
Tips On How To Avoid Anger Triggers

You may have noticed that any angry outburst or problem you have dealing with anger is triggered by something specific.

When you know how to avoid anger triggers, you have a fighting chance at getting control of your anger and managing it in a healthy and appropriate way.

A trigger is a person, event, place or incident that tends to make you feel angry almost immediately. Avoiding those triggers is a huge step in getting a handle on your emotional health and learning how to dig your way out of an anger problem, if you have one.

The first thing you need to do in order to avoid your triggers is to identify them.

There is no universal list of things that set off everyone's anger. Each person has his or her own list of triggers. They are individual and unique to your past, your associations and your own unique experience in the world.

Identifying them is necessary to manage and avoid them.

Think about the times that your anger really becomes a problem. Make the necessary connections to see what set off a particular outburst or episode. Maybe it's a person from your past who wronged you.

It could be a particular topic of conversation that really gets your blood boiling, or an activity that you loathe but cannot avoid. Figure out your triggers so you can identify your problem.

In addition to knowing what they are, you have to be able to see your triggers coming.

Get to know the warning signs. When your blood pressure starts to rise and your face gets red, you know something has triggered your anger. Take some time to get to know yourself.

Understand how you respond emotionally to certain things. This will give you an idea of the triggers that are waiting for you, and you'll be able to see them coming before it's too late.

Have a plan in place for how to avoid anger triggers.

You have already established what your triggers are and how to see them coming, so now you need to know what to do when faced with one of those triggers. Have a few tools available in your anger management toolbox.

It might take some time to figure out what works for you.

Perhaps meditation or counting backwards from 100 can help you stay calm and get through whatever situation is going to trigger your anger. Knowing how to step away from an argument full of triggers for you is a great plan for staying out of trouble. Make your plan in advance so you're ready and prepared.

Practice how you will avoid your triggers.

This might sound silly, but if you get comfortable with your plan and your strategy, it will be easier to follow it when your trigger shows up.

Practice in front of the mirror, or allow yourself to play out imaginary scenarios in your head.

Practice the conversations where you verbalize your feelings calmly instead of yelling. Visualize yourself walking away when something triggers an angry response and you want to start a fight.

Fill your time.

When you are occupied and content with what you have going on, you'll have less time to notice or respond to the old triggers that are waiting to trip you up. Knowing how to avoid anger triggers means being too busy to give into those triggers.

Learn a new hobby or start expressing your emotions in artistic ways, such as through writing in a journal. Some people find exercise is a good way to manage anger and make you feel better about yourself.

Get involved in things that have nothing to do with your anger triggers, and you'll have less time to enable those old habits.

If you find yourself having trouble, or there are too many anger triggers to count, talk to a therapist.

Getting help from a professional counselor or an experienced practitioner is sometimes necessary to really tackle your anger problems. Your therapist can help you identify the triggers and work with you on managing them.

Your anger triggers can have huge implications for your social life, your job and your general physical and mental health. If you can't seem to manage these triggers, don't be slow to get the help you need.

Find a professional who can guide you through the process.

Knowing how to avoid anger triggers will help you manage your anger better and get a better grip on your life. Your emotions can be powerful, and anger is a perfectly natural thing to feel.

Problems will only get worse if you give in and act out inappropriately when your anger triggers show up, however.

Even people who are able to effectively manage their anger in healthy ways need help in identifying anger triggers. Learn what they are and how to handle them.

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