
Message From the Universe: Actions Speak Louder Than Thoughts

"Hoping, wishing, and praying shouldn't ever be confused with doing.

Know what I mean?

The Universe"

Great! You've mastered your thoughts, your hopes, your wishes and prayers but that doesn't mean you shouldn't act on them. You've heard of the say: "Actions speaks louder than words" and this one applies to this Message as well. Just thinking about your positive thoughts isn't enough to get the ball rolling. You need to act on it, feel and believe that is yours already but take affirmative action to make things happen the way you anticipated. It will not come easy, that's a fact, and you will fail miserably along the way. My question to you is: Will you let life control you or will it be the opposite? How do you see yourself dealing with the challenges that life will throw at you on a daily basis?

We all have these hopes and dreams that we want to become the best in what we do, the best in our jobs, our family obligations and so on and so forth. You will have to determine if you are willing to put in the effort and the work to make things happen the way you want. It all really depends on you. Everything from this point forward will be within your control. You will need to wake at the crack of dawn to be ahead of the crowd. What others aren't willing to do, you may need to fight through it. The extra hours are a must to your ultimate success. No one will have a gun to your head to do the things you need to do. You are on your own with this one. It may be lonely at times to constantly have your motivation be on high gear but this is what is needed to be where others are very afraid to go. Even though many wishes fortune and glory, most do not know how to handle when it comes. It can be overwhelming to suddenly be in the spotlight and be known worldwide. Be careful what you wish for, as many claims and it is true for most of the time. That shouldn't stop you from gaining advantage among the many others doing the same things as you. Control your own destiny by taking actions and keep the right intentions streaming. Help others do the same as well. Many may not have that same ambition, that same drive, that same desire as you. Be willing to teach so others can relay your accomplishments and succeed. This is how the cycle of life runs.

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