
How to Tame the Beast (Anger) in You?

Woman Wearing Red Sports Bra Sitting on Red Yoga Mat

"Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind." (Bodie Thoene, a historical fiction writer from USA)

But the irony is that when in a fit of anger, one does never care whether the flame is alive or dead. Again, those who often get angry for petty reasons are lovelorn and need more love, so goes a popular quote. But that hardly is a solution. And if that is considered to be one, then we are doomed. Think if such a person gets so angry at the drop of a hat that they kill you in that fit of anger! You must be alive and kicking to make love. The coincidence is that each one of us has a bit of anger somewhere within us. At a peculiar situation when we lose our patience to tolerate their anger, we too might get angry and react. A mishap cannot be written off in such cases. So is there a way to tame this beast 'anger' in us? I wonder if any external force can ever do that.

Look inward, you might get a way out. And as you do that, see if you can follow an agenda like this:

1) Realize that your anger is a weakness which you are unable to overcome yet. And it is quite natural to have many such weaknesses as human beings. Indian-American author and public speaker Deepak Chopra says, "If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return."

2) Look for ways to tame it from all sources that you can access - a good book, a psychology expert or a friend who has successfully dealt with it.

3) Shed all your ego and inhibition, and raise your hand up for help. Someone from your family, a sincere friend or your teacher might come forward to help.

4) When you are receiving the inputs that might help you in getting rid of the beast, listen to the counsel and believe that it helps. There is no scope for your intervention. Do as directed if you are serious about letting the beast go.

5) Be patient and know that time heals too. Continue to practise all that you have been preached. Just know what the Buddha's teaching says, "Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything - anger, anxiety, or possessions - we cannot be free."

6) After a while, maybe after a couple of months, evaluate yourself in terms of how you react to certain things that you don't like. Compare and see if the magnitude has come down. If you have been honest in practising the ways to control your anger, you shall see a positive difference.

Do you remember what the famous English Poet of 16th Century, John Milton, says about human mind in his magnum opus Paradise Lost? "The mind is in its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."

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