would even shake their heads, toe the ground and say that they had none. What would you say?

ARGH! This saddens me like nothing else! Each one of us was given the same amount of skills, but unique to us. Without the use of these skills, we will never fulfill our unique potential.

In this workshop, I will use the analogy of a contractor who mistakenly believes the only tools he has are in his tool belt. In the back of his truck, however are a ton more... but he has either forgotten that he had them or never knew. Imagine the contractor trying to use a hammer when he should be using a wrench. He has a wrench in the back of his truck, but it's so buried and rusted from lack of use that he's completely forgotten all about it. This will lead to frustration and eventual demise for both the contractor and the project... not to mention the poor hammer!

This is just like us... we approach our jobs with the few skills we admit we have, and inevitably run into roadblocks, because our jobs require more of us than we think we have. This continual lack of success makes us think less of ourselves and verifies our opinion that we have little to give. Do you feel the same?

Instead of looking to see if we have more tools in the back of our own truck, like the contractor, we try to emulate those around us who are successful, thinking that they must have received more skills than we did, but they haven't!

If you want to achieve greater success in your career, you must become aware of your skills. You have just as many as the next dude, promise. You know how hard it is to walk in someone else's shoes, so don't try to achieve success with someone else's skills. It will not work.

Taking inventory of your skills is fun and easy! Here are a few questions to get you started:
• What do you receive compliments on?
• When do people thank you?
• When do you notice that you can do something and another cannot... or it takes them longer with less successful results?

The answers to these questions are indicators of your skills. There is a lot more digging to do here, but this is a start!

Remember... everything you find needs to make its way into your tool belt as you do your job day in and day out. Without the application of your research, you will never experience the success you were meant to achieve.

5 Top Tips To Get Creative

Training, education, facilitating, developing, teaching... whatever your preferred terminology they all have one thing in common, and that is that they all require a fair degree of creativity if they are going to be done well.

I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like the hardest thing in the world to get creative! It requires us to give ourselves time, space to think and to let ideas evolve and develop. Day-to-day, there just doesn't seem to be time to do that, there is always so many other things demanding our attention that it becomes very easy to be task focused.

However, luckily being creative is much like a muscle. The more you do it, the easier and stronger it becomes. So, to help you get your creative hat back on, try one of these fab tricks:

1. Do a doodle - don't think about it too much. Just grab pen and a blank piece of paper and see what you draw for a few moments. Let your mind wander and see what ideas you come up with.

2. Get Moving - if you are struggling to think of how you can deliver a key learning point effectively, take a break. Get up and go for a brisk walk, get some fresh air, move your body. All of these things will give you a break from thinking about the problem and when you come back to it, you'll come back with the fresh pair of eyes.

3. Set yourself some limitations - what would you do if you couldn't use PowerPoint, or a particular piece of content has to be delivered in 20mins, or if you had to use a particular delivery method? Sometimes having a limitation can help us find a more creative solution.

4. Get your filing done - doing a mundane task like filing, which require little thought can help you see a problem from a different angle. If you are working on something that doesn't require much brain power, your mind is free to think about other things and explore other ideas - you might find you get an "Ah-ha!" moment.

5. Tip the Bucket - sometimes a good old brainstorm is just the trick to get your creative juices flowing. Just make sure you write down everything that comes to mind, don't dismiss any ideas in the storming process, just write them down! You never know where you will find an idea which with a little bit of polish can turn into a gem!

A Prayer to Come Out of Your Current Situation to a More Positive & Empowering One

Photo Of Woman Wearing White Shirt

There are moments of despair or crisis we have to get along everyday life. What I give in this article is a wonderful magical prayer that will work almost every time to come out of your situation to land in a more positive one. Read on to find out.

This prayer can be said at any time of the day and can be shortened or expanded as you like. It concentrates mainly on gratitude as it will work wonderfully with the Universe to pay you better times. There are however, other aspects as well, for example, what you desire from God fervently and how to say it to get it. It covers aspects such as, why you are a believer of God and let Him know it and also how to ask for forgiveness from God for making mistakes, if any, while saying your prayer.

Here goes:

Thank you Almighty God for all blessings. Advanced thanks for those blessings that are already on the way to come to me.
The way you have kept your grace over me, I hope and pray that you will continue to do so and protect me.
I am a believer of You because I consider you, God, the Almightiest, the most Gracious and the most Merciful. As a believer of God, my prime desire is to ask You to cease to give me hard hardships, punishments, lessons or disappointments. My biggest desire is to ask for the things that I have already asked You about.
I ask for abundance and prosperity.
I ask for good health of my family and me as well as friends and well wishers.
I ask for wellness & safety of all concerned.
I lay my problems in your hands. Please solve them for me. You can fix anything.
I trust in You, believe in You, have faith in You and rely on You. I trust in myself, believe in myself, have faith in myself and rely on myself.
Always give me the right guidance and show me the right way.
Thank you God for all blessings, I repeat.
If I have erred somewhere in saying this prayer, I ask for your forgiveness.
Please cease to give me shortcomings or the severe tests on me.
I hope everyone softens towards me.
I hope I can proceed towards my desired destination.
Thank you for all the blessings, I repeat.

This is the magic wonderful prayer that will work wonders. Say it as often as you like and you will benefit.

It really is simple but it covers everything you would like to change your situation to a more improved one.

I only talk about how you should ask for everything you desire in general. But you can make your own statements for something more personalized.

You can add your own statements about your guilt & sins and ask for forgiveness from God.

What I really like about this prayer is its simplicity and the general topics it covers so adequately and subtly that you cannot really miss out on something important about everyday life. So pay attention to its style and content and there is much you will acquire.

This prayer is good on the overall in that it flip flops your thoughts to more positive ones and therefore your situation also changes accordingly.

Never Give Up

Photo of Woman Walking On Grass

Never give up.

It is a simple statement, yet it represents a profoundly difficult course of action. There are few sentences which can be both as inspiring and formidable. It does, however, represent a portion of a larger statement. If one is to succeed at anything in life, then one must persevere despite the obstacles placed in ones path. This can be very difficult, as there are many people who will be willing to tell you that what you are striving for is not worth the effort, that no matter how hard you try, you will never achieve your goals.

These are the voices of people who have doomed themselves to failure. Perhaps they have reached this conclusion because they themselves have failed at their own attempts. If one tries repeatedly but does not realize their goals, it is easy to become disheartened. Sometimes it is more comfortable, psychologically, emotionally, and physically, to abandon ones dreams rather than continuing to try.

These negative voices are not always external. Self-doubt is a huge detriment to success. If one is already questioning the importance or plausibility of a particular goal, then the obstacles one faces come to appear even larger than they are. If one allows negative thoughts to rule their perceptions, all tasks become more difficult.

It is the simple truth that nothing has ever been accomplished by giving up, except, of course, for succeeding at giving up.

It may also be the case that they naysayers one encounters do not see the value in the goals that you have set for yourself. Someone focused only on financial gain may not be able to perceive the reward of creating a beautiful portrait. Conversely, one who is focused purely on the artistic may be unable to understand the gratification someone else gets from rising through the ranks of the corporate world.

The first step towards success in anything is learning to not listen to the naysayers including the internalized ones. It is important to realize that in order to succeed, one must be willing to try. As hockey great Wayne Gretzky once said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

This is far harder than it sounds. Fear of failure is common. No one wants to look foolish in front of others. No one wants to have to go to bed at night with the knowledge that they have given their all and yet not acquired that which they were reaching for.

There are a number of methods one can use to increase ones chance of success which apply to almost all situations. These techniques are fairly general, but can be modified to fit specific situations.

Believe that you can

The only thing that is harder than trying is trying when you do not feel that you can succeed. It is important to know, deep in your heart, that you are capable of achieving your goals. This can be achieved via a number of methods. Some recommend positive imaging - picturing yourself as you will look after you have already gotten what you are trying for, then determine how it is that you got there. Stand before the mirror each morning and give yourself a motivational speech. Ignore those who say you can't.

Examine your goals

Is there a reason that you have not yet been able to reach your goals? Is your goal a realistic one? Perhaps being a professional basketball player is not in the cards if you are only five feet tall (although it is still possible). Are there things that you should do before you set your sights on a higher goal? Is what you are striving for what you actually want? A little self-examination may reveal that the reason that you have not been able to move forward towards you goal is that you are holding yourself back due to the fact that it is not what you really want.

Make a plan

This is closely tied in to examining your goals. People often fail because they reach for something before they are ready for it. For example, no one expects to become a doctor or a lawyer without first getting the appropriate education and credentials. Look at your overall goal and create a list of steps which you must reach before you can get what you ultimately want. Break these steps down into smaller, manageable goals. This will not only help you move towards your objective, it will provide you with a series of success which will help bolster your confidence, making it easier to continue. At the end of the day, instead of saying "I didn't make it to X again" you will be saying "Today I accomplished Z which brings me that much closer to X."

Sacrifices may be required

Whether your goal is to be a high powered attorney, an author, or the greatest snowboarder in the world, you will have to spend time working towards that end. Studying, researching, and practice will become your watch words. There will be times when you would rather do something else and will have to miss it. Remember that these sacrifices put you closer to what you want to achieve.

The journey is as important as the destination

Conversely, don't be so focused on one goal that you miss the rest of your life. While being driven is often seen as a positive trait, so is the ability to relax and enjoy ones life. Focusing too long and too hard on one thing will only result in someone who burns out quickly. When that one thing is acquired, it may have lost all of its value. Make time for friends, family, and fun as well as working towards your goal.

Remember that ultimately life is a series of successes and failures. No one achieves their goals on the first try. The roadblocks which life puts before us make it that much sweeter when we arrive at our destination.