
Simple Tips To Cope With Anger

Man Wearing White Dress Shirt With Black Necktie

I often hear from my colleagues, friends and some family members that "I couldn't control my anger and stress"? "How I can cope with my anger or anxiety without messing up? " Well, I must say human is incomplete without emotions and anger is one of them, but things get serious when we cannot control the outcome of anger.

The excess of everything causes harm, likewise excess of anger invites other disorders like headache, heart disease, high blood pressure and sleeplessness. It affects your health and personal life. One may lose the chance of getting respect and people around us may leave due to aggressive actions.

I would like to share some simple and basic tips to avoid such conditions when bouts of anger attack.

• The first thing you must do is to calm yourself down, staying calm will help you figure out what's going on around you. After, knowing the cause of anger and understanding what others are trying to say, don't counter punch them.

• Take a deep breath and repeat some calm words to yourself while breathing deep.

• Drinking water decreases the level of anger and enhances your health, so take some fresh water.

• After that, identify the cause of your anger. Are you angry because you feel ignored or disrespected? Didn't someone obey your orders? Once you will let go of the anger, identifying and addressing the problem will be much easier.

• Analyze the problem, remove yourself from the scene until your brain cools down, go for small walks and listen to your favorite music.

• Think of some good things and memories related to your personality and try to divert your mind.

• Try to talk with your friends or closest one who listen and make you laugh.

• Force yourself to smile at other people as it will help change the way they talk to you.

• When you make yourself relax, you must express your feelings and thoughts to that specific person. Don't bottle up your anger, spill it out just after making yourself relax because shouting and loud words make any situation worse. Avoid making any decision under the influence of anger.

• Avoid caffeine, drugs or anything that makes you uncomfortable and hostile.

• Try to forgive and forget because excusing those who make others to feel shame for their own bad things and forgetting all negative thoughts, make you happy and healthy.

Although different articles suggest you how to avoid aggression, but nobody can force you to follow those rules or calm you down until you determine to manage your anger. Stay calm and live happily. People, who fail to control anger by using different techniques or even with these simple tips, don't waste time and consult a psychiatrist.

Message From the Universe: Actions Speak Louder Than Thoughts

"Hoping, wishing, and praying shouldn't ever be confused with doing.

Know what I mean?

The Universe"

Great! You've mastered your thoughts, your hopes, your wishes and prayers but that doesn't mean you shouldn't act on them. You've heard of the say: "Actions speaks louder than words" and this one applies to this Message as well. Just thinking about your positive thoughts isn't enough to get the ball rolling. You need to act on it, feel and believe that is yours already but take affirmative action to make things happen the way you anticipated. It will not come easy, that's a fact, and you will fail miserably along the way. My question to you is: Will you let life control you or will it be the opposite? How do you see yourself dealing with the challenges that life will throw at you on a daily basis?

We all have these hopes and dreams that we want to become the best in what we do, the best in our jobs, our family obligations and so on and so forth. You will have to determine if you are willing to put in the effort and the work to make things happen the way you want. It all really depends on you. Everything from this point forward will be within your control. You will need to wake at the crack of dawn to be ahead of the crowd. What others aren't willing to do, you may need to fight through it. The extra hours are a must to your ultimate success. No one will have a gun to your head to do the things you need to do. You are on your own with this one. It may be lonely at times to constantly have your motivation be on high gear but this is what is needed to be where others are very afraid to go. Even though many wishes fortune and glory, most do not know how to handle when it comes. It can be overwhelming to suddenly be in the spotlight and be known worldwide. Be careful what you wish for, as many claims and it is true for most of the time. That shouldn't stop you from gaining advantage among the many others doing the same things as you. Control your own destiny by taking actions and keep the right intentions streaming. Help others do the same as well. Many may not have that same ambition, that same drive, that same desire as you. Be willing to teach so others can relay your accomplishments and succeed. This is how the cycle of life runs.

4 Powerful Keys of Structured Creativity

I've been thinking about creativity more than usual.

After what seemed like eons of inactivity, where my creative impulse was stalled, I've come full circle, regaining some control over my creative life, producing content, not just consuming it in loads. It's easy to get pulled by the force of social media, YouTube and the access to entertainment always at our finger tips. Sure, it can be a great source of inspiration, but it can also freeze us in a creative paralysis. For me the solution has been to rekindle my love for the power of a schedule.

Let's come clean. Since I got back from my summer abroad, and then, after a hurricane raked havoc on the island where I live, I've been aimless. I had all the symptoms of aimless living: lack of focus, anxiety about not knowing what was coming next, what to do with my time, feeling useless and finding little space and energy for making progress.

It all felt wrong. I was looking for answers, anything. Then I remembered Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography.

That single idea changed my outlook of the last two months of this year, and hopefully of all the months and years to come. I looked for inspiration elsewhere. So much has been published about organization, decluttering and time management. Everyone has a strategy. Everyone has something to add to the self-organization salad. And every strategy can and should be improved upon.

Even Ben Franklin went back to the drawing board of his daily schedule repeatedly. The rest of us are no different. The process of evolving, assessing and getting to know ourselves it's ongoing. And there lies the self-empowering truth. 
The structure of our creativity will take many forms throughout the days, weeks, months and years. The point is to harness the powers that it unleashes. This doesn't happen by chance, but in the process of building, tearing down, and building again the kind of creative and fulfilling life we want.

Having enjoyed the empowering feeling and freedom of a daily routine for the past two months, these are the four powerful keys that have unlocked my creativity: 
1. The power of purpose: Having a clear intention, for your day and your life in mind, gives you a target to commit to and work toward. 
2. The power of progress: Setting achievable, daily bite-size goals for yourself, and tracking those goals, will boosts your confidence and keep at bay the procrastinating elephant in the room. 
3. The power of knowledge: Having a measure of control over your day, in the form of a simple routine, gives your mind a mental energy break, provides you with a sense of self-made security, a sense of control over some aspects of your day and life, and the flexibility that leaves space for surprises. This power also opens the doors toward greater self-knowledge through re-evaluation of our progress and purpose. 
4. The power of a single day: We must rethink the 24 hours' time-frame. Breaking through its "limits" with wise time management, mindful rituals and moments of gratitude.

Where should you begin? I began with a blank page on my tablet. I wrote the hours of the day and the tasks that should take place at those times. I put the schedule in motion and reviewed it. I then wrote a second version and copied it on a medium size white board in my creative space, for quick self-checks. It will change, as I learn more about myself, the hours I'm most productive in certain activities, like writing or learning something new, the activities I want to keep and those that must go.

Everybody's scheduled creativity will come out looking different and authentic, and that's its brilliant result. By taking the time to embrace these empowering keys, by developing your own schedule and assessing it and yourself daily, you'll find new ways to getting to know you, what your purpose is, what gives meaning to your life, what vast room there is inside you for all your passions to breath and bloom.

There are days when I cannot hit all the base tasks on my schedule. There are days where other responsibilities have priority. There are days when I move tasks around. I have total control and authority to do this. And you'll have total control and authority over yours.

And, there are days when I manage to check off every task, hit every note. When I manage to complete every bit-size goal. When every simple ritual gets done and every one of my life's passions gets its time and attention. Those are days when these passions bring forth unexpected surprises. In those days, anything is possible.

Make room for that kind of day in your life!

5 Weird Things to Do When You're Bored

What things come to your mind when you are bored?

Let me think.

Social Media?

Study books?


Let's see!

Here are the 5 simplest things you can do when you feel bored which will add a value to your time and take all dullness away.

Contact Superman to Entertain You

Watching fiction will engage your mind for a long period. Not only when you are watching the movie but for so many further hours after watching it.

Your mind will be making further stories based on the movie you have just watched and you will be jumping into the pool of your imagination.

Watching fiction movies makes you more creative. It is one of the best ways to avoid your boring times.

Hot Pics to Keep You Relax

Beautiful pictures like waterfalls, galaxy, or anything or anyone whom you love. See the pictures and your mind will be set to do something else instead of getting bored.

Happiness hormones, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin will help you to keep smiling alone when you will be watching pictures and dreaming something about them.

Dreams are for You

It is the easiest job! Isn't?

Don't feel wasted when sleep. It is the best meditation. Sleep and be happy while doing it. Plan to dream something beautiful before going to sleep and you will land somewhere better than the real world.

Sleep will help you to reduce your stress and help you to think of more things.

Write Your Heart Out

One of my favorite pass-time is writing. Write what is in your mind when you don't have the mood to do anything else.

I understand! You don't want to do anything.

Just take a paper, start drawing weird things rolling inside your mind. Or start writing your random thoughts. It's an interesting exercise to keep you engaged.

I know, you will laugh at those silly things you have created in your boring moments after some time.

Bad voice is not that bad

Do people hate your voice?


At least you love it. Don't you?


If you think yourself a good singer you will love to hear your voice. If you think you are not, you will find a good way to entertain yourself.

Creative work like writing and singing helps to change our mood.

What About Me?

There are so many things you can do when you are bored. If you are not getting an idea, just lie on the bed and think of something. Either you will get an idea or you fall asleep.

Not a bad thing!

I often think of anything beautiful or start making imaginary stories in my mind when I feel bored. It's an interesting thing because you can be the hero of your own stories. Or at least you can navigate your thoughts as you want.

Fear of Risk Can Be a Creativity Cruncher

Man With Floater

Fear of risk is realistic. Imaginative, intelligent people fear danger, harm and evil. They naturally protect themselves and others - if they can - against gun-wielding attackers, financial insecurity, loneliness, corruption, blackmail, illness and death.

It is the degree of fear and the related anxieties that can be debilitating and cause natural emotions to become creativity crunchers, limiting the capacity to follow hunches, try new areas, take risks, enjoy life and be productive.

There are times when you need to take risks and there are times when risk-taking is inappropriate. If the water is infested with sharks, don't swim, but if it is filled with ideas to be explored, take the plunge. Risk means venturing where others have not, or staying behind to give more attention when others seemingly move forward. Risk means looking at the known as if it were unknown, and examining the unknown until it is known. Risk can be a stimulant; fear, a cruncher.

There are times when you have to stick out your neck in order to protect what you strongly believe in, or in order to explore areas of work which are relatively unfamiliar. As Hungarian-born English author Arthur Koestler stated: "If the creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he certainly meant for us to stick it out." However doing this requires courage. You might fail and that is risky.

One of the greatest fears people have is that of failure. This fear is often related to the critical voices in their heads - their own, harsh voice of judgment or the voices of others who always find reason to criticize them often - in whatever they do. When facing the possibility of failure, it is a good idea to imagine the worst scenario, such as execution. Are you really going to be executed for your mistakes?

The more mistakes people make over a lifetime, the more they have attempted and the more they have learned. Creative people make more mistakes than others because they try more things. As Albert Einstein said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." A mistake is simply an experiment from which to learn.

However, when you repeatedly make the same errors, it might be an indication that you need to put the task away for a while and try a new approach or even do something quite different. You have to know instinctively when to continue and when to stop, when what you are doing has become an exercise in futility. Making mistakes might slow you down, but it won't prevent you from ultimately reaching your goal. Not learning from mistakes will. And not taking risks might seem safe to you, but you will also stagnate.

Why Hating Others Is Hating Yourself

I remember being younger and being confused when people would tell me that hating others is hating yourself. I distinctly remember a friend telling me "well if you don't like what she's been doing it's because it reminds you of yourself."

I remember being extremely against this philosophy, because many of the people I disliked at the time were very, very, VERY different than me.

For example, I've always been someone who values being polite and following social customs (like saying "please" and "thank you"), and therefore rudeness used to really grind my gears.

So, I would think, how is it possible that my hating this rude behavior has anything to do with myself?

Today, however, I've come more into alignment with the idea that "hating others is hating yourself." I've taken a much broader perspective of this idea than I once had.

I don't think we hate others because we ourselves necessarily mirror the same behavior we dislike. I think instead, hating others is hating yourself because the others are you and you are the others.

Let me explain...

From my viewpoint, and the viewpoint of many in the field of consciousness these days, we are all interconnected to one grand source of consciousness. It is my belief that each of our lives are simply different perspectives of this grand consciousness, but we are all, ultimately, one in the same.

For example, let's say that the grand, infinite consciousness is in the shape of a human body. Perhaps I am a hand, and you are the heart. Perhaps my neighbor is a foot, and a stranger down the street is an ear.

We are all different pieces of the whole, we are all interconnected and we all work in harmony together. However, we each have different jobs, different behaviors, different physical appearances and different ways of being.

When I decide I hate my neighbor, it's similar to the idea that my hand doesn't like my foot. They are different parts, yes, but they are of the same being, so when one hates the other, it in turn hates itself.

For me to get angry at my neighbor is for me to deny his specific role in the wholeness that makes up the grand consciousness we are both a part of.

Perhaps his behavior is different than mine and perhaps he makes radically opposite choices to mine. However, this is only because he is a different perspective of consciousness, and it his job to look at things differently than me.

So often we get mad at other people for not being like us. For not carrying our values, our beliefs, and our behaviors. However, if we start to understand that other people serve a valuable role to the wholeness of our grand being, it becomes easier to accept different their perspectives, even when we don't understand them.

It is some people's job in the grand consciousness to explore consciousness. It is some people's job in the grand consciousness to be ignorant of the grand consciousness.

It is the job of some people to uplift and be caring and kind, and it is other people's jobs to explore the darkness.

We are of an infinite consciousness, after all, so there have to be an infinite number (and type) of perspectives if we are to maintain our infinite quality.

In other words, it's OK for you to be a heart, and it's OK for me to be a hand. We both need each other, and we are both of the same. After all, what would happen if the hand convinced the heart to be just like itself?

Obviously, this would create a great deal of disharmony, and ultimately, it would not benefit the hand in the slightest!

If we want to truly love ourselves, we have to come to love our grand self, and our grand self is made up of many different perspectives and pieces.

So the next time you find yourself getting mad at your neighbor, your boss or your friend, consider that he or she is indeed a part of you, but with a different set of responsibilities and a different set of roles.

It is his or her job to be unique, often in ways quite opposite of yours or mine.

To experience harmony in our own lives, we have to allow each piece of ourselves to be what it is here to be. To truly love the whole of what we are, it's important to love ourselves and every person we encounter, regardless of their choices and their beliefs.

Be the best heart you can be, and trust the feet of the world know how to be feet!

In the end, we are all in this together, and we rely on one another to bring balance and harmony into existence.

How to Cultivate Beginner's Mind

Children Multicolored Hand Paint

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." ~Suzuki

If you're a perfectionist like me, learning and creating while practicing "beginner's mind" is something you might find challenging. What is "beginner's mind" you ask? Beginner's mind is a concept from Zen Buddhism that encourages the practitioner to cultivate a sense of openness and eagerness. It asks that we let go of prejudgement when engaging in an activity. No matter what your skill level, it is helpful to bring a sense of openness, presence, and childlike curiosity to your creative endeavors.

Despite its name, beginner's mind is not just for beginners. Practicing beginner's mind even when we're "experts" can help invigorate our acting, our creative endeavors, and our everyday lives with a sense of wonder and "nowness." It can help bring us into the present moment.

What are some ways you can begin to apply "beginner's mind" to your creative life?

1) Allow yourself time to transition. Arrive early to a new class you're taking so when you get there you're not in an anxious and harried state. When you arrive, take some quiet time to center and prepare yourself for the experience. This can take many forms. For example, you might find taking a couple of minutes for meditation helpful, or perhaps journaling helps to quiet your mind. Find what works best for you and turn it into a ritual.

2) Breathe. I know it sounds simple, but there's a lot of wisdom in this simple reminder. When you breathe, you relax your body and create more openness. More openness in your body leads to more openness in your mind, your heart, and more openness to the present moment.

3) Have a sense of humor about yourself. Many artists (myself included) have a tendency to take themselves way too seriously. This cuts you off from the enjoyment of learning and also from creativity itself. You can't be fully alive and creative if your inner-voice is prejudging everything before you have a chance to utter the first lines of the monologue, put pen to paper, or wet your paintbrush.

4) Be curious about resistance. If you're feeling anxious about trying something new, ask yourself what is making you uncomfortable. Figure out why you are afraid of committing to the activity. Oftentimes, "This is stupid," actually means "I'm afraid of looking like an ass."

5) Don't be afraid of looking like an ass. As an artist, you have to be willing to risk looking like a fool. This requires some vulnerability on your part. I'm not certain of many things, but I am certain that nothing great was created without vulnerability.

The next time you find yourself in a situation where you're exercising your creativity, notice how you react to it. Do you allow yourself a sense of play and openness? If you do, you are practicing "beginner's mind." If you don't, don't beat yourself up- that only exacerbates the problem! Instead, breathe, take a step back, and remember the above tools. Happy creating everyone!

The Purpose of Life - Can We Change Our Destiny

Can the purpose of a life, which has been set before incarnation, be changed during that life?

For example can you change your life plan to achieve a greater purpose by helping more people?

You are continuously changing your life by your actions. We each come in with a plan that has been determined before birth, a destiny we have each decided with the help of our guides and angels while we were in the presence of the tree of life.

We also discuss all the different possible outcomes and paths we may take once we incarnate, nothing is written in stone, it can and will be changed once we enter the physical body.

The changes in direction is determined not only by what we do, but also by what others around us do or accomplish. There are always many alternate paths we can take, some of which is determined as to how much we change our vibration once in physical form.

We can get so wrapped up in the issues of earthly life that we lower our vibrations and begin attraction those souls of a lower life form and we sink lower in evolution.

Likewise, if we suddenly wake up and realize what we are doing and once again follow our predetermined path, our vibrations will once again raise and consequently the universe will once again assist us in accomplishing our higher good.

Occasionally, especially as we grow older, we may have doubts as to whether we are following our life plan, and many times we believe we should be doing more. This is the time to look back to contemplate what kind of life we have led so far. In life one step normally follows another and if we have led a rather normal life with not much fanfare, that is probably the kind of life we will continue to lead, not everyone who learns will be teaching thousands, many times we lead a quiet life so as to enable us to learn deep meaningful lessons without the interruptions of a high profile life.

Sometimes this can be harder than being in the limelight, especially if we learn we have led influential lives in the past. All souls need lifetimes of rest, one doesn't need to do it all.

Many times we need to stand back and let others lead.

It is a normal tendency to share with others what we learn, if that is God's Will the opportunity will present itself, if it doesn't don't fret over it, just go on with life.

Many times, the learning is a personal event and it doesn't need to be shared with others. That is part of the learning.

I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, during which time I have had an opportunity to study with Aborigine elders, native American Indians, and some of the world's finest intuitives. All of this has lead me to better understand our world and all things therein contained.

5 Ways to Unleash Your Creativity!

Every human being has some inherent qualities that make him stand apart from other persons. This hidden caliber reveals in the form of your actions over the time. Some people love singing and over the years, their fondness turn into their talent. They start getting admiration for the voice attribute. Similarly, few people express their interest in writing and since their young age, they show the sign of it. Try to recall your college days, why there were few students who were excellent at writing. It was not only because they have worked hard, they had a great interest in the stream.

Today's fast-paced life does not allow anyone to unleash his creativity. Yet, there are few effective ways that can help you unleashing your creativity.

  1. Jot Down the Ideas

Whatsoever we are doing, our mind never stops thinking. The only mistake most of people do is that they do not care to pen down their ideas. Keep a notepad and pen handy and just note down the idea the moment it appears. You never know when an ordinary-appearing idea can bring you great result.

 2. Try Unconventional Ways
Whenever we are going to do any work, we have two choices; do it as it has been done or explore new ways to do so. Being creative somewhere also indicates to being different. Why not try to do the same task in a different way. It will not only help you learn new ways but also leads you towards unleashing your creative side.

3.  Spend Time amidst Nature
Nature is the best blessing from heaven. Why not make the most of it! Spending more time amidst nature helps you gain a good mental health. It not only refreshes your mind but also enables you to relieve your stress. A stress-free mind can think better and makes you become more productive. Go on and soothe your mind with natural vistas around.

4. Infuse Your Mind with Great Reading Stuff
Successful people are great readers. Despite being busiest people, they do take time off for reading. Great reading literature helps you feed your mind with unlimited ideas. It is important not to stop learning at any stage of life. There is no other better way than reading. So, make a habit to read lots of stuff to be aware and be knowledgeable.

5. Stay Connected with Almighty
In everyday hustle and bustle, it seems next to impossible to get indulged in spiritual activities. But we should not forget that the more we will be staying connected to God, the more we will be calm. A calm and quiet person is stronger than others. Gain your inner peace and take time out to pray and meditate. It is a powerful weapon for creative people.!&id=9163321

Control Your Temper, Improve Your Life (By Judy Ringer)

Man's Face

I just missed the green light at the longest red light in town.

I'm being asked to "Please press 1 for English" at a phone number the customer service rep promised a person would answer.

My neighbor parked his car (again) so near my driveway I can barely back out without hitting it.

"Let's hope this is the worst thing that ever happens to me." Have you ever said that to yourself in a moment of frustration? These minor energy drains can add significantly to your daily dose of stress. Or... these "ki" moments can provide perfect practice opportunities to control your temper and improve your life, because...

  • they are relatively inconsequential; if you fail there's not much negative fallout.
  • you have complete control over your emotional state.
  • if you choose to exercise control, you realize the benefits immediately.
  • these moments occur frequently enough to measure progress in a day-to-day way.

Control Your Temper

Unhelpful customer service is an emotional trigger I've been working on for years. It's one of the first stories I tell in Unlikely Teachers, and I've been gradually improving since I wrote that story.

When I actually get a person on the phone after pushing all those numbers, it's tempting to take my frustration out on them. Of course, this does nothing except exacerbate the problem and cause most reps to tighten up and try to protect themselves. Not a lot of good comes from those interactions.

Over the years, I've added practices that help me stay cool and calm. For example:

  • I put the phone on speaker and get some work done while waiting.
  • I center myself as soon as I hear a real voice.
  • I repeat their name and give them mine.
  • I remember my purpose for the call, which usually stops frustration from hijacking my forward momentum.
  • I find my kindness.

In most cases the call goes well, even when the rep can't solve my problem. I see they're really trying. They treat me as a human being, and I give them the benefit of the doubt. And in the course of this practice, I realize that changing how I approach the call has changed everything, including my satisfaction with the outcome.

Red Light

As you come to a halt at that long red light, you can literally feel the tension in your body increasing if you pay attention--your arms, hands, legs, stomach and breath, all clench. Your mind is clenched, too.

Yet, this may be the easiest place to practice, because as soon as you attend to your clenching, you have total control to let it go. And especially if it's just you in that car and no one else is watching or listening or commenting, you can play a little game with yourself. Can you do it? Can you change? This is what it's all about.

When you control your temper, you control your life. And these fairly minor "ki" moments are how you practice. This is the way your quality of life improves. You may even live longer. I know you'll live happier.

How Centered Am I Right Now?

Treasure these moments for the practice opportunities they present. So you blow one or two. No big deal. You'll get the next one. My latest centering practice is to ask myself: Percentage-wise, on a scale of 1-100, how centered am I right now... now... now? In the car, it might go from 20 percent to 80 or 90 percent in a few seconds. It's fun to watch.

With my neighbor, the stakes are higher. So I do some pre-work:

  • What do I really want to accomplish?
  • What's important to my neighbor? What unseen reasons could prompt this behavior? Why would a reasonable person make this choice?
  • How will I communicate my message non-defensively?
  • What do I want to bring to this conversation and what do I not want to bring?

As I'm pulling out of the driveway at 5:30 a.m., I raise the centering percentage. I can control that. And this is where it starts.

The big question is: What do you bring to your situation? Why would you want anger and frustration in the room? If you don't want it, don't bring it.

It really is up to you. I bet you have some similar stories. I'd love to hear them.,-Improve-Your-Life&id=9014228

Message From Universe: The Best Things in Life Are FREE

Trees Near Body of Water

"The secret to getting rich is knowing that you already are and acting like it.

Do tell me, who manages your assets? And those gems! Are they real?

See you in Cannes, 
The Universe"

It's not just a feeling, it's also a belief. You need to believe that it will all work the way you anticipated or predicted. Put up some pictures of homes you would love to purchase, or exotic cars you would dream to you see your hands wrapped around the steering wheels. How about the Lamborghini Aventador or Ferrari F40 or Bugatti Veyron? Seems pretty appealing right? Even though you can't really take advantage of their full speed potential (speeding tickets galore), they look pretty good parked as well in your 8 cars garage. How do you feel now? Feels pretty darn amazing. All of this is possible if you really focus your energy into acting like it is happening and getting the chills that you are getting closer everyday to this incredible feeling of success. The most amazing part with all this is that you control the outcome of your feelings and belief. Many have self-worth or self esteem issues that their mind do not allow them to think wealth and success. They constantly put themselves down even before anyone else does. They do not give themselves credit for any of their accomplishments, which in return, create sense of doubt that they can do anything positive in their lives.

This process of thinking HAS to stop. NOW! You can let your own mind create these feeling of uncertainties and doubts. You can think whatever you want (it's FREE), dream as much as you want (it's FREE) and reach any or all of your goals as you possibly can. The world is yours.(With great powers comes great responsibilities)

Do whatever you want with it. You can control every aspect of your life. Do not wait for the perfect moment, or the perfect timing for all of the planets to align the right way for you to take action. Just look at Microsoft Operating System. Whenever they launch a new OS (Window 98, XP, Vista, Millennium, Windows 7, Windows 8), they all come with tons of glitches, issues, and they know all that. Do you think they wait for them to fix all of them prior to launching? Absolutely not. They market the OS as is and then deal with the numerous amount of calls for support and deal with fixing issues. But do you know the purpose of all that? Free TESTING on your part. You are buying the OS for 300 dollars, and offering FREE testing to all technical support so they can make a better product. Instead of Microsoft hiring tech people from India at 4 dollars per day, they can use American citizens for FREE and have them test the malfunctioning operating system. You feel like you are getting FREE support from Microsoft but the reality is that they are getting FREE testing from you PLUS having you to PAY them for that testing. So who are the winners here? You be the judge.

Developing a Winning Attitude

To win, you should try and break the pattern of losing. Unfortunately, losing is more familiar to us than winning. It seems easier. And it probably is because most of us expect to lose, and not win.

But should this really be our attitude? Should we always be setting ourselves for defeat? Or should we change our mind and attitude and expect to win instead?

Breaking the attitude of losing can be hard work at first. We should try to create a serious shift in mentality and focus. We must believe that we can win. We can only do this with a shift in mentality.

Without a shift in our train of thought, we may get stuck in a losing pattern for the rest of our lives. And this is something that we should all try to avoid. Because we can all win at something. We just must find what we are good at. And most of us have at least one or two things that we are good at.

The good news is that most of us have more potential than we think we do. We must act like a champion and expect more of ourselves. It's never too late to get started.

Here are a few things to try to develop a more positive mindset.

1. We have to see ourselves as the winners that we are. Most people make winning way too complicated. People who end up winning do so because they decide they're going to do it. They have a hunger to be more than are right now. They decide they won't quit.

2. Act like a winner. Winners live and move differently from losers. They have a positive outlook and they keep looking forward instead of back.

3. Don't be negative towards yourself or your skills. If you catch yourself saying negative things about yourself, stop yourself right away. Then replace the negative statement that you are making with a positive one.

4. We are wired for challenge. If we don't challenge ourselves, we just keep getting more mediocre. So, the trick is to keep challenging ourselves to be better and better. The more we can do this, the more successful we will be. And the more successful we will be, the more of a winning attitude you will develop.

By taking these steps and making these mental shifts, you can develop a winning attitude. We all have things that we can do well. Can you imagine how different your life would be if you acted like a winner instead of a loser? Can you imagine all the opportunities you can attract? Can you imagine all the wonderful people you can attract to yourself? Well all of this can be yours just by making a shift in attitude. So, are you up for the challenge?

Learning the Best Way to Control Anger

Man Wearing Gray Cap and Crew-neck Top

The best way to control anger depends on your personality and your overall emotional health. There is no single approach that works for every person. Your anger is just as unique as you are.

What makes one person angry might not bother another person at all.

Therefore, the tools and techniques that are best for you might not work for another person at all.

In order to understand the best way to control your anger, you have to understand yourself, what makes you angry and how you are usually prone to react when you do get mad.

Some people get quiet and hold it all inside. Others explode in rage that can sometimes end violently. Figure out what will work for you, and then start practicing the things that will help you manage and control your anger in healthy and productive ways.

Start with a self assessment. Figure out what makes you angry. This is probably an easy exercise.

Perhaps you have road rage and you get really mad any time someone cuts you off on the freeway, you lose a parking spot or you get stuck in traffic when you have a specific place to be or an important appointment that you cannot be late for.

Perhaps it is other people that make you mad. You might find you get angry when you feel rejected by your spouse or another family member. Maybe you get angry really quickly at work, particularly when you do not feel supported by your boss or your co-workers.

You might find you get angry at situations instead of people. When you feel like you have lost control over something, or you are helpless, feelings of anger might intensify and threaten your own self-control.

Whatever your triggers might be, recognizing them will help you establish the best way to control your anger. You will be able to see the anger coming, and prepare yourself for it.

In addition to identifying the things that make you angry, get to know how you feel when anger approaches. You might feel tense, hot, short of breath. Your pulse might begin racing, you might get a headache, and maybe you will feel your blood pressure rise.

You might cry or feel depressed or anxious in addition to angry. When you can recognize the symptoms of anger in your own body, you are one step closer to controlling it.

Try talking your way through your feelings. This is one best way to control anger if you are emotionally healthy and able to work through feelings of anger. If you are mad at a person, the best way to deal with it is to talk to that person.

This will only work if you are calm and you know you won't escalate the problem by getting even angrier. If you are unable to talk to the source of your anger, try talking to a trusted friend or a close confidante.

People also find it helpful to talk to a therapist or a counselor. Explaining your reasons for feeling angry will help you see how to handle the anger. You will also get a lot of good tips and tools from an expert on anger if you see a professional.

Redirecting your anger is another good response. This is the best way to control anger if you recognize the feelings you are having and can safely pour them into some other endeavor.

If you are a creative person, writing or painting or creating music or art might help you control your anger. You can take all of the energy and feelings that would otherwise be expressed as anger and use them to create something.

Even if you aren't creative, you can redirect your anger into exercise, home improvement projects or other things that will require a large amount of time, attention and emotional investment.

Avoidance can help you control your anger as well. If you know there is a particular person who manages to set you off every time you see him, avoid him whenever you can. This will cut down on the opportunity for anger to grip you.

By identifying what makes you angry, you can take the necessary steps to avoid the people, situations and events that lead you down that road.

Not everything can be controlled, of course, but you can give yourself a head start and avoid potential anger triggers anytime it's possible.

The best way to control anger depends on what makes you angry and how you respond to it. If you find you are simply unable to manage your anger in healthy ways, it's essential you get professional help.

Talk to a therapist or look for a referral to a support group. Losing control of yourself to anger will cause personal, professional and emotional problems for you in the long term.

Taking A Positive Pursuit Toward Your Desires

Your pursuit towards your desires encourages you towards your own achievement. This drives you toward greater satisfaction in your life lays a new blueprint for more positive experiences.

  • Do you have a strategy for staying healthy?
  • For staying passionate?
  • For living some part of your dream every day?
  • What does that look like for you?
  • What could it look like if you let it?

We're taught not to be too self-important, not to be conceited or think too highly of yourself. Women particularly are programmed to be hard on themselves and judgmental. We're taught that how you look is more important than what you think. You're taught to put the needs of others before our own.
Whatever you believe intellectually, it can be hard to overcome these stereotypes and break out into what is yours to do and feel good about it. To feel confident and purposeful. That said, it's an 'inside job' one you must do yourself. When in pursuit towards your desires begin with valuing yourself, your contributions, your visions, your goals and your dreams.

Small gratifications in your pursuit towards your desires make up the bigger picture of satisfaction. To build your bold and courageous - and envisioned - future. Create a vision board, write it down, and/or take a picture and keep it in your wallet.

When you train a dog, you do it through a series of positive rewards. Eventually the dog learns that if it does this, it gets that. We use food and treats to create positive reinforcement.

Our mind works very much like the dog in this instance; repetition and positive reinforcement eventually create an outcome you desire. You are creating positive experiences; you're 'racking them up' so you can move further and further in the pursuit of your desires toward success.

In your pursuit towards your desires, act by doing this consistently and repeatedly. This creates new neural pathways, trains and re-trains your brain to get more of you what you desire. Through remembering positive experiences, you develop strategies for driving toward greater satisfaction, for staying healthy and contributing to your being.

However, if in the pursuit of the one thing, you desire the most, you begin to deny yourself any fun or free time, and are feeling constantly insecure, unsuccessful, unimportant, and unsafe, you're living your life in a state of lack, hoping one day that you will have an experience that you do want.

Does this mean that you should just work on your state and ignore what is driving you? Not at all!

Focus on what you want
We often need to clear away the dirt and see clearly and it's often surprising how much easier it is to do when there is guidance. Really, when you stop and think about it, most things are easier when you have help, but you seem to think that when it comes to our personal changes - you should be able to do it alone. When you are in pursuit of your desires, yes, you can do it alone, but sometimes you lose perspective on yourself, having no ability to be objective.

This is like a step by step process of cleaning the window - think of it as the window to your soul, or your inner longings, and it can be a profound journey, possibly the most important one you'll undergo. Once you start to see clearly - you will now have the 'what' identified in many areas of your life.

For some, it is like peeling back the layers of the onion, more and more revealing and less clutter as you peel back. For others, it is like cleaning the dirty window of their mental vision. Suddenly daylight streams in, illuminating all that was there, but lying dormant, unseen. For some the process is very quick, for other it's slower. Either way, it's always an exciting process that has a positive outcome.

Learn to discern what's right for you - know or get clear on what you want and then get out of the way as this makes for a life that's rewarding - a life of purpose, passion and clarity.

In your pursuit towards your desires, these are simple questions, but they can give you some real insight into where you resist and where you're open. Often the ideas you have originating in our growing up years. Even if you've changed radically, you still hold the ideas and beliefs from your family of origin somewhere in our heart or head.

It's good to occasionally shine a light onto your beliefs and see if they still serve you. It's helpful to separate out what comes from your head and what comes from your heart.

Did You Know That Positive Affirmations Can Improve Your Life And Wellbeing? Here's How!

The dictionary defines affirmations as, "statements, which affirm something to be true." In simple terms, positive affirmations are positive phrases, which you repeat to yourself and which describe how you want to be.

The theory of this practice dictates that when you repeat affirmations as if they were already a reality (when they are not) the message seeps deep into the subconscious mind, so you really start to believe them, and eventually they will become your reality. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

At first, you should state the phrase(s) intentionally, to counter any negative thoughts that creep into your mind. Over time, the phrases should occur naturally, without you having to intentionally think about them. At this point, the phrases become part of your subconscious, part of your very mentality, which has a tremendous effect on your life and wellbeing.

How To Use Positive Affirmations

Select affirmation phrases that are only 4-5 words long so that you won't forget them. Make them present, positive, and personal.

In staying present, use "I am... " instead of "I will be... "

In staying positive, make sure the phrase is uplifting. Examples could be "I like my artistic side" and "I am successful" and "I love myself."

Lastly, in staying personal, use phrases whenever possible that directly apply to your unique skills and qualities.

For example, "I paint landscapes beautifully" and "I organize my time well."

It is best to only pick 1-3 phrases that you can really focus on per day, because you should be repeating the same phrase to yourself repeatedly.

The phrase(s) should be related to anything particular that you are struggling with that day or doubting yourself about. The phrase(s) may not change for days or weeks at a time, until you are able to truly believe them and they become one with your subconscious.

The best time to use the affirmations is when you are not busy with other tasks. Spend 5-10 minutes repeating the phrase(s) to yourself, either mentally or out loud if no one is around you. Do this first thing in the morning and multiple times during the day, as you are able.

Make it a habit to also say them as you are trying to fall asleep. Make sure you are relaxed when you begin. Try taking deep breaths before you start, and concentrate on the words as you are saying them.

Go one-step further and visualize the phrase in your mind as you say it. This helps to integrate the phrase into your subconscious.

How Positive Affirmations Affect Your Wellbeing

Research shows that positive affirmations improve your well-being. Specifically, positive affirmations can do the following things in your life:

  • Build Your Confidence - As the positive phrases become implanted in your subconscious, you will come to think more highly of yourself and your self-esteem and confidence will grow.

  • Empower You To Accomplish Your Goals - As your confidence grows, you will trust more in your capabilities and be able to successfully reach your goals. The visualization technique previously mentioned helps with this too, because if you envision what your life looks like when you have obtained a specific goal, then it will be easier to motivate yourself to work towards it. One great example of this is weight loss, as studies have shown affirmations to have positive effect on success in people losing weight versus subjects who did not employ the technique.

  • Lead To Prosperity - You will find yourself more successful in your career, in your relationships and in your personal life when you live life with a positive mentality.

  • Lead To Romance - Whether you have long doubted your abilities to sweep another person off their feet, or you have been in a relationship that you view as mediocre, this will all change with a new attitude. When the positive affirmations change your mentality, which changes your outlook on life, you will have the confidence to sweep someone off of their feet or to re-invigorate your current relationship. You will be a much happier person, and that happiness will flood into your romantic life.

  • Heal Your Mind And Body - Research studies show a strong connection between the mind and body. People with a positive mentality control their stress and blood pressure better and demonstrate a stronger resiliency against disease. They also have effective coping skills when dealing with life's maladies that make them resilient and well equipped to deal with stressful situations and come out on top, instead of succumbing to the pressure.

  • Can Be Applied To Any Situation - No matter the personal struggle, applicable affirmations can be created and applied.

You can achieve all of these things with positive thinking. It all starts with affirmations that are present, positive and personal. Never underestimate the power of positive words!!&id=9075731

Tips On How To Avoid Anger Triggers

You may have noticed that any angry outburst or problem you have dealing with anger is triggered by something specific.

When you know how to avoid anger triggers, you have a fighting chance at getting control of your anger and managing it in a healthy and appropriate way.

A trigger is a person, event, place or incident that tends to make you feel angry almost immediately. Avoiding those triggers is a huge step in getting a handle on your emotional health and learning how to dig your way out of an anger problem, if you have one.

The first thing you need to do in order to avoid your triggers is to identify them.

There is no universal list of things that set off everyone's anger. Each person has his or her own list of triggers. They are individual and unique to your past, your associations and your own unique experience in the world.

Identifying them is necessary to manage and avoid them.

Think about the times that your anger really becomes a problem. Make the necessary connections to see what set off a particular outburst or episode. Maybe it's a person from your past who wronged you.

It could be a particular topic of conversation that really gets your blood boiling, or an activity that you loathe but cannot avoid. Figure out your triggers so you can identify your problem.

In addition to knowing what they are, you have to be able to see your triggers coming.

Get to know the warning signs. When your blood pressure starts to rise and your face gets red, you know something has triggered your anger. Take some time to get to know yourself.

Understand how you respond emotionally to certain things. This will give you an idea of the triggers that are waiting for you, and you'll be able to see them coming before it's too late.

Have a plan in place for how to avoid anger triggers.

You have already established what your triggers are and how to see them coming, so now you need to know what to do when faced with one of those triggers. Have a few tools available in your anger management toolbox.

It might take some time to figure out what works for you.

Perhaps meditation or counting backwards from 100 can help you stay calm and get through whatever situation is going to trigger your anger. Knowing how to step away from an argument full of triggers for you is a great plan for staying out of trouble. Make your plan in advance so you're ready and prepared.

Practice how you will avoid your triggers.

This might sound silly, but if you get comfortable with your plan and your strategy, it will be easier to follow it when your trigger shows up.

Practice in front of the mirror, or allow yourself to play out imaginary scenarios in your head.

Practice the conversations where you verbalize your feelings calmly instead of yelling. Visualize yourself walking away when something triggers an angry response and you want to start a fight.

Fill your time.

When you are occupied and content with what you have going on, you'll have less time to notice or respond to the old triggers that are waiting to trip you up. Knowing how to avoid anger triggers means being too busy to give into those triggers.

Learn a new hobby or start expressing your emotions in artistic ways, such as through writing in a journal. Some people find exercise is a good way to manage anger and make you feel better about yourself.

Get involved in things that have nothing to do with your anger triggers, and you'll have less time to enable those old habits.

If you find yourself having trouble, or there are too many anger triggers to count, talk to a therapist.

Getting help from a professional counselor or an experienced practitioner is sometimes necessary to really tackle your anger problems. Your therapist can help you identify the triggers and work with you on managing them.

Your anger triggers can have huge implications for your social life, your job and your general physical and mental health. If you can't seem to manage these triggers, don't be slow to get the help you need.

Find a professional who can guide you through the process.

Knowing how to avoid anger triggers will help you manage your anger better and get a better grip on your life. Your emotions can be powerful, and anger is a perfectly natural thing to feel.

Problems will only get worse if you give in and act out inappropriately when your anger triggers show up, however.

Even people who are able to effectively manage their anger in healthy ways need help in identifying anger triggers. Learn what they are and how to handle them.

3 Unique Ways to Control Anger

The ideal way to manage a bad habit is to become aware of the triggers, whether it is stress or anger and take pre-emptive actions before one has a complete meltdown or one engages in a course of action that has far reaching consequences.

Anger never just springs upon us, it is preceded by irritation and if one is aware of the indicators, which may differ from person to person, the immediate first-aid approach would include walking away from the distressing situation, counting to ten and even drinking a glass of water to calm one's emotions. For some, saying a quick affirmation helps.

But what if one did not have to rely on first-aid measures? What if one could build one's resilience and ability to remain calm in an anger provoking situation?

There are many ways that one can raise one's threshold to anger. Here are 3 unique ways which can be practiced any time and any place to strengthen our inner selves. They focus on calming the mind and nervous system.

Bee Breath

Music has a calming effect on the mind. Listening to soft music, devotional songs, hearing chants and even listening to the sound of your chanting helps to calm the mind.

Raise your resilience to anger by practising this short exercise on a regular basis called the Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath). Derived from the name of the black Indian bee called Bhramari, the sound made during exhalation sounds like a bee hum. Pranayama means breathing technique.

This exercise should be done on an empty stomach.

Sit up straight and keep your eyes closed. Place your index fingers on the cartilage of your ears. The cartilage is located between your cheek and ear.

Inhale deeply through both nostrils and then, with the lips closed, gently press the cartilage exhaling slowly through the nose making the sound of a bee humming.

Repeat this process about 5-10 times. You can practice this pranayama 3-4 times a day.

Ensure that you are not putting your finger inside the ear, but on the cartilage. Also, the cartilage is to be pressed gently and released with the finger.

Moon Breath

We all know about taking a deep breath to calm down. Here is another technique where we can use the act of breathing to cool down our body and calm our mind called the Chandra Nadi Pranayama or Moon Breath.

According to the Chakra theories, the left nostril is connected to the Ida Nadi which provides the cooling effect to the body. This exercise is great not only to cool down when we feel anger coming on, but is a great technique to build our resilience to anger. Other benefits include improving sleep and reducing anxiety.

Sit on a chair with both feet on the ground. Keep your back straight and belly completely relaxed. Start by taking a few deep breaths. Close your right nostril with your right hand index finger. Inhale deeply and slowly and exhale deeply through your left nostril. Do this exercise for 1-3 minutes.

You can also try this about 30 minutes before you retire at night to get a good night's sleep.

Candle Gazing Meditation

This meditation, called Trataka is quite easy and better suited for those of us who find it hard to concentrate on a mantra or image as one can hold onto an after image of a bright flame with closed eyes. It aids us in increasing our resilience to stress & anger as well as increases the power of the mind and eyes.

Place the candle at eye level at a distance of one meter in a dark and draught free room. Sit in a meditative posture with crossed legs with an erect spine. Keeping the eyes wide open and without blinking, gaze at the candle flame until the eyes become watery or tired.

When the eyes are tired, gently close them keeping your inner gaze steady, visualize the object and meditate on it. Once the image vanishes, open the eyes and repeat the candle gazing.

Please note that it is important that the eyes should be relaxed and no force should be applied otherwise a headache is possible. With practice, you will learn to ignore the irritation and watering of the eyes and the gaze will become steady making the mind single pointed..

It is advisable to start this process slowly with say, 10 to 15 seconds at a stretch and with 3 repetitions at a sitting. As time progresses, the duration can be gradually increased by 10 seconds per week.

One method of deepening this form of meditation is to visualize that you are breathing in and out the candle light. Feel a sense of purity and clarity infusing your mind and body and eliminating the stress that you have holed up inside yourself. Remaining still and focussing only on the candle flame stills your mind and with single pointed concentration you enter deep relaxing meditation.

At the completion of the candle meditation, close your eyes and lie down for a few minutes to allow yourself to return to normal.

There will always be times in one's life, whether in the workplace or in our personal lives where we may not have much control over a situation. However, we always have control over how we choose to react and respond to a situation. Controlling our anger and staying calm helps to mitigate potential damage to relationships and prevents us from taking hasty actions with consequent long term repercussions. The first step to managing our irritation and reactions starts with building our anger threshold and these 3 techniques help in achieving our goal - anger management.

Patience, Understanding And Tolerance

Nothing is free and it all comes from somewhere and something. Everything worthwhile takes patience, understanding and tolerance to build. Without those qualities, you or anyone are like the playful grasshopper that cannot build an ant hill, and you just jump around impatiently. Without understanding, combined with that impatience, you end up freezing in the cold with total "I want to have fun in the present" intolerance just like the grasshopper in the old fable about the ant and the grasshopper.

I am not saying be overly cautious and save your whole life for the afterlife, but I am saying that you should make prudent choices that include patience, understanding and tolerance with them and in them. In short: Be rationally flexible and all else will be added to your life ultimately.

Let me go into what I mean by that word "ultimately": I mean the sum total of all your rational actions in existence and consciousness that are for total and completely beneficial to you, not those actions that feed you today and fill your immediate needs now and only now.

Now, that I have told you what I meant by "ultimately", you can breathe a sigh of relief that I am not telling you to save your whole life and future better existence for a "rainy day" and I am not telling you to take a "rain check" on what is currently going on, however undesirable or not ideal it seems.

So, do not lend me your minds, use your mind to make a better now and later out of the past, meaning learn from the past but do not live in it. Take from this article what is valuable and use it in your own life well. I am not an authority, I am not perfect or even great. I simply observe and write down "what is up" with it all realistically. That is it.

Listen, like anyone, I want to be wonderful, great, perfect and all of that at times when I miss the mark, like anyone. But, those times I miss the mark are valuable because I learn to be better and actually end up better. That is tolerance. As for patience and understanding, that is why I put them before the tolerance in the title, because you must have those first to get to tolerance. Indeed, life is as good as we make it through those three things. For, faking it until we make it never works, and it is real cheating anyway. Being real all the way through is where it is at and is "the real easy way" anyway. When you cheat, even if you succeed, what you skipped comes back to haunt you anyway. So, why not be real through genuine patience, understanding and tolerance anyway. The best way is the real way.,-Understanding-And-Tolerance&id=9392447