
Creativity: A Medley of Passion and Fun

There is an innate trait of creativity inside every individual on this planet. How can you tap into this creative energy within you? Is it possible or worth it? This is what the article talks about.

To spark your creative side, you need to look within, not outside. You need to ponder about stuff that fascinated you during your childhood. Was it drawing/painting, making crafts, writing stories for the school magazine, journey by air or traveling, journey by water on a boat or ship etc. So just spend a few minutes thinking along these lines and you will land on something creative.


If painting was your childhood passion, chances are you will do well in painting portraits and/or sceneries; you name it. Then you can sell them in open studios, galleries and/or exhibition spaces and make good money.

If only drawing with or without colors mesmerized you as a kid, you will do well as an architect. Therefore, you can have a degree in Architecture in an Engineering University and then have a career in planning and designing houses, buildings and real estate homes.

Making Crafts:

If you found pleasure in making crafts out of paper and/or clay as a little one, chances are you will enjoy having a career making crafts out of wood or ceramics. That way you can own a furniture or ceramic industry.

Writing Books:

How about writing stories on your own for your school magazine? Did you like bringing about ideas on making a simple plot? I say simple because you were only a child then. Or did you simply enjoy writing essays for the English Language class? If yes, you are born to be a writer. You can be the author of fiction stories and nonfiction books, for instance, academic books. If latter is the case, you also bear the potential of becoming a distinguished faculty member of a university.

Journey by Air:

Did you enjoy traveling by air when you were young? Did you enjoy the sceneries - the green landscapes, the sky, clouds etc. through the small closed and sealed windows? Did you enjoy the food and drinks that were served to you? Above all, did you enjoy the journey? If yes, you have the entire caliber to be a pilot or to be in relocating/transferrable jobs related to office or business, navigating through various parts of the world.

Journey by Water

As a little kid, did riding on boats or even sailing in a ship take your breath away? Were you excited? Did you enjoy the thrill of the experience? Then you should consider traveling by water as a passion for you and you should think BIG such as, becoming the captain of a cargo or passenger ship, or becoming a marine engineer, with a degree in marine engineering.

To sum up, those were some of my thoughts on creative work but you can come up with hundreds of other ideas that you were passionate about and therefore, creative as a little child. Converting your most desired passion into a lucrative career/business is very important because this is something that will help you to excel naturally and vigorously, loving what you do and further enhancing you to make good money too, without ever having to think that you are working any single day.

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